The Doctrine and Covenants Made Easier: Part 1: Sections 1-42

David J. Ridges - 2004
    From beloved gospel scholar David Ridges, this valuable book contains the complete text of the Doctrine and Covenants, sections 1-42, including Brother Ridges's classic in-verse notes, and additional insights and commentary. Bring your family together and master latter-day scriptures with this helpful study companion.

In the Last Days: A Brief Guide to Christ's Second Coming for Latter-day Saints

Michael James Fitzgerald - 2015
    Students of the Second Coming won't find anything sensational, highly speculative, or particularly new or groundbreaking in this book. Though not exhaustive, the guide walks through many of the major events surrounding the Second Coming of Christ, mainly through the Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price—but also through some archaeological, historical, and statistical sources. (It's a compilation of posts from the blog "Put on the Armor of Light," written between September 2014 and November 2015.)

Know Brother Joseph: New Perspectives on Joseph Smith's Life & Character

Various - 2021
    These pages are filled with insights into Joseph, but most have not yet been shared in a way that makes the accessible to a broader audience. This collection of short essays will help close this gap and bring insights into Joseph to Latter-day saints, both those who are struggling with questions about Joseph and those who simply want to understand the founding Prophet of the Restoration better. These essays look at Joseph Smith's life, character, personality, and relationships with others. Know Brother Joseph, is an accessible and faith-promoting look at Joseph Smith, his life, and its relevance to us in our daily walk.

The Unexpected Deliverer

David Butler - 2021
    We know how it all turns out. But imagine if you were the people living it. If you didn't know He was coming back. If you were Mary and Martha after Lazarus died, you would have thought He came too late. If you were Peter, you would have been appalled that the Master would lower Himself into your mess to wash your feet. If you stood at the foot of the cross and heard it was finished, you would have believed it was.What shifted? What allowed them to discover hope within the hopelessness? The witness of their change in perspective teaches us of an unexpected Christ. One who shows up, turning defeat into victory, and despair into deliverance.If He did it for them, He will do it for you. The story of Easter teaches us the truth of Jesus in every unexpected season. Through Him, you can expect hope in unlikely places.

Getting at the Truth: Responding to Difficult Questions about LDS Beliefs

Robert L. Millet - 2004
    In Getting at the Truth, Robert L. Millet demonstrates that we can reach out and build bridges of understanding with those of other beliefs without compromising what we know to be true. Our responsibility to be a leavening influence in society means we cannot completely avoid the troublesome issues of our world. This book helps us put many of those issues in context, clarifying our doctrines and showing how to respond to opposition most appropriately and peacefully.

Where the Soul Hungers: One Doctor’s Journey from Atheism to Faith

Samuel Morris Brown - 2021
    Brown was an atheist from an early age and proud of it. Yet, by his own account, God became an undeniable presence in his life. Now a faithful Latter-day Saint, this practicing research physician narrates some of the waypoints on his journey into believing and belonging. Some are dramatic—his wife’s cancer diagnosis or working in a hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic—while many are simple yet profound: being mistaken for a homeless person while a student at Harvard, growing to like little children and opera, and learning to bake cookies for others. With gentle, self-critical humor and a generous regard for those who have accompanied him on his way, Brown’s book is an offer to walk with you a while on your own journey of faith.

Adam-Ondi-Ahman and the Last Days

Randall Bird - 2011
    Don't be left in the dark! This book takes a close look at this sacred site and sheds light on its name, geography, history, and future. Be prepared to meet Christ again on this sacred site.

Glimpses Beyond Death's Door

Brent L. Top - 1993
    Rich with scripture and the words of modern prophets. A positive, upbeat tone to death as being, certainly for the faithful Church member, the beginning of a beautiful and happy life. Enlightening and exciting. While emphasizing that we must examine these accounts carefully and perhaps critically because conclusions must conform to Church doctrine—since doctrine comes only from the standard works and modern prophets—the authors say, "We were amazed at the similarities and consistencies between near-death accounts and the doctrines of the restored gospel." The reader accordingly will be fascinated with the discussion on what the NDE's report: A "being of light" who greeted them in the spirit world; one's sense of having a perfect, vitalized spirit body; the rapid, graphic review of one's mortal life; seeing populated cities of dazzling brilliance; meeting with loved ones; communication by thought transference; spirits in radiant white robes; an intense, dynamic light that does not hurt the spirit eyes; travel at phenomenal speeds; all levels of beauty and brilliance in the different realms and conditions; expanded comprehension and memory powers; gorgeously beautiful scenery and vegetation. All this and much more in an environment which NDE's describe as all-encompassing, ineffable light and love.

Coles to Jerusalem: A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Reverend Richard Coles (Kindle Single)

Kevin Jackson - 2015
    Richard Coles, led a pilgrimage to all the major historic sites of the Holy Land: from Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee in the North, via Jericho and the Jordan River, to Bethlehem and, finally, Jerusalem. All of the pilgrims in his care were practising Christians, except one: the writer Kevin Jackson, a diffident and sympathetic atheist intrigued by the chance to take part in this modern-day version of an ancient act of piety, and to learn some more about his old friend, the media clergyman.Coles to Jerusalem is Kevin Jackson’s light-hearted diary of that pilgrimage, and a close-up portrait of Richard Coles both as priest and as man. As the journey proceeds, Coles reminisces at length about his past life as a rock star and radical gay agitator, his new life as a spiritual leader and a popular broadcaster on BBC radio and television, and the strange, unpredictable path that led him from self-destructive debauchery to faith and vocation.With a lively supporting cast of fellow pilgrims, Coles to Jerusalem ranges among the magnificence of ancient monuments and the banalities of the guided tour, the grim political background of contemporary Israel and the comedy of a group of idiosyncratic English folk abroad, the intensity of worship and the lightness of banter. It will be irresistible to all admirers of Richard Coles, who has contributed a foreword; and a revelation to those who have never encountered his wisdom and warmth.

Three Degrees of Glory

Melvin J. Ballard - 2009
    It was published under the direction of the Mount Ogden Stake Genealogical Committee.

Sharper Than a Two-Edged Sword

Andrew Wommack - 2011
    Teachings include sections from some of his most popular titles: Better Way To Pray, God Wants You Well, The War is Over, Believer's Authority, Spirit Soul & Body, You've Already Got It, The True Nature of God, The Holy Spirit, True Christianity, Hardness of Heart, The Effects of Praise, Grace: The Power of the Gospel, Harnessing Your Emotions, Staying Full of God, and more. The power to live a holy life does not come from your works, but only through His grace. Discover rest in knowing that Jesus wants you to live in peace, not condemnation. Andrew Wommack, seen nationwide on his television broadcast, The Gospel Truth, brings a remarkable revelation of God's grace for readers today!

In Mary's Arms: A Christmas Message for Mothers

Mary Holland McCann - 2016

Mee Thinks: Random Thoughts on Life's Wrinkles

Mary Ellen Edmunds - 2004
    In it, Mary Ellen shares her thoughts on topics from balance to the Big Bad Wolf, inviting readers to think for themselves about materialism and spontaneity and miracles and keeping promises and a host of other ideas. "I hope something I share will spark and idea in you and give you a good thinking experience," the author says. "Enjoy the Ride!"style="COLOR: black; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt"> style="COLOR: black; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt"> Author s Bio style="COLOR: black; mso-ansi-font-size: 12.0pt">Mary Ellen Edmunds style="COLOR: black; mso-ansi-font-size: 12.0pt"> has served as director of training at the Missionary Training Center and as a member of the Relief Society general board. She graduated from the College of Nursing at Brigham Young University, has been a faculty member at BYU, and has served several full-time missions. A popular speaker, she is also the author of Happiness: Finders, Keepers; Love Is a Verb; and Thoughts for a Bad Hair Day.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Conquering Your Own Goliaths

Steven A. Cramer - 1988
    And you can claim it beginning now. The well know Bible story of David and Goliath is the back drop that Steven A. Cramer uses to show how we can enlist the aid of the Lord in overcoming any of our problems. In our day, we do not have to face nine-foot giants physically, but often our Goliaths come in the form of spiritual giants that will not yield to a stone or sword.

Power of Letting Go: Break free from the past and future and learn to let God take control.

J. Martin - 2015
    It can feel like we are pulling a cart behind us with all are troubles and worries, it slows us down, we can become tired, depressed, even jealous, as life seems so easy for others. All we need to do is LET GO of the cart and we will feel lighter and free, but often we have held onto it so long that it has become part of us. Many of the people we know are also carrying carts, so it can seem normal. We talk about how heavy are cart is with anyone that will listen, at no point do we realize that we can set down that heavy cart that is keeping us from Gods love. We need to learn to Let go. In this book I will share with you stories of people that struggled with letting go and what happened when they did. God is only in the present moment, he is not in the past or future. The moment that we let go of the past God will turn the page to the next chapter of our life, which will be much better than the last. It will take courage and faith, but I invite you to take this journey with me. By the end of the book God will shine a light into your life that will illuminate you to… THE POWER OF LETTING GO.