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Inventing Medical Devices (A Perspective from India) by Jagdish Chaturvedi
Understanding Pathophysiology
Sue E. Huether - 2008
The most current information on the mechanisms, manifestations, and treatments of disease are clearly and concisely presented. Accessible writing, numerous illustrations in full-color, and complete and separate treatment of pediatric pathophysiology are the hallmarks of this popular and respected text. The new third edition features extensively revised and updated content and an enhanced art program.The book is divided into two parts. Part One presents the general principles of pathophysiology, including cell injury and repair; genetics; fluids and electrolytes, acids and bases; immunity, inflammation, and infection; stress; and cancer. Part Two is organized by body system, and for each system it covers normal anatomy and physiology, alterations of function in adults, and alterations of function in children.• Complete but concise coverage provides a thorough discussion of general pathophysiology and specific disease processes. • Outstanding full-color art program illustrates normal anatomy and physiology, disease processes, and clinical manifestations of disease. • Pediatric content is presented in 9 separate chapters to provide thorough coverage of how disease processes specifically affect children. • Health Alert boxes present brief discussions of new research, diagnostic studies, preventative care, treatments, or other developments related to health or specific diseases. • Quick Check questions appear at the end of major sections of text and are designed to promote critical thinking. Suggested answers to the questions are found on the CD companion included with the text. • Risk Factor boxes illustrate how certain risk factors are associated with specific diseases. • Did You Understand? chapter summaries provide students with a comprehensive review of the major concepts presented in each chapter. • Aging content is identified with a special icon within the adult chapters. • Algorithms are used throughout the text to illustrate normal and compensatory physiology and pathophysiology. • Key terms are boldface in text and listed with page numbers at the end of each chapter for easy reference and chapter review.• Approximately 250 new full-color drawings have been added. • An Introduction to Pathophysiology included in the front matter defines pathophysiology — and related terms such as etiology and epidemiology — and explains why it is important. • Extensive updates, based on the most current research, have been made throughout the book. • To reflect the latest developments, the Biology of Cancer chapter has been completely rewritten. • Several chapters, including Fluids and Electrolytes, Acids and Bases and Alterations of the Reproductive Systems have been extensively edited.
Atlas of Human Anatomy, Volume 1: Head, neck, upper limb
Johannes Sobotta
Volume One covers the head, neck, and upper extremities. Volume 2 covers the trunk and lower extremities. Many of the black-and-white illustrations have been converted to color in this edition, and chapter figures include orientational diagrams to give students much needed structural references.
Clinical Chemistry: Techniques, Principles, Correlations
Michael L. Bishop - 1985
All chapters have been thoroughly updated with the latest information as well as new case studies, practice questions, and exercises. This latest edition not only covers the how of clinical testing but also places greater emphasis on the what, why, and when in order to meet the needs of today's clinical laboratorians. A companion Website offers the full text online, objectives, a quiz bank, flashcards, glossary, and appendices for students and improved instructor's resources.
Doing Right: A Practical Guide to Ethics for Medical Trainees and Physicians
Philip C. Hebert - 2008
The text is aimed at second- and third-year one-semester ethics courses offered in medical schools, health sciences departments, and nursing programs. By taking an applied approach rather than a theoretical approach, this text serves the needs of medical and nursing students, residents, and practicing physicians by sorting through questions of moral principles relevant to the diverse and growing number of healthcare professionals. The many topics covered include truth telling, refusal of treatment, assisted suicide, managing error, and reproductive choice.
Essential Haematology
A. Victor Hoffbrand - 1984
Beautifully presented, it introduces the formation and function of blood cells and diseases that arise from dysfunction and disruption of these processes. Basic science, diagnostic tests and clinical features and management are all easily explained. The 5th edition has been reorganized to increase the focus on discrete disorders to show the increased understanding of the causation of blood disorders and improved diagnostic techniques and clinical management. A new standardized approach to describing disease and management has also been introduced. The authors' engaging style and inviting presentation continue to make Essential Haematology the perfect learning and reference text.Fully supported with downloadable figures from the book, along with a PDF of the captions, at
Basic Histology: Text & Atlas
Luiz Carlos Uchôa Junqueira - 2005
Revised to reflect the latest research in the field, this book emphasizes the relationships and concepts that link cell and tissue structures with their functions. A bonus image library CD-ROM featuring all the photos and illustrations from the text with "zoom in" and "zoom out" capability is also included.
Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: A Clinical Approach
Elizabeth M. Varcarolis - 1990
Its practical, clinical perspective and user-friendly writing style engage the reader in a learning process that both informs and enlightens. Clinical chapters progress consistently and logically from theory to application. Specific psychobiological disorders are organized from moderate to severe along the mental health continuum. The nursing process is the strong, visible framework throughout.User-friendly writing style and a full-color design make psychiatric nursing content come alive! Case studies and personal stories show a compassion and understanding unique among psychiatric nursing texts. Special features are easily located and identified.Nursing process framework provides a strong underpinning for all clinical chapters. A sixth step, Outcome Criteria, identifies specific patient outcomes, then justifies the subsequent nursing interventions based on results.Assessment Guidelines boxes provide summary points for client assessment.Spiritual assessment is found in Assessment Strategies and the Nursing Process and Care for the Dying and for Those Who Grieve.Biologic Basis for Understanding Psychotropic Drugs lays the foundation for the study of psychotropic drug therapy to treat psychobiologic disorders.Care for the Dying and for Those Who Grieve chapter provides holistic nursing interventions related to end-of-life care for clients and families.Case Studies and Nursing Care Plans present individualized histories of clients with specific psychiatric disorders, and include interventions with rationales and evaluation statements for each client goal.Vignettes offer brief, descriptive characterizations of clients with specific psychiatric disorders.A Nurse Speaks spotlights individual psychiatric nurses and their personal stories.Key Terms and Concepts with page number references allow for quick review.Critical Thinking and Chapter Review sections offer scenario-based critical thinking problems and NCLEX-style multiple-choice questions, allowing students to test themselves on the chapter content.Nurse, Client, and Family Resources lists are provided on the book's Evolve website.A dynamic author team offers a breadth of experience in nursing education and practice.Tear-out Comprehensive Psychiatric Assessment Card is a valuable tool for students to use in clinicals.Completely revised Culturally Relevant Mental Health Nursing: A Global Perspective provides basic information on culture, worldviews, and what is necessary for culturally competent care.Psychiatric Forensic Nursing discusses this new and expanding specialty involving nursing, forensics, and the criminal justice system.Forensic Highlights boxes focus on the nurse's role in dealing with sexual assault, family violence, and incarcerated persons.Evidence-Based Practice boxes demonstrate how research findings affect psychiatric nursing practice and standards of care.Integrative Therapy boxes discuss the increasing popularity and significance of complementary and alternative therapies.Culturally Speaking boxes reinforce the importance of culturally competent care.A Client Speaks and A Family Speaks bring to life disorders and their effects on clients, their families, and those who care for them.Back by popular demand: communication tables in The Clinical Interview and Communication Skills.Key Points to Remember appear at the end of each chapter to reinforce essential information.
Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy
Kenneth L. Bontrager - 1987
It presents positioning and projection information in an easy-to-read, bulleted format on one side of the page spread, with corresponding positioning photos, radiographic images and anatomical drawings on the other side. Expert content covers pathology, geriatric and pediatric patient populations, survey information, and 100 new positioning photographs for the latest in radiographic positioning. The 6th edition contains a new chapter on digital imaging, and digital imaging information is incorporated where appropriate throughout the book. New photographs and redrawn illustrations create a consistent, visual appearance throughout the book.- Characterized by a clear, easy-to-follow organization that features one projection per page. Positioning and projection information is presented in an easy-to-read bulleted format on the left side of the page, and positioning photos, radiographic images and anatomical drawings are aligned on the right. This show and tell style helps students visualize anatomy and understand positioning.- Includes about 200 of the most commonly requested projections. Competency in performing these projections is necessary for all entry-level practitioners. By contrast, Merrill's Atlas includes over 400 projections and much more information on advanced imaging.- Critique Radiographs provide the basis of classroom or lab discussion. The WB/LM contains questions specific to these radiographs.- Pathologic Indications in appropriate chapters - Introducing pathology with positioning helps students understand the whole patient and improves their ability to produce radiographs that make diagnosis easy for the physician.- Pediatric Applications in appropriate chapters prepare technologists to deal competently with the special needs of their pediatric patients.- Geriatric Applications in appropriate chapters - Important information for technologists to understand the varying needs of their patient base.- Alternative Modalities or procedures inform students of which projections can better demonstrate certain anatomical parts or pathology, or which may be necessary if patient is unable to cooperate fully.- Radiographic Criteria on positioning pages help students develop a routine for evaluating radiographic quality.- Pathology Demonstrated provides students with a larger frame of reference, and therefore a greater understanding, of each projectionA new chapter on digital imaging discusses basic principles, applications, and image quality - digital imaging information essential for making appropriate positioning adjustments - to ensure readers are prepared to encounter new technology in clinical practice.Content updates include a totally new section on surgical radiography, new sections in all chapters on digital imaging considerations, an expanded section on bone densitometry, and a new introduction to positron emission tomography (PET).Updated and revised chapters cover angiography and interventional procedures, and computed tomography.More than 150 new positioning photos, in addition to many updated images, complement the new material.
Myles' Textbook for Midwives
Diane M. Fraser - 1981
Completely updated and revised, it provides the most up-to-date perspectives and research on a complete range of the theoretical, practical, and background concepts with which modern midwives should be familiar. In addition, it offers numerous summary boxes and flowcharts and provides clear guidance on how to critically appraise valuable research.Covers the full scope of theoretical and practical issues with which a newly qualified midwife must be familiarOffers critical appraisal boxes related to recent research to help the reader understand how to analyse available research, in ways they are already required to think for assignment work.Includes summary boxes and flowcharts to make the text more quickly and easily accessible to the readerOver 150 new illustrations and 30 new colour photographsAnatomy and physiology chapters have been placed at the beginning of the book.Two new chapters - Exercises for Pregnancy, Labour and the Puerperium and Childbirth.More emphasis has been placed on the puerperium, presenting the mother and midwife as partners in determining postnatal care.Discusses the new midwifery regulatory body, examining changes in legislation from a practical perspective.The chapter on antenatal investigations examines the dilemmas faced by potential parents and the challenges that adverse outcomes present to the midwife.Includes a color plate section with over 40 full-color photographs.Includes 160 new two-color line illustrations.Offers critical appraisal boxes related to recent research.
Nutrition: An Applied Approach
Janice L. Thompson - 2004
Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a CourseID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products. Packages Access codes for Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products may not be included when purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson; check with the seller before completing your purchase. Used or rental books If you rent or purchase a used book with an access code, the access code may have been redeemed previously and you may have to purchase a new access code. Access codes Access codes that are purchased from sellers other than Pearson carry a higher risk of being either the wrong ISBN or a previously redeemed code. Check with the seller prior to purchase. -- Nutrition: An Applied Approach, Fourth Edition introduces you to nutrition with an innovative, applied format that discourages rote memorization and promotes long-term understanding of the material. Building on your natural interest in nutrition, the authors demonstrate in a clear, conversational style how key nutritional information relates to your personal health and nutrition, and show how to debunk commonly held misconceptions.The applied approach is reflected in the functional organization of the micronutrient chapters, focusing on the vitamins and minerals and their primary functions within the body. The applied content is focused on key content areas: fluid and electrolyte balance, antioxidant function, bone health, and energy metabolism and blood health--topics of particular importance to instructors. You can easily grasp this accessible conceptual framework for understanding the role nutrients play in bodies and overall health.The Fourth Edition features MasteringNutrition(TM), an online homework, assessment, and tutorial system that allows instructors to personalize the nutrition course like never before with next generation course management tools. Master topics through interactive mini-lessons, quizzing, and immediate wrong-answer feedback.This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience--for you. Here's how: Personalize learning with MasteringNutrition Improve results quickly by mastering concepts from self-paced tutorials that feature immediate wrong-answer feedback and hints that emulate the office-hour experience to keep you on track.Help students visualize and understand tough topics: All-New Focus Figures appear in bold, full-page displays throughout the text to help teach you the toughest topics in nutrition. Emphasize applications: Practice core nutrition concepts by using MyDietAnalysis, a software system that allows you to complete a diet assignment and then enter the information to create a variety of reports, in addition to other tools. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MasteringNutrition does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MasteringNutrition search for ISBN-10: 0321908740/ISBN-13: 9780321908742. That package includes ISBN-10: 0321910397/ISBN-13: 9780321910394 and ISBN-10: 0321956737/ISBN-13: 9780321956736.MasteringNutrition is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor.
Notes from a Doctor's Pocket: Heartwarming Stories of Hope and Healing
Robert D. Lesslie - 2013
Robert Lesslie, whose routine faced him with times of grief or pain, relief or delight, life or death. Such everyday happenings and encounters gave rise to these vignettes—in which readers will meet up with the characters, coincidences, and complications common to the emergency room:characters like Freddy, who literally shoots himself in the footcoincidences like finally having the chance to hear what patients say to each other when doctors and nurses aren’t in the roomcomplications such as dealing with parents who buy lottery tickets and alcohol instead of medicine for their little boyThese heart-tugging, heart-lifting slices of life will prompt readers to search for opportunities to give the comfort of a touch, the grace of a kind word, or a prayer that brings hope and healing.
Essential English for Foreign Students, Book II, Students' Book
C.E. Eckersley - 1940
It is planned to give a solid basis of the structures and vocabulary of English. Each book contains material for about a year's work, the vocabulary rising to some 3,000 words.The Teacher's Books provide notes on each lesson, the vocabulary to be taught, supplementary grammatical material and answers to exercises.In this new edition some of the grammatical sections have been, rewritten and expanded, and parts of the text and many illustrations have been brought up to date. Fundamentally, however, the new edition remains the same as previous editions.
Angels by My Side: Stories and Glimpses of These Heavenly Helpers
Betty Malz - 2013
Riveting true stories and biblical insights fill this inspiring exploration of how angels intervene in our lives every day--whether or not we're aware of them.
Summary and Analysis of The Handmaid's Tale: Based on the Book by Margaret Atwood (Smart Summaries)
Worth Books - 2017
Crafted and edited with care, Worth Books set the standard for quality and give you the tools you need to be a well-informed reader. This short summary and analysis of The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood includes: Historical context Part-by-part summaries Analysis of the main characters Themes and symbols Important quotes Fascinating trivia Glossary of terms Supporting material to enhance your understanding of the original work About Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale: Margaret Atwood’s dystopian literary masterpiece tells the story of Offred, a Handmaid living in the near future in what was once the United States. A new theocratic regime called the Republic of Gilead has come to power and changed life as she knew it. Once Offred had a her own name and a loving family—a husband and daughter—both of which were taken from her; now she belongs to the Commander and his hostile wife, and her only value lies in her ability to bear a child for them. She used to read books and learn; now such things are forbidden to all women. Gripping, disturbing, and so relevant today, The Handmaid’s Tale is a brilliant novel and a chilling warning about what can happen when extreme ideas are taken to their logical conclusions. The summary and analysis in this ebook are intended to complement your reading experience and bring you closer to a great work of fiction.
The Biology Coloring Book
Robert D. Griffin - 1986
Whether studying biology on your own or enrolled in a course in high school or college, you will find this book indispensable.More than 50% of your brain is devoted to vision and movement. Use the unique and highly effective Coloring Concepts method to experience for yourself how the action of coloring allows for more complete understanding than passive reading. Allow yourself to be tutored step-by-step through the fundamental concepts of biology and the evidence and reasoning processes which lead to them, while the colors and your movements form strong mental associations which greatly improve comprehension and memory. Students will learn:About the basic chemistry of lifeHow organisms fit into their environmentsClassification and organization of animalsIntroductory genetics and the genetic codeNucleic acids: DNA and RNAThe Scientific Method; Observations and Hypotheses