Saying Yes to Life: The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 2020

Ruth Valerio - 2019
    As people made in the image of God, we are entrusted to look after what he has created: to share in God’s joy and ingenuity in making a difference for good. Ruth Valerio imaginatively draws on the Days of Creation (Genesis 1) as she relates themes of light, water, land, the seasons, other creatures, humankind, Sabbath rest and resurrection hope to matters of environmental, ethical and social concern.Foundational to Saying Yes to Life is what it means to be human and, in particular, to be a follower of Jesus. Voices from around the world are heard throughout, and each chapter ends with discussion questions and a prayer to aid action and contemplation. e

Amish Grace: How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy

Donald B. Kraybill - 2007
    In front of twenty-five horrified pupils, thirty-two-year-old Charles Roberts ordered the boys and the teacher to leave. After tying the legs of the ten remaining girls, Roberts prepared to shoot them execution with an automatic rifle and four hundred rounds of ammunition that he brought for the task. The oldest hostage, a thirteen-year-old, begged Roberts to "shoot me first and let the little ones go." Refusing her offer, he opened fire on all of them, killing five and leaving the others critically wounded. He then shot himself as police stormed the building. His motivation? "I'm angry at God for taking my little daughter," he told the children before the massacre. The story captured the attention of broadcast and print media in the United States and around the world. By Tuesday morning some fifty television crews had clogged the small village of Nickel Mines, staying for five days until the killer and the killed were buried. The blood was barely dry on the schoolhouse floor when Amish parents brought words of forgiveness to the family of the one who had slain their children.The outside world was incredulous that such forgiveness could be offered so quickly for such a heinous crime. Of the hundreds of media queries that the authors received about the shooting, questions about forgiveness rose to the top. Forgiveness, in fact, eclipsed the tragic story, trumping the violence and arresting the world's attention.Within a week of the murders, Amish forgiveness was a central theme in more than 2,400 news stories around the world. The Washington Post, The New York Times, USA Today, Newsweek, NBC Nightly News, CBS Morning News, Larry King Live, Fox News, Oprah, and dozens of other media outlets heralded the forgiving Amish. From the Khaleej Times (United Arab Emirates) to Australian television, international media were opining on Amish forgiveness. Three weeks after the shooting, "Amish forgiveness" had appeared in 2,900 news stories worldwide and on 534,000 web sites.Fresh from the funerals where they had buried their own children, grieving Amish families accounted for half of the seventy-five people who attended the killer's burial. Roberts' widow was deeply moved by their presence as Amish families greeted her and her three children. The forgiveness went beyond talk and graveside presence: the Amish also supported a fund for the shooter's family.AMISH GRACE explores the many questions this story raises about the religious beliefs and habits that led the Amish to forgive so quickly. It looks at the ties between forgiveness and membership in a cloistered communal society and ask if Amish practices parallel or diverge from other religious and secular notions of forgiveness. It will also address the matter of why forgiveness became news. "All the religions teach it," mused an observer, "but no one does it like the Amish." Regardless of the cultural seedbed that nourished this story, the surprising act of Amish forgiveness begs for a deeper exploration. How could the Amish do this? What did this act mean to them? And how might their witness prove useful to the rest of us?

Son of Hamas

Mosab Hassan Yousef - 2010
    The oldest son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a founding member of Hamas and its most popular leader, young Mosab assisted his father for years in his political activities while being groomed to assume his legacy, politics, status . . . and power. But everything changed when Mosab turned away from terror and violence, and embraced instead the teachings of another famous Middle East leader. In Son of Hamas, Mosab Yousef—now called “Joseph”—reveals new information about the world’s most dangerous terrorist organization and unveils the truth about his own role, his agonizing separation from family and homeland, the dangerous decision to make his newfound faith public, and his belief that the Christian mandate to “love your enemies” is the only way to peace in the Middle East.

Enjoying the Presence of God: Discovering Intimacy with God in the Daily Rhythms of Life

Jan Johnson - 1996
    This book gives you the opportunity to surrender to God's presence and enjoy just being with Him.Find contentment, peace, and encouragement from practicing spiritual disciplines, and learn simple, tangible insights into practicing God’s presence in everyday life.

Hi God (It's Me Again): What to Pray When You Don't Know What to Say

Nicole Crank - 2017
    Sometimes we have so many things pulling for our attention that nothing actually gets our attention. We’re distracted, not present. Meanwhile, pressures mount, and all the things deep down rise to the surface... • Can I manage all this? • Will my life ever get any better? • How can I be truly happy? • God, where are you? Hi God (It’s Me Again) is for those moments when we need to stop, be still, and remember who God is. We know we should go to God amidst the craziness, but how can we find the time? And once we get with him, what do we even say? In this 60-day devotional, Pastor Nicole Crank empowers readers with biblical affirmation, reminding them that God is in control of their chaos and has purpose in their pain. Sharing short and simple words of encouragement, she meets readers in the everyday and reminds them of the importance of spending quality time with God.

Effortless Change: The Word Is the Seed That Can Change Your Life

Andrew Wommack - 2010
    Most Christians want change in some area of their lives. They try and try to make those changes but soon find themselves falling back into the same habits and behaviors. Self-discipline and self-control have once again failed them.So how does lasting change take place? A worm doesn't struggle to become a butterfly in the cocoon. A seed doesn't strive to become a tree and produce fruit. They simply do what they were designed to do by god and the change takes place, effortlessly.The Word of God is like a seed and your heart is the soil. When it's planted and nurtured in the soil of your heart, it begins to grow. The result is transformation; and the fruit becomes evident to all. If you want real change in your life, this book is for you.

Ultimate Makeover: The Transforming Power of Motherhood

Carrie Gress - 2016
    And what if it could actually make you happy?Sounds too good to be true, right? Yet every woman can experience this makeover with the gift of motherhood. Along with your new bundle of joy, there are real rewards just waiting to be claimed.Motherhood is difficult--there's no getting around it. And yet, the challenges a woman faces when she becomes a mother don't have to be in vain. Instead of a series of frustrating, exhausting, or exasperating experiences, author Carrie Gress (a mother of four young children) sees daily life as an opportunity to grow gracefully as a woman, mother, wife, and friend.

The Emmaus Code: How Jesus Reveals Himself Through the Scriptures

David Limbaugh - 2015
    Now, Limbaugh looks deeper into the Scriptures and discovers that Jesus Christ's very being reveals itself in a close reading of the sacred texts. The Emmaus Code is a powerful, intimate journey toward an understanding of Christ as man, savior, and son of God.

Your People Shall Be My People: How Israel, the Jews and the Christian Church Will Come together in the Last Days

Don Finto - 2001
    Like Ruth in the Old Testament, every Gentile believer has come out of the land of famine and into the spiritual realm of abundance in the name of Jesus. But unlike Ruth, we have turned our backs on the Jewish people, the relatives of the Messiah. We need to confess personally and corporately on behalf of the Church for centuries of persecution of the Jewish people, looking in these days for every opportunity to bless and not curse them. Once again, Israel and her people are center stage at a crucial moment in world history, and this book shows why the Church must effect reconciliation and why our prayers are vital in this hour. If we will make the same covenent pledge to Israel that Ruth made to Naomi, the Church will never be the same!

Hiking the Camino: 500 Miles With Jesus

Dave Pivonka - 2009
    Whatever happened to planes, trains and automobiles? But Father Dave Pivonka knew that the Camino—the ancient pilgrim path to the tomb of Saint James the Apostle in Santiago—offered an opportunity to focus on God in the stripped-down environment typical of the religious journey known as a pilgrimage. Father Dave takes you along with him, eager to show that God wants to take care of you whether or not you can see down the road or, if tired and sore, you're tempted to quit. His Camino hike holds real lessons for your own life's journey.

The Mystery of the Shemitah: The 3,000-Year-Old Mystery That Holds the Secret of America's Future, the World's Future, and Your Future!

Jonathan Cahn - 2014
    The book you can't afford NOT to read.It is already affecting your life…And it WILL affect your future! Is it possible that there exists a three-thousand-year-old mystery that…   · Has been determining the course of your life without your knowing it? · Foretells current events before they happen? · Revealed the dates and the hours of the greatest crashes in Wall Street history before they happened? · Determined the timing of 9/11? · Lies behind the rise of America to global superpower… and its fall? · Has forecast the rising and falling of the world’s stock market throughout modern times? · Lies behind world wars and the collapse of nations, world powers, and empires? · Holds key to what lies ahead for the world and for your life? · And much more….

Purification of the Mind

عبد القادر الجيلاني - 1997
    These discourses, like the ones found in some of his other books, would have been transcribed by some of his listener. There are a number of surviving manuscripts of the book. The language of Shaikh 'Abd Al-Qadir's discourses is often permeated by symbolic references, metaphorical images, and poetic expressions. This style, which is characteristic of the Shaikh's discourses, reflects a number of facts. First, the Shaikh often speaks about spiritual matters that are completely unfamiliar to the layperson and which the language is incapable of describing with accuracy. These, in the Shaikh's words, are states, stations, visions, and experiences that "no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, and has never occurred to any human being." Second, the Shaikh's words spring as much from his heart as from his mind, describing feelings as well as thoughts. He is forced to use common words to describe feelings that are known only to those who have had those spiritual experiences. No language is equipped enough to describe these feelings, in the same way that no words can assist in describing color to one born blind because it requires visual experience. Third, the Shaikh often speaks about secret and intimate spiritual issues that he does not want to or cannot fully disclose, thus wrapping his words in metaphors. The words of Shaikh Al-Jilani do not describe one spiritual state and are not targeted at one person. They paint a fascinating picture of a myriad of spiritual states and stations and apply to people of very different beginnings, paths, and ends. The destination is the same, but the routes are different. Also different wayfarers end their journeys at different points. What is good for someone might not good for another, and what is required of two different people might be completely different, even though both have the same goal. This is why understanding the Shaikh's words and their applications is a science in its own right. As Sufis say: "The ways to Allah are as many as the creatures." The words of the Shaikh remain as relevant to the seeker of the truth and nearness to God as they were when he uttered them almost one thousand years ago. For sure, the world has changed a lot, but man's nature has not, and the diseases of his heart remain the same. The Shaikh's words address these diseases and show man the way to salvation. His words lived a thousand years and will live to the day when this transient world is no more and is replaced by the permanent one. Like all beacons of truth, the Shaikh has been the target of attacks of the ignorant, the narrow minded, and the misguided. As happened to others who understood Islam to be about works of the heart not acts of the body, this pious servant, whose life was fully dedicated to serving his Lord, has often been accused of distorting the message of Prophet Muhammad by those who wanted to hijack Islam and turn it into a spiritless, legalistic system to serve their worldly ambitions. But, as history has been confirming everyday, the voice of truth can never be silenced and the words of wisdom will remain inerasable. It is ignorance of this fact, as well as mistaking falsehood for truth, that must have made some misguided individuals to use terrorism against the Shaikh as they bombed his shrine in Baghdad on 28th May 2007, damaging parts of it. These and similar criminals do not realize that what made great masters such as Shaikh 'Abd Al-Qadir live forever is not buildings that commemorate them or books written about them, but the teachings and examples they set that live in people's minds and love for God that they helped them develop in their hearts. This is why almost one thousand years after his departure from this world people still feel immensely honored to serve the Shaikh and his sacred cause, including making his words more accessible to people.

The Holy Spirit: Spiritual Gifts, Book 1: Amazing Power for Everyday People (Illuminated Bible Study Guides)

Susan Rohrer - 2011
    We hear about the awesome power of God the Father. We marvel at the miracles of Jesus. Then off we go, never expecting those living waters of the Holy Spirit to flow through us in the here and now. That's exactly what this author did, until one day she was confronted with a stunning possibility: that wonders of biblical proportions can and do still happen, even in the lives of the humblest among us.The challenge? It meant getting to know the Holy Spirit, that enigmatic Third Person of the Trinity she'd heard so little about in traditional teaching. It meant braving controversy, searching the Scriptures, and venturing into new waters in faith.Let's be honest. Even wading toward the depths of the Holy Spirit may seem scary. It may even sound kind of kooky or off-base. You don't want to get in over your head. You fear drowning in error or emotionalism. Still, you may long to deepen your experience with God. You may be asking:What happened to the power Jesus promised to believers?Why has the Holy Spirit become such a taboo subject?Are modern miracles of biblical proportions still happening?How can I access the extraordinary power of God?Does the Holy Spirit have spiritual gifts for me? Which ones?THE HOLY SPIRIT: Amazing Power for Everyday Peopleis a step-by-step guide for how to grow in dynamic relationship with the Holy Spirit. It explores how even the most ordinary believer can experience the miracle-working power of God in everyday life.This scripturally-referenced "how to" book with workbook-style applications is ideal for individual or group Bible study, geared at building a highly accessible, scriptural foundation for the Person and supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit.Tackling tough questions with straight answers, this book tracks an everyday believer's journey into what may be Christianity's best-kept secret. It dives deep into the oftenmarginalized mysteries of the Holy Spirit, mingling scriptural examples with numerous contemporary anecdotes of the amazing power of God in the lives of everyday believers.CHAPTERS IN THIS BOOK:1 Father, Son, and Holy Who?2 Why I Hadn't Heard This in a Thousand Sermons3 Introducing the Holy Spirit4 Sensing the Spirit without Getting Weird5 Getting Our Feet Wet in God's Powerful River6 Going Deeper without Going over the Deep End7 Passing the Spirit's Torch to You8 Opening Your Spiritual Gifts9 The Word of Wisdom10 The Word of Knowledge11 The Gift of Faith12 Gifts of Healing13 Effecting of Miracles14 Distinguishing of Spirits15 Various Kinds of Tongues16 Interpretation of Tongues17 Prophecy18 Prophetic Visions19 Prophetic Dreams20 Hearing Aids for All God's SheepADDITIONAL DETAILS:Genre: Christian Nonfiction, PneumatologyLength: 394 pagesFormats: Kindle eBook and Paperback EditionsAuthor Photo by Jean-Louis DarvilleThis comprehensive Bible Study is Book 1 of 2 on this subject. Please see Book 2 (ASIN: B06XF2JKQP) for the continuation of this study.

Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry: True Stories of Padre Pio

Diane Allen - 2009
    It provides a glimpse into the life and spirituality of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, who has often been called "The greatest mystic of the 20th Century." More than thirty individuals, all who had met Padre Pio, were interviewed for this first edition book. The author and her husband, Deacon Ron Allen, have traveled to many parts of the United States in order to record the personal testimonies of Padre Pio's friends from near and far.

Daily Splashes of Joy: 365 Gems to Sparkle Your Day

Barbara Johnson - 2000
    And she's seen how a simple message of hope uplifts a life that's left in tatters.In these pages you'll find a daily dollop of Barbara's favorite jokes, heartwarming stories, witty cartoons, and heartache-survival strategies. Share a moment each morning with the Geranium Lady, and soon you, like Barbara, will realize you've been "blessed to be a blessing."