Apotheosis Now: Rabbit Hole to the Beyond

Yanhao Huang - 2021
    Because externally, we are always trying to control what is “not me,” and internally, we always get perplexed trying to figure out whether our actions came from our “higher” or “lower” self. As Albert Einstein said: “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”This book will help you to understand:Why we have internal conflictsHow does our ego trap us in undesirable circumstancesHow do our beliefs limit usWhy thought-based teachings (Law of Attraction), or self-improvement advice don’t workHow do we really get what we wantWhy is happiness so rare for usWho we are reallyWhat is the nature of existenceWhat is the meaning of lifeHow do we know if there is a GodWhat is the process of spiritual enlightenmentMany of us are starting to become tired of this game of life. We have been comparing and striving all our life. But no matter how much success we have achieved—we are still hollow and still have found nothing fulfilling. We don’t even know if happiness exists because it is no longer a living thing in our experience—it has become dead, as we only know it as a concept or memory.We have sought self-help advice, philosophies, and religious teachings to transform ourselves but have not gotten anywhere. We have made some superficial improvements—like adopting a new mindset—but our core remains the same. We are still competitive, still fearful, and we get disturbed all the time.The problem with all attempts at self-improvement is that we do not address the fundamental problem, which is: who is the “you” who needs to be improved? We do not see that the one who is making the improvement is the same one who needs to be improved. The more we try to improve, the more conflict we introduce, within and without. The more knowledge we stuff in our heads, the more we become trapped in a conceptual prison of reality. Inevitably, the more confused we get in life.The book guides the reader out of their distorted beliefs to experience reality beyond the mind. When the deeper intelligence is allowed to flourish without our mind's interference, then the game of life becomes effortless.

Montgomery Ink Box Set

Carrie Ann Ryan - 2015
    Too bad the icy shield she puts up freezes any man who comes near. Shea has her reasons, and she’s not telling anyone, not even to a man who makes her want to swoon—something she’s never done before.One touch can change everything; for these two, it’s only the beginning.Ink Reunited – A Montgomery Ink PrequelWhen the men from Sassy Bordeaux’s past come into her shop, she’s forced to face what she left behind and what could happen if she lets go of her pain and finds a future she deserves.Delicate Ink – Montgomery Ink Book 1One look at the woman who comes in for new ink and Austin Montgomery knows she’s the one for him. The problem: she can’t stand him. Now he’ll have to be his most charming and brooding if he has any chance of changing her mind…and claiming her heart.

The Italian Billionaires TwinPack

Jennifer Blake - 2013
    But Nico is too civilized for such vengeance -- or is he?THE VENETIAN'S DARING SEDUCTIONIt was supposed to be a seduction of guile, but just who was doing the seducing?In Venice, Celina searches for the truth behind a famous painting and a past love affair. Discovering it from the gallant and elderly Conte di Palladino would be easy -- if not for his too-handsome grandson who intends to seduce her away from her quest.

Finding Love in Forgotten Cove

Karice BoltonKarice Bolton - 2015
    Unfortunately, while she’s busy never looking back, she walks straight ahead to find her fiancé cheating on her with a grin on his face. It isn’t until her father passes away, that Tori decides to return to Fireweed Island for the summer. Coming back to a place where ghosts lurk in even the happiest of memories makes her face the heartache of her past she’s done so well at leaving behind. It isn’t until Gabby introduces Mason Rhodes to her that she realizes kindness can exist in this overly brutal thing called life, and maybe not all men are meant to self-destruct, or she’s just been sniffing in too much ocean air. Either way, spending time with Mason on Fireweed Island leaves Tori questioning if the carefully constructed life she left behind in New York is one she even wants any longer. Mason is determined to break down Tori’s barriers, but she’s not sure she’s strong enough to let go of her past and imagine a future that risks her heart getting broken again, and she wonders if there’s such a thing as the right love at the wrong time…

Rising Tide: Dark Innocence

Claudette Melanson - 2014
    She seems to drive her classmates away—except for the odd times they pay enough attention to torture her—but she doesn’t understand why. Maura considers herself to be a freak of nature, with her unusually pale skin and an aversion to the sun that renders her violently nauseous. Her belief is only worsened by the fact that almost everyone around her keeps their distance.Even her own father deserted her before she was born, leaving Maura alone with her emotionally distant mother, Caelyn. Even though Maura is desperate for answers about her unknown parent, Caelyn remains heartbroken and her daughter can’t bring herself to reopen her mother’s wounds. Or is there a more sinister reason Caelyn refuses to utter a word about her long-lost love?When a cruel prank nearly claims Maura’s life, one of her classmates, Ron, rushes to her rescue. Darkly handsome & mysteriously accepting, Ron doesn’t seem to want to stay away, but Maura is reluctant to get too close, since her mother has announced she’s moving the two of them to Vancouver…nearly 3,000 miles away from their hometown of Indiana, Pennsylvania.If life wasn’t already challenging enough, Maura begins to experience bizarre, physical changes her mother seems hell bent on ignoring, compelling Maura to fear for her own life. Vicious nightmares, blood cravings, failing health and the heart-shattering loss of Ron—as well as the discovery of a tangled web of her own mother's lies—become obstacles in Maura's desperate quest for the unfathomable truth she was never prepared to uncover.

Sweet Oblivion

Bailey Ardisone - 2012
    And some secrets...are best kept in Oblivion....Until there is hope.Have you ever wanted to forget? Nariella Woodlinn has. Many times. Especially when her already frustrating life gets turned upside down by a mysterious boy who randomly shows up in her small town. And she can't seem to understand anything about him, despite how much she tries.​Nari hates everything about her life, except for her best friend Rydan, but now that they've been separated during their senior year of high school, she has to learn to make new friends without him. When strange, unexplainable phenomena start becoming an every day part of her life, Nari struggles to come to grips with reality. And with love.~​Naminé has responsibilities. Duties. It is her obligation to fulfill all that is asked of her by their King. But when a glimmer of hope is introduced to her by a prisoner she tends to, it means life or death for her and her people. She does all that she can to turn that hope into reality, and finally end the vicious war that has been ensuing since she was born. Even if that means keeping it secret from her King. Even if it means carrying out the biggest betrayal against the King ever seen during her time.​She has hope. She will fulfill her duty. She will not let her people down.Sweet Escape, the second book in the Sweet Series, is coming to you July 25th, 2013!Note: This edition shares ASIN B00AVAV9AO with the first edition.

When We Were Brave

Karla M. Jay - 2019
    TICHELAAR AWARD for BEST HISTORICAL FICTION — MARQUETTE FICTION2020 First Place Award, Historical Fiction for Reader's View Contest2020 Book Excellence Award for Historical Fiction2019 Distinguished Favorite for the New York City Big Book Award.2019 Silver Medal Winner, Historical Fiction, Readers Favorite Contest. Combining excellent historical research with a compelling storyline, the hard work of author Karla M. Jay really pays off the more deeply involved you become with the characters in her plot...As the plot threads and connections slowly come together, the conclusion marks the realities of war and sticks in your mind for a long time after. When We Were Brave is a highly recommended historical read.2019 FINALIST in The Wishing Shelf Book Awards- Adult FictionAug. 2019 Silver medal winner in Reader's Favorite Contest for historical fiction. Nov. 2019 New York City Big Book Award® Distinguished FavoritesIn WHEN WE WERE BRAVE, we find a conflicted SS officer, Wilhelm Falk, who risks everything to escape the Wehrmacht and get out the message about the death camps. Izaak is a young Jewish boy whose positive outlook is challenged daily as each new perilous situation comes along. American citizens, Herbert Müller, and his family are sent back to the hellish landscape of Germany because of the DNA coursing through their veins. In the panorama of World War II, these are the high-stakes plots and endearing characters whose braided fates we pray will work out in the end.

Kissed by a Cowboy 1 & 2: Redbud Trails

Lacy Williams - 2018
    Being home again stirs up painful memories of the high school best friend that died too young. When she meets a young girl who is the spitting image of her friend, Haley can’t help but feel an instant kinship. The one thing she didn’t count on was running into her high school crush—Maddox Michaels. Maddox is a realist. There’s no place in his life for dreams, not when he has an impressionable niece to raise and a brother who’s lost his way. But when Haley enters his orbit again, he can’t help remembering those dreams that died alongside his sister—dreams like falling in love. Can Haley resurrect Maddox’s heart, or have too many years passed since she was Kissed by a Cowboy? Kissed by a Cowboy 2 Ever wonder what happens beyond happily-ever-after? Haley wanted nothing more than to be a mom, but six months into this motherhood thing, she can’t remember sleeping through the night. She’s a mess. So is the house. And to make things worse, Maddox has a new coworker—a bombshell who happens to be single. Maddox thinks the baby-rearing stage is easy. It’s nothing compared to finding out his fourteen-year-old niece has been sneaking out at night. Or trying to decipher his wife’s hot and cold signals. When Livy disappears for the second time, everything that’s been boiling under the surface erupts. Will Maddox and Haley’s love be strong enough to survive?


Staci Stallings - 2012
    As the star basketball player on a winning college team, everybody knows him and loves him. His face is plastered on publicity poster after publicity poster. He's even gotten offers from the pros to forego his senior year for the glitz and glamour of the Big Show. But Anthony has a secret that's threatening to swallow his life whole… Heather Nolan would be the perfect poster-girl for academic overachievers. She's got straight A's and every professor in her cheering corner. But the life Heather thought she was studying so hard for is in danger of coming to a neck-snapping halt if she can't come up with a way to pay the bills. Bitter and angry that the basketball team seems to get the royal treatment while "real students" are forced to scrape by, Heather spitefully takes the only job available-tutoring. However, the lessons she teaches about English and what she learns about basketball soon pale in comparison with what she learns about herself. PRINCESS represents the collision of two college students, both with dreams and goals, both with real-to-life issues that are complicating everything. Like many new adults, Heather wants to manage life on her own terms, but paying for everything has become impossible. Anthony, on the other hand, seems to have it made, but in this contemporary romance, not everything is as it seems. The meeting of these two souls challenges both of them to let go of pride, prejudices, and pre-conceived notions about life and each other. Watching the coming of age journey is fascinating. *~* EXCERPT *~* Taking the concrete steps two at a time, Anthony Russell hurried to the front door of the Language Building, which he opened with barely a yank. He was late, and he knew it. “God, please don’t let her leave. Please,” he begged as he all-but ran down the hall to the Conference Rooms. “She’s my last chance.” With no pretense, he yanked that door open and strode into the room. … This was not the way he had wanted to start out. At the end of the hall, he pushed the door open with one shove, and half-an-instant later heard the crash on the other side as the door hit a chair that was standing too close. CRASH! The girl seated at the tiny table jumped up so fast, she knocked her own chair to the floor as well, and when it hit the floor, she jumped again. “Oh, man.” Anthony held a hand up to calm the all-out panic in her face. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I am so sorry.” A fall of wavy brown hair followed her motion as she reached down to yank her chair from the floor. “Here, let me get that for you,” Anthony said, mortified by his clumsiness. As he crossed the room in one stride, he slung his books onto the little table. But just as he reached for her chair, he heard the first book hit the floor on the table’s other side, and then from his vantage point looking under the table, he saw the papers from his notebook slide from the table onto the floor with a slow-motion waterfall effect. “Oh, no.” He righted her chair in one sweep and quickly knelt down under the table to retrieve his wayward belongings. He pulled the last paper off the floor and got his feet under him to stand, but he didn’t judge the table right and smacked his head on the edge of it. “Ow!” he yelped, rubbing the skin at the top of his head. Putting a hand above him to judge the table, he stood slowly, making sure to leave plenty of room between his head and the table this time. She’s going to think I’m a complete idiot.

Off Schedule

Andrea Buck - 2021
    Ten days. One motorhome. What could go wrong?When Paula runs into the ex-love of her life, she believes it’s fate. When he introduces his new fiancée, Paula thinks fate should get fired. And when her ex has the nerve to ask what’s going on in her life, she does what any reasonable person would do, she lies.Her musician neighbor is willing to play the fake boyfriend. He just needs a tiny favor in return. Piece of cake, he tells her. Nothing to worry about.Paula sets off to deliver an antique instrument, but ends up stranded in the desert with a homeless dog, an impossible deadline, and ancient motorhome. Only a miracle could get her home. When the miracle shows up looking like a Greek god in a Levi’s ad, staying on schedule becomes the least of Paula’s problems.

The Quiet Child

John Burley - 2017
    At the center of it all is six-year-old Danny McCray, a strange and silent child the townspeople regard with fear and superstition, and who appears to bring illness and ruin to those around him. Even his own mother is plagued by a disease that is slowly consuming her.Sheriff Jim Kent, increasingly aware of the whispers and rumors surrounding the boy, has watched the people of his town suffer—and he worries someone might take drastic action to protect their loved ones. Then a stranger arrives, and Danny and his ten-year-old brother, Sean, go missing. In the search that follows, everyone is a suspect, and the consequences of finding the two brothers may be worse than not finding them at all.

The Paid Bridesmaid

Sariah Wilson - 2022
    Discretion guaranteed. Her next gig is a destination wedding—livestreamed and sponsored—for an Instagram influencer. That means a paradise of new contacts, which could be a boon to her already booming business. If Rachel can keep the very handsome and slightly too interested best man at bay, that is.High-tech entrepreneur Camden Lewis must know: Who is this gorgeous, intelligent, and mysterious woman? Too good to be real. Convinced she’s a corporate spy out to tank his company, Camden’s not letting her out of his sight. But the constant surveillance is also opening his eyes to things about Rachel that he likes. If she’s a spy, she’s certainly the cutest one he’s ever seen.As the week’s worth of wedding events march along, Rachel and Camden are learning almost everything there is to know about each other. Rachel’s made a career out of always a bridesmaid…but perhaps there’s a chance for her own trip down the aisle?


Christina Garner - 2011
    Ember's want her dead.Ember has always known she doesn't belong in this world, but when she takes matters into her own hands, she winds up in a mental institution.  There she draws the attention of Taren, a mysterious boy with a dangerous secret.  When demons attack and they are forced to flee together, Ember learns her secret might be the deadliest of all.  With a gateway to hell about to open in Los Angeles, Ember must choose--will she save the world... or end it?

Liliana's Letter

Alina K. Field - 2015
    If only the young lady’s starchy hired companion would move out of the way. The MatchbreakerHired to launch an heiress’s society debut, seemingly straitlaced spinster Liliana Ashford’s future as a professional chaperone depends on the girl’s successful marriage. But Liliana had her own close encounter with a scoundrel years ago, and she won’t let her charge be forced into marriage to the same kind of rogue, no matter how hard the man’s widowed uncle tries to woo Liliana around to the match.Secrets and a Scandalous Murder A shadow from Liliana’s past appears bearing an unfortunate letter she wrote long ago, and then the earl is murdered, evoking the scandal of the season. While she scrambles to make a respectable match for her charge before her own past can be exposed, Grigsby sets about finding his nephew’s killer—and Liliana’s secrets.

Playing with Temptation

Erika Wilde - 2015
    . . When Raina Beck is given an invitation to The Players Club, all she wants is a night of decadence with a gorgeous, sexy stranger. The seductive, mysterious man she meets fulfills her deepest desires and most erotic fantasies, giving her a night she’ll never forget. But forgetting him isn’t quite so easy. Logan Cruz prefers his women submissive and compliant in the bedroom... everything the independent Raina is not. Yet from the first moment he lays eyes on her, he’s determined to make Raina his. Despite her resistance. When Logan is assigned to protect Raina from a stalker, everything between them changes. Sex becomes more than just physical, and emotions run deep. Falling in love was never on Raina’s agenda, but can she let go of the past and surrender the one thing he wants the most... her heart? An alternate cover for this ASIN can be found here.