The Last Name Banks

Lacy Camey - 2012
    Now she's ready to show to the world there is more to her than what meets the eye. She's more than the prim debutante from a privileged background. Yes, her father may be running for President and her mother may be the socialite of the year, never lifting a finger unless it's to sip a flute of champagne, but Chloe is just like any other normal twenty-three year old, wanting to love and be loved, wanting to make her own mark in this world.So Chloe moves temporarily with her two friends to Venezuela to serve in an orphanage as a nurse. But it is there she faces the same prejudices she is running away from, including the judgment from the incredibly good-looking orphanage facilitator and a few grumpy doctors. Chloe has to learn to let go of others' assumptions of who she is so she can finally live her life free. But will she?The Last Name Banks is part of the "Living, Loving, and Laughing Again series", but can be read as a stand alone novel.If you enjoyed Norah and Maycee from The Last Page, you can find them again in Venezuela with Chloe in The Last Name Banks!Book One: The Last Page (Norah's story) out now!Book Two: The Last Name Banks (Chloe's story) out now!This PG novel is 57k words (roughly 284 paper pages) and is language and sex free making it suitable for teens and women of all ages.

Runaway Heart

Teresa Slack - 2013
    She’s never held onto a relationship for more than a few months, and she’s quit more jobs than most people apply for. Until Will Lachland. He’s the first man who ever made her think of getting serious about something, about putting down roots. But she can’t forget her mother’s ominous warning. Men are users. They take and take and leave nothing but a shell of who she's meant to be. Fear of losing her heart to anyone or anything has kept Kyla running all her life. This time she runs from Chicago to the family farm where she spent her happiest childhood summers. A new life and a new chance at romance seem like the answer to her prayers. But things are never as simple as they seem. Can she find the love she longs for even though she can’t forget Will? Or is something else, something greater, calling her heart toward home? This unpredictable Christian fiction romance full of surprises and humor will encourage readers while reminding them how much fun falling in love can be..

Wilderness Skills for Women: How to Survive Heartbreak and Other Full-Blown Meltdowns

Marian Jordan - 2008
    Whether it’s relationship drama, the constant pull of our sinful nature, a health issue, or any variety of unmet dreams, Jordan turns readers to God’s Word as the ultimate wilderness survival guide.Conversational and self-deprecatingly confessional in her delivery, this young writer finds ways to have fun with delicate subject matters, using wilderness analogies to great effect in chapters titled "Drink Plenty of Water," "Seek Shelter," and "Don’t Eat the Red Berries."

Where Love Once Lived

Sidney W. Frost - 2010
    Memories of that time with him poured in so rapidly she caught her breath. It'd been long ago, but her heart remembered. At first she remembered the love she'd felt back then, but the good memories didn't last long. She'd gone to the bookmobile as usual that last day, but nothing was to be the same again. She went to Brian with love and exciting news. She left alone. Not just without him, but alone in the world and apart from God. Is it ever too late to find happiness? No, says Sidney W. Frost in his inspirational Christian novel, Where Love Once Lived. Brian Donelson returns to his hometown after a thirty-year absence to win back his beloved Karen. But Karen, who has grown closer to God than he has, harbors a secret that keeps her away from Brian at all costs. While driving the local bookmobile, Brian struggles to earn her trust, even as he grapples with secrets of his own. With God's help, can these two find happiness? Beautifully written and told with wit and grace, Where Love Once Lived is a moving love story filled with the glory of God.

Unmending the Veil

Lisa Heaton - 2013
    Years have passed since a nearly fatal attack by her husband, and still, she is paralyzed by fear and grief.When faced with the command to forgive all things, will Robin be able to forgive the man who nearly killed her, forgive God for taking what mattered most, and forgive herself for her own attempt at murder?

McKenna's Prayer

Lisa J. Crane - 2012
    Now after eight long years of praying for God to either take away her love for Jace Tremaine, or to make Jace fall in love with her, McKenna feels as if she's being called home. Is God finally leading her home to be with Jace? Or does He have something altogether different planned for McKenna?Jace Tremaine hurt McKenna when she left for college eight years ago. In an effort to replace her in his heart, he's had a parade of women through his life. Now, she's a beautiful, successful woman, and Jace wants her forgiveness and her love. Enter Sawyer Blake, the physical therapist who helps McKenna in healing after a terrible car accident. Sawyer is a man of strong faith, and he sees in McKenna a woman he could love forever. Can he pray for God's will for McKenna, Jace and himself, and accept God's answer? This is a story of faith, prayer and the belief that God's will for us is always the path to follow.

Snow Country

Kristin Neva - 2016
     JILTED THREE WEEKS BEFORE HER WEDDING, Beth Dawson escapes sunny California for the snowy Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where a young State Trooper challenges her to let go of her rules for Christian courtship. Her domineering mother chides her to stay single and wants her to talk her ailing grandmother into moving to Los Angeles. COPPER ISLAND averages over 200 inches of snow annually. The fictional towns of Douglass and Quincy mirror the actual towns of Houghton and Hancock, and although the names of businesses and persons are imaginary, the history, landmarks, and spirit of the region described in the novel are real. Reader praise for Snow Country: “Her novels—and the characters that live in them—are endearing and wholesome. But they’re also so real, full of healthy grit, humor, flaws and appetites. She creates an authentic Yooper world that I think other readers, including those who don’t know anything about life in da UP, will find as fascinating as I do.” (Cyndi P.) "Kristin Neva’s fiction invites the reader to consider the weightier questions of life and offers wise insights to ponder. It’s not just entertainment – it’s worth your time. Snow Country offers a fascinating look into the local culture of an isolated part of the United States. With surprising, yet believable characters and storyline twists, it is at once captivating, suspenseful, funny, and reflective. The light-hearted scenes balance some very intense – but real-life – drama. (It may be more believable to those of us who have lived in the unique cultural landscape. Outsiders beware: truth IS stranger than fiction!) More than a romance novel, it is a story of life in its many complexities: family loyalties and secrets, faith, vocation, AND love.” (Alexandra L.) “Fun book, and with a message or two! The characters and conflicts feel real.” (Dan R.) About the Author: KRISTIN NEVA grew up in an old farmhouse on Copper Island in Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula where the hard-working, rugged residents persevere through harsh winter weather, sustained by friendship and family, surrounded by natural beauty. As an adult, she lived in the Chicago and Milwaukee areas for seventeen years before returning to her hometown with her husband and two children. Kristin’s first book, Heavy, co-authored with her husband, Todd, journeys through the first year after Todd’s ALS diagnosis as the Nevas struggle to find meaning, hold on to faith, and discover joy in the midst of pain. It is this life experience that brings authenticity to Kristin’s fictional works as she explores themes of love, loss, and faith on Copper Island. Learn more about Kristin and explore Copper Island at

Tender Grace

Jackina Stark - 2009
    Determined to find healing, she embarks on a journey to the one place Tom and she always intended to visit but never did. Along the way she discovers, through shared experiences with friends old and new, the meaning of the 'tender graces' God provides every day.

Runner Up

Leah Banicki - 2012
    Last year's runner up was the 'good guy' heart throb Anthony Capriccio, who won over every good girl's heart when he showed off his sweet nature and his stunning good looks. Though successful in her career as a professional photographer, Hannah had been a flop on the dating scene. Would the lights and drama of a TV crew, twenty-five beautiful woman, and one good looking guy be too much? From the hearth of a Scottish castle, to expansive Australia, to the busy streets of London, Hannah Parker will find out if she is up to the task of catching her very own Prince Charming. -Appropriate for young teens and older-

The Truth About Butterflies: A Memoir

Nancy Stephan - 2011
    And, yet, the caterpillar lives in the butterfly and they are but one.” - John HarricharanThey belong to each other. Nancy and Nicole—mother and daughter. They’re two halves of a whole, two facets of the same breath—until the day Nicole exhales. . . and never inhales again. After the death of her daughter, and quickly losing her own battle with grief, Nancy moves from the house she can no longer bear to live in. While packing, she finds a box in the attic. Inside she uncovers treasures she didn’t know existed and evidence that her and her daughter’s lives had been more divinely entwined than she could’ve imagined.The Truth About Butterflies is a true story of grief, hope, and transformation, and a single enduring truth: Life cannot be restrained by death._______Nancy Stephan was named Georgia Author of the Year at the 48th annual GAYA Banquet. Stephan’s book, “The Truth About Butterflies” won in the “Memoir” category. Over 100 authors were nominated in 12 categories. The Georgia Author of the Year Awards (GAYA) are the oldest literary awards in the Southeast.

Home Sweet Home

Kristen Brown - 2011
    Anxious to start a new life, Samantha decides to open up a business of her own, and throws herself into making the dream a reality. But along the way, there are plenty of obstacles popping up to make life a little more challenging than she expected - nosy neighbors and cranky in-laws, attractive men and pretentious sisters, a gossipy mother, mysterious hate mail, and ghosts from the past that threaten to destroy everything she's worked to achieve. And just when Sam thinks things couldn't possibly get worse, there's a murder on her property that the local detective seems mighty determined to pin on the newest resident of Peabody. Suddenly Sam is overwhelmed with troubles she never imagined, and she knows the only way to get through any of it is by keeping her sense of humor and trusting that God really does know exactly what He is doing.

Past Forward: Volume VI

Chautona Havig - 2013
     When Willow Finley awakes on a hot summer morning, she is unprepared for the grief that awaits her. Jerked from a life of isolation with her mother, Willow learns what alone really means when she finds her mother still in her bed, never to awaken again in this life. From the moment Willow arrives in the police station with her startling announcement, Chad Tesdall fights the friendship he knows he can't avoid. Follow Willow's life, Past Forward. The many changes that have taken place over the past few years slowly reverse as Chad and Willow find a comfortable groove for their little family. But amid the good and wholesome, something--or someone--foreboding lurks in the shadows, threatening the tranquility of their home and lives. When Becca feels threatened, Josh wants something done and now. In the weeks before Becca's wedding, Willow finds her life turned upside down by a very pregnant Aggie and her nine children--yep. Nine! Overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people and work, Willow finds herself struggling with more than just the excess dishes and laundry. Amid all of life's upheavals, the changes at Walden Farm continue, but when tragedy and loss arrive, they help the Tesdalls determine what is most important to their family, bringing Chad and Willow closer than ever. Volume 6 is the final volume in the Past Forward Series. Look for more about Chad and Willow in its sister series, HearthLand. Past Forward is a serial novel originally released in individual episodes.

A Fine Mess

Kristy K. James - 2011
    Surprisingly, Ian McCann proves to be more help than she ever imagined, but complicates her life even more so than it already is. What will happen when the two forge a marriage of convenience? One that defies every Christian belief that Annie holds dear?

The Chautauqua Belles

Beth Livingston - 2016
    Her life becomes a nightmare with a secret so awful that she prays no one will find out.

A Wife and a River

Sherri Schoenborn Murray - 2015
    Mae was NOT what he had in mind when he asked four elderly women to pray for him in hiring his first employee. She was just the kind of lure he didn’t need in his fishing store.