The Revival: Book II of the Stonemont Series

Steven C. Smith - 2018
    But the reviews and growing readership proved that it was more. It transcended its original target audience to appeal to many who had no previous interest in survivalism or preparedness as a lifestyle and made the jump to general adventure fiction.The reasons for this were several. It was well written, expansive in scope yet easy to follow. It told an interesting, compelling, story - intricate in its construction but smooth in its presentation. It introduced well-developed characters who jumped from the pages and spoke to the reader as easily and completely as do those around us, with thoughtful depth and easy humor. It spoke to our hearts, our souls, and the parts of us that search for a better way. But, more importantly, it asked, and answered, the seminal questions of our lives: Who are we? What do we believe in? What do we stand for? What will we stand against? And what is it, at our core, that enables ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things?Where The Reversion left off, The Revival picks up. From survival of an existential collapse, we enter the initial stages of the rebuilding of a society - a rebuilding seen through the eyes of those from Stonemont, and, eventually, beyond.As it should, The Revival takes us beyond The Reversion into a world we do not know, and cannot know, unless and until it happens. In doing so, it addresses unknown and unknowable situations with known and knowable human traits, tactics and strategies in pursuit of the stabilization of a world turned upside down. It is James Wesley, Rawles meets S.M. Stirling. It is a study of love, fortitude, morality, patriotism and the things that made America great, a critique of what caused the world to crumble, and a blueprint for the revival of those things we feel to be foundational for a people to return to a world of liberty, justice and freedom.As did The Reversion, The Revival breathes hope and fresh air into a genre which often, and rightly, concentrates on the devastation of society, and shows us a future world which is, in many ways, more positive than the one in which we currently live. Many readers, in fact, have stated that they prefer the world they have found in the Stonemont series to the one we live in. It can easily be understand why. The Revival continues the journey The Reversion started. It is a journey of life, love, learning and the human spirit. It is a journey you will be glad you are on.

The Gunn Files: The Complete Series: (An Alien Contact Mystery Box Set: Books 1-3)

M.G. Herron - 2021

The Station: A Novel

Rebecca J. Kelly - 2020

New World (Course of the Worlds Book 2)

J.A. Hawkings - 2015
    The adventures that began at the mysterious spaceship on Callisto continue.Fate will determine the destinies of several characters while introducing new ones, carrying the human race towards a troubling reality that seems to lack answers.Course of the Worlds:Book 1 - The Last SpaceshipBook 2 - New WorldBook 3 - Cosmic Destinies

The Belt: Complete Trilogy

Gerald M. Kilby - 2018
    The ship contains an experimental quantum device, lost while en route to a research colony on Europa. On Earth, powerful corporate forces are moving to resume unrestricted, inter-AI communications, their objective being to gain complete dominion over the colonized solar system. But the outer worlds are mobilizing to prevent them from achieving their objective, a fight back which is being led by Solomon, a sentient quantum intelligence (QI), also on Europa. However, once word of the crew’s discovery gets out, they soon realize that ownership of this technology could fundamentally change the balance of power within the solar system, and they now find themselves at the very nexus of a system-wide conflict. Their fight for survival plays out across the solar system, from the mining outposts of the asteroid belt to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and from the great Martian city of Jezero to the irradiated wastelands on Earth. This is an epic tale of humanity’s struggle for survival and meaning in a time when artificial intelligence has finally out-paced our own ability to control it. About The Belt: The story is set a century or so into the future where humanity has colonized most of the inner solar system. The asteroid belt (The Belt) is now a hive of mining activity and ships ply the trade routes to Earth and Mars. The technology depicted, for the most part, is what I consider to be technically plausible, although I do stretch it a little with quantum entanglement. That said, you won’t need a calculator or a slide-rule to enjoy the story.

Shonen Jump Graphic Novels Power Pack, Vol. 1 (Contains Volume I Of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, One Piece, Shaman King, Yu Gi Oh!, And Yu Yu Hakusho)

Shonen Jump
    Akira Toriyama's great quest stories, Dragon Ball and Dragon BallZ, star the monkey-tailed boy Goku, whose quiet life is interrupted when he's enlisted to save the world. Masashi Kishimoto's award-winning Naruto takes readers into the whirlwind of the Ninja Academy with its brutal tests and challenging competitions. Then Eichiro Oda's shonen sensation One Piece features a treasure hunt like no other, triggered by some very strange gum-gum fruit. Hiroyuki Takei's teenage shaman battles ghosts and monsters in Shaman King, while Kazuki Takahashi's mega-hit Yu-Gi-Oh finds a lonely tenth grader solving a three thousand year puzzle, hurling him into one bizarre game after another. Finally, there's Yoshihiro Togashi's thriller YuYu Hakusho, about a teenage boy whose good deed turns him into Tokyo's toughest ghost.

Savage Stars (Chaos Core Book 3)

Randolph Lalonde - 2018
    That means going to the Geist System, which is about to become the most prized looting target in the galaxy. Governments, raiders and corporations alike are ready to go to war over the advanced technology there, and Spin has to lead her people straight into the middle where she's unsure of what other obstacles the mad artificial intelligences have left for them.


Frederic P. Miller - 2009
    Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki, World of Naruto, Naruto: Shipp den the Movie, List of Naruto characters, List of Naruto episodes, List of Naruto manga volumes, List of Naruto: Shippuden episodes, List of Naruto video games.

Black Phoenix

B.V. Larson - 2019
    The excitement of planetfall is indescribable, but quickly transforms into sick disappointment when they find the atmosphere is a roiling mass of hydrochloric acid, carbon dioxide and other deadly poisons. They fly onward, seeking better planets. They find them, but none are ideal. The search goes on for a century, then longer still. As they move farther from Earth, aliens discover the intruding ship, and they begin to investigate humanity. They find our species unacceptable. The years and the light-years go by without relief. The colony begins to splinter. Some accept that their voyage is eternal, while others seek to end it any way they can. The colony’s culture grows darker, and a war begins, both inside and outside the vast ship. What lives among the stars we see at night? Can we reach out to them and survive? Find out in BLACK PHOENIX, a story of exploration, colonization, alien contact and civil war by Wayne Wightman and B. V. Larson, bestselling SF authors with over three million copies sold.

Prediction: Big Data, big danger

Tony Batton - 2019
    Their hopes rest on a new quantum super computer, one capable of interpreting patterns in the oceans of intelligence data. There’s just the small challenge of building it. Gregory Jenson, CEO of ZAT Systems, is tasked by MI5 to create the computer, but ghosts in his past could thwart matters before he even begins. Young lawyer, Michael Adams, is given the task of helping Jenson, but he soon has problems of his own. And they’ll soon learn that a hidden player wants to use the new system for their own plans – someone incredibly well-informed, and prepared to go to any lengths to achieve their goals. And if they succeed, the recovery of the nuclear reactor will be the least of everyone’s problems.

Fast-Time at Aldmont High (The Time Flow Stories Book 1)

Laurence Dahners - 2022

The Territory

Jack L. Knapp - 2019
    The Apache Indians were apt to bolt from the reservation at any time and murders were commonplace. Every man went armed and bad whiskey was common, as was over-indulgence; in New Mexico, fights that might have involved fists in other times and places involved guns, and often enough the fight left one or more dead by the time it was over. Corruption was the norm. The Santa Fe Ring, an alliance of crooked lawyers, politicians, and land speculators, controlled the courts. Cattle theft, ‘rustling’, was for many a way of life. But it was a way of life that threatened the survival of the honest ranchers and herdsmen of the time. It was little wonder that the rustler often ended his life at the end of a rope! Liam Clancy, Irish immigrant and recently-discharged veteran of the Union Army, had lost his young wife and unborn child to cholera. Grieving, he sold his homestead and headed west. More by accident than design, he ended up in Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory. Crooked sheriffs and corrupt politicians, beware! This is as far as he will go. He will fight to protect himself, his property, and the young woman he intends to make his bride!

The Day the Tide Kept Rising

Greg Jefferys - 2015
    A thrilling tale filled with action, adventure, intrigue and a pleasant pinch of romance the story is set primarily in Antarctica, Tasmania and on the east coast of Australia. The book follows the lives of four different people in their struggles to survive after a huge tsunami, caused by the massive Ross Shelf icesheet sliding off Antarctica and into the Southern Ocean, sweeps across the Pacific. The tsunami leaves a trail of death and destruction after which the water levels of Earth's oceans begin to rise rapidly causing cataclysmic disaster as well as massive political and social upheaval. As cities and nations are flooded the fabric of civilisation is torn as groups and individuals struggle for survival in a terrifying new world. The three parallel story lines are exciting, predictive and thought provoking. The author has degrees archaeology and history with a particular interest in the effects of the end of the last Ice Age on the humans of 8,000 B.C. He has transposed known archaeological information on rapid sea level rises onto the modern world to create an exciting, informative and relevant novel that attempts to answer the question of what would really happen to you and I if the Earth's sea levels rose more than six meters. The stories. Katherine Brown is a climatologist based on Antarctica, when the Ross Iceshelf shatters and slides into the ocean she and her team must traverse the rapidly changing Antarctic terrain to reach the relative safety of a base camp at Cape Colbeck; only a few will survive the trek through ice and mud and snow. Peter Taylor and his family survived the first wave but not the second. Alone and homeless he is forced to scavenge in flooded supermarkets for food and avoid roving gangs of bandits that quickly establish themselves as social norms disintegrate to be replaced by anarchy. He meets a mysterious and alluring woman, who, like himself, finds herself thriving in the post apocalypse world. Jeremy Jones is an archaeologist with a particular interest in Paleo- climatology. He is fired from his prestigious position at the Queensland University for predicting massive sea level rises even as his predictions, and much worse, come true. Karen Whitaker had been partying with girlfriends when the first tsunami tore through Hobart. Trapped overnight in the remains of a collapsed building, she emerged to discover a ruined city strewn with the bodies of the dead, the dying and the injured. Living in a refugee camp she does what she must to make the best of the new world.

Timestream 1

Jude Hardin - 2019
    By a man from the future... October 2101 Rock Wahlman… Former Navy Master-At-Arms, Jack Reacher’s genetic duplicate—his actual clone, produced from a blood specimen that was drawn over a hundred years ago. Recently recruited by a secret government agency, Wahlman has been sent back in time to protect Reacher from a faction called Topple, a rogue group of time-traveling criminals determined to alter the past in an effort to make the future more profitable for themselves. You might say that Wahlman is extremely motivated. Because if Reacher is killed before the blood that was used to produce Wahlman is drawn, then it’s possible that Wahlman will cease to exist. He definitely has his work cut out for him. He knows he’s in Germany for a reason, but after being in a coma for three days, he can’t remember exactly what that reason is. In fact, he can’t even remember his own name. Before being recruited as Jack Reacher’s time-traveling bodyguard, Rock Wahlman got chased and shot at and beat some bad guys senseless in The Reacher Experiment series of thrillers. Pulse-pounding action from the first page to the last! The Reacher Experiment Series Dead Ringer Moving Target No Escape Kill Shot 357 Sunset Redline End Game Ricochet Gone

Saving Grindrod

Thomas A. Wright - 2016
    Daniel Westford needed a place where he could become invisible far away from his native Oregon and he found it in Grindrod amongst the farms, cattle and timber. For six years he stayed under the radar, working hard to build a life while keeping everyone at arm’s length, including his lover, Border Patrol officer Layla Stormcloud. It was one their weekends together, a clear night with a million stars and everything was right with the world. Crickets sang and a shooting star flew across the heavens. It’s just as well they only watched it and didn’t make a wish because this shooting star changed course and plummeted to the earth. The revelations awaiting them at the crash site will change everything. Heavily guarded secrets of both the man and the universe will be compromised and Daniel’s determination to keep his distance from everyone and everything in his life will be tested. He has the ability to save the town from destruction, but doing so will expose the secret he’s worked so hard to keep, and compromise a relationship that means much more to him than he is willing to admit.