The Whore The Wind Blew My Way

T. Styles - 2017
    However, the universe has other plans, which include a tough lesson that will rock the unsuspecting new mother's world. Protect your children or lose them to the streets. Far removed from her care, and now being raised by two gay men, Shayla, Louise's daughter, spends her time daydreaming about living the lifestyle of her favorite movie actresses. But her daydreaming stops short after she's shoved into the world of prostitution, physical abuse and crime, well before she becomes a woman. By the time Shayla is 18, she's mastered the art of seduction and completely changes the lives of the men she entertains. Some for the better and some for the worst. Until one particular customer sells her a new brand of aspiration. A love, life and happiness outside the Ho House. But with Ajax, her dangerous Pimp, also the man who raised her, lurking in the background is it too late? For them both?

The Birthday Party

Elvi Rhodes - 2000
    As she prepares to welcome them, she thinks of her life - to her tough childhood in Yorkshire, to her mother, to her three husbands and to Alun, the great love of her life. Yet her family don't realize the life she's led.

Paragon Place

Harry Bowling - 1990
    But it's taken its toll on a hard-working and tight-knit community. Despite going through the very worst of times - the never-ending fight against poverty, rationing and bombs - the residents of Paragon Place have been brought closer together by laughter and tears in the face of despair. There is Sally Brady, who is torn between two men, local drunk Alf Porter, the prim Carey sisters, the gossips and the villains. After surviving the horror of the war, they face new dramas as they rebuild their lives together...

The Now Prophecies

Bill Salus - 2016
    God’s word to Joseph was to prepare Pharaoh and Egypt NOW for seven years of famine. God’s word to Jeremiah was to prepare the Jews NOW for seventy years of exile into Babylon. The key word in these historical examples was NOW! What does God’s Word say for us to prepare for NOW? What are the tough decisions we need to make? The NOW Prophecies book identifies the biblical prophecies that were written centuries ago for THIS GENERATION! These ancient inscriptions predict powerful events that will profoundly affect everyone. This book makes it easy to understand how to get ready NOW for what to expect in the near future! Bill Salus is a media personality that has appeared on major Christian TV networks like, TBN, CBN, Daystar and more. Additionally, he is a conference speaker and the bestselling author of Psalm 83, The Missing Prophecy Revealed, How Israel Becomes the Next Mideast Superpower. Visit Bill’s website at

Godzilla: Gangsters & Goliaths

John Layman - 2011
    Sato''s efforts earn him a one-way trip to a tropical getaway, courtesy of the Tokyo criminal underworld. The exotic locale? MONSTER ISLAND! Alone and facing death at the hands of both gangsters and goliaths, Sato must use his wits to survive -- and enlist the aid of some most unusual friends. Join superstar creators John Layman (Chew) and Alberto Ponticelli (Unknown Soldier) for this unusual and exciting mini-series of monster mayhem!

More Notes From the Universe: Life, Dreams and Happiness

Mike Dooley - 2008
    Days, weeks, even years just repeat themselves... until you turn the page. The Universe returns in this second volume of Notes from the Universe, overflowing with even more valuable reminders of the absolute power you have over your life. Whether opened at random or read from front to back, the powerful affirmations penned by author Mike Dooley will have you once again thinking positively, feeling confident, and walking the path to personal fulfillment. It's never been easier, with the inspiration and empowerment of the Universe's eternal love open-ing all the doors. The secret to manifesting change was unlocked in the first book of the Notes from the Universe trilogy, and the lessons continue here, drawing you ever closer to the life you always dreamed you would live.

Readings about the Social Animal

Elliot Aronson - 1973
    Organized to illustrate the major themes of Elliot Aronson's The Social Animal, this collection of classic and contemporary readings explores the most important ideas, issues, and debates in social psychology today.

The Little Book of Stress

Rohan Candappa - 1998
    Because without stress, life is boring. Increase your own stress levels and create stress in others with simple measures such as:* If you are stressed, make sure you communicate this to those around you. Soon they'll be stressed too.* Switch the decaffeinated and caffeinated coffees around whenever you can.* Always join in other people's arguments. Try to get others to join in too.* When you're the first car in line at a traffic light, get out and read a map. Try to miss the green light at least twice.* A double espresso just before bed is always a winner.* Replace your bulbs with overhead, neon-strip lights. If you can get ones that flicker, all the better.* If someone is telling you a joke and you know the punch line, wait until they've nearly finished, then tell them you've heard it before.* Ask single women if they've got a boyfriend yet. Repeat on Valentine's Day.

10 Things Your Minister Wants to Tell You: But Can't, Because He Needs the Job

Oliver Thomas - 2007
    Thomas has written a book that may become the liberal Christian answer to The Purpose Driven Life. He weaves a Christian theology for today that people can embrace as a guide to sensible, modern living.

The Unitarian Universalist Pocket Guide

Peter Morales - 2012
    The 2012 edition is the most complete revision in over a decade. Contributors include Kay Montgomery, John Crestwell, Gail Geisenhainer, Rosemary Bray McNatt, Jane Ranney Rzepka, Mark Belletini, Judith Frediani, Rebecca Parker, and Dan McKanan.

The Greatest Game

Greg Rajaram
    The price we paid for becoming intelligent was to become painfully ignorant of the difference between good and evil.Adi, a 10-year-old boy, works together with two old philosophers as they try to unravel the prophecy of a promised King. With insatiable curiosity, Adi must work with the wise men as they rationalize with each other on why and how humans became intelligent. Together they attempt to answer some of the most profound questions related to existence. Does evolution end with human beings or is there an ‘Overman’ who can reach evolution’s pinnacle? Will this Overman be able to define values for humankind?Centuries later a young boy promises his mother that he will always uphold the love that she has taught him. It is a promise that drowns him in the nectar of the gods. Krish grows up to be an engineer and joins a team of scientists as they try to create artificial consciousness in a machine.Krish soon realizes that he has a bigger fight on his hands. A fight to preserve love in a desolate world. His quest for true love ultimately leads him down a path where he comes face to face with a fearsome snake delivering a kiss of death.Humans have come a long way by questioning the nature of objects around us and pushing the limits of our intelligence, but it’s now time that we ask the greatest question yet: when does intelligence transcend to become consciousness?

Winging It!: Parenting in the Middle of Life!

Alex Jones - 2018
    Most of us co-parent or fly solo in the true sense of the word, relying solely on our partners and/or friends when more often than not, extended family are too far away to help on a regular basis. Our parents could look to their parents for the usual guidance and extra support, but our situation is new, modern and unique. We are winging it!This book isn't a guide or a parenting manual - it's more of a support group for parents who are having their children in their thirties and forties to get together, to celebrate, share experiences, laugh and find joy in what is still the biggest life changing experience any of us will ever go through. It's the book I looked for when I was pregnant, that spoke to me as a working parent and that I couldn't find so I've had a go at writing one myself.Featuring:- Expert advice from Zita West, Clemmie Hooper, Dr Sarah Jarvis, Mother Pukka, Zoe Williams, Selfish Mother and more. - Hilarious and heart-warming anecdotes plus tips and tricks from parents winging it too.We're re-writing the rule book and winging it, but we are winging it together!Love,Alex

3666 Interesting, Fun And Crazy Facts You Won't Believe Are True - The Knowledge Encyclopedia To Win Trivia (Amazing World Facts Book Book 4)

Scott Matthews - 2019
    Did you know Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. Did you know that if you're looking for a job, the application and resume are not nearly as important as a reference. In fact ...... knowing someone who works at the company increases your chances of getting an interview and makes you 40% more likely to get the job over someone with a fancier resume. If you learnt anything in the last few lines you're going to learn a bunch more in the next 3666 facts. This book is a 3 in 1 compilation of our previous best selling fact series. It's full of interesting information that you can whip out in any conversation. You'll never be lost for words and always have the perfect ice breaker. ★You're going to learn more about the world you live in & some of the topics include:★ -Science -Economics -Human Anatomy -Animal Species -Space And many, many More! What’re you waiting for? Knowledge is power! Come on in and we’ll delve into the interesting and fascinating facts about the world around us. Scroll up and click the ‘add to cart’ button now! Get the e-book absolutely FREE when you get the paperback!

Water Under The Bridge

Susan Sallis - 1995
    He was the Canon's son, younger than she was, and a gentleman - even though a rather dilettante drifter who had really done very little with his life. But Walter had a secret in his past that he asked Emmie to share with him - and she, in turn, told him of her harsh and cruel background that made her feel unworthy to be anyone's wife. In spite of everything the marriage worked. Walter became Station Master at the lazy, sundrenched little country station of Dymock. Emmie set about rearing her three children, all so different. As Walter and Emmie watched their children grow, marry, have children of their own, so three women began to dominate the family - Dorothy, who was proud, loyal, strong, and frequently extremely angry with the James family into which she had married, Kildie, illegitimate, manipulative, and causing constant strife and drama, and Holly, the third generation, whose loving spirit often held them all together. It was more than fifty years before Walter James's secret was revealed - a secret that nearly broke the family apart.

The Stolen Child

Jennie Felton - 2019