Mr. Darcy's Household: A Pride and Prejudice Novella Variation

Lyr Newton - 2021
    He has brought her home to Derbyshire, where he hopes she can heal the wounds of her soul and regain her spirit.But some things are beyond his control, as he discovers when a disease is brought to Lambton by two men, recently returned from the war. Miss Darcy, as well as many of the small town’s families and Pemberley’s tenants, is affected.Darcy’s household, although perfectly trained and highly efficient, is in great need of help. But, despite Mr. Darcy’s willingness to pay a large amount of money for someone to aid Mrs. Reynolds, his housekeeper, for a few months, he can find nobody who meets his high expectations and exacting requirements. Matters take a turn for the worse when the housekeeper also falls ill and is kept to her bed. Mrs. Reynolds writes to the daughter of her old friend, now Mrs. Madeleine Gardiner, about the situation, with no other hope than to unburden her heart.However, Mrs. Gardiner is hosting her lovely and spirited niece, Miss Elizabeth Bennet. The Bennet family is in precarious financial circumstances due to Mr. Bennet’s poor estate management and his disinterest in anything other than books.Willing to help her family by earning an amount of money that could cover Longbourn’s expenses for a few years, Elizabeth accepts the temporary position and she is taken to Pemberley in Mr. Darcy’s carriage. Once there, she holds the same position as Mrs. Reynolds. She is in charge of the management of the household, responsible for everything in the house. She is treated respectfully by everyone, and she even forms a sweet friendship, based on a slowly-developing trust, with Miss Darcy.Only the master treats her with cold politeness and distant reverence; he barely speaks to her, he gives her power but only wishes to see good results. A few weeks later, he is urgently summoned to London, while Elizabeth remains at Pemberley overseeing the household.In mid-September, Elizabeth returns to Longbourn with a considerable amount of money. Once there, she finds out that Netherfield has finally been let and a Mr. Bingley is expected to arrive, together with a large party of friends.Then, the Meryton Assembly takes place and Elizabeth is surprised to meet Mr. Darcy again.But how will he react? Will he treat her with mere politeness or with contempt, since he is her former employer? Will he even acknowledge her? Will he even recognize her?“Darcy’s Household” is a Regency “Pride and Prejudice” variation, the length of a novella (just a little under 40k words), less than 160 paperback pages), sweet, very romantic, amusing, with some reference to mature subjects but clean enough to be appropriate for all audiences.

Elizabeth Bennet: Heiress

Don H. Miller - 2021
    Mr. Bennet receives news that Mr. Collins has died, and, there being no other living male descendants of the grandparent who created the fee tail on Longbourn, Mr. Bennet may will Longbourn to the daughter of his choice. He chooses Elizabeth, with the full agreement of Jane, her elder sister. Thus, although the family fortune is not affected, Elizabeth’s personal standing is raised because she is now the heiress of a desirable estate. This story explores the effects this may have on Elizabeth’s life and her somewhat contentious relationship with Darcy.

Twists of Fate: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Joana Starnes - 2021
    What if ‘I do’ is not the end, but the beginning of the adventure?(The novel addresses mature themes. Given the ‘early marriage’ premise, the issue of growing affection and intimacy is central to the story. The relevant scenes are emotive and deeply sensual, but never explicit.)

The Adventures of Miss Olivia Wickham

Kay Bea - 2020
    But as days pass and her four sisters’ hunger grows, Olivia Wickham takes matters into her own hands and determines that a journey to Derbyshire to seek help from Aunt Darcy is their only hope.The Adventures of Olivia Wickham takes up where Love Unsought leaves off, as the girls make their way south to seek a new life at Pemberley. Although it is a standalone short story, the reading of it will be greatly enhanced for those who have read Love Unsought first.

Master of Netherfield: A Variation on Pride and Prejudice

Martin Hunnicutt - 2020
    Wishing to keep his mistress close as he recovers from a recent illness, George Darcy gifts his heir with an estate named Netherfield in Hertfordshire. The challenge of building up the distant estate will keep his son away and provide a safe home to his daughter.‘Master William’ takes on the responsibilities for Netherfield and his young sister with the help of his nearest neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bennet while the five Bennet daughters adopt Georgiana as another sister. Several years later, when George Darcy becomes ill and dies, William becomes ‘Mr. Darcy’. As the new master takes control of the great estate of Pemberley with his sister at his side, Georgiana asks that they return to their ‘home’ and ‘family’ in Hertfordshire. When Darcy realizes he misses their home in Hertfordshire and one Bennet sister in particular, they return.

The Longbourn Quarantine

Don Jacobson - 2020
    A feared specter has escaped London’s grimy docklands and now threatens the wealthy districts. Amongst that ragged stream is a single carriage jostling its way toward Meryton. Inside are the Darcy siblings along with Charles and Caroline Bingley. They desperately seek the safety of Netherfield Park.For all their riches, they could not evade the epidemic’s dark hand. Bingley’s leasehold had been reduced to rubble as roving bands raped, pillaged, and burned. The only sanctuary was Longbourn where, once installed, the Darcys and Bingleys were barred from leaving by a fortnight’s quarantine.Events converge with disease in The Longbourn Quarantine. Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy abandon old prejudices to face grief and mourning. Pride is set aside as Death hovers nearby. The couple forges ahead. knowing that love unexplored is love lost: that words must be said lest they remain unspoken in the time of smallpox.

Interrupted Plans: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Brigid Huey - 2021
    Elizabeth Bennet and her family have seen dramatic changes in the past few months—none of them welcome. Her sister Jane needs a fresh start, and Elizabeth is no less eager to leave behind the pain and confusion of not accepting Mr. Darcy’s proposal.Fitzwilliam Darcy has not seen Elizabeth since he offered for her—and she adamantly refused him. When she appears in London, he is determined to gain her friendship and make amends. When a carriage mishap throws them together, Darcy does all he can to demonstrate his changed behavior.Though their renewed acquaintance seems to be growing into a genuine friendship, a family secret constrains Elizabeth. As she falls deeper in love with the man she rejected, does she dare tell him the truth?


C.P. Odom - 2007
    In fact, until he observes the smitten nature of his cousin Fitzwilliam Darcy, he doubts that fervent love exists. Marriage, after all, is a matter of money, social standing, and property.But his cousin becomes besotted with Elizabeth Bennet, the lovely but penniless daughter of a Hertfordshire gentleman, and is determined to make her his wife. Unfortunately, emotions overwhelm his good judgment, and he botches an offer of marriage.When the colonel attempts to untangle the mess, his own world becomes almost as chaotic when he makes the accidental acquaintance of Miss Jane Bennet, Elizabeth’s beloved eldest sister. Can emotions previously deemed impossible truly seize such a level-headed person as himself? And can impassible obstacles deter a man of true determination?

There You Were: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Michelle Ray - 2021
    I cannot stop it, I cannot indulge it, so I must put distance between us and hope that time will heal this fever I have.”ABANDONED BY HER MOTHER and ignored by her father, it is hardly any wonder young Elizabeth Bennet’s curiosity soon brings about trouble and marriage to a man she does not love. Colonel Fitzwilliam’s family—save for his cousin Mr Darcy—despises her, and life is not what she dreamed of. As she matures and grows from an impetuous girl into a woman, Elizabeth’s most reliable source of friendship and comfort becomes Mr Darcy. When tragedy strikes leaving her a widow, she is free to find out [discover?] who has been in her heart all along. DARCY HAS ALWAYS BEEN INTRIGUED by the girl his beloved cousin married, and finds himself drawn into helping her after her husband’s death. Over time, admiration turns to love. Admitting his feelings to her – or even himself – could lead to ruin, but denying his passion could shatter him.

Pemberley's Christmas Governess: A Pride and Prejudice Holiday Vagary

Regina Jeffers - 2021
    One kiss. Following his wife’s death in childbirth, Fitzwilliam Darcy hopes to ease his way back into society by hosting a house party during Christmastide. He is thrilled when his cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam sends a message saying not only will the colonel attend, but he is bringing a young woman with him of whom he hopes both Darcy and the colonel’s mother, Lady Matlock, will approve. Unfortunately, for Darcy, upon first sight, he falls for the woman: He suspects beneath Miss Elizabeth Bennet’s conservative veneer lies a soul which will match his in every way; yet, she is soon to be the colonel’s wife.Elizabeth Bennet lost her position as a governess when Lady Newland accused Elizabeth of leading her son on. It is Christmastide, and she has no place to go and little money to hold her over until after Twelfth Night; therefore, when Lieutenant Newland’s commanding officer offers her a place at his cousin’s household for the holy days, she accepts in hopes someone at the house party can provide her a lead on a new position. Having endured personal challenges which could easily have embittered a lesser woman, Elizabeth proves herself brave, intelligent, educated in the fine arts of society, and deeply honorable. Unfortunately, she is also vulnerable to the Master of Pemberley, who kindness renews her spirits and whose young daughter steals her heart. The problem is she must leave Pemberley after the holidays, and she does not know if a “memory” of Fitzwilliam Darcy will be enough to sustain her.

Men Of Consequence: A Pride And Prejudice Variation

Francine Rainey - 2019
    Yet will this reasoning cause Darcy to lose the only woman he has ever wanted? Darcy has scorned Elizabeth’s ability to attract men of consequence due to her lack of fortune and lowly connections. However, when Elizabeth joins the newly wedded Charles and Jane Bingley in London for a season, what will the company of two men of consequence mean for Elizabeth’s prospects? Meanwhile, Darcy is confronted with his past and actions that could challenge his place in the world and destroy his opportunity with the woman he loves. Will Darcy unravel the mystery and avoid a scandal before Elizabeth accepts another? And along the way will Darcy discover what truly make men, Men of Consequence.

Mr Darcy's Resolve

E. Bradshaw - 2017
    After a fierce argument with her mother, Elizabeth flees from Longbourn in a state of tearful rage. She faces a troubling dilemma and is trapped by her feelings of obligation to her family, whilst her rebellious, independent spirit is determined not to be subjugated into a loveless marriage. Just as she is at her lowest ebb, when all hope seems to have fled, she is surprised by the arrival of none-other than Mr Darcy. She knows very well that he views her and all her family with complete derision, and so she cannot understand why he is so kind and gentlemanly towards her that day. It is the first time that she sees a different side to Mr Darcy, and she starts to develop a new insight into his character – and to realise that he is not as arrogant and unfeeling as she always previously assumed him to be. From that day a new understanding grows between them, and Elizabeth begins to view him in a better light. Their relationship grows from that day forwards – though their path to happiness is by no means an easy one. Along the way they must face opposition from their families, clear up a damaging misapprehension, and overcome a scandal which could destroy all their hopes for their future. Nevertheless, through it all, Mr Darcy is absolutely resolved and utterly set upon a future with his beloved Elizabeth.

Pemberley by Moonlight

Stephen Ord - 2021
    There seems to be a large gap in the world where you should be.”WHAT HAS HAPPENED to Fitzwilliam Darcy? IT HAS BEEN NEARLY A YEAR since the master of Pemberley disappeared, leaving behind his distraught young sister and a family in turmoil. But clues to his whereabouts are scarce and it soon seems there will be nothing to do but see Georgiana married and have him declared legally dead. ELIZABETH BENNET, ON HOLIDAY with her aunt and uncle, visits Pemberley and soon finds herself drawn into the mystery of the missing gentleman. But what secrets are hidden within the gardens of Pemberley? And what is the strange attraction she feels towards the statue of the man she has never met? Powerful forces want to keep them apart, but true love will overcome even the most fearsome evil.

The Netherfield Fire: An Elizabeth and Darcy Story

Timothy Underwood - 2020
    Darcy saved Elizabeth from the fire, but will her infected burns still kill her?When Elizabeth smelled the smoke and heard the cry of ‘Fire!’ during the Netherfield ball she did not hesitate to run up to the higher floors. A servant who had grown up at Longbourn had broken her leg, and would need help to escape the flames. But as they hurried downstairs they became lost in the thick, roiling smoke. Elizabeth was struck and burned on the face by falling debris.Just when she began to despair, she heard Mr. Darcy’s hoarse voice cry her name.Mr. Darcy still disdains Elizabeth’s mother and connections, and the next time they meet will be at Rosings Park under Lady Catherine’s watchful gaze…

A Fall at Longbourn: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Amelia Wood - 2020
    She is convinced he is the last man in the world she could ever marry. But when Mr. Darcy loses his memory in an accident and recognizes no one but Elizabeth Bennet, can love find its way after all?Fitzwilliam Darcy has made his contempt for Meryton plain for all to see. Even worse, he slights Miss Elizabeth Bennet in her hearing and declares her not handsome enough to dance with. So why does she fill his thoughts? When an accident almost claims his life, he finds he can remember no one except the bewitching woman who comes to his rescue.Elizabeth Bennet is relieved to hurry home as the storm breaks. But when she comes upon the man she dislikes more than any other lying on the path unconscious, she has no other option but to bring him to Longbourn until he recovers. But when Mr. Darcy wakes up, he recognizes no one but Elizabeth. Her presence is the one thing that brings him comfort, so she has no choice but to remain by his side and care for him, a task which becomes less odious as she realizes that without his arrogance, Darcy might just be the man she always hoped to find.But how can either of them trust in a love that might not last? Has Darcy really changed, or will his pride return with his memory and leave Elizabeth heartbroken?A Fall at Longbourn is a sweet Pride and Prejudice variation novella of approximately 33,000 words.