Book picks similar to
A Sky Full of Stars by Kelvin Wright


The Great Iron War: Books 1 - 3

Dean F. Wilson - 2015
     1. HOPEBREAKER In the world of Altadas, there are no more human births. The Regime is replacing the unborn with demons, while the Resistance is trying to destroy a drug called Hope that the demons need to survive. Between these two warring factions lies Jacob, a man who profits from smuggling contraceptive amulets into the city of Blackout. He cares little about the Great Iron War, but a chance capture, and an even more accidental rescue, embroils him in a plot to starve the Regime from power. When Hope is an enemy, Jacob finds it harder than he thought to remain indifferent. When the Resistance opts to field its experimental landship, the Hopebreaker, the world may find that one victory does not win a war. 2. LIFEMAKER The Regime is on the hunt, forcing the Resistance to take refuge aboard the Lifemaker, an advanced submarine that houses a special cargo: a handful of women who can still give birth to human children. To evade the Regime's own submersibles, all parties must work together, but tensions are high, and not everyone on board is looking out for the greater good. As they descend into the deeps, they quickly learn that not all monsters work for the Regime. 3. SKYSHAKER The Resistance takes to the clouds aboard the Skyshaker, the newly-completed airship aimed at dominating the heavens, when the land far below has become a hellish place ruled by demons. General Rommond fixes his attention on the city of Blackout, the old capital of the world, controlled by the Treasury, who are themselves controlled by the ruthless Regime. The skies above that city will no longer hide in smog; fire and fury will light up the sky. That centre of the old civilised world will either shift allegiance to the Resistance, or it will burn to the ground. Yet there are always others who will resist the attempted change of power. From sky pirates and mob bankers to the feared mechanical men of the Iron Guard, Jacob and his new family of freedom fighters will face greater challenges than they have ever faced before. As bombs drop from the sky like the iron tears of gods, there are other revelations that will shake the foundations of everyone struggling to save humanity.

Galactic Empire Wars: The Beginning Books 1-3

Raymond L. Weil - 2016
    Weil comes a chilling story of the future.To the Kleese, the Earth is nothing more than a planet full of conscripts to be used to fight in their numerous wars of aggression against other planets. The Kleese are one of several large Galactic Empires that control the majority of the galaxy. To them, Earth is a dangerous planet due to the aggressiveness of the humanoid species that inhabits it. This is a species that cannot be allowed to spread out into the galaxy. Once they have taken their handful of conscripts, the planet will be destroyed.Unknown to the Kleese, their attack against the human homeworld will ignite a war that will spread across the known galaxy. Billions will die in their quest to free themselves from the heartless alien race. Can the human race rise up and lead the few worlds willing to fight against the Kleese? Find out in the Galactic Empire Wars.


Chris Fox - 2016
    Without warning. Without a trace. Fleet command chalks the attacks up to pirates, but Captain Dryker of the UFC Johnston isn’t buying it. Defying command, he leads his misfit crew into hostile territory in search of answers. They encounter a technologically superior foe unlike anything humanity has ever seen, one bent on the destruction of all sentient life. After 26,000 years the mythical Void Wraith have returned to begin the next Eradication. Humanity cannot stop them. Not without help. Captain Dryker’s only hope is to forge an alliance with mankind’s greatest enemy, the savage Tigris. One maverick captain, an unlikely crew, and an aging vessel are all that stand between humanity and the Eradication. “It’s like Battlestar Galactica and Mass Effect had a baby, and that baby was raised by Starcraft. I read this book in one sitting, and immediately looked for the next.”- The author’s totally biased friend.

Complicated: The Interstellar Life and Times of Saoirse Kenneally

Colin Alexander - 2021
    Saoirse is an alcoholic and an addict who has been disowned by her family. None of the rehabs she has been in will take her back. And she just woke up in jail. Again.To avoid doing time she commits to a two-year term of off-planet service, one that will take her to Saturn’s moon Titan and then to a faraway star. The first hurdle is making it through training — Saoirse has a way of finding trouble even when she’s trying to behave. Then she is posted to Titan where every move she makes leads her deeper into a web of corruption, interstellar drug smuggling, violence, and power politics that is likely to end in disaster. Can a twenty-year old woman with a checkered past, a tenuous grip on sobriety, and an on-again off-again relationship with the truth save an entire world from a bloody power grab? And can she save herself in the bargain?

To Crown a Caesar (The Praetorian Series Book 2)

Edward Crichton - 2012
    For a Caesar is indeed dead, neither the first, nor the last, but it is one who has been slain well ahead his time. Pick up a history book, and it will tell you that the crazed Gaius Julius Caesar, better known as Caligula to the world, was assassinated in January of 41 A.D. But displaced time traveler Jacob Hunter would disagree with this historical fact, because he has witnessed this death years earlier and stands accused of murdering the Caesar himself. With the threat of crucifixion looming, Hunter and his friends, who had just recently sacrificed so much to defend Rome, chose exile over death, and fled the Eternal City.Four years later, Hunter remains on the run in the hinterlands of Rome’s numerous provinces, wanted as an outlaw by the Empress Agrippina – Caligula’s sister. Throughout these long years, he and his two closest companions have been hunted by many, but remain undeterred by their challenges. Because what those who pursue them do not know is that Jacob Hunter is from the future, where his chosen calling was that of a simple, yet deadly, Navy SEAL. Equipped with advanced weaponry and the most cutting edge Special Forces training, he and his friends are not afraid of the primitive denizens of the past and will stop at nothing to return home.But what aids them most in their quest is the gift of foresight.Knowledge is power, as some would say, and it is with that power that Hunter devises a plan to fix all that has been broken due to their presence in the past. Caligula, as flawed an emperor as he was, should have ruled as such for years, followed by Claudius, a far more competent emperor. But now both are dead and Agrippina, the mother of Nero and a far more ruthless leader, rules in their stead. In Hunter’s mind, this breach of historical events could prove catastrophic to the timeline’s development, perhaps changing the future completely, and with it, his home.Unable to act, years have passed waiting for the best moment to strike, but the time has finally arrived. To restore the timeline, Hunter must remove Agrippina and keep her aggressive and murderous policies from continuing. But three people, no matter how skilled and powerful they are, cannot possibly match the overwhelming might of the powerful Roman war machine. To be successful, they’ll need to be unscrupulous, and do something many may consider vile and irredeemable, because while the Empress Agrippina is certainly shrewd and ruthless, she is still a mother, and like any mother, would be devastated should anything happen to her infant son Nero…

Foothold For A Loner

Max Glebow - 2020
    Then one day the Empire discovers another human civilization millions of light-years away, but it lags behind technologically. This distant civilization is also in a war for its very existence. The Empire sees a chance for its salvation by joining with this potential ally. A portal consisting of a pair of hypergates on each side is needed, however. Meanwhile, the Empire's Brigadier General Dean has been exposed to deadly radiation in battle with the aliens, and he is preparing to meet his death. Unexpectedly, he is offered to take part in a top-secret experimental project -- to have his mind transferred into the brain of an incurably sick young man lying in a coma in that distant human civilization. Dean’s task in this new body is to find a cure for his disease, then make a military career, strive to a high position in their society and ultimately to ensure that a second hyper-portal gate is built so that it will connect the two civilizations.

Regan's Reach

Mark G. Brewer - 2014
    The buyer, aerospace and defence giant USDynamics want a share of Arteis, her new cyber defence system. Plus they've picked out Regan as a fresh creative genius and want in on whatever she has planned next. Washed out from negotiations and cash rich Regan decides to take a long planned break and go bush, to disappear for six months and freshen up her thinking. Tramping off track, top of New Zealand’s South Island she accepts a shock Satphone call for help. Doing the right thing finds her the rescuer of a comatose man, human but strangely alien. Within hours her life has changed. While in orbit at the mercy of a quirky artificial intelligence and nursemaid to the injured alien she finds out traitorous moves have been made against her company by foreign business powers. Unable to do anything about it in her present situation she instead messages her team to warn them then embarks on the journey of a lifetime assisting the AI to return the man while leaving her trusted team to deal with the attack at home. The two month interstellar journey see’s a developing relationship with the AI and a formidable partnership established. They arrive at their destination in the middle of political unrest. At home her team find themselves collateral damage in a corporate war full of intrigue, murky politics, and betrayal. Will she survive the trip across the galaxy? How will her friends deal with the threats and will the company survive the attack? And who would want to be in Regan Stein's sights if she returns at all?

Renegade Magic

Jennifer M. Eaton - 2020
    When a small team of criminal buffoons grabs her instead, she’s honor bound to execute them despite their pleas of innocence.The Star Renegade crew is guilty on many counts, and they must be punished for their crimes. However, they use their smuggling profits to feed the hungry. Dania will face her own execution for not enforcing royal edicts, but how can she execute people breaking the law for all the right reasons?Star Renegades is Guardians of the Galaxy meets Firefly and Robin Hood.Jump on board and start your inter-galactic adventure today!

Scythian Dawn

P.K. Lentz - 2018
    Empires are dust. Only nomadic cultures thrive. One barbarian war band will fight back. A new Dawn will rise.Born to Scythian royalty, Arixa rejected palace life at age nineteen to recruit her own war band, the Dawn, and ride the steppe in defense of the capital. When a fateful encounter leaves her with knowledge that an alien ship is en route to devastate all the cities of Earth, she sets out not only to save her homeland but also to do the unthinkable.She will strike a blow against the enemies of humanity. At any cost.Scythian Dawn is the launching point of a 'Barbarian Space Opera' which sees tattooed, ax-wielding riders of the steppe wage high-tech rebellion against a galactic empire. Expect adventure, betrayal, starship duels, alien locales, jumps to hyperspace and iron war-picks punching holes in space armor. Get aboard now! Book 2: Warp Nomads (Dec 2018) Book 3: The Moon of Sorrows (Feb 2019) Books 4-9: 2019-2020 Q & A with the authorWhat kind of story is Scythian Dawn?I knew I wanted to write a space-based Humans vs. Aliens series. But to be honest, I find the character types in that genre a bit boring: the hotshot space pilots, veteran troopers, elite special agents, maverick admirals, top-of-the-class cadets, brilliant scientists, etc. I wanted the story to be about someone other than those. And then I wondered, well, why should hostile aliens only bother Earth after we're technologically advanced?In my Dawniverse, aliens begin targeting Earth in the early days of civilization, making sure humans never learn to build steam engines, much less rockets. They're stuck in a perpetual Iron Age.So Scythian Dawn takes place in the past?Not exactly. It's an alternate timeline where the major ancient civilizations that we know, like Rome, Babylon, China, Persia and Egypt, were wiped out by aliens before they could rise to power. Nomadic cultures filled the vacuum.What's a Scythian?The Scythians were a nomadic tribal people who lived on the Eurasian steppe in ancient times. They didn't build cities or leave written records, so what we know about them mainly comes from outside sources like Greeks. The picture we get is of heavily tattooed, human-sacrificing, marijuana-using (yup!) savages on horseback who likely invented the idea of drinking from enemy skulls. Think of Mongols and you'll have an idea.The Scythians were probably the basis for the myths of Amazons. Around 40% of Scythian warrior burial mounds (kurgans) excavated have been found to belong to females, who would have fought alongside males in battle. That's why it made perfect sense to have the main character of Scythian Dawn be female.Who will enjoy Scythian Dawn?I think it's for anyone who likes space adventure about an epic struggle against impossible odds. Its focus is on a fast-moving plot but it also features characters who are relatable and human, not just drones who exist to push the plot forward. Book 1 takes place mostly on the ground and centers on Arixa undertaking this huge challenge of becoming Earth's defender, but it still has a large share of sci-fi ideas & tech.

The Emissary

G.J. Ogden - 2021

Funny Science Fiction

Alex ShvartsmanShaenon Garrity - 2015
    Fiction by Hugo and Nebula award winners and nominees as well as talented newcomers. Stories were selected by the Unidentified Funny Objects series curator Alex Shvartsman.

A Tangled Road to Justice (Paladins of Distant Suns #1)

Olan Thorensen - 2019
    When former soldier Everett Cole signed on to help colony planets prepare for joining the Federation, his employers were disconcertingly vague about their identity and his duties. Yet, the pay was good and it got him off Earth and on the way to a fresh start. More reservations arose when - 11 light-years from Earth - he met his partner, Edgar Millen, an enigmatic man with a penchant for violent solutions and a fetish for the mythology and language of the American Wild West. It wasn’t until they reached the colony world of Astrild that the mission became somewhat clearer. They were players in multi-faceted efforts to steer colony worlds in preparation for joining the Federation. Unfortunately, not all obstacles were amenable to diplomatic, political, or economic solutions. Cole and Millen were agents, troubleshooters, hired guns - or whatever you wanted to call them - tasked with removing impediments to civilized law and order - the methodology left open-ended. Millen and Cole’s first mission to test their partnership? The backwater town of Justice was under the control of a strongman and his henchmen. All they had to do was convince the cowed citizens to rise against their tormenter. Formal authority and backup? None. Millen was blasé at the assignment. Everett’s first thought was, “What the—!”

The Man That Time Forgot

Paul Mitchell - 2013
    Just open any book or talk to any history professor and they’ll tell you that history is filled with nothing but glorious battles, great leaders, plagues, large fires, earthquakes, famous inventors, Egyptians and Louis Pasteur. This couldn’t be further from the truth. History, in fact, is filled with a whole lot of nothing. Andrew Adams knows that only too well. He’s an ordinary man living his life in the all too abundant and mundane spaces between those great moments. Just like all ordinary men he spends much of his life wondering what the point of it all is, struggling to form meaningful relationships or find his place in society. Andrew’s life follows a daily routine much like that of many others: he wakes up, does the minimum required to get himself through the day - careful not to learn too much or create a lasting impression on anyone - and then goes back to bed. There’s only one, ever-so-minor inconvenience that continually stands in the way of Andrew’s ignorantly blissful life Time-travel. Since before he can remember every time Andrew sleeps he’s randomly flung through time and space, never knowing where or when he’ll wake up. The only thing he can be certain of is that the location he arrives at won’t be anywhere exciting. He’s a cursed man who had no idea why this happens to him, clueless to how it all started or how it can be stopped. Rarely does he find a place to fit in and, on those rare occasions that he does, he can only stay there until he loses his fight against sleep. Andrew Adams has all but given up hope and given up on life.That is until he meets someone else like him who sets in motion a chain of events that will lead him on a journey of discovery and answers to questions that perhaps even he didn't want to know. With the help of a mysterious and tenacious woman, an old drunken priest and a seven-foot, psychopathic assassin Andrews life is about to be given a purpose. Finally he might start to view his abilities as a gift instead of a curse and perhaps learn that there’s always something to be thankful for. Whether he wants to or not

Adventures of the Starship Satori: Book 1-6 Complete Library

Kevin McLaughlin - 2019
    Beth Wynn figured she'd never see her ex-husband again, until the adventure of a lifetime brought them back together. John Carraway, billionaire businessman with a secret: an ancient starship with an intact wormhole drive. Charline Foster, rogue hacker with a brilliant past. Andrew Wakefield, former elite soldier and the son John never had. Together they would embark on a journey that launched humanity into the stars, and face perils that threaten not only their lives, but the future of everyone on Earth.

Galaxy's Edge: Takeover: Season Two: Book One

Jason Anspach - 2020
     Goth Sullus and his empire have fallen. With the Legion and the rest of the galaxy watching from the still-smoldering galactic core, Carter, a former legionnaire turned private contractor, and Jack Bowie, a Navy spy with nowhere left to turn, sign up to work for an enterprising private contractor looking to make a statement on the planet Kublar. Plans are in motion dating back to the Savage Wars, and as the galaxy rushes to fill in the vacuum created by the fall of the Imperial Republic, the bodies are hitting the floor. But every plan has a reckoning… Takeover is the thrilling aftermath of the final, desperate execution of Article Nineteen and the looming rebirth of the Legion and the galaxy itself as Galaxy’s Edge: Season Two begins! Available now in Audio book format performed by Ray Porter!