Imperative: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice, Volume 1

Linda Wells - 2012
    The problem is, he cannot just keep the secrets. They demand attention, and action, and in hopeless times, a good man does not always think things through, even when he is desperately trying to do the right thing for the two most important women in his life.In Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Fitzwilliam Darcy arrived in Ramsgate before his sister could leave with George Wickham. Things are not so easily remedied in this two-volume variation.This story contains scenes of a mature nature between a happily married couple.

Entirely A Matter Of Chance: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sophia King - 2019
    Her mother would be furious with her for missing dinner with Mr Bingley, but at least Elizabeth would not have to tolerate his friend, the rude and proud Mr Darcy. Until she finds her way to the cabin to discover she is not the only one seeking shelter from the storm.Fitzwilliam Darcy is shocked but not displeased to discover he must pass the night with the woman who, despite her inferior connections, has bewitched him like no other. And if they are discovered together, it will give him the perfect excuse to finally give in to his desires and offer Elizabeth Bennet his hand in marriage. Until, to his shock and dismay, he discovers this is the last thing in the world Elizabeth wants. But as the storm rages on and the hours' pass, the confined space of the cabin tests both their willpower.In the small society of Meryton, rumours spread that Darcy and Elizabeth were together that stormy night. They are determined to dismiss it as gossip until Darcy’s old enemy, George Wickham, hears the rumours and finds the proof he needs to force his old friend into what he believes will be a degrading marriage. But when he discovers he has enabled Darcy to marry the woman he is passionately in love with, he must change tactics and do all he can to come between them and persuade Elizabeth she cannot trust her future husband. As Elizabeth and Darcy resign themselves to the idea of marriage to a spouse they fear can never love them, Wickham’s deceit and lies threaten to come between them and destroy their growing love for one another. And if Elizabeth cannot put her fears to one side, she might lose the man she has come to love to a charmer who can bring her nothing but pain.

The Perfect Gentleman

Julie Cooper - 2019
    Lizzy Bennet knows just what to do to find her. ‘Tis no secret that Lizzy Bennet has dreams. The uniquely talented daughter of a woman with a dubious reputation, Lizzy knows she must make her own way in a world that shuns her.Fitzwilliam Darcy carries the stains of his family’s dishonour upon his soul and only by holding himself to the strictest standards has he reclaimed his place in society. If his fifteen-year-old sister cannot be found quickly, her scandal could destroy years of perfect behaviour. Lizzy is willing to join the pursuit to get what she wants but will Darcy be willing to trust her with his secrets? And what will they do when the search for Georgiana reveals what neither expected to find?

A Bennet of Royal Blood: A Pride and Prejudice Reimagining

Shana Granderson A Lady - 2021
    The woman is a daughter of an Earl. After more than a year of marriage, all of the time with his beloved wife spent at her estate of Netherfield Park in Hertfordshire, the Prince reveals his marriage to his father hoping the elapsed time will protect them. The King orders his son to leave the lady and plans to have the marriage annulled. The King was at least convinced by his son not to annul the marriage, so instead he orders a speedy divorce.The reason was NOT that the lady was unsuitable, the opposite was true, but for political reasons, the King has promised his son’s hand to a European princess to strengthen alliances for England. It saddens the King to do so, especially as this son is one he is very close to, knowing he is breaking his son’s heart the King forces the divorce as the other country in question is one England sorely needs as an ally.In the meanwhile, the lady had become best of friends with Mrs. Francine Bennet of Longbourn. They met not many months after Jane was born, shortly after the lady moved into Netherfield Park. When her devastated husband informs her of the forced divorce, his wife does not inform him she is with child to try not hurt him more than he has been already. It so happens Fanny Bennet is also pregnant with her second child at the same time.Due to the ignominy of divorce and worried about the social ramifications coupled with making assumptions about what the royals would expect of them, the lady’s family cut ties with her when she needs her parents more than ever. The only one she feels she has left is Fanny Bennet. A few other friends write but the broken-hearted lady is not ready to accept their overtures and respond yet. As both ladies near their confinements Thomas Bennet is called away—for what he tells his wife—is to assist his good friend from Cambridge, the Earl of Holder, in Staffordshire. He is actually investigating ways to break the entail on Longbourn.Fanny moves into Netherfield to be with her best friend during their confinements along with 2-year-old Jane. Before the final confinement, her brothers, Phillips, the solicitor, and Gardiner, the man of business are summoned. Phillips draws up a will for the lady and Gardiner is given management of her fortune. Just in case the worst happens, the lady writes a number of letters, among them one to her unborn child, one to the Prince, one to Bennet, and one to her parents as she has a plan in the event of her death.The best friends go into labour within hours of each other. Fanny delivers a stillborn son and some hours later, her friend delivers a healthy baby girl, who is the legitimate daughter of a Prince, making her a Princess. The friend has complications of birth and will not survive long. She implores her best friend—her sister of the heart—to take her daughter and raise her as her own and she will claim the dead baby son. Fanny cannot deny her friend her dying wish.The Lady names her baby Elizabeth after her grandmother. The lady charges Fanny with waiting until she feels Elizabeth is ready, to reveal her birth right to her, explaining her reasons for waiting. Other than a few small bequests to some, the lady's last will bequeaths her child all of her worldly possessions, including an enormous fortune and Netherfield Park on reaching his/her majority of 21. When Bennet returns he is introduced to, and falls in love with, his second daughter. Jane and Lizzy are both loved equally by their parents.The story looks at how the Bennets’ lives are different with a much different Fanny than canon. Also how will Elizabeth and the world around her react to the news when her true heritage is revealed. The Bennets meet the Darcys and Fitzwilliams much earlier than in Miss Austen’s masterpiece.

A Covenant of Marriage

C.P. Odom - 2013
    But it can also apply to a marriage as Elizabeth Bennet learns when her father binds her in marriage to a man she dislikes. Against her protests that she cannot be bound against her will, the lady is informed that she lives under her father’s roof and, consequently, is under his control. She is a mere pawn in the proceedings. With such an inauspicious beginning, how can two people so joined ever make a life together?

Love Unsought

Kay Bea - 2020
    But fate, with assistance from Darcy’s scheming cousins, contrives to keep them together.When Miss Darcy is summoned to Kent, the couple has a chance to begin anew, and their budding friendship carries them to London and Hertfordshire. Their feelings deepen but before their new understanding is made known, Elizabeth is sent to Brighton as chaperone to her youngest sister. Her stay there ends in ruin when Darcy’s past comes to call.Upon discovering the situation is worse than he feared, Darcy determines he must be the one to make things right. His departure leaves Elizabeth in doubt and their future in question. Was their love too new to withstand a scandal?A series of missed chances, misdirected letters, and miscommunications keeps the couple apart; it make require the intervention of their nearest relations to bring them back together.

Yours Forevermore, Darcy

KaraLynne Mackrory - 2015
    Fitzwilliam Darcy has a secret. The letter he presents to Miss Elizabeth Bennet after his ghastly proposal is not the only epistle he has written her. In this tale of longing, misadventure, and love—readapted from Jane Austen’s dearly loved Pride & Prejudice—our hero finds a powerful way of coping with his attraction to Miss Bennet. He writes her unsent letters. The misguided suitor has declared himself, and Elizabeth Bennet has refused him, most painfully. Without intending for these letters to become known to another soul, Mr. Darcy relies on his secret for coping once again. However, these letters, should they fall into the wrong hands, could create untold scandal, embarrassment, and possibly heartbreak. But what happens if they fall into the right hands?

Any Fair Interference

Nan Harrison - 2022
    Not only is Mr Bennet ill, Longbourn and indeed all of Meryton is struggling through one of England’s worst winters. Elizabeth draws on every strength to care for her family, but faces the alarming prospect of losing both her father and her home. Her lonely struggles lead her to revise her opinion of a certain gentleman, and she finds unexpected solace in dreams of Mr Darcy.FITZWILLIAM DARCY BELIEVES HE CAN ESCAPE his attraction to Elizabeth by leaving Netherfield. He soon finds himself snowbound at Pemberley, where forced isolation compels him to contemplate his duty, and contrast it with dreams of his heart’s desire. No matter how he considers it, though, he feels he cannot have Elizabeth, the one he truly loves.FORTUNATELY DARCY'S FRIENDS and his family–Georgiana, Colonel Fitzwilliam, and the Hursts–feel far differently than he, and soon even the most unlikely allies have come together to help him see that happiness is the highest consideration of all. But will he and Elizabeth find the courage to follow their hearts before it is too late?

Master of Netherfield: A Variation on Pride and Prejudice

Martin Hunnicutt - 2020
    Wishing to keep his mistress close as he recovers from a recent illness, George Darcy gifts his heir with an estate named Netherfield in Hertfordshire. The challenge of building up the distant estate will keep his son away and provide a safe home to his daughter.‘Master William’ takes on the responsibilities for Netherfield and his young sister with the help of his nearest neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bennet while the five Bennet daughters adopt Georgiana as another sister. Several years later, when George Darcy becomes ill and dies, William becomes ‘Mr. Darcy’. As the new master takes control of the great estate of Pemberley with his sister at his side, Georgiana asks that they return to their ‘home’ and ‘family’ in Hertfordshire. When Darcy realizes he misses their home in Hertfordshire and one Bennet sister in particular, they return.

The Mistress of Rosings Park : A Pride and Prejudice Vagary

Regina Jeffers - 2021
    - Johannes KeplerWhen she arrives at Hunsford Cottage for a visit with her long-time friend Charlotte Collins, Elizabeth Bennet does not expect the melodrama awaiting her at Rosings Park.Mrs. Anne Darcy, nee de Bourgh, has passed, and Rosings Park is, by law, the property of the woman’s husband, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy; yet, Lady Catherine de Bourgh is not ready to abandon the mansion over which she has served as mistress for thirty years. Elizabeth holds sympathy for her ladyship’s situation. After all, Elizabeth’s mother will eventually be banished from Longbourn when Mr. Bennet passes without male issue. She inherently understands Lady Catherine’s “hysterics,” while not necessarily condoning them, for her ladyship will have the luxury of the right to the estate’s dower house, and, moreover, it is obvious Rosings Park requires the hand of a more knowledgeable overseer. Therefore, Elizabeth takes on the task of easing Lady Catherine’s transition to dowager baronetess, but doing so places Elizabeth often in the company of the “odious” Mr. Darcy, a man Lady Catherine claims poisoned her daughter Anne in order to claim Rosings Park as his own.

Only The Deepest Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Amelia Wood - 2020
    And knowing she is alone in Hunsford Lodge gives him the perfect opportunity to tell her how he feels, even if it means being caught in a torrential downpour. But Elizabeth is on one of her walks and could be gone for hours. Unable to wait a moment longer to see her, Darcy is obliged to borrow clothes from Hunsford Lodge’s groom before he sets out to find and propose to the woman he loves. When Darcy finds her sheltering from the rain under the folly in Rosings Park, Elizabeth’s hostility and the fact that she has been soaked in the rain makes it impossible for him to propose. But in a lapse of his usual self-mastery, he kisses her and, just for a moment, Elizabeth responds. But they are not alone. When Mr Collins sees Elizabeth kiss a man in servant’s clothing, he goes to Lady Catherine, who insists Elizabeth marry the fellow in question to repair her ruined reputation. And her rage when she discovers the man is her own nephew is so great Elizabeth and Darcy are obliged to leave for London at once. Forced to marry, Elizabeth and Darcy must find a way to reconcile themselves to the match. Before Darcy can tell her he loves her, Elizabeth confesses she has never liked him believing him to feel the same, leaving Darcy devastated and forced to hide his true feelings for her. But as they spend more and more time together, Elizabeth begins to question her prejudices and assumptions. And now, both must find a way to overcome their fear that they are to endure a marriage to someone who can never love them. Only The Deepest Life is a Pride and Prejudice variation novella of approximately 30,000 words.

Pride & Distance: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cassandra B. Leigh - 2021
    The roads are closed and the residents of Meryton are required to go into lockdown. While out for a morning stroll in Longbourn’s grove, Elizabeth Bennet encounters Mr Darcy. Is he as insufferable as she imagined?Although Fitzwilliam Darcy cannot return to London as he planned, nothing can prevent him from escaping Netherfield and the encroaching Caroline Bingley. While riding through the neighbouring fields, he is startled to find Miss Elizabeth unaccompanied. How can he cast her out of his mind when she insists on being unforgettable?The influenza epidemics mentioned in this story are purely fictional; however, this sweet story may have some coincidental resemblance to recent events.

The Events at Branxbourne

Caitlin Williams - 2018
    You are loved for all that you are, for all you once were, and for all that you will come to be.” - Fitzwilliam DarcyLady Lambert, or Elizabeth Bennet as she was once known, appears to have made the perfect match. Having refused Mr. Darcy’s proposal of marriage at Hunsford, she is now married to a viscount. While everything seems well, beneath her fine clothes beats a heart filled with regrets. Dark secrets lurk in every corner of her elegant London townhouse, and while she might have at her disposal many excellent and numerous carriages, they all seem to take her places she does not truly want to go. Into her now desolate existence comes Mr. Darcy again—a changed man, a better man, the very best of men, and still very much in love with her. Is it all impossible? She ought to resist him, yet she cannot stay away. Theirs is a dangerous, scandalous love that proves impossible to resist. In an age when women are owned by their husbands, can a wife escape a husband she has come to loathe, and when there is blood on her hands, how will Elizabeth explain herself?

Snowflakes at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jennifer Kay - 2021
    Her autumn was full of vexing men, and with her sister Jane recently married to Mr. Bingley, Elizabeth is at loose ends at home. Of course, she knows that Mr. Darcy lives in Derbyshire, but surely the county is large enough that their paths won’t cross, right?Fitzwilliam Darcy cannot get the impertinent Miss Elizabeth out of his mind, even after a strategic retreat to Derbyshire. When he meets her again at a Twelfth Night assembly, he realizes that fighting his feelings is futile. Before he can act on his intentions, however, the weather gets in the way. And it seems that not all was right in the world when the snowflakes began to fall.

Equal Affection: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Layla Johnson - 2021
    It tells the old beloved story of Elizabeth and Darcy with new, original, unexpected twists. It speaks about the depth of feelings versus shallow infatuation, about appearances and truth, about regrets and redemption.The story focuses on Elizabeth and Darcy's interactions, the development of their characters and their slowly building affection that grows into a deep, everlasting love. Alongside them, there are Jane Bennet and Mr. Bingley, with their own tale that appears similar and yet proves to be quite different.The book starts in London, in April 1812. Elizabeth has returned from Kent after Darcy’s disastrous proposal and stays in London, at the Gardiners, together with Jane. Both sisters try to overcome the distress caused by the gentlemen that had once lived at Netherfield.The plot pushes Elizabeth and Darcy into each other's path, inducing them to struggle with pride, prejudice, flaws and misunderstandings, along their journey towards the point of equal affection.Among well-known classic characters, a new one claims her share of conversation: Mrs. Welford, Mrs. Gardiner's aunt, a lady who spent her youth in Lambton and her adulthood living an adventurous life.Married and widowed three times, Mrs. Edwina Welford possesses a large fortune, manners on the edge of decorum, a passion for life, and genuine affection for her relatives. She interferes in the story bringing mockery, fighting, tears and laughter, spicing up the tale and adding more surprising turns of events between the main characters."Equal Affection" is the author's second JAFF book. It comes after the readers' wonderful reactions that turned the first one - "Locked in the Netherfield Library" into a bestselling novella.