In Darkness Waiting

John Shirley - 1988
    Although In Darkness Waiting begins in much the same vein as many horror novels (mysterious deaths; a small town invaded by evil; plucky, attractive young lovers; the logical level-headed doctor; some salt-of-the-earth townsfolk...) by its end you will have discovered it is not "just another horror novel." With its exploration of the "insect" inside us all, In Darkness Waiting proves more relevant today than ever. Considering a read of In Darkness Waiting is like considering a trip through the Amazon with no weapons and no vaccinations and no shoes. It's like contemplating a journey in the Arctic clad only in your underwear. Or maybe it's more like dropping into one of those spelunker's challenges, those chilling pitch-black shafts into the Earth's crust-and when you get down there your light burns out and you remember the chitinous fauna of the cavern... Unlike undertaking those endeavors, you can get through the harrowing pages of In Darkness Waiting alive (although we are not promising you'll remain unscathed.) Towards the end you'll discover one of the most extreme yet literate passages ever written. It may well be the most outré scene ever created. But John Shirley wasn't after shock alone. Shock is never enough for him.

Gnome or Mr Nice Guy (The Rooks Ridge Series)

Rosalind Winter - 2009
    He strikes in broad daylight, yet no one ever sees him.His target?Garden gnomes ...

The Neighbor Upstairs

Theo Baxter - 2022
    And the worst part is that he seems to be returning that interest.When Melissa suspects he’s returned to his cheating ways, she flees to her parents’ home, leaving Ben alone to uncover the true horror of the situation.In the end, the two won’t just be fighting for their marriage, but their survival.

Deceiving a Duke (Historical Romance Novel)

Ryleigh Stone - 2016
    Born into the lower-class of society and spit upon by all those above her, it didn’t seem as if life held much in store for a woman of her status. But, all of that was soon to change… As a day arrives when the youthful lass discovers a discarded letter, adorned with ornate markings, right on the side of the street. Upon opening the fancy missive, she learns that it is indeed a marriage proposal – only not addressed to her! It just happens to be for another woman, one who has never met the husband-to-be referenced in the letter. With nothing to lose, Clarissa decides to reinvent herself in the likeness of an upper-class lady and travel to meet the mysterious man… surprisingly, it turns out that he is not only very wealthy, but also a terribly handsome, young, and seductive fellow! A Duke, at that… However, when the original woman receives news of this treachery – it sets off a chain of events that threatens to ruin Clarissa’s wonderful fantasy and unravel a host of family secrets! Will she flee or fight for the fortuitous love that sprang about through her passionate masquerade?

Called From Beyond: The Spirit Guide: Ghosts and Haunted Houses

Caroline Clark - 2017
    Is Mark going mad or was his girlfriend Called from Beyond? Mark’s girlfriend dies in a car accident before he can tell her how much he loves her. He never believed in ghosts, but a well-meaning friend and guilt push him into new and dangerous territory. All he wants is the chance to say he is sorry. To speak to her one more time. During a desperate, alcohol-fueled binge, he buys an Ouija board and calls Alissa. Is his drinking problem or survivor’s guilt making him doubt his sanity? Or are the footsteps in the night and inexplicable messages real—has Alissa returned? Gail and Jesse have their own guilt to bear, both tormented by a secret they have no choice but to keep. Is it their fault Alissa died? All they want is to help Mark through his grief, but his true plight soon becomes apparent. Evil is waiting and it’s worse than they can imagine. Will Mark be sucked into the darkness or will he send away his love to save his own life? Scroll up now to find out in this thrilling, fast-paced ghost story that will have you reading well into the night. Just remember to keep the lights on. This is the second book in the exciting Spirit Guide Series. Each book is a complete story and they can be read in any order. They follow Gail and Jesse as they search for ways to put spirits to rest and to save those who are tormented by them. The first book in the series is The Haunting of Seafield House It is permanently 0.99 and FREE on Kindle Unlimited or get an introduction to the series for free - Get The Black-Eyed Children at

Mihalis (Valens Heritage Book 1)

Jan Stryvant - 2021
    Or so the history books will probably say once someone gets around to writing them. All Mihalis knows is the world he has been raised into. It's not a bad world, as things ago, he has a big and loving family, but there is the ongoing 'war' that promises to be on-going for a good many years to come.Raised to the blade by his mother, and taught not only her ways as well as a good many of the ways of her people, but also the ways of his father's other wives, as well as the ways of his magic, Mihalis has had a very thorough education. Even if a fair deal of that education is in the arts of war.But all he really wants to do is to prove himself. To go out into the world and show that yes, he is his father's son, and that yes, he is his own man, to find his own way in the world.WARNING: "Mihalis" does contain many of those things that the previous series was known for: Bad jokes, poor modern culture references, obscure song references, violence, and yes, what you've all been waiting for: Sex. Now SOME PEOPLE don't seem to UNDERSTAND that these warnings are done as much as a joke as a 'Spoiler' alert, to alert the PRUDES that yes, like all MODERN science fiction and urban fantasy stories, there is Sex in the story! Heaven forefend that these quivering fragile flowers should read any modern romance! I dare say they'd die straight-away from the non-stop kinkfest that is modern romance!So SCREW THEM! YES! There is all sorts of sordid and kinky stuff that's been done while I wrote this book and most of it was done by YOU! You Dear readers! So let us NOT go into this cold dark night alone or afraid! Because we know what that dreaded noise in the shadows is! That Moaning and Groaning and the rattling of chains! That noise is US!(Have Fun).

Iron Empires Volume 1: Faith Conquers

Christopher Moeller - 2004
    Volume 1 collects the four part series originally titled Shadow Empires, published in 1994, and features the three-part story "The Passage," originally published in Dark Horse Presents, now in full-color for the first time!

The Shivering Sands & The Secret Woman

Victoria Holt - 1983
    There, she finds herself caught up in the drama of that ancient house and the unusual members of the Stacy family. When Caroline Verlaine's sister, the archaeologist Roma, disappears, Caroline is forced down to Lovat Stacy in an attempt to discover what has happened. She finds herself caught up in the drama of the ancient house and with the unusual members of the Stacy family. But it is Napier Stacy, recently returned from years of banishment for apparently killing his brother, who she is especially drawn to. Napier is haunted by the tragedy, and Caroline becomes determined that he should put his past behind him and not allow, what she insists was an accident, to cloud his life for ever. At the same time, she becomes equally determined to solve the mystery of her own sister's disappearance. Why has Roma vanished? Was it an accident or has she been murdered? As the tension mounts Caroline soon realizes that this quest to uncover the truth is a dangerous one and is marking her out as the next victim. /////// 2) The Secret Woman (1970) - To all appearances, Anna Brett was a quiet, capable young woman whose only ambition was to carry on the profitable antiques business bequeathed her by a spinster aunt. And so she was - until the memory of a cherished moment with a blue-eyed stranger suddenly returned to haunt her with savage intensity. It was then Anna discovered the secret woman who waited within her - impetuous, daring . . . and dangerous.

The Mating Ceremony

Angela Foxxe - 2016
     Elena's pack now consider her to have reached the age of maturity and when this happens she is to participate in the mysterious mating ceremony which is to confirm her status as an adult of the pack. Elena is nervous about what is to be her first ever sexual experience but when she discovers that she will be mating with a handsome muscle-bound wolf called Jackson Masters, all her worries turn to excitement and she can not wait for the ceremony to being. However, Elena is unaware that life after the mating ceremony will never be the same again in more ways than one.. If you are looking for a paranormal romance with the right amount of sensual scenes, romance and action then this is the perfect read for you! Scroll up and start reading right away! WARNING: CONTAINS SCENES OF A SEXUAL NATURE 18+

The Lost Ones

Vena Cork - 2016
    Single, childless and reduced to writing celebrity profiles, investigative journalist Suzannah Quinn’s life is not going to plan…Then, during an interview with top publisher Roland Winterbourne, she meets Jamie Davis.It’s love at first sight and within hours she has agreed to marry him.But Jamie insists on inviting no friends or family to the wedding and Suzannah’s millionaire father quickly suspects him of being a fortune hunter.At first the couple are blissfully happy.Suzannah’s only worry is Jamie’s mysterious past, which he refuses to talk about.However, when Suzannah suddenly inherits a flat off Portobello Road, everything changes.Whilst she is eager to reconnect with her happy childhood roaming the market before her father made his money, Jamie loathes Notting Hill.The move quickly triggers a change in their relationships and it’s not long before the arguments start.Then one morning, after a particularly bad row, Jamie goes to work and doesn’t return.Suzannah thinks he’s sulking, but when he still hasn’t returned after several days, she fears something’s happened to him.His colleagues are unconcerned because his job as a sales rep often takes him off the radar, but Suzannah becomes increasingly frantic.When she finds a scrap of paper in his jacket pocket with a name and address in North Devon, she is eager to investigate.What she discovers when she goes there brings her world crashing down.After a visit from a mysterious woman, who brings even more life-changing revelations, she realises that in order to move on she must find her missing husband and discover the truth about him once and for all.If Jamie is not what he claims to be then neither is her beloved Notting Hill, beneath whose perfection beats a dark and rotting heart that is finally exposed over a horrific Carnival weekend.

The Evil in Pemberley House

Philip José Farmer - 2009
    First described in the fictional biographies Tarzan Alive: The Definitive Biography of Lord Greystoke and Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life, Farmer expanded his Wold Newton mythos in novels such as The Other Log of Phileas Fogg, The Adventure of the Peerless Peer, Time s Last Gift, Hadon of Ancient Opar, Flight to Opar, The Dark Heart of Time: A Tarzan Novel, and Escape from Loki: Doc Savage's First Adventure.The Evil in Pemberley House, an addition to the Wold Newton cycle, plays with the Gothic horror tradition. Patricia Wildman, the daughter of the world-renowned adventurer and crimefighter of the 1930s and '40s, Dr. James Clarke "Doc" Wildman, is all alone in the world when she inherits the family estate in Derbyshire, England old, dark, and supposedly haunted.But Farmer, characteristically, turns convention on its ear. Is the ghost real, or a clever sham? In Patricia Wildman, Farmer creates an introspective character who struggles to reconcile the supernatural with her rational scientific upbringing, while also attempting to work through unresolved feelings about her late parents. He sets the action at Pemberley from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and ingrains the various mysteries in the Canon of the Sherlock Holmes stories.The Evil in Pemberley House is a darkly erotic novel with broad appeal to readers of pulp and popular literature, particularly followers of Doc Savage, Sherlockians, and fans of Farmer's own celebrated Wold Newton Family.

Beneath the Raven's Moon

Jill Jones & Jill LaForge Jones - 2003
    Now, Catherine finds herself back on the small peninsula to attend the reading of her eccentric uncle’s will. It is in the very mansion her own grandfather built amongst ghostly servants, chilling houseguests, and a mysterious and captivating stranger that Catherine must finally unlock the dark secrets of her past.


John Benteen - 1969
    Fargo lives with a gun in his fist. Guns and killing are all he knows. And Fargo likes what he knows. Want to start a revolution? Want to stop one? Send for Fargo. Want to blow a bridge, stage a prison break, rob a bank? Fargo's your man. The Army taught Fargo how to kill with pistol, rifle, machine gun. He became an expert with knives, shotguns and women on his own time. Fargo hates the quiet life. He knows he's going to get it sooner or later. He hopes it won't be too much later because he wouldn't know how to be old and comfortable. So while it lasts, Fargo plans to grab the world by the throat and take what he wants. If the world doesn't like that, it can try to stop him ... if it can.

Exhulm: Celestial Chronicles Book 1

Xander Jade - 2021
    He woke up without his memory in a world that is filled with Demons, Djinns, Phoenix, Fire Giants, and many others.During his time on Exhulm, he is bullied for being a non-magical being, making his life difficult. Around his 18th birthday, things change. HIs magic presents itself and makes his life even more problematic. Kristjan realizes that maybe not having magic wasn't so bad after all.

In The Deep Woods

Nicholas Condé - 1989
    Reprint. TV tie-in.