Book picks similar to
The Omniverse The Unearthing by Steve Karmazenuk


Lt. Reilly and the Phantom Raptor

Matthew O. Duncan - 2021

Scout Force

Rodney L. Smith - 2011
    His redemption comes as he is recruited into the elite and secretive Scout Force. Follow Kelly’s adventures as an officer in the Galactic Republic Fleet’s Scout Force, protecting humanity’s frontiers from human treachery and an onslaught by the expansive, hostile K’rang Empire.

Galactic Empire Wars: The Beginning Books 1-3

Raymond L. Weil - 2016
    Weil comes a chilling story of the future.To the Kleese, the Earth is nothing more than a planet full of conscripts to be used to fight in their numerous wars of aggression against other planets. The Kleese are one of several large Galactic Empires that control the majority of the galaxy. To them, Earth is a dangerous planet due to the aggressiveness of the humanoid species that inhabits it. This is a species that cannot be allowed to spread out into the galaxy. Once they have taken their handful of conscripts, the planet will be destroyed.Unknown to the Kleese, their attack against the human homeworld will ignite a war that will spread across the known galaxy. Billions will die in their quest to free themselves from the heartless alien race. Can the human race rise up and lead the few worlds willing to fight against the Kleese? Find out in the Galactic Empire Wars.

Wealth of Time

Andre Gonzalez - 2019
    The 54 year old has lost the will to live since the disappearance of his 12-year-old daughter two decades ago.Unable to pull the trigger on himself, again, he later encounters a time-traveling antique dealer who offers him the chance to find out what happened to his only child. Martin wants nothing more than to answer the questions that have haunted his every waking moment all these years.This once in a lifetime opportunity proves irresistible, but is Martin prepared for the answer — and the cost of discovering the truth?Wealth of Time is the first novel in the suspenseful Wealth of Time Series. If you like fast-paced thrillers, time-travel, and deranged villains, then you’ll love this high-octane series from Andre Gonzalez!Buy Wealth of Time today to watch an ordinary man battle his past demons!


Garon Whited - 2007
    It's not as bad as we thought. From the very first line, "Luna" grabs the reader. Where most books start with a world in trouble and ride the story on into a happy ending or to the ultimate destruction, "Luna" starts with the end of the world. Things can only get better, right? With the world destroyed, the story centers on six survivors in the first lunar shuttle, on their way to shake down and tune up a robot-built underground tunnel complex on the Moon. They have to face a number of issues, not the least of which is the self-destruction of their homeworld and the survival of the species. Fortunately, any culture advanced enough to have a lunar colony and the capability to destroy its own civilization is likely to have people who are not on the planet at any given time. From these few survivors, the human race will have to either survive and grow, or wither away into nothing. They have to face many difficulties, ranging from purely scientific ones such as genetics, mechanics, chemistry, and nutrition, to the more complex difficulties of human nature, such as love, sex, and loneliness. The conflict between politics and military command also rears its ugly head, with uncertain results, aside from the obvious: War. Told from the point of view of Max, the officer in charge of the mechanical aspects of the lunar base, "Luna" takes us on a fast-paced tour of our own Moon, the LaGrange points, a number of habitable satellites, as well as the light and dark places in the human soul. Any science fiction reader will delight in the near-future possibilities of lunar colonization, along with the superb character development, snappy dialogue, and the dry humor that are so characteristic of Garon Whited's work.A gripping page-turner, Whited's "Luna" is more than a little reminiscent of Robert Heinlein, mixed with a dash of E.E. "Doc" Smith, and stirred with a sardonic sense of humor uniquely his own. Fans of Garon Whited's "Nightlord: Sunset" will want to add this one to the collection!

Starship Blackbeard: The Complete Series

Michael Wallace - 2015
    But Drake won't go down without a fight. Rather than surrender, he'll lead his loyal crew into the frontier worlds to repair and rearm. Fighting the treacherous Lord Admiral Malthorne, Drake makes alliances with aliens and smugglers to clear his name and defeat treason in his beloved homeland. The bestselling STARSHIP BLACKBEARD series, now in a complete compilation for the first time, is over a thousand pages of space battles, alien wars, and interstellar politics.

Nelf Rings

Mervin Miller - 2017
    In the not-too-distant future, humanity has developed a faster-than-light engine, and has begun to explore the first 200 hundred light years in every direction from Sol. Planets discovered and cataloged in the previous century are investigated using the new engine. Additional worlds in radical locations are discovered as the first and second waves of explorations are sent out from Earth. Some of the worlds are habitable by humans, and some of the worlds bear evidence of visitation in the distant past by a species the explorers call Nelf. Nelf objects that remain on these worlds are impossible to understand and may or may not be functional. No signs exist to indicate the fate of the Nelf in the time between their last activity on these worlds and the arrival of humans.

Blue Collar Space

Martin L. Shoemaker - 2018
     Martin L. Shoemaker, author of “Today I Am Paul”, presents stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary work. Planning, exploring, constructing… living and growing and dying… across the Solar System. Includes these award-winning stories: Scramble (second place, Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Award, 2012) Unrefined (third place, Writers of the Future, 2014) Racing to Mars (first place, Analog Analytical Laboratory award, 2016) Plus seven more stories!

Dryker's Folly: Book 1 in Void Wraith Origins

Chris Fox - 2020
    Before the Eradication.One man had a chance to stop it all, and failed...Captain Dryker is a washed up vet mining on the fringes of the Kuiper belt. He loads rocks into the Folly’s railgun, and fires them back to his corporate overlords on Earth. Boring, just the way he likes it. Until one day it isn’t.An alien signal bursts from Pluto, which as it turns out is neither a planet, nor a planetoid body. It is an ancient defense satellite activated because it detected the return of the Vuka Spectra. The Void Wraith.Dryker is the closest ship on the scene, but not the only one vying for the prize. Hostile aliens have emerged from our sun using something called a Helios Gate. The savage Tigris have come not just for the satellite, but to conquer Earth.Dryker’s only hope is finding something, anything, within the installation to counter the alien’s superior technology and save mankind.The prequel to the Void Wraith Saga. Learn how it all began...

Shades of Learning

T.S. Paul - 2016
    A new terror group calling themselves the Cabal is plaguing the galaxy. Former Imperial Navy Ensign Tisiphone thought returning home was going to be easy. Life on the farm was still incredibly boring. Her home planet is still recovering from the recent revolution. They have been attacked from space and thousands are dead. A new and effective Military is what they need. To be the best officer she can be she needs to go to the Academy first. Will the Cabal give her planet time to learn to combat them? Or will a new threat from Old Earth come into play?

The Hyperscape Project -Book One (Awakening)

Donald Swan - 2013
    It seemed as though the entire universe was holding its breath. Waiting. Whether waiting for the salvation of mankind or its demise was yet unclear.He set out to prove a theory. Now he’s racing to save the galaxy from his mistake.Along with his newly found, rag-tag band of alien friends, Nick Bannon battles to keep his devastating technology out of the hands of the biomechanoid race known as the Mok’tu.Nick is flung to a distant world when his hyperspace experiment goes awry. Technology can always be used for good or evil and now his peaceful experiment could become a horrific weapon of a malicious alien race. Every species in the galaxy is in danger of total annihilation and it may take one man’s greatest sacrifice to stop it.Full 86,000 word space opera novel! Official Website: TheHyperspaceProject.comSci-fi, Space Opera, Nanites, Hyperspace, Aliens, First Contact, Action, Adventure, Fun, Series, scifi, robot, mechanoid, prophecy, queen, battle, stargate, red shirts, takei, battle ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I found "The Hyperspace Project" to be an immensely enjoyable read. I kept picturing Harrison Ford, but with the Indiana Jones personality, but in a Blade Runner world as Nick Bannon. The pacing was great, Swan did an awesome job giving just enough desription of the new technology and alien races without dragging the story into a grinding halt. The story had a feel good sense that I got from watching "Guardians of the Galaxy" - where you get to know the characters to the point where you actually want to meet themand have a few drinks at a dive bar to hear more stories.The dialogue and writing were top notch - and it was clear that this story was thought out before Swan committed it to paper. With all of the rehashes (really - can we do a Spiderman reboot just one more time please.....) it is nice to meet some new characters in a new adventure - and it doesn't have to end here, since Swan already has book two on the shelves.Highly recommend this book for lovers of sci fi!!!" - Nathan Merceron⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "5 star sci-fi adventure - this book is FUN. The start of a new series, Book 1 : Awakenings does not disappoint. It has all the elements I desire in a good space adventure story - a reluctant hero fumbling his/her way through new alien space, interesting and unique aliens, exciting twists and turns, a good overall plot and a whole lot of fun. I am right on board the Hyperspace wagon, eagerly awaiting book 2, which means book 1 gets the OMGMOAR 5 star award from Tracing The Stars." ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "A lost Queen. An ancient prophecy. Worlds caught in an interstellar war between two malevolent alien races. Hyperspace, Nanites, Biomechanoids with a mysterious past. The Hyperspace Project is non-stop action and lots of fun." -John S.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I really enjoyed this book. There is a lot of action, but it's well balanced. If you like Star Trek or shows like Stargate, then I think you'll like this book. Fun characters and a story that flows well. Some good futuristic science too. (Nanites, hyperspace, gadgets etc.) I only wish that the second book was already available. There is also an interesting extra chapter that can be unlocked with clues from the book. That added an extra bit of fun to it as well." -Sara,

Star Brigade: Quartet (Star Brigade Books 1-4)

C.C. Ekeke - 2018
    Ekeke's bestselling Star Brigade Series At the dawn of the 25th century, Star Brigade was an elite military unit in the Galactic Union, and Habraum Nwosu one of its best soldiers. Until a deadly ambush massacred his team and Star Brigade’s reputation. BUT THE UNION STILL NEEDS HEROES Extremist threats and old enemies return from the fringes of space to threaten the Galactic Union’s inhabitants. FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION Now Habraum must rebuild the Brigade from scratch with a dwindling roster of untested recruits, all while fighting to protect the Union he serves with his own shoot-first, punch-next brand of justice. The Star Brigade Quartet contains the FIRST FOUR books in the series, a prequel novella and several exclusive short stories for a discounted price. 300+ five-star reviews, 1500+ pages of space battles, supersoldier combat, and heart-pounding intergalactic intrigue. Find out why readers are so enthralled by this riveting science fiction saga.


Jasper T. Scott - 2012
    The station is in a security lockdown and the sole apparent occupant, a Union captain, offers Kieran an entire ship if he can disable the lockdown. Kieran realizes that he’s probably dealing with a criminal, rather than an actual captain, but he’s just desperate enough to accept. He flies out to the nearest station and returns with a slicer and some dangerous-looking backup. As he’s making his approach to the station, Kieran hears a garbled cry for help over the comm. He hopes it’s just his imagination.But it’s not. Half the station’s crew is being held hostage, while the other half appear to be masquerading as Union officers. Kieran and his team disable the lockdown, and to Kieran’s amazement, they are given a ship as promised. As they are leaving the station, they see an entire fleet of Union cruisers pouring out of the newly-reactivated space gate. Kieran is confused. What are so many warships doing on the frontier? The Union isn’t at war.Kieran sets out to investigate, but along the way strange things start happening to him and his crew. At first there seem to be logical explanations, but before long the answers are not so clear. As time goes by, Kieran realizes the horrible truth:He wasn’t the only one trying to escape. . . .

To Crown a Caesar (The Praetorian Series Book 2)

Edward Crichton - 2012
    For a Caesar is indeed dead, neither the first, nor the last, but it is one who has been slain well ahead his time. Pick up a history book, and it will tell you that the crazed Gaius Julius Caesar, better known as Caligula to the world, was assassinated in January of 41 A.D. But displaced time traveler Jacob Hunter would disagree with this historical fact, because he has witnessed this death years earlier and stands accused of murdering the Caesar himself. With the threat of crucifixion looming, Hunter and his friends, who had just recently sacrificed so much to defend Rome, chose exile over death, and fled the Eternal City.Four years later, Hunter remains on the run in the hinterlands of Rome’s numerous provinces, wanted as an outlaw by the Empress Agrippina – Caligula’s sister. Throughout these long years, he and his two closest companions have been hunted by many, but remain undeterred by their challenges. Because what those who pursue them do not know is that Jacob Hunter is from the future, where his chosen calling was that of a simple, yet deadly, Navy SEAL. Equipped with advanced weaponry and the most cutting edge Special Forces training, he and his friends are not afraid of the primitive denizens of the past and will stop at nothing to return home.But what aids them most in their quest is the gift of foresight.Knowledge is power, as some would say, and it is with that power that Hunter devises a plan to fix all that has been broken due to their presence in the past. Caligula, as flawed an emperor as he was, should have ruled as such for years, followed by Claudius, a far more competent emperor. But now both are dead and Agrippina, the mother of Nero and a far more ruthless leader, rules in their stead. In Hunter’s mind, this breach of historical events could prove catastrophic to the timeline’s development, perhaps changing the future completely, and with it, his home.Unable to act, years have passed waiting for the best moment to strike, but the time has finally arrived. To restore the timeline, Hunter must remove Agrippina and keep her aggressive and murderous policies from continuing. But three people, no matter how skilled and powerful they are, cannot possibly match the overwhelming might of the powerful Roman war machine. To be successful, they’ll need to be unscrupulous, and do something many may consider vile and irredeemable, because while the Empress Agrippina is certainly shrewd and ruthless, she is still a mother, and like any mother, would be devastated should anything happen to her infant son Nero…

Thermals (Anselm Gunnar)

Evan Currie - 2011
    At the Australian Solar Power facility that Tower City is built around, however, the inspector is about to learn that the man everyone thinks is hiding from the law is actually doing anything but.Thermals is a fast paced near future terrorism thriller that will keep you flipping the pages as fast as your reader, and your eyes, will allow. From the start it builds to a rising crescendo that will leave you breathless and cheering.