Book picks similar to
His Choice of a Wife: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Heather Moll


It Started with a Kiss: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Beth Wood - 2015
    Darcy leaves Elizabeth with no doubt as to his continued affection upon finding her touring his beloved Pemberley. When Darcy finds Elizabeth touring the park around Pemberley, he assumes he is still in the grips of one of his dreams, and acts accordingly. It quickly becomes apparent that he is mistaken.

Disruption at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Emily Russell - 2018
    Ever since she harshly rejected his proposal of marriage months earlier, she has dreaded seeing him again. How could she have been so wrong about him? How could she ever look him in the face, knowing how badly she misjudged him?
Elizabeth and the Gardiners are not the only ones taking advantage of the master's absence. While travelling through the woods, their carriage is held up by three highwaymen who have been terrorising the countryside. In the scuffle, her uncle is injured, and Elizabeth is almost taken with them before they are saved by the last person she expected to see.

Fitzwilliam Darcy has struggled to overcome his feelings for Elizabeth Bennet. Ever since she rejected his proposal of marriage and made it clear how much she disliked him, he sought to put her from his mind. His only comfort is if he ever did see her again, he might prove himself a better man than the one she believed him to be.
Needing to return home to Pemberley earlier than anticipated, he takes a shortcut through the woods at night only to come across a carriage being held up by a gang of highwaymen. He intercepts and chases the thieves away. On his return, he is startled to find the woman he never thought to see again.

Darcy and Elizabeth put aside their emotions at seeing one another and agree that Elizabeth's uncle should be taken to Pemberley to receive care. Forced to live under the same roof, Darcy and Elizabeth finally have a chance to face their true feelings for one another and see if the wrongs of the past can be overcome. Can Darcy prove to her that he has changed from the man she thought him to be? And is Elizabeth still dear enough to him that he can overcome his hurt pride at her rejection?

Their growing closeness is disrupted when one of the highwaymen is captured and reveals information that forces Darcy and Elizabeth to make a decision about their relationship. And an old enemy from the past threatens to ruin everything that has been growing between them.

A Life Apart: A Darcy and Elizabeth Pride and Prejudice Variation

Harriet Knowles - 2018
    Enraged at the Bennet family's manipulation, Darcy takes his new wife to Pemberley and leaves her there. He returns to London, with every intention of making his life apart from her. But as time goes on, he cannot avoid the feeling that he has left something very special in Derbyshire. Perhaps it is not just Pemberley he misses? Estranged from her family, and now trapped in a marriage she never wanted, Elizabeth must make a new life alone. With her husband's family against her, she needs to take drastic measures if she is to find a way through this. The only question is, does she want to escape from Darcy, or to him? Can a family's betrayal ever be forgiven? And when a marriage starts without love, can love ever be found? A Life Apart is a sweet and clean Regency Romance of 94,000 words.

When Duty Calls

Belén Paccagnella - 2020
    Mr. Bingley’s departure leaves the eldest, Jane Bennet, heartbroken whilst Mr. Collins’s proposal induces Miss Elizabeth to make a hasty escape. During her flight, she happens upon Mr. Darcy, a gentleman she despises. A moment of solitude in the woods leads to rather improper behavior, and the couple departs with the promise they will tell no one about their minor indiscretion. When their secret is finally uncovered, marriage becomes the only solution to saving Elizabeth from social disgrace. Her other grudges against Mr. Darcy are amplified by resentment and the prospect of spending her life with a man she can never respect. Nonetheless, the marriage takes place, forcing the young couple to deal with their pride and prejudices as husband and wife.Originally posted online almost twenty years ago, this Regency tale of redemption narrates the struggles of two people, their differences, and their rocky start. But will they succeed in overcoming lies, misunderstandings, and their own errors to finally find love?

Old Boots: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Grace Gibson - 2021
    Darcy.Since his father’s death, Fitzwilliam Darcy has endeavored to be reliable, responsible, and restrained. But upon visiting Netherfield Park in Hertfordshire, he finds himself weary of the struggle to be so damnably well regulated and delights in a revival of the carefree mischief that characterized his younger days.What brings on this sudden reversal? Perhaps it is a shocking incident that takes place upon his first entering the neighborhood when he rescues Miss Elizabeth Bennet from the raging current of a rain-swollen stream. The so-called “lady” does not prefer to be rescued, and Darcy’s subsequent dunking, rather than resulting in the gratitude that is his due, is met with her confounding resentment of his interference.This tale of Darcy’s entanglement with the mysteriously grief-stricken Bennet family is interwoven with a love story—a most delicious exchange of looks, barbs, pranks, and innuendos as Miss Elizabeth, the “lightning bolt of Longbourn,” regularly singes, frustrates, and humbles the man from Derbyshire.

Rose Cottage: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

A.K. Madison - 2020
    Their worst fears are realized as they must leave their beloved Longbourn to face an uncertain future.Elizabeth Bennet faces the a bleak future. It is clear that her mother will never be equal to the tasks of managing the meager finances, planning for the move, or giving guidance and love to her youngest daughters. Elizabeth can expect life as a spinster, caring for the family and finally being left alone to tend Fanny Bennet.Fitzwilliam Darcy arrives at Netherfield on the very eve of the funeral, after a letter is misdirected. He throws himself into the repair work on the Bennets’ cottage, pouring into it all his unrequited love for Elizabeth. Although she may not belong to him, he quickly realizes that he belongs to her—and that he always will.Love grows with the advancing spring, just as surely as the lovely old roses begin to grow at the derelict cottage. As a new haven for the Bennets begins to emerge from the ruins, Elizabeth and Darcy find themselves likewise giving their love a new, second chance. When an unseen and powerful opponent seeks to block their marriage, Elizabeth and Darcy will fight for their freedom to live together in peace.Please note: This story includes two scenes of non-graphic violence. It also incorporates a love scene between the newly married couple in which author and readers will close the door and tiptoe away. It is best suited for readers in the late teens and up.

A Gentleman's Honor: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Melanie Rachel - 2021
    It’s all Fitzwilliam Darcy’s fault.Elizabeth Bennet wants the truth from Mr. Darcy. When she follows him from the ballroom to insist upon it, she becomes an unwilling witness to a scandalous scene. And for once, she cannot blame Mr. Darcy for disdaining his company. Not even when he departs Netherfield in the middle of the ball.When Darcy returns to London, he leaves both Miss Elizabeth Bennet and his growing infatuation for her behind. Or so he believes. For soon, their paths cross again under the most painful of circumstances.Elizabeth suddenly finds herself dependent upon Mr. Darcy. With the gradual unveiling of his character, she is surprised by a burgeoning affection for him. Will her heart survive their inevitable parting?Thrust together out of necessity, Elizabeth and Darcy must discover the culprit responsible for their predicament. But whoever has harmed Elizabeth is still looking for her, and Darcy cannot hide her forever.

In Netherfield Woods: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Ava Adams - 2020
    Her stay at Netherfield Park while her sister, Jane, recovers from her illness, has been long and tedious, especially when the proud and unsociable Mr Darcy insists on sitting in the same room as her for hours at a time without speaking. When the rain briefly relents, she hurries outside to enjoy the fresh air before the weather worsens. Mr Darcy wishes he could stay away from Elizabeth. Her low connections mean marriage to her is out of the question, yet he is drawn to her like a man bewitched. But when she fails to return from her walk before dark, he rushes out to find her, knowing where her habits will draw her. Forced to find shelter for the night, Elizabeth and Darcy struggle to keep warm despite the potential scandal of being alone together. But the bitter cold compels them to stay close and leads to a response neither of them expected. And when they are found together, Elizabeth accepts she has no choice but to marry the man she has despised up until now. But there are people close to them who are even more unhappy about the forced marriage than Elizabeth is. And when Elizabeth is offered an alternative to marrying Darcy, are her growing feelings for him strong enough to overcome the pressure of those trying to separate them? One Night at Netherfield Park is a Pride and Prejudice variation novella of approximately 30,000 words

Misunderstandings & Ardent Love

Susan Adriani - 2021
    ELIZABETH BENNET WOULD MORE THAN WELCOME his return to Longbourn. Yet despite such mutually ardent feelings, her most beloved sister and Darcy’s own uncle hold quite the opposite points of view.TORN BETWEEN PERSONAL LOYALTIES and responsibilities, the couple must balance finding a discreet solution for a family scandal in London and dealing with new outrageous actions by Mr and Mrs Wickham, all while facing a Jane Bennet who cannot forgive Darcy his interference in her love story.Can the two overcome misunderstandings and meddling and find their way to one another at last?

Rescuing Elizabeth Bennet: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Kate Beauford - 2021
    A spirited young lady who vows only to marry for love. What happiness can they find if they are forced to wed?Fitzwilliam Darcy distrusts the workers employed to prepare Netherfield Park for the much-awaited ball. When his suspicions prove correct, he risks himself to save Elizabeth Bennet, the lively yet unsuitable young lady his heart has struggled against for months. But what if doing the honourable thing means he not only betrays his family but also sees himself bound to a woman who can never love him?Elizabeth Bennet always wished for adventure, but she never expected it to come in the form of being abducted along with Mr Darcy, the man she dislikes more than any other and the last man in the world she would ever marry. Astonished by his courage and kindness in caring for her, Elizabeth finds her feelings changing. But how can she endure a forced marriage with a man who would never willingly choose her?When their captors grow more desperate, Elizabeth and Darcy have no choice but to trust in the goodwill of a villain if they are to survive. And as they strive to escape their perilous situation, Elizabeth and Darcy come to realise that the greatest danger of all lies in their own hearts.

An Accident at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Linda C. Thompson - 2017
    Bingley takes up residence at Netherfield Park, Elizabeth travels into Derbyshire with her Aunt and Uncle Gardiner. On a day when her relations are visiting with some of Mrs. Gardiner's childhood friends, Elizabeth decides to explore the small village instead. Without realizing it, she strays further and further from the village, unconsciously walking in the direction of Pemberley, the estate they visited two days prior. Lost in her thoughts and the beauty of the Derbyshire countryside, Elizabeth wanders further than she realizes and fails to notice the storm clouds building above her. With the first flash of lightning and peel of thunder, she seeks somewhere to shelter from the storm. Rushing for a dense tree line where she might stay dry from the impending rain, Elizabeth Bennet meets with a dreadful accident. Returning from business in London, Fitzwilliam Darcy races across the grounds of Pemberley trying to outrun the storm. Coming across a beautiful young woman who is injured, he takes her home so his staff can care for her. Darcy hopes her presence will help lift his mother's melancholy. When Elizabeth regains consciousness, she has no memory of her name or her past. During the many weeks of her recovery, Elizabeth grows close to Mr. Darcy and his mother, Lady Anne. When Elizabeth recovers enough to leave the estate, the Darcys decided she needs an identity that will protect her from gossip. And so, Miss Elizabeth Chamberlayne, a long-lost Darcy cousin is born. After receiving two requests, Darcy accepts an invitation to stay with his friend, Mr. Bingley, at Netherfield Park and the ladies will join him. What will happen when Elizabeth comes face to face with her family? Will she remember them, or will her memory still be a blank? All of the original characters of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice make an appearance. How will Elizabeth's lack of memory affect her interactions with them?

Falling for Mr. Darcy

KaraLynne Mackrory - 2012
    When Mr. Darcy encounters Elizabeth Bennet injured after a fall, his concern for her welfare cracks the shell of his carefully guarded heart and a charming man emerges. Elizabeth sees an appealing side of him she never believed possible from the stoic, proud master of Pemberley. They find the simple gentlemanly act of assisting her home will best both Mr. Darcy's resolve to keep his heart safe and Elizabeth's conviction that this is the last man on earth she might have ever been prevailed upon to marry. Soon, falling for Mr. Darcy becomes a real possibility.

Mr Darcy: A Man with a Plan

Lucy Marin - 2020
    If only he had done this made, or said that! If only he had made more of an effort? 
Was too late?Perhaps it was not for soon after that fateful April day, Darcy unexpectedly sees Elizabeth in London. He seeks her out again, ostensibly to ensure she now thinks better of him. He quickly decides that he wants to win her affections.It would require effort, perhaps a great effort, but Elizabeth Bennet was worth fighting for.But in order to do so, he would need a plan.

When the Sun Sleeps

Alix James - 2020
    Mr. Bingley has returned to Jane with promising attentions, and all is well... except that no one knows what has become of Mr. Darcy. Shadowed by regrets of the past, Elizabeth means only to enjoy her tour of the Peaks with her aunt and uncle, declining a chance to view Pemberley. The party takes rooms at an inn, and Elizabeth discovers a very lonely gentleman has taken the room next to hers.Fitzwilliam Darcy has lost nearly all the people dearest to him. Too late to save some, and too humbled to reach out to others, he does the only thing he can think of. He leaves all his memories behind for a time, uncertain if or when he will ever return. On his way to Scotland, he stops in an unfamiliar town for the night, and finds a friend in the faceless voice next door. If only their paths would cross in the daylight, so he could learn who she is!As the nights pass, and casual exchanges become deep confidences, Darcy and Elizabeth each find their hearts aching for the one they lost. Elizabeth wishes with all her heart that she could see Mr. Darcy one more time, to let him know how her feelings have changed. The least she can do is advise this stranger in the next room not to give up hope on the woman he loves.When Darcy at last decides to seek Elizabeth Bennet and ask one more time for her hand, will he accidentally be riding away from her, instead? Find out in this delicious, gently paced story of mistakes and redemption.When The Sun Sleeps is a sweet Regency Novella of approximately 20,000 words.

Locked at the Netherfield Ball: A Pride and Prejudice variation

Layla Johnson - 2020
    This novella, however, comes with a surprise regarding the characters who fell victim to a broken doorknob.The Netherfield Ball turned to be more a reason for distress than enjoyment for Elizabeth. Desperate and ashamed, she watched her family making a spectacle of themselves under Mr. Darcy and Bingley sisters' contemptuous gazes, until she could not bear it any more. Struggling for a moment of peace and tranquillity, she hid in the solitude of the library. While leaning on an armchair in a corner of the dark room, two men entered, arguing. Before Elizabeth had time to make her presence known, the confrontation turned more violent in words and tone, revealing deep secrets that should have been kept hidden.When one of the men attempted to leave and end the fight, his temper betrayed him and he pulled the doorknob so hard that it broke it.Suddenly, Elizabeth found herself blocked in the library with Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham - only moments after she had discovered that her judgement about the two men had been utterly wrong.With no place to hide and no mean to escape, the three of them had no other choice but to face each other, the truth and their own flaws.How long will their ordeal last and how will that happenstance influence their lives are questions to which the readers will find answers in these clean, romantic, low angst novella of approximately 30 K words.