Book picks similar to
Blindsided by Siera London


Persuade Me

Reana Malori - 2019
    ~ Ebony - I've never begged for anything. Until the day I begged him to save my life.Fear was not a word I used. Failure had never been an option. Even as life threw me curveballs on a regular basis, I powered through. My job as a police officer drove me to do better, be better than anyone else, and to protect those who needed my help. My position as President of the Fairfax Chapter of Lady Guardians instilled a sense of sisterhood and passion for my community. I'm proud of the person I've become and have no regrets about the life I've lived. Well, except one--and it happens to be the man hovering over my body as I bleed out on my front lawn.Cole - Life on the other side wasn't all it was cracked up to be, but my forgiveness will be found in the unlikeliest of places.The day I came home to find my beautiful neighbor on the verge of death, my world shifted. She'd seen me when all I wanted to do was hide, not allowing me to wallow in my guilt and memories. The things I'd seen in combat, scarred me for life, changing me into someone I hardly recognized. But it didn't matter to her. Now someone had hurt her. The woman I desired from afar, even as I knew it was best that I stayed on my side of the street. I was no good for her. For anyone. But someone had tried to harm her, and that just wouldn't do at all.*Contemporary MC Romance | BWWM Interracial | Novella | HEA*

Shifting Gears

Olivia Gaines - 2018
    A burgeoning relationship with an equally boring boyfriend Carlton Gear, one of the best accountants in the musical industry, left her engine in a permanent idling state. Craving a shake up in her monotonous life, she joins her good friend Onyx for a fund raiser with The Lady Guardians biker group. The lady riders offered a day of excitement for Keoni, but the night turned into a magical experience, especially after she meets Carlton’s cousin, Dave, a scruffy biker with a sketchy past, a tenuous future and a very sexy presence. Digging in and wanting to be a part of the female biker group, against Carlton’s advice and comfort, clothing isn’t the only thing Keoni changes. Climb aboard for a high-octane ride as Keoni reorganizes her life by Shifting Gears and donning the pink and black leather as a Lady Guardian.

Riding Dirty

M'Renee Allen - 2018
    Being a mechanic and part of an all-female bike club means, Antoinette ‘Toni’ Keys is used to men looking at her and saying, “Hey pretty girl, you sure you can fix that engine?” Or, “Hey doll, you sure you can handle all that bike?” So, when an outlaw biker name Dirt steps into her shop and refuses to allow a female to work on his bike, she’s determined to show him she’s the best mechanic for the job. What she doesn’t plan on, is the instant attraction she has for him. She’s not looking for love. She doesn’t have time for a tattooed bad boy and the trouble that follows him everywhere he goes. She has her own problems with a rival bike club. Yet, she’s finding it hard to resist his wicked smile and his sexy tattoos. He knew he was in trouble the moment he laid eyes on her. Dietrich Tate, aka Dirt, is a third generation Reaper. His club is the most important thing in his life. He’s loyal to his brothers. When one of them goes rogue with the club’s money, Dirt is the one chosen to hunt him down. Instead of finding his target, he finds a sexy brown-skinned mechanic with the prettiest smile he’s ever seen. He knows his club wouldn’t approve of him seeing her. Yet, he can’t resist her. Spending time with her makes him forget his troubled past. However, it also brings trouble to her doorstep. Trouble she wants no part of. Trouble that puts her entire club and her family in danger. Trouble that makes her not want to be around him. Dirt vows to protect her from his vicious crew. Imagine his surprise when he learns she can be just as vicious as they are. That only makes him want her more. ~Are you ready for a ride you won’t forget?~

Tony & Ida

Xyla Turner - 2020
    Finally, Tony & Ida get their story. Now, will they have a happily ever after?Ida's fed up with Tony's shenanigans and Tony is too bitter to see what's been in front of him for years.If you have not read these books, then this will definitely be hard to follow and understand.By Chance, No Choice | Meet Me Halfway | Love At All Costs

Accidental Heat

Francesca Penn - 2019
    All variations of the phrase “stuff happens” is my life’s motto. As the poster child for Murphy’s Law, I get in trouble more than I care to mention. Opting to own it, I march through town with my head held high and my bruises on display. An unfortunate run-in with a tree has me retreating to lick my wounds. Ignoring my now ex-boyfriend, I choose to focus on honing my cooking techniques and ignoring the world. Since disaster is my boyfriend, it’s not long before another mishap brings me face-to-face with my recurring wet dream, Levi Gianni. The ex-prom king and resident heart-throb happens to moonlight as a volunteer firefighter. While he may have doused the flames I’d accidentally created, he’s ignited something much hotter. I just need him to know that I’m a risk worth taking.

Mr. Grinch's Secret Love (A Very Alpha Christmas Season 2, #2)

L. Loren - 2020
    He had a year to prove to the Board that he can keep his hands to himself or he’ll find himself replaced as CEO. His safe bet is to hire a plus size woman. That should do the trick.When the curvy goddess named Rhys Reid greets him in his office and introduces herself as his new assistant, Mason knows he is in trouble. Instead of hitting on her, he forces himself to be mean, hoping it will make her hate him. What he didn’t count on was Rhys liking his gruff demeanor. Unable to resist their attraction, the lovers must hide their affair from the prying eyes of their co-workers.Things come to a head at the office Christmas Party when Mason sees Rhys dancing with another man. Will he be able to stifle his rage before exposing their secret or will he risk everything for the love he desires? Find out in this BWWM LoveRotica Christmas Tale.

Dear Addy

Carry Lowe - 2019
    Addy only knows the countryside of Wyoming. The religious commune where she lives with her mother and sister in a log cabin at the back of her grandfather's property. Prayer. Penance. And Servitude, are the cornerstone of her existence. Until a set of unforeseen circumstances sends her fleeing from everything she has ever known into a world that is totally unlike her own--and like it always does, trouble also finds her there. In the form of the most handsome, sexy man she has ever set her eyes on. Too bad he's a Jackass with a capital J, who's accusing her of something she hasn't done, and is determined to hate her at every turn. Ajax James is as rich and powerful as he is ruthless--and he thinks Addy is responsible for harming someone in his family. He takes her captive with the intention of torturing the truth from her innocent flesh. Yet, something in those big amber-colored eyes staring back at him stays his hand. Still, he plans on keeping her securely under his thumb until he can figure things out. What he doesn't plan on is how much she will get under his skin. It obviously wasn't love at first sight. Instead, it was dislike at first glance. Yet, after months of being his captive, Addy began feeling something for her captor. Something that had her breathless, yearning, and needy, despite not being able to stand the man. And before she knew it, he had sunk his hooks so deeply into her; she had more than fallen in lust. However, with a man like Ajax James, love is never easy--and heartbreak is guaranteed. And after he's shattered her into pieces, will he be able to put her back together again, or will it be too late? The girl from the backwoods of Wyoming will have to stumble her way through a world that is entirely different from the one she grew up in. While the heartless playboy discovers that, despite the walls, he's placed around his heart, she absolutely fascinates him. And when hatred has turned into passion, and passion becomes love-- She'll have to exchange her flip-flops for Louboutins and her homemade dresses for expensive ball gowns. Because, with a man like Ajax James on her arm, Addy will have to learn how to navigate High Society.  *Warning--This books starts off slow, but picks up after approximately 15% in, and becomes Unputdownable.

You Owe Me: You Owe Me: A Standalone BWWM Enemies-to-Lovers Romance (Love Trap)

Ja'Nese Dixon - 2020

Daddy's Debt

Eden Fortae - 2021
    Even for a man with startling blue eyes and a twitchy trigger finger.He may be good with his aim.But I grew up in the game.And yet, I’m questioning if he’s truly my captor?Or my savior?Mack I should have pulled the trigger. The rules were simple. You play, you pay. Danica’s father played me, and through no fault of her own, she had to pay. As unfair as it seems, that’s how it had to be. Looking into my eyes, I know she saw her death.Looking into hers, I saw my own weakness.And that could cost me everything.

Spouse Swap

A.N. Boyden - 2021
    "You failed to mention how fine this man is! Girl, do you see him?! I mean, come on! Imagine taking the sexiest lumberjack you can find and mixing him with the most rugged cowboy on this planet and BAM, there he is!"Tanya chuckled, placing her hands on her hips. "So, what? Now you're not going to follow through because he's hot? Must I remind you that your husband is a looker, too?"I paced across the lawn in my brown leather Saint Laurent ankle boots. "Yeah, my husband is handsome, but this man is fucking indescribable. I mean, let's be honest. I need a new pair of panties right now!""Are they moist?" Tanya teased."Bitch, I'm leaking."The sound of someone loudly clearing their throat caught our attention. I froze, mortified by what he may have heard."H-How much of that did you hear by chance?" I stuttered."Not much," he drawled with his sexy Texas twang. "I came in at the lumberjack cowboy hybrid part," he confessed with a smug smirk on his delicious lips.Charlotte (Charlie) Davis is a successful divorce attorney who agrees to participate in a social experiment where she swaps lives with another wife and mother, leaving behind her emotionally unavailable husband and four-year-old daughter. Her "new" spouse, Taylor Scott, is an electrician by trade who agrees to participate in the spouse swap program for the $10,000.00 to be paid out at the completion of the program. Charlie and Taylor have an instant connection when they first lay eyes on each other. Throughout the program, they realize their marriages have been missing the love and affection they've been craving. Taylor finds out a devastating secret about his wife that forces him to face reality and make moves for the safety and wellbeing of his family.There was one itsy bitsy detail in the spouse swap contract that both Charlie and Taylor missed...the couple has to sleep in the same bed...**This novel is a BWWM Interracial story filled with desire, sex, lies, betrayal, and drama!**


Cali Burem - 2019
    When her boyfriend breaks up with her for ‘gaining a little too much weight’, Mia’s best friend decides that Mia is in desperate need of a new and private space away from the bastard. She finds the perfect house in the perfect place with, unfortunately, the worse possible roommate. When Mia first met the almost unbearably attractive Westley Nott, they were pretty much enemies from the get-go. But now, having already signed the tenants’ agreement, she has to live with him and not try murder him in his sleep for at least six months before she can get out of it. … Westley needs a quiet get-away a lot more than he needs to be able to get away from the headache that is Mia Rhodes. With her sharp tongue, proud attitude and sensuous relationship with food, he can think of a million ways of distracting her mouth but none of them would be advised. Westley’s skills in the kitchen however, seem to tame the vexing vixen and as they become closer, he finds that he wants to fill her mouth with more than just his delicious desserts. Mia is afraid of asking for seconds but Westley isn’t the type of man to let a starving woman go hungry.

A Family That Slays Together (Mama's Brood Book 3)

Shay Rucker - 2021

Deacon's Downfall : A Dahlia Rose Military Romance

Dahlia Rose - 2018
    Honor. Service. Three words Colonel Deacon Hassel embodies to the marrow of his bones. His life holds no room for anything else—until the night fate decides otherwise… Pregnant, scared and in the middle of a late in the season storm, neither of them counted on was her going into labor on base and Deacon having to deliver the baby... Sergeant Dionne Holliday has no choice but to entrust her life and the life of her baby in Deacon’s capable hands. No matter how hard he tries, Deacon can’t get Dionne or her baby out of his mind... and worse, his heart. When a complaint against Dionne’s abusive ex comes across his desk, his protective instincts kick into overdrive. His most important mission? Ensure the safety of the two people who are slowly becoming the world to him. Innocent visits become so much more as desire and temptation collides. The touch of Dionne’s skin, kissing her—how can something that feels so right, be wrong? Being with her breaks the rules, endangers his career. But walking away isn’t an option. Not when the two people who mean everything to him have their very survival on the line.

The Monte Carlo Shark

Camilla Stevens - 2020
    Cunning. Ruthless.Sinfully rich…and as predatory as a shark.He holds the key to saving my brother’s life and mine.And I have forty days to obtain it.I’m in Monte Carlo to get as close to the man as I can.But in this world, he’s the one holding all the cards, and now all forty days are his.As a successful attorney, I thought my skills of negotiation would be all the ammunition I need.I quickly learn that seduction is my greatest weapon.But seduction is a dangerous game with a billionaire who has it all—including a lethal reputation.I thought I could remain strong while playing this game of ours, but now I’m left wondering…Who’s the predator and who’s the prey?This is a BWWM Stand Alone Romance in the International Legacies Romance series. WARNING: Due to adult and slightly dark themes, for 18+ only.

Full Throttle

LaShawn Vasser - 2020
    She wanted out and at the first opportunity, left it all behind. She needed to put as much distance as possible between that life and the pain it caused. But, after years of running, her father needs her. It was time to come home and well past time to lay old ghosts to rest.Billionaire businessman Liam Lockwood does not like the unknown and usually has two or three plans for everything. He also hates being out of his element, which is where he found himself after being thrust into the chaotic world of stock-car racing.Events place Liam and Colby on a surefire collision course. Find out what happens in this sexy, high-octane romance-Full Throttle.