Bible Prophecy & Trump: Daniel Chapter 8 A Goat Stubborn King of the West will Attack Iran (Persia) making His Nation "Very Great" in End Times Then the ... Occurs Over 150 End Time Prophecies

James Warden - 2017
    One could not help but take notice at his meteoric ascendency to the presidency after publicly breaking every norm and social mores that polite society holds dear. The name “Donald” means world ruler, and no he is not the antichrist, but he is a man of destiny. Open a King James Bible and read Daniel chapter 8 with a dictionary and you cannot help but see that he is the prophesied king of the west who “at the time of the end” will fulfill the prophecy in making his nation “very great.” (Daniel 8:9) Televangelists are failing to inform their audiences of this prophecy that once served to predict the rise of Alexander the Great, as a mighty western Grecian king, who would conquer the Mideast; that no one could withstand. He put Europe on the map as a force to be reckoned with. The prophecy states in itself that it will again serve “at the time of the end” to identify a king of the west with the disposition of a “he goat” that no nation will be able to withstand as he makes his nation “very great” prior to the rise of four other nations out of whom the antichrist will rise “in the latter times,” whom Daniel calls “the little horn.” (Daniel 8:9). Daniel was famous for interpreting “the handwriting on the wall" in the kingdom of Babylon called Iraq today. This is the same Daniel of the lion’s den who wrote of a prophetic vision he had in front of an Iraqi river that was designated for an “appointed time” - “the time of the end.” His dual purposed vision points out that in the end times a “strong” leader of the west, whom Daniel identified as “king” with the character of a Billy goat will be known for his stubborn personality. The prophet wrote that this king of the west calling him in parable a he goat who will be moved with “choler.” Webster’s defines choler as “a ready disposition to irritation. 2) Irascible marked by a hot temper and easily provoked to anger.” Oxford dictionary defines “being moved with choler” as “a peevish temperament easily provoked to anger.” Daniel forecast that “at the time of the end” this king of the west will “be moved with choler” with his ire stirred against Persia, called Iran since 1936 (Daniel 8:5). The first portion of Daniel eight is in parable form describing the western leader as launching an air attack as a “he goat” whose “feet touched not the ground” as it tackled “the ram having two horns.” The parable is reveals later in the chapter describing the “two horns” as the kings of Media and Persia/Iran. Daniel prophesied that “at the time of the end” a king of the west will trample the leaders of Iraq and Iran into the dust. On September 11, 2001, a king of the west was caught flat-footed when he was reading a children’s book “My Pet Goat” to school kids in Florida, when his nation was air attacked as. Later, this western leader, President George W. Bush under his motto “Stay the course” initiated an unprovoked attack on Iraq in a war named “Iraqi Freedom” leading to its dictator (king according to Daniel) Saddam Hussein being toppled in death in 2003. This was the first stage of Daniel’s prophecy. Presently, in 2017, this war still endures, because Daniel predicted that the West’s attack near the territory of Media conquered by Alexander must also topple Persia’s\Iran’s leader. However, when this he goat king from the west defeats Iran\Persia, Daniel writes that his nation will become “very great.

Catholic Book Of Prayers: Popular Catholic Prayers Arranged For Everyday Use

Maurus Fitzgerald - 1982
    Today's most popular general prayer book, the Catholic Book of Prayers offers prayers for every day, as well as many special prayers including prayers to the Blessed Trinity, Our Lady, and the Saints. Compiled and edited by Rev. Maurus FitzGerald, O.F.M., this giant type book has a brown vinyl cover with a ribbon for convenient place-keeping and can be carried easily in a purse or pocket. With a helpful summary of our Catholic Faith, this useful prayer book will prove invaluable for making regular prayer easy and meaningful.

Anger Is a Choice

Tim LaHaye - 1982
    But when we understand where anger comes from, how it shows or doesn’t show, then we can do something about it. Either it will control us or we will control it, because Anger Is a Choice.Best-selling authors Tim LaHaye and Bob Phillips tell us what we need to know to control the emotion of anger. They not only examine it from beginning (its origins) to end (its effects), they also help us evaluate our own “Irritability Quotient” through the Anger Inventory and other exercises throughout the book. In learning how to handle conflicts and anger, we are enabled to heal damaged relationships and help others deal with their anger as well. We can make our lives more peaceful, rewarding, and meaningful by putting anger in its proper place and under our own control.Topics include:* Meet the angry family* Anger and body language* Anger and your health* Anger and your temperament* Is it ever right to be angry?* Anger and forgiveness* Anger in the Bible

In His Place: A Modern-Day Challenge in the Tradition of Charles Sheldon's Classic In His Steps

Harry C. Griffith - 2016
    We are to incarnate Christ in our time, being conscious of the presence and power of God within us in all of our thoughts and actions. This is what pastor Steve Long wants his congregation to understand. When Long challenges his prominent but self-satisfied congregation to become a living force for Christ in their small North Georgia town, he is blindsided by personal trials. Responding to Christ’s command “As the Father has sent me, so I send you,” Pastor Long tackles these difficult situations—and more—over a tumultuous week of trials and testing and ultimately learns (as he leads) what it means to walk In His Place.

Move Toward the Mess: The Ultimate Fix for a Boring Christian Life

John Hambrick - 2016
    Some church music is dull. But here’s the thing: If Jesus had been boring, the disciples wouldn’t have followed him and the Pharisees wouldn’t have killed him. So if you’re bored, don’t waste another minute. If your church service feels like a failed pep rally that never leads to the actual game, then it’s time for you to follow Jesus onto the field where the opposition is real and the stakes are extraordinary. It will get messy. It won’t always be comfortable. But you’ll make a difference. And you’ll discover that nobody’s bored out there. Nobody.

Way to Happiness

Fulton J. Sheen - 1949
    Sheen was written as a pastoral guide to finding peace, hope and contentment in this life and eternal happiness in the life to come.

The Blueprint: A Plan for Living Above Life's Storms

Kirk Franklin - 2010
    His father abandoned his family; his mother constantly told Kirk that he was an unwanted child and left him to be adopted when he was four; his sister became a crack addict; he never saw a black man who was faithful in marriage. Despite his shaky foundation he found strength and success through his music and through God.In The Blueprint, Franklin will explain how, by communicating with life’s architect, God, he learned to see hardships as necessary life propellants and moved on to become the bestselling gospel musician in recent history, as well as a devoted husband and loving father.This is not a step program, it’s a lifelong journey. Franklin’s real world words of wisdom will help guide you to:• Pursue your dreams without losing yourself in the chase.• Do some lifescaping to eliminate the “weeds” that hold you back.• Declare your life to be drama-free.• Get past your fears so you can live and love fully.• Pass the baton to future generations by leading by example.

Know Who You Are, Live Like It Matters

Tim Tebow - 2017
    And the older you get, the more difficult it seems to become. Deep down you may know your value as a person isn't defined by wearing cool name-brand clothes, scoring points for a sports team, or even by having a huge number of social media followers. And you're right! Your identity resides in something--in fact, Someone--much greater than anything this world can offer:The only identity worth found in Jesus Christ!American sports icon, Tim Tebow knows firsthand what it's like to face pressure head-on. In Know Who You Are. Live Like It Matters, he shares the wisdom he's learned--not from what the world says, but from what God says in His Word.Tim will guide you through thirty-six weeks of lessons, each based on a key Scripture, to discover who you are--by learning more about whose you are! You will also have the opportunity to write down your thoughts, feelings, and ideas on topics such as: * Building godly character * Maintaining great relationships * Standing out from the crowd * Doing things that matter in the big pictureGet ready to live bigger than ever before...with your faith and identity secured in a God who loves you beyond measure!

Yes, No, and Maybe: Living with the God of Immeasurably More

Wendy Pope - 2018
    Home. Work. Church. It’s good, but is it as good as it gets? Find more at the intersection of God’s Word and our obedience to it.  For many women, life can be full with family needs, home duties, work obligations, and church service. Does it feel like you’re doing everything you should be doing, yet something’s still missing? Does it feel like there should be more?   In Yes, No, & Maybe, Proverbs 31 speaker and author Wendy Pope shares how women can find the God of “immeasurably more” at the intersection of the Bible and their obedience to it. Through reading this book, women willHear truths from God about what’s missing in their lives, even if they are tough messages Learn how to trust God to reveal what’s missing in their livesDevelop the discipline to be close to God and hear His guidance  As a Bible study teacher, Wendy will walk women through her own journey and the power that she found through truly studying the Bible. She teaches readers how to say “yes” to God and “no” to self and to embrace the freedom of “maybe” that comes as a result of honing and filtering the commitments and priorities of life. This book is for any woman interested inFinding a meaningful way to study the Bible Letting the Holy Spirit work in their lives Learning to polish parts of themselves to better reflect God

Connected: Curing the Pandemic of Everyone Feeling Alone Together

Erin Davis - 2014
    Sure we have “friends” we even have “followers” and yet, a silent epidemic is sending shock waves straight into our living rooms. What is this hidden disease? Loneliness. Popular author Erin Davis knows what it’s like to feel lonely. She knows how it feels to have many friends, a full schedule, and a pit in her stomach. As she wrestled her own feelings of loneliness to the ground, Erin started to feel like the scientist charged with finding the cure for the lonely epidemic—a journey that has proved to be funny, encouraging, and helpful. What is causing the pain of loneliness to gnaw at our hearts? What does God know about feeling alone? While swimming in a sea of people, what’s a lonely girl to do? Where should she turn for a life raft? Erin has traveled across the country to talk with other women and answer these questions for us all. Come along in Connected to learn about her journey as well as the stories of women who are probably a lot like you!

The Barbarians Are Here: Preventing the Collapse of Western Civilization in Times of Terrorism

Michael Youssef - 2017
    But the Muslim world seemed far away, remote, and irrelevant to our daily lives. Then came the terrorist attacks of 9/11, followed by attacks at Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon, San Bernardino, and more. Now terrorists seem to be emerging everywhere, unleashing senseless death and destruction on our nation. They are here, and their goal is nothing less than global conquest. Motivated by ancient prophecies, they are flooding into Western countries determined to conquer our countries and establish a global Muslim caliphate. In The Barbarians Are Here, Dr. Michael Youssef provides clear insight into the motives and mission of the Islamic extremists. He offers practical steps we can take right now to begin a New Reformation that will restore the hope of Western civilization. It's not too late. We are not doomed to destruction, even though the barbarians are already here. But we haven't a moment to lose. "Let this book shape how you think, pray, and take the Gospel to the ends of the earth." -- R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary "I want every American, every citizen, and every member of my family to read this book. It is foolhardy not to." -- Pat Boone, Entertainer, Pat Boone Enterprises

Happiness, Finders' Keepers

Mary Ellen Edmunds - 1999
    What is it, and where can it be found? Is it an ideal to be hoped for in the next life, or a reality to be sought here and now? "To me there was never a time when we had a greater need for happiness and for the peace, contentment, serenity, hope, gratitude, and joy that are part of it," writes Mary Ellen Edmunds. In Happiness: Finders, Keepers, she offers a wealth of practical, cheery, spirit-filled suggestions for living a happier life. Since our Father in Heaven's plan is "the great plan of happiness," and since one of the reasons for our very existence is that we "might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:25), it's clear that we're meant to be happy right now, here, today! We can do so, even in the midst of trials, if we understand the true nature of this heavenly gift. "I am convinced that even with the heavy burdens, the awful injustices, and the tragedies in the world, there is happiness all around us," writes the author. "We must be the finders and the keepers — those who are aware of and who cherish this holy, abundant blessing." Overcoming stress, maintaining a sense of humor, remembering our blessings, feeling gratitude — these are just some of the paths to happiness discussed in this delightful book. Warm personal stories and solid insights from the scriptures and the words of Church leaders help shape our perspective. The message is one of hope: There are things we can do and feel that will make us almost instantly happier. As Mary Ellen says: "May we remember that we already chose the great plan of happiness, but we need to choose it again, hour after hour and day after day, through all our earthly experiences. . . . If we will, we can live happily ever after!"

Daily Light On The Daily Path

Samuel Bagster - 1789
    This highly principled and religiously minded bookshop owner gathered his large family together daily for reading God's Word, testing their knowledge by connecting the day's verses with other passages, and praying over how it could be applied. It was from this practice of worship that the Bagster family compiled the material for Daily Light on the Daily Path.It is said that this daily devotional book is the most popular of all time. It has touched hundreds of thousands of Christians to the remotest corners of the world with the biblical message of comfort and help. Originally printed in the 1800s, this work is timeless because each reading is a connection of Scripture verses centered around a theme. Crossway is delighted to re-release this classic book in the beautiful and clear language of the English Standard Version.

The Spiritual Strength in Our Scars

Liyana Musfirah - 2020
    Are we considered strong if we do not fall when life pushes us to the ground? Do our faith and belief tell us that we cannot let our misery affect us because as the saying goes, “we must bear patience”?In this book, author Liyana Musfirah takes readers on a reflective journey of discovering the strength that emerges from each of our painful and scarring episodes. This is the book that celebrates what God has given women — the resilience to withstand emotional, spiritual, or even physical hardships.

Feel Free to Prosper: Two Weeks to Unexpected Income with the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available

Marilyn Jenett - 2015
    Thousands have applied her simple but powerful teachings, based on mental and spiritual laws, to manifest such striking results. Now she’ll teach you how to “put the Universe on speed dial.”   Marilyn Jenett’s Feel Free to Prosper, destined to become a classic, is a simple, fast, and practical approach to prosperity—a compilation of this renowned prosperity mentor’s finest teachings, followed by her final gift to the reader: the legendary lesson from her flagship program that will fulfill her two-week promise. Her unique, easy-to-grasp style will take the mystery out of these esoteric laws.   You will learn to overcome your conditioned thinking, habitual words, and other aspects of consciousness that perpetuate lack. With new patterns of thought and speech, you’ll magnetize prosperity instead of repelling it and acquire a true sense of security. Most importantly, you will experience proof of your alignment with the universal parent that is ready to shower each of us with gifts far beyond our imaginings—and finally feel free to prosper.     "You need look no further than the pages of this great masterpiece." —Peggy McColl, New York Times-bestselling author