
Lena Grey - 2020
    Crashing on a primitive planet inhabited by barbarian aliens was not on their itinerary... Once our bonding is complete, Ken-zee will be mine forevermore.When the sky crackles with lights, sounds and colors, and small wingless flyers soar to the ground, I pray they contain blessings that will save our tribe. A small, shapely female emerges from one of the flyers and I know in my heart she is mine. The gods have answered my prayers, sending salvation from the heavens. My mate has arrived in the wingless flyer and she is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.The golden-skinned barbarian thinks I'm his mate.Trauhn is everything I've ever wanted in a man. He's fierce, handsome and protective, and worships the ground I walk on. He's also a huge, scaled alien who makes my heart race and my body tremble. When we're attacked by a rabid pack of wolf-bats, he's ready to sacrifice his own life to save mine. I'd be a fool to push Trauhn away. But staying with him means giving up the only way of life I've ever known.Trauhn is the first alien barbarian romance in the Rakui Warriors series. This human-alien love story has danger, action and lots of steam. Each book is a complete romance, although there is a continuing story line that unfolds throughout the series.

Alien Warrior's Captive Bride

Juno Wells - 2018
    Hope is reluctantly forced to sign up for the intergalactic brides program. Just as she’s getting desperate, she finds a tolerable species willing to purchase her contract...Because nothing is ever that easy, her ship gets hit by raiders and Hope can’t manage keep her big mouth shut when their alien captors begin tormenting one of the younger women. Jettisoned into space, her one and only chance at survival, is in the hands of a Draconian warrior... Larok Larok is a lone sentinel, standing guard for his mother ship. When he comes across a frail human queen, his world tilts out of alignment. Saving her means a nasty death if his vicious Draconian queen finds out he rescued her. Risking his own life is one thing, but risking the life of his entire family and small son is another!Snagging the beautiful human out of harm’s way results in battling against the Draconian fleet, destroying a planet and stealing a wormhole device that's their only chance at escape. Larok finds himself forced to reach his hand into the dragon’s mouth, desperate to pull victory from the jaws of defeat. By the time it’s all finished, he will either die in the glorious battle of a lifetime, or end up mated to the most attractive human female in the galaxy!


Jennifer Julie Miller - 2021
    Headed towards my dream vacation I was snatched right out of the air. My husband, the love of my life, was destroyed right in front of my eyes. He fought bravely trying to protect me from a horror neither one of us could have ever imagined. I find myself standing in the spotlight on a stage. Mutilated and tortured, the blood from my body flowing freely down my legs along with my will to live. Piercing yellow eyes emerge from the darkness, but even the shadows can’t hide his imposing form. Gentle, but terrifying arms reach out for me, and within their embrace can I find the will to live again?DaRI am a badass, known throughout the galaxy for my brutality, as a ruthless and feared commander. With that being said, somehow I still got coerced into purchasing a slave. My eyes fall upon a small female who's very essence and eternal light is leaking out of her onto the floor below her. I watch in awe as she accepts her fate, willing her nightmare to be over. I almost turn away from her and the unnecessary cruelly in this room, but the very thought of her dying on that floor surrounded by the very monsters that have done this to her disgust me. I walk up among the beings surrounding her and pull her from the stage, daring, or should I say hoping they try to do something about it. The moment I put her in my arms, everything changes. The attachments I have avoided my whole life become unavoidable. Will this damaged slave be able to replace the shadows in my life? One thing for sure is that I will destroy the entire universe to keep her safe. No one touches what’s MINE!

Draekon Warrior

Lee Savino - 2019
    Imprisoned. Sold to the highest bidder. But my biggest problem is this bossy, aggravating, impossible, alien who’s supposed to rescue me. The bossy alien I kissed. That might have been a mistake.Kadir is dangerous. I’ve seen him fight, and his body is littered with scars. He’s a soldier. A warrior. And when he loses control, he turns into a big scary dragon and breathes fire.Everyone’s terrified of him. I’m not. No, call me the biggest fool in the galaxy, because I’m attracted to the big jerk.***Kadir:When I first met the small human I was sent to rescue, she punched me in the jaw. And broke her wrist in the process. Irrational woman.Then she insists that the two of us set out immediately to find her missing friend. No, what I have to do is get Alice Hernandez to safety. She’s soft, yet she’s strong. Fragile, yet so brave. She’s everything I’ve never known I wanted. Everything I can’t let myself have. When the scientists tortured me, they broke me. And when Alice finds out the truth about the fearsome, raging dragon inside me, I will lose her.


Amanda Milo - 2018
    I was your average citizen, innocent of any crime worth going to prison for, and yet here I am. But this isn’t a regular prison ship. *Torture.* Experiments. They alter me. And when the ship crashes on an alien planet, some of my new abilities come in quite handy—it’s the side effects that aren’t entirely welcome. Not by me, anyway. The tribe of aliens that have taken me captive? They don’t seem to mind. ~The Valos of Sonhadra series is the shared vision of nine scifi and fantasy romance authors. Each book is a standalone with a guaranteed Happy Ever After and can be read in any order.~**Note: Explicit content, sexual situations, and language warning.

Owned by the Alien

Tammy Walsh - 2020
    Callous. Cruel.That’s how the crew describe their captain.After their attempted mutiny, he comes to me for aid.Help him recover from their poison and he’ll return me to Earth.There’s just one catch.Healing requires the use of my body for one whole night.If I give him what he needs, will he keep his word?And will sleeping with him make me his fated mate for all time?

Entered in the Alien Bride Lottery

Margo Bond Collins - 2020
    But it takes only one.Every unmarried female human over the age of 21 gets entered once a year. You can also accept extra entries for legal infractions—instead of paying a parking fine, for example, you can request an extra entry. Lots of women do that. I mean, why not? The chances are astronomical that your name will get chosen to be one of the hundred or so women who get shipped off to space every year.And even if your name is drawn, the odds are slim that you’ll match up with an alien who’s looking for a mate.Most of the lottery-drawn women come back to Earth every year and resume their lives as if nothing changed.But some don’t.And no matter what, getting drawn in the Lottery means you have to compete in the Bride Games.Guess that's where I'm heading now.I only hope I can avoid catching the eye of one of the giant, rainbow-hued brutes whose mission is to protect Earth—and who can claim me as a mate.All because I was Entered in the Alien Bride Lottery…Fans of Grace Goodwin, Laurann Dohner, and Ruby Dixon will love this steamy new series featuring gorgeous, bright alien heroes and the sassy human women they choose as mates!Every book in the Khanavai Warrior Bride Games series is a standalone romance. Join these brides as they find a whole new world of happily ever afters.

Alien Instinct

Tracy Lauren - 2018
    When he and his crew stumble onto a trafficking ring his immediate instinct is to rescue the females. He finds himself drawn to one of them, setting in motion a dangerous course of events propelling him towards his destiny. Can Rennek be the leader his people need him to be as the secrets of the past are uncovered? Kate has spent years muddling through life, never quite finding a place for herself. When she wakes in an alien cargo hold, life surprisingly becomes a lot easier. Well, except for the bounty hunters and dirty space cops pursuing her of course. Kate’s new found happiness has a lot to do with her sexy new alien boyfriend, but she doesn’t know how to react when he suddenly starts calling her his mate. Will Kate be able to move beyond the hangups of her past and give herself completely to Rennek?

Ha'ven's Song

S.E. Smith - 2013
    They may not have the power to shift like the Valdier or the Sarafin but they have hidden powers of their own that they guard. Not even his best friends, Creon Reykill of the Valdier or Vox d’Rojah of the Sarafin, are aware of the powers he holds within his deadly frame.Ha’ven is happy to help out his Valdier friend when he calls. There are only two things that satisfy the restlessness inside him – a good fight and an even better evening with a hot, willing female. He has no desire to settle down like his two friends have. He enjoys having his freedom and the wide sample of females at his disposal. All of that changes when he catches a glimpse of the delicate beauty who looks through him as if he doesn’t even exist. His blood calls to her, his magic aches to meld with hers, but she blocks his every advance.Emma Watson’s life was perfect. Her love for music and dance let her escape the overwhelming shyness that she suffered from all her life. When she is invited to travel with a group to promote music and dance for children in South America, she believes it is the perfect chance to discover who she can really be. Everything changes when she is kidnapped by a powerful drug lord. Beaten and forced to watch the torture of other women, she withdrawals into the world she feels safest – the one inside herself.When she is rescued by creatures not of this world, they heal her physical wounds but cannot touch the ones deep inside her. She has given up on ever returning to her world and has little hope for the future. That is why she does not understand why one aggravating male suddenly won’t leave her alone. She wants nothing to do with men! They cause nothing but heartache and pain. She had been on the receiving end of their fists to know that! Why would she want one that could crush her with one hand?No woman has ever turned Ha’ven Ha’darra down and he isn’t about to accept his mate doing it. He will show her that not all men are the same, even if he has to kidnap her and take her to his world to do it. He plans to show her the power she has hidden deep inside her and open her heart to the love he has in his.Now, he just has a few extra problems to overcome. Her Valdier protectors have given him six months to change her mind about wanting to return to them, a traitor is trying to kill them both, and they have crashed on a remote moon. Can he unlock her magic in time to save their love or will the traitor, determined to kill them, destroy her before he can?

Craving the Cyborg

Jude Gray - 2020
    And I met him, the cyborg, because he pulled me out of that cage and killed the man who held me. Who tortured me. Of course I would love him. I just never realized how much. Everything happens for a reason. It wasn't a coincidence that he saw me, that he saved me. He was always meant to save me. Raiden Human women are forbidden to the Stryaxi. They are not permitted in Graeca. I freed her for Earth. But I kept her for me. The emperor may kill me, but I do not care. I am no longer the emperor's fighter. I am the human's cyborg.

Torkel's Chosen

Michelle Howard - 2015
    Placing all her hope in a new government program, she seizes the opportunity that offers a chance for the women of Earth to find love among the stars, on a world beyond the one they know.How many times can one man risk rejection?Would you give up on your dreams?Torkel Alonson has had enough of being ignored and looked over by females on his adopted home world of Enotia. His pride has suffered and he must accept the painful truth. Females will never choose a male with his evil lineage despite his honorable service to his government’s military.Can two people looking for the same thing find not just what they want but what they need in one another?

Sarazen's Claim

Isabel Wroth - 2016
    This book is PART OF A SERIES. Not a HEA and not a Cliffhanger...somewhere in between. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One hundred and fifty years ago the most powerful countries of Earth built and launched five ships. Ships meant to carry what remained of humanity out into the space beyond their known galaxy to find a new home. As a third generation botanist, it never occurred to Clary Starborn that she might some day be in charge of anything other than her little lab. That changed the day their ship was attacked by an alien species straight out of myth. ----------As commander of the Sarazen armada, Tarek had seen some poor excuses for spacefaring vessels. The one currently being attacked by the Na'ah was to date, the worst. So primitive in its design, Commander Tarek was fascinated it had even survived the harsh vacuum of space. Or the time it had taken to launch it. The species was unfamiliar to him, but initial scans suggested the beings within here somewhat intelligent. Though the ship was outside Sarazen territory, it was his duty to eradicate the Na'ah wherever he encountered them. He had not anticipated that by his actions, the course of his life would be forever changed. By a soft, delicate being who studied flowers and trees. One scent, one touch, was all it took to be Claimed.


Erin Tate - 2015
    But that was then. This is now. As a marine biologist, Maris Xayer is used to observing all types of marine life, but she never imagined she’d come face to tail with an Ujal. In the middle of a hurricane, Maris and Vados came together—ahem—and then he disappeared. She figured it was a one-storm stand with an Ujal and moved on. Except Vados hadn’t really gone anywhere and now the sexy as sin, red-skinned Ujal is back. For her. **This is a stand alone 37 page SHORT STORY.**

Saving Askara

J.M. Link - 2018
    Such is the life of an emergency medicine specialist in the age of "post-discovery". Sure, she had always dreamed of interacting with intelligent extraterrestrial life- the real thing, not those microbes on distant moons. Who wouldn't? She was still happy with her career, however mundane and demanding it might be. That's what it took to run a ship the size of a small city smoothly. Monotony. But all that changes one morning, and suddenly she's not so sure she didn't stick her foot in it... Be careful what you wish for. *** Escape had been their only drive, and even death was preferable to the alternative. But they never thought their flight for freedom would put them in an uncharted system. Forced to interact with an isolated world and its inferior, albeit curious people. When it affords them an unforseen and unprecedented opportunity to take back their world from those who seek to destroy them, however, Aderus begins to wonder if it wasn't fate. Earth's proposal is shocking and uncomfortable for a fierce, independent race that relishes in their solitude. But the more he learns of humans, the more he comes to admire and respect them. One, in particular. *Saving Askara is a Part I of II* Book II coming Summer 2018 WARNING: Not intended for readers under 18. Contains explicit sexual content.

Saving His Mate

Ivy Knox - 2020
    But she found love instead.Dumped by her longtime boyfriend, Chloe decides to embrace spinsterhood by adopting one (or five) dogs. Those plans are squashed when she's kidnapped from Earth and shoved into a glass cage with two other terrified human women on an alien planet. How could it possibly get any worse?The three women are sold at auction to the highest bidder, who happens to be a seven-foot-tall alien named Varrek, with shimmering gold skin and muscles for days. He recognizes Chloe as his fated mate, but he knows he can never have her because of a tragic past he continues to run from.Varrek takes her back to his home planet of Oluura and vows to help get her settled in the enchanting village of treehouses he shares with his clan. He'll keep her safe, and ensure she’s sheltered and fed. That's it.But the closer they get, the stronger their bond becomes. And the harder it is for Chloe to imagine ever going back to Earth.Chloe has found the kind of love she’s always wanted, but will Varrek’s dark past tear them apart?Saving His Mate is a full-length standalone sci-fi romance featuring a gold-skinned alien with breathtaking eyes and a secret past that threatens to destroy his future, a curvy 35-year-old heroine who is sick of feeling broken and is determined to reclaim her independence, and an attraction that neither of them can deny.