To Conquer Pride: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jennifer Altman - 2018
    Indeed, knowing the lady's true feelings for him, he makes every effort to see that they do not. But when a chance encounter leaves him stranded in an abandoned cottage with the one woman he can never have, Darcy quickly realizes there is more at risk than just Elizabeth's reputation.Elizabeth Bennet knows Mr. Darcy is the last man in the world whom she could ever be prevailed on to marry. Until the morning he hands her a letter, his countenance as dark and forbidding as the windswept sky. Now, trapped in a snowstorm with the one person she was certain she despised, Elizabeth is startled to discover that her feelings are not at all what she expected.But is one night alone together enough to alter the course of their future?Can any man as proud as Mr. Darcy be expected to offer for the same woman a second time?In this tale of serendipity and second chances, the world's unlikeliest couple must conquer pride, prejudice, and faulty first impressions in the elusive quest for their own happily ever after.

What's Past Is Prologue

Ann Galvia - 2018
    Before her marriage, she saw herself making the best possible choice. Her husband saved her family from ruin. All he asked in return was her hand. Secure in his good opinion, Elizabeth married him. Only with hindsight and his cryptic warnings that passion is not immutable does Elizabeth question her decision. Her solution? Give him a son as soon as possible. Once his lust for her has been slaked, this service she has rendered him will ensure her value. The newlyweds are summoned to Rosings Park almost the moment they are married. Though the estate can boast of beautiful grounds, Elizabeth and Darcy arrive to find devastation. A flood has swept away Lady Catherine’s last hopes of hiding debt and years of mismanagement. She expects Darcy to shoulder the recovery efforts. The effort to save Rosings strains the already tense relationship between Elizabeth and her husband. To make matters worse, her presence is met with disdain and disinterest from the family. As the days in the besieged estate drag on, Elizabeth slowly untangles the histories and secrets of her new relations. Like Elizabeth’s marriage, the crisis at Rosings is the culmination of past events. Disaster need not be the result of only bad choices; good principles have led them astray as well. As for Elizabeth, she barely knows her husband, and loving him might be impossible. Yet, she is determined to save all she can—her marriage and the estate—and somehow create the future she longs for.

Don't flatter yourself: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sydney Salier - 2019
     What if Mr Bennet married a second time and his new wife is a lady with impeccable manners, who is down-playing the fact that she really is a Lady. Will the improved manners of all the ladies make a difference to Mr Darcy? Or is the Bennets' perceived social standing and lack of wealth still an issue for him? Will Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet have a happily ever after?

Entirely A Matter Of Chance: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sophia King - 2019
    Her mother would be furious with her for missing dinner with Mr Bingley, but at least Elizabeth would not have to tolerate his friend, the rude and proud Mr Darcy. Until she finds her way to the cabin to discover she is not the only one seeking shelter from the storm.Fitzwilliam Darcy is shocked but not displeased to discover he must pass the night with the woman who, despite her inferior connections, has bewitched him like no other. And if they are discovered together, it will give him the perfect excuse to finally give in to his desires and offer Elizabeth Bennet his hand in marriage. Until, to his shock and dismay, he discovers this is the last thing in the world Elizabeth wants. But as the storm rages on and the hours' pass, the confined space of the cabin tests both their willpower.In the small society of Meryton, rumours spread that Darcy and Elizabeth were together that stormy night. They are determined to dismiss it as gossip until Darcy’s old enemy, George Wickham, hears the rumours and finds the proof he needs to force his old friend into what he believes will be a degrading marriage. But when he discovers he has enabled Darcy to marry the woman he is passionately in love with, he must change tactics and do all he can to come between them and persuade Elizabeth she cannot trust her future husband. As Elizabeth and Darcy resign themselves to the idea of marriage to a spouse they fear can never love them, Wickham’s deceit and lies threaten to come between them and destroy their growing love for one another. And if Elizabeth cannot put her fears to one side, she might lose the man she has come to love to a charmer who can bring her nothing but pain.

Elizabeth and Darcy: Ardently Yours: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Evangeline Wright - 2019
    Darcy’s introduction. What if Elizabeth visited Pemberley before meeting Darcy, and was prepared to think the best of him, rather than the worst? What if Georgiana Darcy stayed home from Ramsgate, and Wickham’s dastardly schemes had not yet been revealed? The answer: An ardent, inevitable love story that unfolds quite differently… but is, in essentials, very much what it ever was. Elizabeth and Darcy: Ardently Yours is a sweet, chaste Regency romance of approximately 60,000 words. A note: This story was originally posted several years ago on Jane Austen fan sites, under the title “In Essentials: Much as It Ever Was”. It has been lightly edited, but is otherwise unchanged. — Evangeline (“Vangie”) Wright.

A Will of Iron: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Linda Beutler - 2015
    Their return finds Rosings swathed in mourning. In death, Anne is revealed as having lived a rich life of the mind, and she plotted rather constantly to escape her loathsome mother, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Anne’s journal—spirited into the hands of Elizabeth and Charlotte Collins—holds her candid observations on life and her family. It also exposes her final, and sadly fatal, means of outwitting her mother. Anne’s Last Will and Testament, with its peculiar bequests, sends Lady Catherine into a tailspin and throws into turmoil every relationship amongst the Bennets, Darcys, Fitzwilliams, Collinses, and even the Bingleys! Was Anne de bourgh a shrewder judge of character than Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy combined?Includes mature content.

Fine Eyes, Wild Temper: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

JT Hunt - 2019
    Darcy to know each other better and amend their harsh first impression. Miss Bennet’s unguarded behaviour, outspoken and obstinate nature, headstrong opinions and unladylike inclinations for solitary walks do not meet with Mr. Darcy’s image of an accomplished lady. But a pair of fine eyes on a pretty face, a loyal heart, a witty mind and a teasing smile will soon defeat his resistance and overcome his opposition, inducing him to pursue Elizabeth's friendship and then her love. The first lesson he will learn in the process is that taming a wild temper is not an easy task. “Fine Eyes, Wild Temper” is a sweet, novella-length story of approximately 20.000 words, clean and low angst, recommended to those who love Elizabeth, Darcy and pets.

An Intolerable Situation: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sophie Lynbrook - 2019
    As spirited Elizabeth tries to accustom herself to the status of poor relation, she longs for her elder sister to have a better fate than marriage to the new master of Longbourn. Jane’s rescuer arrives in the nick of time, along with an unexpected romance for Elizabeth, but the path of true love is not without obstacles. Fortunately, the sisters have fortitude, resourcefulness, and the wisdom gained from reading novels.

Misunderstandings & Ardent Love

Susan Adriani - 2021
    ELIZABETH BENNET WOULD MORE THAN WELCOME his return to Longbourn. Yet despite such mutually ardent feelings, her most beloved sister and Darcy’s own uncle hold quite the opposite points of view.TORN BETWEEN PERSONAL LOYALTIES and responsibilities, the couple must balance finding a discreet solution for a family scandal in London and dealing with new outrageous actions by Mr and Mrs Wickham, all while facing a Jane Bennet who cannot forgive Darcy his interference in her love story.Can the two overcome misunderstandings and meddling and find their way to one another at last?

I Never Knew Myself: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Melanie Rachel - 2020
    And now he is left to wonder whether he is drawn to more than her fine eyes.When Darcy realizes that Elizabeth and Ellie might be one and the same, he is anxious to return her to the Windhams, and Elizabeth is no less eager to meet her family. But when the idyllic reunion she longed for goes awry, both Darcy and Elizabeth wonder whether it’s really possible to put a broken family back together again.Can Darcy help Elizabeth find her place in her first family so she can one day join him in his?

Master of Netherfield: A Variation on Pride and Prejudice

Martin Hunnicutt - 2020
    Wishing to keep his mistress close as he recovers from a recent illness, George Darcy gifts his heir with an estate named Netherfield in Hertfordshire. The challenge of building up the distant estate will keep his son away and provide a safe home to his daughter.‘Master William’ takes on the responsibilities for Netherfield and his young sister with the help of his nearest neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bennet while the five Bennet daughters adopt Georgiana as another sister. Several years later, when George Darcy becomes ill and dies, William becomes ‘Mr. Darcy’. As the new master takes control of the great estate of Pemberley with his sister at his side, Georgiana asks that they return to their ‘home’ and ‘family’ in Hertfordshire. When Darcy realizes he misses their home in Hertfordshire and one Bennet sister in particular, they return.

The Bennets Take on the Ton (The Sweet Regency Romance Series Book 12)

Perpetua Langley - 2018
    Bennet has brought her two eldest daughters to town for some shopping and they happily ensconce themselves at Gracechurch Street. Mrs. Bennet has managed to wrench an amount of money from Mr. Bennet’s grip so that she might spruce her girls up with new bonnets, gloves and ribbons. She really does not know what else will get them married. After an interesting meeting on Bond Street, Elizabeth and Jane find themselves entering a world they had never thought to encounter. Within that world there are to be found the charming Mr. Bingley, the standoffish Mr. Darcy, the foppish Beau Brummel, the cold Lady Catherine, a poodle, a mastiff and a host of other regular visitors to the environs of Pall Mall. Two of those visitors are intent on marriage, three on amusement and one on murder. And of course, there is the little matter of Mr. Collins and the entail. Perpetua Langley is the author of the twelve book Sweet Regency Romance Series. These books are clean and wholesome and true to the period.

How to Fall in Love with a Man You Thought You Hated

Elizabeth Adams - 2021
    Colonel Fitzwilliam is the mischievous brother she never had. And if their convictions that Mr. Darcy is in love with her are correct, he could be the lover she’s always wanted.There’s only one problem—he tried to ruin her favorite sister’s life, and she made an absolute fool of herself in front of him.Can lasting happiness come out of such a beginning? And can a man die from chasing a woman too quick to be caught? Darcy is about to find out.

The Longbourn Quarantine

Don Jacobson - 2020
    A feared specter has escaped London’s grimy docklands and now threatens the wealthy districts. Amongst that ragged stream is a single carriage jostling its way toward Meryton. Inside are the Darcy siblings along with Charles and Caroline Bingley. They desperately seek the safety of Netherfield Park.For all their riches, they could not evade the epidemic’s dark hand. Bingley’s leasehold had been reduced to rubble as roving bands raped, pillaged, and burned. The only sanctuary was Longbourn where, once installed, the Darcys and Bingleys were barred from leaving by a fortnight’s quarantine.Events converge with disease in The Longbourn Quarantine. Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy abandon old prejudices to face grief and mourning. Pride is set aside as Death hovers nearby. The couple forges ahead. knowing that love unexplored is love lost: that words must be said lest they remain unspoken in the time of smallpox.

Inspiration: A Pride and Prejudice variation (Sweet Tea Stories Book 4)

Maria Grace - 2019
    When his flighty muse abandons him, though, he finds himself staring at blank canvases in a world that has turned bland and cold and grey. Worried for his friend, Charles Bingley invites Darcy to join him in Hertfordshire, in hopes the picturesque countryside might tempt Darcy's muse to return. The scheme works only too well. His muse returns, with a vengeance, fixated upon the one young woman in the county who utterly detests him. Will his selfish disdain for the feelings of others drive her and his muse away or can he find a way to please this woman with the power to bring color and feeling back into his world?