Feel Free to Prosper: Two Weeks to Unexpected Income with the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available

Marilyn Jenett - 2015
    Thousands have applied her simple but powerful teachings, based on mental and spiritual laws, to manifest such striking results. Now she’ll teach you how to “put the Universe on speed dial.”   Marilyn Jenett’s Feel Free to Prosper, destined to become a classic, is a simple, fast, and practical approach to prosperity—a compilation of this renowned prosperity mentor’s finest teachings, followed by her final gift to the reader: the legendary lesson from her flagship program that will fulfill her two-week promise. Her unique, easy-to-grasp style will take the mystery out of these esoteric laws.   You will learn to overcome your conditioned thinking, habitual words, and other aspects of consciousness that perpetuate lack. With new patterns of thought and speech, you’ll magnetize prosperity instead of repelling it and acquire a true sense of security. Most importantly, you will experience proof of your alignment with the universal parent that is ready to shower each of us with gifts far beyond our imaginings—and finally feel free to prosper.     "You need look no further than the pages of this great masterpiece." —Peggy McColl, New York Times-bestselling author

Attract Women: Be Irresistible: How to Effortlessly Attract Women and Become the Alpha Male Women Can’t Resist (Dating Advice for Men to Attract Women)

Dominic Mann - 2016
     Ignite primal attraction. Countless pickup artists have found odd tricks, gimmicks, and lines that work for a little while. Be Irresistible gets to the very core of female attraction—the masculine traits that women have evolved to be instinctively attracted to. Wake up each morning covered in women. Learn… How to become the man women lust for. How to have women feel a powerful respect for you that makes them weak at the knees. Discover irresistible masculine traits, and how women secretly test you for them. How to create intense sexual polarity that ignites magnetic attraction. And much more! To unlock her attraction… and her legs, click the BUY button at the top of this page.

The Millionaire Morning

Lewis Howes - 2017
    The Morning Mindset, Habits, and Routines of Millionaires!

Spontaneous Manifestations From Zero: Tapping Into The Universal Flow

Richard Dotts - 2015
    Richard developed this process as an easy way for anyone to quickly integrate new spiritual teachings into their life and see fast results. Drawing on his own personal experiences and struggles with interpreting these esoteric teachings, the Magic Transformation Process bridges the gap between theory and practice by “transforming” any teaching into a form that is easily assimilated by our current belief system. The result is a high level of personal effectiveness and greatly improved success rates when learning any spiritual or self-help technique, such as those intended for instant manifestation or spiritual healing. Having laid this general groundwork for personal development, Richard moves on to explain why manifestations are not about taking a piecemeal approach. Many readers apply manifestation techniques in a piecemeal manner to fill up perceived voids in their lives. But as Richard explains, becoming an effective manifestor goes beyond just using these techniques when the need arises and neglecting them in other areas of your life. To become an effective manifestor, one needs to move towards an actual, holistic living of this material at all levels of their being instead of merely understanding it theoretically. To help readers do so, Richard expands upon the concept of timeless manifestations which he originally introduced in his book Playing In Time And Space. In this current book, Richard takes readers through a powerful series of inner exercises to “perceive our physical manifestations as the Universe sees it — at a single point in time.” Most readers have a difficult time understanding why time and space boundaries do not matter to the Universe and how time is only a convenient illusion when it comes to our manifestations. Through the steps described by Richard, readers are guided to see why instant spontaneous manifestations are not just a fantasy but a definite possibility in our everyday experience. Next, Richard shares the Quick Statement Process, a powerful technique that allows readers to cut through any negative feelings, emotions or thoughts arising from particular situations in their own life. These negative feelings often delay and hold our manifestations back, which is why it is important that we break free from them as soon as possible. The Quick Statement Process allows one to dissolve any negative feelings of doubt without the need for any logical rationalizations or psychoanalysis. Just drop it and be done with them! Readers are in for a treat as Richard rounds up the book by showing readers how to “collapse” their perceptions of time and space — such that they are both living in their current reality and also a “future” reality where their desires are already manifest. He shares his latest insights on why worrisome and fearful thoughts just cannot exist when we “collapse the future into the now” and live in a state of perpetual bliss.

Awaken Giant Within by Tony Robbins: Resume Book, Anthony Robbins (Resume Books)

Allan Green - 2014
    Robbins shows through his experience and abusive childhood background as guidance for the people who are ‘lost’ to find their way into success, even when themselves thought it impossible before. At the beginning, Robbins opens the book with one firm statement. “We all have dreams.” Throughout the book, predictable enough, he tries (and succeeds) to prove that all dreams that we have can be realized. Most of his theories may sound cliché and exaggerating at the first, but as you keep on reading Awaken the Giant Within, you will find that all the steps to make your life better are as easy as deciding to routinely make your bed every morning before you go to work, yet bring astounding effect to your future and self-development. Inside: About the Author Into the Book (The Power of Concentration and Decision) What Pain and Pleasure Do to Our Actions Neuro-Associative ConditioningTM How to Get What You Really Want in Life? Saying the Right Thing Reticular Activating System (RAS) The Master System The Seven Days to Shape Our Life Buy NOW, don't waste another day, because it will cost $4.99 soon.

Untame Yourself

Elizabeth DiAlto - 2015
    I write about not only relating to yourself in a more loving, peaceful and powerful way, but learning to communicate with others from a place of compassion with an open heart for more positive outcomes, greater intimacy, and deeper connection. Finally, the book also teaches you how to balance, integrate and harness the often unknown or misunderstood gifts in both your masculine and feminine energies. After being a personal trainer for years and teaching women how to work out, I realized the importance in my own life and that of clients of working in. That inspired me to create Wild Soul Movement in 2013. From there through my blog, a Facebook group with 3500+ members, YouTube videos, free online challenges, paid programs, courses, coaching, and a podcast, I became intimately familiar with the struggles of 21st century women. Some of those struggles include: - lack of trust, a need to control everything, and exerting an exhausting amount of force, effort and energy to make things happen all the time. - body images issues ranging from never feeling comfortable in your skin to intense eating disorders and chronic self-loathing. - terrible boundaries, incessant people pleasing, putting yourself last and the stress, resentment, low energy and even illness that comes with it. - highly unsatisfactory relationships in all categories, romantic, family, professional, and friendships. - shame, low-self-esteem and harboring secrets, or emotions you don’t feel safe to share with anyone—for fear of being judged, abandoned or labeled as “crazy”, “bitchy”, “high maintenance” or “needy.” We live in an odd time. Western women, especially, have every right and capability of western men and that’s confusing. We’ve been cultured and conditioned to behave, basically, like lovelier versions of men—which often leaves us burned out, resentful, stressed to the max, and sometimes, in identity crises, totally disconnected from our bodies, our souls, and the truth of of who we really are. Untame Yourself is the guidebook I wish I’d had several years ago when I began the process of awakening to who I really am and developing a personal relationship with my own femininity. I’ve filled its pages with practices, tools, advice and stories to help you have an easier, more graceful experience than I did. I also aim to save you the time of figuring much of it out as you go as I did, too.

Hello Beautiful: Break free from the chains of regret, self doubt and comparison, and discover the freedom, power and beauty of being the real you.

Keryl Pesce - 2018
     Hello Beautiful is for women of all ages who deal with: -Self doubt or low self esteem -Anxiety -Regret over a past that cannot be changed In this eye-opening, heart-warming book, you will discover the source of your inner critic and why the popular advice to "Just crush it," is bad advice. How can you win a war with yourself? Keryl helps you see that your inner critic is part of you and rather than fighting against it (and yourself,) she shows you how to develop a relationship with this part of you and get it working for you, not against you. In Chapter 1, "Real is the New Black," Keryl makes a convincing case that a big part of our negative voice and anxiety is that we show up to ourselves and the world filtered and incomplete, and that the most powerful and beautiful version of you is the whole one . . . the sum of all you think, feel, are, and have experienced. If you deal with never quite feeling like enough, this chapter helps you understand why and more important, what to do about it. In Chapter 2, "It's Okay to Not Be Okay, you will see how the positive-thinking movement has been taken to an extreme, where we fear telling others the truth of what we feel inside. This disconnect between the version of us we present to others and the real one inside creates anxiety and weakens our ability to achieve what we desire. In our belief that we shouldn't think or feel sad, angry, or afraid, we feel we are somehow failing at life and create a pressure-cooker type of situation as we continuously shove valid human emotions down. Keryl will show you that by allowing yourself permission and space to be human and experience these emotions without attaching the added pressure of judging them, they actually move through and out of you more quickly. Imagine if all the energy you've been spending hiding your true feelings, wishing away or trying to forget your past, or change the you that you think isn't good enough was suddenly redirected to liberate, support, and guide you to a sense of peace for what is, excitement for the future, and love and appreciation for the miracle that is you. Perhaps now is the time for you to discover the truth of who you are, to feel whole and complete, and comfortable again in your own skin. Hello Beautiful.

NAVY SEAL: Self Discipline: How to Become the Toughest Warrior: Self Confidence, Self Awareness, Self Control, Mental Toughness

Jason Lopez - 2016
    These are the men, and one day soon the women, who stand out from their peers as being part of one of the most elite military groups in the world. They have proven that they have what it takes but the question is, do you? Walk with us through the training regimen of the most feared and respected military force in the world as we take you through initial training to graduation day. Along the way you’ll learn some lessons about integrity, perseverance, and honor. You don’t have to be a SEAL to take these lessons and apply them to your daily life. You just need the right motivation and we’re here to give it to you. Here’s just a few thing you’ll learn about: • The Navy SEAL Fitness regimen • How to train your mind for everyday battle • Being aware of what’s happening around you • How the tough keep mentally strong Do you think you have what it takes to be a Navy SEAL? You might not be boot camp ready but when you’re done with Navy SEAL Self-Discipline you’ll be ready to take on life! What are you waiting for? Grab your copy today and start on the path to a new, more confident you! DOWNLOAD NOW! Scroll up to Buy with One-Click!

Confidence In You

Paul G. Bailey - 2014
    I've reordered them in to a more logical sense to make it easier to find the help that you need. Below you will find a selection of comments from my clients. I often get too involved with what I’m doing right now to be able to sit back and assess where my life is going and what is going wrong. With Paul’s guidance, I work out how to slightly tweak the way I live my life and the result is an easier, happier life where I feel in control. In December 2009 I was recovering from an illness that I am sure was symptomatic of stress and imbalance in my life especially through my job as a Public Servant. I decided to get myself a life coach and see if I could make some changes. In just 6 sessions with Paul Bailey I had enrolled with the The Coaching Academy for 3 Coaching qualifications and a practitioners course in NLP; made changes to my work schedule to get more work life (and now study) balance; improved my relationships with my partner and son and landed a substantial contract for external work that I am sure came from the confidence Paul has helped me find in myself. I am now on the road to becoming a coach myself with a website, business cards and my first coachee with 5 more in the wings! I will be forever grateful to Paul who asked the right questions, created the right environment of trust and responsibility to enable me to find the right answers and change my life. Fantastic coaching with Paul. He makes you think for yourself rather then tell you how to do it. Which is great. I struggled at first with goals and now I can do goals and I always remember to ask myself “how will i do it”. Paul is a fantastic coach Right from the free introduction session I got the impression that Paul is a very professional coach, has a friendly personality and is someone that I would feel comfortable with. Paul has very efficiently helped me making those decisions that I had been running away from before I started with coaching sessions. The answers to your questions are usually not far away, but Paul is very efficient in helping you to find them as well as to come up with achievable actions to make sure that the coaching sessions will produce concrete and satisfactory results. Due to my sessions with Paul I now am much more happy in my professional life as well as his coaching has definitely contributed in me realizing one of my dreams which is to travel the world for a while! I wasn’t an easy person to coach at this point in my life. I said to Paul several times that I was behaving like a stubborn donkey, who didn’t want to move forward, although I knew I needed to. Paul didn’t let me get away with that behaviour, though it must have seemed pretty challenging at times with my inertia. I had thought that as we had both worked in the IT industry we would somehow work better together than with people from different backgrounds – but I actually found something better; he is very neutral about this. Paul greatly helped me realise that what I needed was not necessarily more time to study but to take more time to relax, just in simple ways, and still create time for productive work instead of letting the thoughts of all to be done infringe my ‘relax’ time…. Paul also helped me through a stressful time at work and helped me let go of my anger and work at building better company relations. It was a pleasure talking with Paul, his life coaching technique was excellent "If you are a Gay man that would like to work on building your confidence, then this is exactly designed for you!" "Very inspiring and forward thinking.

Let That Sh*t Go

Nina Purewal - 2019
    But It Doesn’t Have To Be.■ get Rid Of Past And Future Worries■ love Yourself Unconditionally■ accept What You Can’t Control■ live Authentically■ use The “f”word (forgivness)In Let That Sh*t Go, the authors share the wisdom they’ve gained though decades of practising and teaching others to find peace of mind. Learn to put your life in perspective, take each day one step at a time and steal moments of calm amid the chaos. And remember: it’s not worth holding onto that sh*t.NINA PUREWAL founded Pure Minds, a company that conducts mindfulness and meditation workshops for the public and corporate sector. KATE PETRIW is the founder of Mind Matters, an organization that holds mental health workshops focused on reducing stress and negative thinking patterns. “Stomach stress gurgles are no match for this spinning Rolodex of chill pills.”NEIL PASRICHA, #1 Bestselling Author

Lord Deliver Me From Negative Self Talk 2: Unleash Your Power (Inspiration For Women)

Lynn R. Davis - 2014
    We have tremendous influence in the home; corporate world; the church; and society as a whole. But some how we have begun to lose sight of power and influence that we posses. God gave us the ability not only to birth life, but to speak life to every circumstance and situation that we face. It's time for us as women of God to embrace our purpose and power. Its time to stop bashing others and talking bad about ourselves. We have to take our words and communication more seriously. Just as Eve was a gift to Adam, we are a gift to the body of Christ. Its time for us to unleash the power of God's word in our lives.

The 24/7 Body: Everyday Diet and Training Advice for Permanent Results

Matt Morsia - 2020

The Yogi Code: Seven Universal Laws of Infinite Success

Yogi Cameron Alborzian - 2017
    The knowledge and techniques of The Yogi Code can unleash your power to manifest your full potential, every day. In this succinct yet illuminating book, Yogi Cameron demystifies seven thousand years of ancient wisdom into accessible language, regardless of your familiarity or ability with yoga. You’ll learn to balance daily demands while achieving a higher level of consciousness and self-knowledge. Your new routines will build a strong foundation for centering yourself and being guided by your intuition, ultimately leading you to gain mastery over your fears and to achieve your highest goals. With carefully crafted chapters and practices expertly created to fit into your fast-paced days, these “lucid teachings from a compassionate teacher” (Publishers Weekly) will bring order to your life and point you in the direction of your eternal purpose.

The Marathon Method: The 16-Week Training Program that Prepares You to Finish a Full or Half Marathon at Your Best Time

Tom Holland - 2007
    Whether you are a first-time marathoner, trying to set a new "PR" or looking to qualify for Boston, this book is for you."TRAIN LESS AND RUN YOUR BEST"Some worry that running a marathon will involve hours upon hours of training each week. Others fear that they will become injured. Some veteran marathoners have followed other training plans and experienced both, but Tom's approach is much different. His philosophy of "train less, run your best" will amaze you whether you are running your first marathon or fiftieth. Exercise physiologist and sports performance coach Tom Holland -- an elite endurance athlete himself and sub-3 hour marathoner who has run in more than fifty marathons, three ultramarathons, and a dozen Ironman triathlons around the world will teach you how to properly gear up and train in the sixteen weeks prior to your half or full marathon. So when that starting gun sounds, you'll be equipped with invaluable tips and techniques that will put you in position to run the best race of your life.The Marathon Method provides you with everything you need to know including:Easy-to-understand advice on nutrition, hydration, and gearCustomized training plans for beginner, intermediate, and advanced runnersAdvice on the mental side of running and how to make your mind go that extra mileStrategies to avoid hitting the infamous 'wall'Tips on pacing, injury prevention, strength training, flexibility, and much more!

Tennis Ball Self Massage: Stop Your Muscle and Joint Pain

Lauren Bertolacci - 2013
    You’ve deloaded, done your recovery session, even taken a hot bath. Oh how nice a massage would be right now. The problem is not all of us have the time or the money to invest in some good soft tissue work. Want a cheap yet extremely effective way to get rid of your aches and pains? This easy to understand guide will help you address all of those problems and more. Best of all, you don't even need to leave your house or buy any expensive tool. Just grab a tennis ball and get started.Being able to treat your own pain is a very valuable tool. It can save you a lot of money and mean less trips to the physiotherapist as well as ensuring that you are keeping your body in good condition. Trigger points and tight muscles are a common cause of muscle and joint pain. They can refer pain to other areas as well as causing problems at the site itself. Although they don't count for all the pain you might be suffering from, releasing them can certainly help get rid of a lot of the pain, if not clear up your problem entirely. Have you ever been to the doctor and he or she told you that theres nothing wrong, even after extensive scans? You might simply need some work on your muscles. Keeping the muscle tissue quality high will help reduce the amount of injuries you suffer from, improve your posture as well as help a lot of muscle and joint pain.In this book you can learn how to effectively get rid of shoulder pain, neck pain, upper and lower back pain, hip and glute pain and stiffness, leg and knee pain, calf pain, ankle stiffness, Achilles problems and much more.Actual excerpt from the book of how I discovered this great technique."When I was playing in Germany, I had really bad shoulder pain. The kind that ran down to my fingers and made me unable to put my arms over my head. One night trying to get relief I grabbed my old Motorola and started laying on it, with it digging in under my shoulder. Slowly and excruciatingly I released the rotator cuff muscles and gave myself a pain free range of motion that I had only dreamed of before. Needless to say, I thought I was a genius and upgraded to a tennis ball pretty quickly."