Developing Your Intuition: 5 Simple Steps To Help You Live a More Intuitive Life

Michael Hetherington - 2013
    We all have the capacity for intuitive insight; in fact, intuition is already within us - whether we are aware of it or not. Having intuition doesn’t involve having psychic powers or having to visualize white lights coming out of our heads. These common “new age” style techniques are not at all necessary to develop our intuition. In some cases, these techniques further impair our capacity to be intuitive simply because it can add more clutter into our minds. Developing your intuition is not about adding more or wanting more, it’s about throwing things out and wanting less – when we have cultivated a healthy space within, we can hear, see and feel our intuition more clearly. This book will help you to understand what intuition is and why it is an important part of our lives. It will outline some very simple and progressive steps to take in order to de-clutter the mind so that you can become more aware and sensitive to your intuitive abilities.

The Book of Destiny: Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012

Carlos Barrios - 2009
    A contemporary Mayan Priest and Shaman reveals the genius of the ancient Mayan calendar and its accompanying horoscope, and examines in depth the ancient 2012 prophecy that many believe will forever change the world as we know it. The Book of Destiny is the most complete and authentic book on the secrets of the ancient Mayan culture and what it means for readers today.

How to Master Lucid Dreaming: Your Practical Guide to Unleashing the Power of Lucid Dreaming

Sean Kelly - 2014
    Grab it while it's practically FREE.Thanks to your support, "How to Master Lucid Dreaming" became a #1 Bestseller in 6 different categories including: Spirituality, Personal Growth, Self-Help. You're missing out on an ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE part of your life. It's time to change that. There are a ridiculous amount of techniques online for lucid dreaming. Too many. Enough to overwhelm any beginner and annoy any expert. This book is a journey into mastery of lucid dreaming. No more trying random techniques from forums. It's time to build a sustainable practice and delve into the depths of your consciousness.I've helped thousands of people with lucid dreaming over the past 9 years. It's your turn. What's Included in the Book - The Biggest Obstacle to Lucid Dreaming and How to Overcome It- How to Achieve Anything You Set Your Mind To- How to Use Your Mind as a Rocket Booster Instead of Dead Weight- How to Remember More of Your Life With a Stupidly Simple Practice- The Forgotten Jewel of a Hidden Type of Memory- Why You've Been Doing Reality Checks Completely Wrong (and totally wasting your time)- How to Completely Let Go of Your Stressful Day- How Not To Waste Time With Lucid Dreaming Techniques- The 5 Things Every Good Lucid Dreaming Technique Has in Common- 5 Steps to Mastering Your TechniqueIf you just want to experience lucid dreaming once, then move on, this book isn't for you. But if you want to master lucid dreaming and be able to experience it any time you want, get this book. What are the Benefits of Lucid Dreaming? - Deep personal and spiritual exploration into the nature of consciousness and who you really are- Receive life-changing information from your subconscious- Artistic and creative Inspiration (imagine composing music while flying in the sky with rainbow colored sound streaming all around you...)- Wipe away years of minor depression- FUN! Fun! FUN! Tons of fun- Overcome fears that are holding you back in life- Explore different realms that you'll suddenly have access to- Heal emotional traumas through interacting directly with your subconscious mind- Overcome nasty nightmares that leave you feeling crappy in the morning- Add more hours of actually being ALIVE every day- Shift your entire perspective on life, reality, consciousness and what it's all about- Soar like a bird in the sky, feeling the wind against your skin (one of the most amazing experiences ever) What people are saying about the book "I'm on day 3 of the program today and had my first lucid dream last night! Thank you sooooo much for this book, I am loooving it and soo excited about my own lucid journey!"- Jess Webb"I’ve got LaBerge’s course, Lucid Dreaming Secrets Unveiled by Darius Thomas, Robert Waggoner’s Lucid Dream Workshop, etc. etc...

Flipside : A Tourist's Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife

Gary E. Schwartz - 2013
    Based on the evidence of thousands of people who claim that under deep hypnosis, they saw and experienced the same basic things about the Afterlife, the book interviews hypnotherapists around the world trained in the method pioneered by Dr. Michael Newton, as well as examining actual between life sessions. The author agrees to go on the same journey himself, with startling and candid results, learning we are fully conscious between our various incarnations, and return to connect with loved ones and spiritual soul mates, and together choose how and when and with whom we'll reincarnate. The author examines how "Karmic law" is trumped by "Free will," with souls choosing difficult lives in order to learn from their spiritually; no matter how difficult, strange or complex a life choice appears to be, it was made in advance, consciously, with the help of loved ones, soul mates and wise elders. Extensively researched, breathtaking in scope, "Flipside" takes the reader into new territory, boldly going where no author has gone before to tie up the various disciplines of past life regression. near death experiences, and between life exploration. In the words of author Gary Schwartz, Phd, once you've read "Flipside" "you'll never see the world in the same way again." Praise for “FlipSide” "Richard has written a terrific book. Insightful, funny, provocative and deep; I highly recommend it!" Robert Thurman ("Why the Dalai Lama Matters") “Inspiring, well written and entertaining. The kind of book where once you have read it, you will no longer be able to see the world in the same way again.” Gary E. Schwartz (“The Sacred Promise”) "Everyone should have a Richard Martini in their life." Charles Grodin ("If I Only Knew Then... What I Learned From Mistakes")

Prayers for Finances: and 3 Ways to Receive Answers Quickly

Francis Jonah - 2016
    This book is to help anyone in search of such provision for themselves or a loved one. This book will teach you how to pray for finances. You will also see three ways to receive answers to financial prayers.

The Law of Attraction: The Secret Power of The Universe (How to Use Your Subconscious Mind for Manifestation) Attract & Manifest Money, Love & Success (Book on Positive Thinking & Manifesting Wishes)

Jenny Loveless - 2014
    It is true, asking and believing is a necessary part of the equation to attain the success you desire. However, there are many other major rules and regulations to this universal law that we must be aware of in order for The Law of Attraction to work efficiently. In The Secret Power of the Universe, Author Jenny Loveless shares these secrets with you in an easy to understand manner. Asking is one thing, but we must also take action in order to receive what we want. If you have read books on this subject before then you know that The Universe is always answering us. But how do we know what it is The Universe is trying to tell us? Loveless has gone above and beyond giving you many examples in order to show an in depth and personal way for you to grasp and fully understanding what it is the Universe is trying to tell you. Did you know that there is a certain way to visualize correctly? Did you know there are other hidden key factors that will either make or break your success using the LOA? In this book you will learn exactly how the Law of Attraction works. You will learn how to use it correctly and efficiently in order to bring yourself more love, money, health, power and success. In this book you will learn how to use, understand and follow the path in which you are being guided in order to live the life of complete and full abundance you were created for - the life that you deserve! This isn't your average Law of Attraction book. The Secret Power of The Universe not only gives an in depth explanation and all the how to's, but it also gives you the inspiration and motivation to create your own destiny exactly as you wish. After reading this book, the words, I can't won't even be a part of your vocabulary. You WILL succeed in all your endeavors, because you will except nothing less! Filled with Inspirational quotes, this book will help you create the life you have always dreamed of! Remember, Kindle Unlimited Subscribers & Prime Members Can Borrow This Book For Free! Scroll back up and grab your life changing read today!

Physicians' Untold Stories: Miraculous experiences doctors are hesitant to share with their patients, or ANYONE!

Scott Kolbaba - 2016
    But what happens when they encounter something even they can’t explain scientifically? Dreams foretelling future events, apparitions, and other miraculous experiences fill this book, as practicing doctors recount the most unusual moments of their careers. Meant to awe, instruct, and inspire, these tales will convince even the harshest skeptic that there are things beyond this physical world and that sometimes, all we need to do is believe. Physicians’ Untold Stories doesn’t stop at chronicling these occurrences. Scott J. Kolbaba, MD, provides a glimpse into the lives of doctors that few get to experience. Learn their agonies and joys. In their own words, doctors reach out to you and show you how faith in the divine has shaped their lives. Even in the darkest of times, as they comfort terminally ill patients and make impossible choices, moments of light shine through. Like the popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Kolbaba has catalogued inspiration moments into small stories perfect for bite-size reading—or maybe for gobbling up all at once!

The Trifecta Secret of Wealth & Abundance: Align Your Higher Self & You Shall Arrive

John Paul Khoury - 2014
    The Trifecta Secret of Wealth & Abundance is an easy-to-follow guide that leads you straight to the life you are meant to live. Each of us has a special purpose, and learning our own unique truth opens us up to receiving the three things we most want and need in life: Health, Wealth, and Love. Many self-help books zero in on one area: how to get rich, or how to get fit, find love, or be happy. But they fall short of the mark simply because of their narrow focus. For, as The Trifecta Secret of Wealth & Abundance clearly illustrates, it is in achieving a balance of love, health, and money that true happiness and plenty are found. Avoiding the usual fluff, this book dives right into the heart of its message. It's straight to the point and offers up substantial information from the very first page to the very end. The truth is that the power lies within each one of us to create our own abundance. So, before we can achieve success in the outside world, we must begin by bringing balance to our inner world. Start your journey today.

Vistas of Infinity - How to Enjoy Life When You Are Dead

Jurgen Ziewe - 2015
    Jurgen Ziewe has spent over forty years refining his OBE skills via a lifelong practice of deep meditation. The author projects his consciousness into parallel dimensions and non-physical reality systems whilst retaining full waking awareness throughout. He probes into the infinite vistas of human consciousness and brings back detailed accounts of his journeys and observations. The reports gathered followed a strict research protocol, where the author interviewed dead people and visited the higher dimensional realities, from the darkest places to the most illuminated regions of cosmic consciousness and realms which are traditionally referred to as 'Heaven'. These are lively, first-hand accounts providing a narrative which is destined to revolutionize old concepts and perspectives.

Soul Speak ~ The Language of Your Body

Julia Cannon - 2012
    The only problem is, we don't have the translation manual for this language - until now. We are much greater than the sum of our physical parts. We are a spiritual being residing in a physical body. We came into this dimension to have experiences and to grow. We have constant guidance and support from our other parts as we go about having these experiences. It is very easy to forget who and what we really are and why we have placed ourselves here. Our higher selves are constantly communicating with us to help us stay on the path we have chosen for our growth. One of the easiest ways to get our attention is through pain, so that's why we use it. When we learn to communicate directly with these parts, we no longer need the physical messages.In this book you will discover what the messages from the different body systems mean and how you can heal any situation by understanding the message that is being delivered and acting appropriately on that message. This is a secret language that is now being revealed. It is no longer a mystery. Discover for yourself what YOU are trying to say to YOURSELF.What is your body telling you? What is pain telling us?Why do we make ourselves sick?

The Course in Manifesting 3 Book Box Set: (Becoming Magic, Doing Magic & Advanced Magic)

Genevieve Davis - 2015
    In this course, I outline the exact steps that enabled me to move my own life from one of poverty and drudgery, to one of previously unimaginable wealth, purpose, abundance and joy. ‘But Magic? I do hope you are joking!’ That’s what I would have said, five or ten years ago. I once despised all things ‘New-Age’, all these spiritual types and their airy-fairy views, their bad science and their irrational beliefs. I read all the New Thought and Law of Attraction greats, Wallace Wattles, Anthony Robbins, Rhonda Byrne, Napoleon Hill, Esther Hicks and Wayne Dyer. But no matter how many books I read, or how closely I followed their instructions for manifesting money or love, I couldn’t make it work. It was only when I recognized, accepted and finally embraced that what I was doing was actually some kind of Magic that suddenly things began to fall into place. Once I realized that the power came from within me, it was as if the light had suddenly been switched on and my manifestations began to work. I learned how to manifest money and love, but I also learned how to be happy, truly happy. If you’re jaded by New Age spirituality and the whole Law of Attraction idea, or have become bored by its failure to deliver… these books are for you. It is my intention to lead you by the hand through a marvellous journey of wonder and adventure. BECOMING MAGIC (Book 1) Part one of this course, Becoming Magic, lays the groundwork for becoming a magical person, reawakening the power that lies within you. From here, the plan is to build your knowledge slowly, gradually, building on what has gone before, moving on to more complex techniques only once the basics are mastered. DOING MAGIC (Book 2) Book two, Doing Magic, offers concrete techniques and instructions for bringing wonderful things into your life. So many people fail with Magic and the Law of Attraction because they rush headlong into using techniques, trying to create enormous manifestations, making very simple but crucial mistakes. When they are disappointed, they imagine they have been duped. The sceptics are right. This is all a load of scammy nonsense. And they give up, declaring it just doesn’t work. I am telling you that it does work. And you can make it work. And this book will show you how. ADVANCED MAGIC (Book 3) And finally, we complete the journey with Advanced Magic. It’s time to think a little deeper, feel a little keener, experience a little more intensely, and so consolidate and strengthen your knowledge. This book is designed to increase the fledgling power that you discovered from the first two books of the course. We now need to build on what has gone before, boosting your success, increasing your Magical power and making your manifestations more reliable… and more spectacular. Be warned: if you want a quick fix of positive thinking, to be told that using Magic and the Law of Attraction is fast and simple, and anyone can master it with ease, I suggest you buy a different book.

The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?: Interdimensional Communication and Global Transformation

Wynn Free - 2004
    Compiling some of Wilcock’s most inspirational and life-transforming prophetic guidance from his channeled Source, this book conveys profound insights into topics such as earth changes, secret cabals, soul evolution, death and reincarnation, ascension, crop circles, and the theory of evolution. Explaining how energetic increases occurring in the Sun and planets can have scientifically-measurable, far-reaching effects in a number of realms, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce presents new evidence that this energy can transform DNA, potentially making ESP, telekinesis, levitation, and other paranormal activities as common as breathing and usher in the Golden Age promised by every major spiritual tradition in human history. Readers will come away with a deeper understanding not only of the life and work of both Wilcock and Cayce, but with a broader sense of the many forces—seen and unseen—at work in the universe today.

Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams

Kevin L. Michel - 2013
    This is most blatantly revealed in the mind shattering 'double-slit' experiment and is at the core of what is called 'the measurement problem,' in quantum physics. The results are startling, but this is what the science is clearly showing. It is human awareness that causes matter to fix into a single position, and reveal a single reality. The science is showing that at every moment we become aware of our reality, the universe splits into unseen parallel dimensions and we become trapped in just one of these many parallel realities. This is all powerful stuff but what does this mean for our lives? What if you could learn how to access these parallel worlds that are being created? What if you could do what many billionaires and great minds in history have done but have only hinted at. What if you could move through parallel realities in order to achieve unfathomable greatness. Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Michelangelo, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, John D. Rockefeller and many others all used this quantum mind power that is now available to you. This is one of the most powerful books you shall ever read. With research from quantum physics, psychology, biology and behavioral epigenetics, as well as many great spiritual teachings, 'Moving Through Parallel Worlds' will guide you on a path to achieving your grandest ambitions. The title, 'Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams,' is literal - based on the 'Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics,' and it is also a metaphor suggesting positive life transformation. This very night, you shall be reading and then applying the concepts in this book, and that moment will be the starting point of your mastery of wealth, romance, creation, and mastery of all things in the physical world. 'Moving Through Parallel Worlds' draws on science and timeless wisdom, to guide you on a path to unlimited power and enlightenment. 'Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams' will allow you to bridge the discontinuity in your life from the point where you are at right now, to the point where you dream that you can be. This book shall put you into alignment with all that you have imagined possible for yourself and shall show you a path even to that which you may have considered impossible. This book has emerged so that you may be lifted up, and that you may come to realize the power you have to exist in a world that is exactly as you imagine it should be. This is your moment and this book is here, just for you. Enjoy the journey!

The Magic of Believing

Claude M. Bristol - 1948
    Now it's your turn to put Claude M. Bristol's special "magic" into your life and into action!His tough-minded, hard-hitting message speaks directly to You. It has yielded proven results for forty years and remains as fresh and focused as ever. Learn how to:* Harness the unlimited power of the subconscious mind and make your dreams come true* Protect your thoughts and turn them into achievements* Use "the law of suggestion" to step up your effectiveness in everything you do* Apply the power of your imagination to overcome obstacles* And much more!If you seek to become more assertive in business, more fulfilled at home, more influential in your dealings with others -- you can believe in MAGIC!

Reincarnation & Karma

Edgar Evans Cayce - 2005
    Of the thousands of discourses Cayce gave, these on reincarnation (how and why it occurs, with hundreds of examples) and karma (the nature of karmic reactions and how to resolve them in your life) are the most profound, most popular, and most helpful.