Meet Martin Luther: A Sketch of the Reformer's Life

Anthony T. Selvaggio - 2017
    In this brief sketch, you will learn about the exciting historical facts and fascinating events surrounding this Reformer’s influential life. Luther’s story provides a picture of the gospel—an object lesson of faith, grace, and the forgiveness that can be found only in Jesus Christ. Table of Contents: 1. The Young Luther 2. The Crisis and the Cowl 3. Wittenberg and the Word of God 4. The Dawn of the Reformation 5. The Heat of Battle 6. The Diet of Worms 7. From Wartburg to Wittenburg 8. Leader, Husband, and Theologian 9. A Church is Born 10. The Latter Years

Yours, Till Heaven: The Untold Love Story of Charles and Susie Spurgeon

Ray Rhodes Jr. - 2021
    But behind the great man was a great wife—and between the man and wife was a profound marriage.Yours, Till Heaven invites you into the untold love story of Charles and Susie Spurgeon to discover how the bond between this renowned couple helped fuel their lifelong service to the Lord. Discover how Charles and Susie traversed the challenges of loneliness, physical affliction, popularity, controversy, and other trials together with a heavenly vision. Just as the Spurgeons lived their lives as witnesses of Christ, in Yours, Till Heaven their marriage continues to be an example for how all marriages today can remain faithful, loving, and joyful despite the challenges that life may bring.With historical precision and narrative craft, Spurgeon scholar Ray Rhodes Jr. captures the inner-life of this Victorian romance that not only served the Spurgeons in their day, but that can also continue to empower and encourage couples today. For more on the lives of the Spurgeons, find Susie by Ray Rhodes Jr.

Leaving Buddha: A Tibetan Monk’s Encounter with the Living God

Tenzin Lahkpa - 2019
    Unable to change his fate, he wholeheartedly embraces his life as a monk and begins a quest for full enlightenment through the teachings of Buddhism. From his local monastery to the famed Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet, he learns deep mysteries of Tibetan Buddhism. Yearning to study with the current Dalai Lama, he eventually escapes from China by means of an excruciating, two-thousand-mile, secret trek over the Himalayas—barefoot, with no extra gear, changes of clothing, or money. His dream is realized when he finally sits under the Dalai Lama himself. But his desire to go deeper only grows, leading him to unexpected conclusions…. Follow the fascinating, never-before-told, true story of what causes a highly dedicated Tibetan Buddhist monk to make the radical decision to walk away from the teachings of Buddha and leave his monastery to follow Jesus Christ. Discover the reasons other monks want him dead before he can share his story with others.Leaving Buddha dares to expose the mysterious world of Tibetan Buddhism, with its layered teachings, intricate practices—and troubling secrets. Ultimately, it tells a moving story about the search for truth, the path of enlightenment, and how no one is beyond the reach of a loving God. This gripping narrative will resonate with people from all backgrounds and nations.

Gladys Aylward: The Little Woman

Gladys Aylward - 1970
    A foreign country. An unknown language. An impossible dream? No, God's call on the life of Gladys Aylward. With no mission board to support or guide her and less than ten dollars in her pocket, Gladys Aylward left her home in England to answer God's call to take the message of the gospel to China. With the Sino-Japanese War waging around her, she struggled to bring the basics of life and the fullness of God to orphaned children. Time after time, God triumphed over impossible situations, and drew people to Himself. The Little Woman tells the story of one woman's determination to serve God at any cost. With God all things are possible!

No Compromise

Melody Green - 1989
    Who better to tell Keith Green's story than the woman who shared his life and mission?his wife, Melody. At the time Keith and two of their children were killed in a tragic plane crash, Melody was pregnant and had a one?year?old child at home. She inherited Keith's musical legacy of published and unpublished songs and his private journals, which she has put together in this extremely personal biography of Keith.

Si-renity: How I Stay Calm and Keep the Faith

Si Robertson - 2016
    Through his transition, he has remained untainted by the popularity and money, and is the same man he was before stardom—generous, kind, compassionate, and a little bit crazy. Beginning where Si-cology 1 ended, Uncle Si gets much more personal as he talks about his life on the road as one of the show’s favorites, and how he feels about life after the show. Si-renity will be full of Si-style, hilarious stories, as well as an up-close look inside the heart and faith of this loveable fan favorite.This new book shines a light on the kindness and compassion Si has for children, the military, and the less fortunate. Full of zany, yet honest stories about his day-to-day life on the road, Si narrates the lessons he’s learned about living life courageously and joyfully, and shares his personal source of peace and love for others—both originating directly from his faith in God.

The Divine Dramatist: George Whitefield and the Rise of Modern Evangelicalism

Harry S. Stout - 1991
    Harry Stout draws on a number of sources, including the newspapers of Whitefield's day, to outline his subject's spectacular career as a public figure. Although Whitefield here emerges as very much a modern figures, given to shameless self-promotion and extravagant theatricality, Stout also shows that he was from first to last a Calvinist, earnest in his support of orthodox theological tenets and sincere in his concern for the spiritual welfare of the thousands to whom he preached.

Tyndale: the Man Who Gave God an English Voice

David Teems - 2012
    It is the age of Henry VIII and his tragic Anne Boleyn, of Martin Luther and Thomas More. The times are treacherous. The Catholic Church controls almost every aspect of English life, including access to the very Word of God. And the church will do anything to keep it that way.Enter William Tyndale, the gifted, courageous “heretic” whodared translate the Word of God into English. He worked in secret, in exile, inperil, always on the move. Neither England nor the English language would everbe the same again.With thoughtful clarity and a reverence that comes throughon every page, David Teems shares a story of intrigue and atrocity, betrayal andperseverance. This is how the Reformation officially reached English shores—andwhat it cost the men who brought it there.

J.R.R. Tolkien

Mark Horne - 2011
    Some are familiar faces. Others are unexpected guests. But all, through their relationships, struggles, prayers, and desires, uniquely illuminate our shared experience. Born in South Africa and growing up in Great Britain, J.R.R. Tolkien, or Ronald as he was known, led a young life filled with uncertainty and instability.  His was not a storybook childhood- his father died when Ronald was three years old, and his mother died just before he reached adolescence.  Left under the guardianship of his mother's friend and priest, Ronald forged his closest relationships with friends who shared his love for literature and languages.As Tolkien grew older, married, served as a soldier, and became a well-respected Oxford professor publishing weighty works on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Beowulf, the Christian faith that his mother had instilled in him continued as an intrinsic element of his creative imagination and his everyday life.It was through The Hobbit and the three-volume The Lord of the Rings that Tolkien became a literary giant throughout the world.  In his fiction, which earned him the informal title of "the father of modern fantasy literature," Tolkien presents readers with a vision of freedom- nothing preachy- that a strong, unequivocal faith can transmit.

Gold Cord

Amy Carmichael - 1957
    Shows the loving heart of God at work in thirsting human hearts.

The One Year Christian History

Michael Rusten - 2003
    Each story appears on the day and month that it occurred and includes questions for reflection and a related Scripture verse.

A Man Called Norman

Mike Adkins - 1989
    His first encounter with Norman confirmed that he was a strange character, to say the least. In the years that followed, however, the two men developed a warm and unusual friendship. And God used Norman to teach Mike what it means to obey one of the great commandments of Scripture: Love your neighbor as yourself. Mike also learned a simple trust in the Lord that was to change the whole course of his life.

Fierce Convictions: The Extraordinary Life of Hannah More—Poet, Reformer, Abolitionist

Karen Swallow Prior - 2014
    A woman without connections or status, More took the world of British letters by storm when she arrived in London from Bristol, becoming a best-selling author and acclaimed playwright and quickly befriending the author Samuel Johnson, the politician Horace Walpole, and the actor David Garrick. Yet she was also a leader in the Evangelical movement, using her cultural position and her pen to support the growth of education for the poor, the reform of morals and manners, and the abolition of Britain's slave trade."Fierce Convictions" weaves together world and personal history into a stirring story of life that intersected with Wesley and Whitefield's Great Awakening, the rise and influence of Evangelicalism, and convulsive effects of the French Revolution. A woman of exceptional intellectual gifts and literary talent, Hannah More was above all a person whose faith compelled her both to engage her culture and to transform it.

Saint Patrick

Jonathan Rogers - 2010
    Despite his terrible circumstances, young Patrick did not give way to despair. As he worked as a shepherd in the pastures of his new owner, he kindled the faith he’d inherited from his family and eventually escaped to freedom. Then, after returning home, he experienced a dream that changed everything: God wanted him to go back and take the Gospel to the country of his captors.Patrick heeded the call. Both humble enough to minister to beggars and bold enough to confront kings, Patrick led the Irish through his brave and compassionate service into the Christian faith and baptized thousands. Separating the many myths from the facts, Jonathan Rogers weaves a wonder-filled tale of courage, barbarism, betrayal, and hope in God’s unceasing faithfulness. Countless miracles have been attributed to Saint Patrick, but perhaps one of the simplest and most amazing is that he won the hearts and souls of the same fierce and indomitable people who had enslaved him.

The Autobiography of George Muller

George Müller - 1899
    Join him on his journey from a life of sin and rebellion to his glorious conversion. Share his struggles and triumphs as he establishes orphan homes to care for thousands of English children, depending on God's response to his prayer of faith to supply all things. Mller's unwavering, childlike dependence upon his heavenly Father will inspire you to confidently trust the God of the impossible in every area of your life.