Destiny: Union Station

E.M. Foner - 2021
    Joe McAllister is a reluctant mercenary who's looking for a way out and family-friendly place to start a business and raise an orphaned boy. Will the choices they make in the next few months shape the rest of their lives, or is free will just an illusion in a galaxy managed by ancient artificial intelligence? Destiny: Union Station takes place two years before the start of the nineteen book EarthCent Ambassador series.

Children of Earthrise: The Complete Series

Daniel Arenson - 2019
     "We hide in shadows. Our planet is lost. We are the last humans, and we must go home." Children of Earthrise is a story of exodus. Of humanity lost among the stars. Of one man rising to lead our people home. In 2016, the Earthrise series became a surprise bestseller, captivating hundreds of thousands of readers around the world. Set two thousand years later, Children of Earthrise begins a new story, one for both new readers and old fans.

The Last Gunfighter Of Space

Ty Patterson - 2017
    IT FINDS A THIEF 5050 AD. Earth as we know it has been decimated. It is a radioactive wasteland. The few millions who survived, fled to Calara, a planet in the Icarus Galaxy, where they have established civilization. But, life on Calara hasn't turned out the way they wanted it. AI rule over them. Which wasn't the way humans saw how their lives turning out when they arrived on the new planet. They brought their ways and technology. They tried to colonize the other planets and stars in the galaxy. As humans have tended to do. Then, AI took over. But now, the humans are rebelling. Remember history? They need someone to rally around. To lead them. To show them the way. Enter Cade Stryker. Let's not glorify him. He is a thief. He sails Andy, short for Andromeda, his ship, in the farthest reaches of space. Trading with anyone, anywhere. Well, he calls it trade. Everyone else calls it smuggling. He thinks he is like Wyatt Earp. Because where he flies, is indeed like the Wild West. No rules. No borders. There's the small matter that Earp was a lawman. And Cade is a... let's not harp on that. So, Cade. He isn't in the hero business. No, sir. Cade is too smart for that. Because heroes have a short shelf life. And need to have noble intentions. Cade and noble don't go together. Nope. The fate of humans definitely Does Not lie in the hands of Cade Stryker. No way. Check out Ty Patterson's USA Today Bestselling Warriors Series The Warrior The Reluctant Warrior The Warrior Code The Warrior's Debt Boxset 1, Books 1-4 Flay Behind You Hunting You Zero Boxset 2, Books 5-8 Death Club Trigger Break Scorched Earth RUN!

Mars, The 51st State (The Artifact Series Book 4)

D.R. Swan - 2020

Suddenly Astronaut

Andrew J. Morgan - 2017
    Beyond it was the instrument panel, and beyond that, thick windows that looked out into the blackness of space." Benjamin Forrest is about to celebrate his 13th birthday 365 million miles from Earth. He lives on board the Jove orbital research platform circling Jupiter with his parents and forty-nine other families. He's lived there his entire life. But this birthday will be no ordinary birthday, because Ben will finally get to fulfil his dream of flying free of the station, on an external tour in a service tug with best friend and station computer, Tom. What Ben doesn't know is that his dream of flying free is about to become a lot more real than he ever expected. An incredible journey is about to begin! Suddenly Astronaut was written by the author of the hit novel New York Deep. Also available from the author: New York Deep Vessel New Dawn Noah's Ark

Nelf Rings

Mervin Miller - 2017
    In the not-too-distant future, humanity has developed a faster-than-light engine, and has begun to explore the first 200 hundred light years in every direction from Sol. Planets discovered and cataloged in the previous century are investigated using the new engine. Additional worlds in radical locations are discovered as the first and second waves of explorations are sent out from Earth. Some of the worlds are habitable by humans, and some of the worlds bear evidence of visitation in the distant past by a species the explorers call Nelf. Nelf objects that remain on these worlds are impossible to understand and may or may not be functional. No signs exist to indicate the fate of the Nelf in the time between their last activity on these worlds and the arrival of humans.

Galactic Empire Wars: The Beginning Books 1-3

Raymond L. Weil - 2016
    Weil comes a chilling story of the future.To the Kleese, the Earth is nothing more than a planet full of conscripts to be used to fight in their numerous wars of aggression against other planets. The Kleese are one of several large Galactic Empires that control the majority of the galaxy. To them, Earth is a dangerous planet due to the aggressiveness of the humanoid species that inhabits it. This is a species that cannot be allowed to spread out into the galaxy. Once they have taken their handful of conscripts, the planet will be destroyed.Unknown to the Kleese, their attack against the human homeworld will ignite a war that will spread across the known galaxy. Billions will die in their quest to free themselves from the heartless alien race. Can the human race rise up and lead the few worlds willing to fight against the Kleese? Find out in the Galactic Empire Wars.

Star Brigade: Quartet (Star Brigade Books 1-4)

C.C. Ekeke - 2018
    Ekeke's bestselling Star Brigade Series At the dawn of the 25th century, Star Brigade was an elite military unit in the Galactic Union, and Habraum Nwosu one of its best soldiers. Until a deadly ambush massacred his team and Star Brigade’s reputation. BUT THE UNION STILL NEEDS HEROES Extremist threats and old enemies return from the fringes of space to threaten the Galactic Union’s inhabitants. FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION Now Habraum must rebuild the Brigade from scratch with a dwindling roster of untested recruits, all while fighting to protect the Union he serves with his own shoot-first, punch-next brand of justice. The Star Brigade Quartet contains the FIRST FOUR books in the series, a prequel novella and several exclusive short stories for a discounted price. 300+ five-star reviews, 1500+ pages of space battles, supersoldier combat, and heart-pounding intergalactic intrigue. Find out why readers are so enthralled by this riveting science fiction saga.

The Cyclops Effect

CJ Williams - 2020
    But that’s what happens when medical technology goes awry. Doctors said they could train her brain to interpret digital signals from the camera in her artificial eye. The module even has wi-fi so they can monitor signal traffic across her optic nerve. What they didn’t anticipate was that her brain would figure out how to use the wi-fi connection both ways. Asha can now see the Internet. ASHA'S INTELLIGENCE IS NOT ARTIFICIAL As her digital brain develops, she creates an online AI by copying part of her mind to the cloud. The AI she calls Abbot becomes her right hand as she goes to work for the FBI tracking down international terrorists. Unfortunately, she is so effective, the government believes she may be a co-conspirator. When they refuse to pay her, she walks out. IT'S NOT JUST THE FBI WHO SUSPECT HER When Asha crosses paths with Chinese military hackers, she stops them by taking out Shanghai’s electrical grid. Now the communist government wants to know who did it and how. Things go downhill after Asha gives a copy of Abbot to her husband’s company. When the Chinese military steals a copy of it, they immediately recognize its military significance. Their top priority, however, is to take out the woman who came up with it in the first place. CHINA FLEXES ITS NEW CYBER WARFARE TOOL Using her own technology against her, the Chinese suddenly become a serious threat to the US. The FBI calls Asha back and ask one last favor: stop the Chinese attack. She agrees, but this time there are conditions. Either they pay upfront, or she will take care of the Asian threat in her own way, and knowing Asha, that could mean World War Three.

Dark Star

Vaughn Heppner - 2016
    Then, the Coalition invaded, smashed the fleet and conquered the homeworld. The battered Dark Star barely escaped to wander the stars, helping its centurion eke out a living as a bounty hunter. Now, bad luck dogs Centurion Tanner. On Calisto Grandee, officials jail his crew and impound his ship, demanding fees he cannot pay. Rich strangers offer to hire him…maybe because he’s the only one desperate enough to accept their deal. They’ll pay to fix his ship and promise him a weapon to help him free his world. First, he must race to the galactic rim while there’s time and sneak into the most heavily fortified star system in the galaxy. There, they must destroy an extinction level threat before it can spread like a cancer against humanity. Tanner agrees. Now, the fate of the galaxy rests on one man and one ship to do the impossible before the clock strikes zero.

The Forbidden Tower / Two to Conquer / Hawkmistress! / Darkover Landfall

Marion Zimmer Bradley


James L. Erwin - 2013
    She’d loved the thrill of staring off the ship’s stern, watching the Sun slowly shrink, peering as closely at the white-hot thrusters as she could before Virgil shut off her visor. She’d loved looking forward at Acadia’s magnetic scoop, trying to catch some glimpse of the invisible cone that was funneling the vacuum’s stray atoms into its antimatter furnace. In those days, she’d even grinned at the dizzying challenge of spacewalking on a rotating cylinder. But that was five years ago . . .Acadia — the latest work of fiction from critically acclaimed author, James Erwin (Rome, Sweet Rome) takes to the far reaches of space to weave a tale of intrigue and suspense among the stars.

Echo of Tomorrow: Book One

Rob Buckman - 2014
    They say that vengeance is a dish best served cold, but to the men and woman who went with him over the border to deliver that vengeance, it was dish served hot, and out of the barrel of a gun and cannon, and from the air. Yet in victory came defeat as he found three hundred years later in the world he woke up in. One far different from the one he'd left behind when he went into cold sleep. Now he had to find a place in this strange new world, one without the means to wage war against an alien race raping the planet of its young people. First, he had to build an army, navy and air force from scratch while fending off attacks from the aliens and the secret government that wanted to put him and his men back into cold sleep or the grave.

Splashdown: First Contact?

Dave Cole - 2013
    "This is not possible, this isn't supposed to happen," he spoke out loud, well aware that the others couldn't hear him. He and his six passengers were going to die and there was no one in the universe that could save them.Splashdown tells a different story of first contact with extraterrestrials. L'atel is the pilot of an alien cargo ship who is illegally hauling passengers through our solar system when an accident forces them to crash-land on Earth.As L'atel and his passengers know, Earth is a primitive planet that has been placed off limits by the Ebens, the self appointed guardians of the galaxy. No outsider is allowed to land or even approach within one light year of Earth to protect its fragile culture. Or at least that is what the Ebens want the rest of the galaxy to believe.Soon L'atel and his passengers discover that all is not as it appears. The Ebens have secrets, and will go to any length to protect them, even if it means war, with the Earth as the battleground.Splashdown weaves a story to include many of the better known UFO and alien myths, as well as other conspiracy theories that are so popular in today's media. For example, Splashdown includes references to the 1947 Roswell New Mexico crash, the rumored 1954 meeting between aliens and President Eisenhower at Holloman Air Force Base, Project Serpo, the MJ12 documents as well as other lesser known events, such as, the Nuremberg Germany event of 1561. The novel also incorporates several historical events such as, the Kennedy assassination, the Cuban missile crisis, and the Watergate scandal resulting in a new and unique twist on the old aliens on Earth story.

Allies of Convenience: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 1

Sean Benjamin - 2014
    Local solar system governments, planetary authorities, and large corporations want to increase their size, power, wealth, and authority. They are not shy about the methods they use to achieve these goals. Killing, robbing, and intimidation are accepted methods of persuasion and governance. Slavery is viewed as a money maker with low overhead. The Goldenes Tor Imperial Empire borders a large portion of the Badlands and has long coveted the raw materials and trade possibilities here; they claim the area as their own and continually use their military and commercial might to gradually bring this wild region under their control. The Aurora Empire opposes the Goldenes Tor and maintains a small squadron of Royal Navy ships under Captain Skyler Mallory in the Badlands to dispute their declaration. Raferty Hawkins, captain of the pirate vessel Predator, also has an agenda. He wants to drive out the hated Goths of the Goldenes Tor, rein in the local governments and corporations, and give the natives a chance to live in freedom and control their own destiny. He is quite willing to kill people to achieve these ends. With the dedication of key crewmembers such as Tactical and Baby Doll, the support of Captain Shane Delacruz of the Vindictive, and the crazy Captain Killian O’Hare of the Nemesis, Hawkins has been fighting the oppressive forces in the Badlands for years. But now the ever changing status quo is about to be turned upside down. The Orion Confederation is far away with no interest in the Badlands; however, an Orion squadron crossed Goldenes Tor space and entered the Badlands intent on destroying Mallory’s command as part of a series of broad, sweeping attacks on the Aurora Empire. The Orion squadron and their Goth escort ships make one fatal mistake. They destroy a pirate settlement composed of women and children. Now Raferty Hawkins and the ships of Pirate Flotilla One ally themselves with Captain Mallory in a series of battles with the intruders and their Goth supporters. Two forces of unlikely allies maneuver for advantage across a dark, cold battlefield. The outcome of this campaign will shape the Badlands for decades to come.