Book picks similar to
Genesis by Tremper Longman III


Paradise to Prison

John James Davis - 1975
    In very readable fashion the author explores the lives of the patriarchs as well as important doctrinal themes. Each chapter is carefully documented and sources from archaeology and ancient Near Eastern history are freely used. The writer's premise is that no other ancient literature surviving the ravages of time can rightly be compared to Genesis with its unsurpassed theological perspectives and vivid profiles of early man.

Captivated by Christ: Seeing Jesus Clearly in the Book of Colossians

Richard Chin - 2019

Exalting Jesus in Galatians

David Platt - 2014
    Akin, and Tony Merida, this new commentary series, projected to be 48 volumes, takes a Christ-centered approach to expositing each book of the Bible. Rather than a verse-by-verse approach, the authors have crafted chapters that explain and apply key passages in their assigned Bible books. Readers will learn to see Christ in all aspects of Scripture, and they will be encouraged by the devotional nature of each exposition. Exalting Jesus in Galatians is written by David Platt & Tony Merida.

Man Overboard!: The Story of Jonah

Sinclair B. Ferguson - 1982
    He was to find the doctrine about God come alive in his experience. It is this combination of doctrine and experience that makes Jonah such a fascinating, instructive and practical book. The teaching of Jonah searches our hearts and consciences in a special way because it is the story of a man who was on the run from God. It traces not only the path of his journey, but unravels the inner workings of his heart- his fears, motivations, and passing moods. Christians today still experience these 'Jonah syndromes'.

2 Kings: The Power and the Fury

Dale Ralph Davis - 2005
    This book is a continuation of the narrative begun in 1 Samuel, and continued through 2 Samuel and 1 Kings. Ralph finishes it off with a captivating and rewarding journey through 2 Kings.Written between 561 BC and 538 BC, 2nd Kings gives us a warning about the consequences of sin, especially the catastrophic repercussions of Israel's love affair with idolatry. Despite struggling with other problems, we see that the Jewish people learned from their experience. They never made a mistake of this enormity again.Through prophets such as Elisha and Elijah we see God's compassion for his people and the opportunity for repentance. An opportunity spoilt by Judah, climaxing with the subjugation of the kingdom by the Babylonians.Illuminating, accessible and laced with his unique sense of humour, Davis' practical devotional expository applies events to the contemporary reader providing parallels to alert us in the 21st century.

The Gospel of Luke

Joel B. Green - 1997
    This highly original commentary, part of the New International Commentary, is unique for the way it combines concerns with first-century culture in the Roman world with understanding the text of Luke as a wholistic, historical narrative.

Sermon on the Mount: An Evangelical Exposition of Matthew 5–7

D.A. Carson - 1978
    A. Carson in one: his popular The Sermon on the Mount, which has been in print for over twenty years, and When Jesus Confronts the World. Carson offers a thorough explanation of the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 510. Bible teachers in church and parachurch groups, thoughtful Christians who want more than surface devotionals, and pastors who preach on Matthew 510 will benefit from this book. The Sermon on the Mount and When Jesus Confronts the World were both published in 1978.

Isaiah: God Saves Sinners

Raymond C. Ortlund Jr. - 2005
    A passionate expositional commentary, Isaiah is a valuable resource for pastors, teachers, and personal Bible study.

The Message of James

J. Alec Motyer - 1985
    This rich exposition brings James's letter to life for today's reader. Alec Motyer is himself gripped by James's energy and concern for practical Christianity.The letter shows how a genuine faith is a tested faith, how encounter with difficulties is an essential part of the growth to Christian maturity this book powerfully brings out James's memorable themes--the link between enduring trials and maturity; the question of perfection; the good gifts of God; faith, works and Christian concern in a world of human need; the implications of careless and evil words; the meaning of war; the church and healing; confession of sin; and the need for active purity in life.

Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary

C. John Collins - 2005
    They are front-loaded with all manner of vital topics--such as God's work of creating the world and mankind; what it means to be human; why our present experience is so different from what we find in Genesis 2; how we come to know God and to be sure of his love. Collins employs a literary-theological method informed by contemporary discourse analysis in order to read passages as coherent wholes. He shows how later biblical and inter-testamental writers have used Genesis 1-4 and reflects on how these chapters shape a Christian worldview today.

Kingdom Prologue: Genesis Foundations for a Covenantal Worldview

Meredith G. Kline - 2000
    As also indicated by the subtitle, our biblical-theological commentary on Genesis is designed to uncover the foundations of God's covenantally administered kingdom with its major historical developments and its institutional structures and functions. In this way Kingdom Prologue seeks to provide an introductory sketch of the over-all shape of the biblical worldview and the character of biblical religion.

John 1-11: New Testament Commentary

John F. MacArthur Jr. - 2006
    Each volume was written to be as comprehensive and accurate as possible, dealing thoroughly with every key phrase and word in the Scripture without being unnecessarily technical. This commentary will help to give a better, fuller, richer understanding of God's Word, while challenging the reader to a vibrant personal spiritual walk.A great resource for pastors, teachers, leaders, students, or anyone desiring to dig deeper into Scripture

The Gospel of John (Arthur Pink Collection)

Arthur W. Pink - 1945
    It is true, the period of time covered by it is the same as in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, some of the incidents treated of by the "Synoptics" come before us here, and He who has occupied the central position in the narratives of the first three Evangelists is the same One that is made pre-eminent by John; but otherwise, everything is entirely new. The viewpoint of this fourth Gospel is more elevated than that of the others; its contents bring into view spiritual relationships rather than human ties; and, higher glories are revealed as touching the peerless Person of the Savior. In each of the first three Gospels Christ is viewed in human relationships, but not so in John. The purpose of this fourth Gospel is to show that the One who was born in a manger and afterward died on the Cross had higher glories than those of King, that He who humbled Himself to take the Servant place was, previously, "equal with God," that the One who became the Son of Man was none other than, and ever remains, the Only Begotten of the Father.▶ CONTENTS1. Introduction2. Christ, the Eternal Word3. Christ, the Word Incarnate4. Christ's Forerunner5. Christ and His First Disciples6. Christ's First Miracle7. Christ Cleansing the Temple8. Christ and Nicodemus9. Christ Magnified by His Forerunner10. Christ at Sychar's Well11. Christ in Samaria12. Christ in Galilee13. Christ at the Pool of Bethesda14. The Deity of Christ: Sevenfold Proof15. The Deity of Christ: Threefold Witness16. Christ Feeding the Multitude17. Christ Walking in the Sea18. Christ the Bread of Life19. Christ in the Capernaum Synagogue20. Christ and His Disciples21. Christ and the Feast of Tabernacles22. Christ Teaching in the Temple23. Christ and the Adulterous Woman24. Christ the Light of the World25. Christ and the Blind Beggar26. Christ the Door27. Christ the Good Shepherd28. Christ One with the Father29. Christ Raising Lazarus30. Christ Feared by the Sanhedrin31. Christ Anointed at Bethany32. Christ's Entry into Jerusalem33. Christ Sought by Gentiles34. Christ's Ministry Reviewed35. Christ Washing His Disciples Feet36. Christ's Example For Us37. Christ's Warnings38. Christ Comforting His Disciples39. Christ the True Vine40. Christ Fortifying His Disciples41. Christ Vindicate by the Spirit42. Christ Glorified by the Spirit43. Christ's Concluding Consolations44. Christ's Interceding45. Christ in the Garden46. Christ Before Annas47. Christ Before Pilate48. Christ Condemned to Death49. Christ Laying Down His Life50. Christ Risen From the Dead51. Christ Appearing to His Own52. Christ and Thomas53. Christ by the Sea of Tiberius54. Christ and Peter55. Conclusion56. Other Books▶ AUTHORArthur W. Pink was born in Nottingham England in 1886, and born again of the Spirit of God in 1908 at the age of 22. He studied at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, USA, for only six weeks before beginning his pastoral work in Colorado. From there he pastored churches in California, Kentucky, and South Carolina, before moving to Sydney Australia for a brief period, preaching and teaching. In 1934, at 48 years old, he returned to his native England.

The Gospel of Mark

William L. Lane - 1974
    The NICNT authors evaluate significant textual problems and take into account the most important exegetical literature. More technical aspects--such as grammatical, textual, and historical problems--are dealt with in footnotes, special notes, and appendixes.


F.F. Bruce - 1963
    Bruce's study on Romans is a contribution to the Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, a popular commentary designed to help the general Bible reader understand clearly what the text actually says and what it means, without undue recourse to scholarly technicalities.