
J.F. Perkins - 2011
    On his first solo assignment, he encounters something that threatens to change everything he knows about the America of his generation.


Richard Stephenson - 2012
    With the American people deep in The Second Great Depression and two of the most powerful hurricanes on record to contend with, the United States is in no condition to deal with hidden terrorists on its soil, maniacal politicians, and the most formidable military threat the world has seen since the Third Reich. This is the story of three men from three very different walks of life: Howard Beck, the world's richest man, also diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome; Richard Dupree, ex-Navy SEAL turned escaped convict; and Maxwell Harris, a crippled, burned-out chief of police of a small Texas town. At first, they must overcome their own struggles and fight for their survival against impossible odds. In the end, the unlikely trio must band together to save their beloved country from COLLAPSE. Empires topple. Nations crumble. Civilization is fragile. In 2027, America will fall.

What Survives of Us

Kathy Miner - 2014
    Medallion Honoree and Winner of National Indie Excellence AwardNaomi sees her first corpse in a Colorado Springs grocery store, but it won’t be her last. With devastating speed, a plague sweeps first the city, then the state, then the world, leaving less than 1% of the population to go on. Naomi, a gentle and sheltered housewife, finds herself fighting for survival in a world populated by desperate people, where might-makes-right, and mercy and compassion are in short supply. Fellow survivors Jack, a youth minister from Woodland Park; Grace, a 17-year-old high school student from Limon; and Naomi’s daughter Piper, a student at the University of Northern Colorado, all find themselves searching for a safe path forward…because it’s not just the world that has changed. The plague that decimates the human race also pushes mankind into evolutionary change. Those who survive are different, profoundly so, in ways they are just beginning to comprehend. As Naomi struggles to protect and reunite what’s left of her family, she must also learn to understand and accept the changes in herself. In this strange new world, her survival, and the survival of those she loves, depends on it.


James Wesley, Rawles - 1998
    Practically overnight, the fragile chains of supply and high-technology infrastructure fall, and wholesale rioting and looting grip every major city.As hordes of refugees and looters pour out of the cities, a small group of friends living in the Midwest desperately tries to make their way to a safe-haven ranch in northern Idaho. The journey requires all their skill and training since communication, commerce, transportation and law enforcement have all disappeared. Once at the ranch, the group fends off vicious attacks from outsiders and then looks to join other groups that are trying to restore true Constitutional law to the country.Patriots is a thrilling narrative depicting fictional characters using authentic survivalist techniques to endure the collapse of the American civilization. Reading this compelling, fast-paced novel could one day mean the difference between life and death.

The Last Ship

William Brinkley - 1988
    The world has been plunged into all-out nuclear war. Sailing near the Arctic Circle, the U.S.S. Nathan James is relatively unscathed, but the future is grim and Captain Thomas is facing mutiny from the tattered remnants of his crew. With civilization in ruins, he urges those that remain—one-hundred-and-fifty-two men and twenty-six women—to pull together in search of land. Once they reach safety, however, the men and women on board realize that they are earth's last remaining survivors—and they've all been exposed to radiation. When none of the women seems able to conceive, fear sets in. Will this be the end of humankind?

Through Many Fires

Kyle Pratt - 2013
    and detonate it during the State of the Union Address. Army veteran and congressional staffer Caden Westmore is in nearby Bethesda and watches as a mushroom cloud grows over the capital. The next day, as he drives away from the still burning city, he learns that another city has been destroyed and then another. America is under siege. Panic ensues and society starts to unravel.


Lou Cadle - 2014
    Hood in Oregon erupts with terrifying power.A shock wave slams into a helicopter carrying two volcanologists. A thousand-degree cloud of ash hurtles at hurricane speeds down the mountainside toward two hikers. Suffocating ash rains down on the campsite of a troubled teenager, stranding him and his family miles from help.Massive mudflows rush down the river valleys and into 23-year-old Chad Keppler's small town. His lifelong dream is to be a firefighter, but after he fails the physical test, that dream seems about to slip away. But he can do this one thing: wade into the swirling, debris-filled mud, to prove to himself that he has the strength and courage it takes to save lives.

L.A. Dark

G.F. Gustav - 2013
    on a pleasant Sunday in the middle of May in the not-too-distant future, all things electronic die and the lights wink off. Everything stops.Jeremy Jamison, his Marina del Rey apartment mates Matt and Kade, along with friends Sarah and Karina, find themselves in the midst of a rapidly deteriorating world in west L.A. Power may not be restored for months or years, and they are surrounded by a mass of humanity that will soon be thirsty, hungry, desperate, and dying. Young, fit, but ill-prepared, their choice is stark: run or die. L.A. Dark is the first in a series that chronicles the desperate struggle of five young people to navigate the sixty-mile, post-apocalyptic urban jungle of the L.A. basin followed by over three hundred miles of bleak and searing Mojave desert to reach what Jeremy and friends hope will be the safety of southern Utah. This story is a realistic action-thriller based on a plausible future scenario in the wake of an electromagnetic pulse or EMP event.

The End

G. Michael Hopf - 2013
    This youthful idealism vanished one fateful day in a war torn city in Iraq. Ten years later, he is still struggling with the ghosts of his past but must now face a new reality thrust on him and his family. North America, Europe and the Far East have all suffered a devastating Super-EMP attack that has caused catastrophic damage to the power grids and all electrical devices. With nothing working from cars to phones and with the total collapse of the economic infrastructure, Gordon must fight for the limited and fast dwindling resources. He knows survival requires action and cooperation with his neighbors; but as daily life continues to break down so does all sense of civility within his community. With each passing day Gordon makes choices that would seem extreme in today's world but necessary in this new world.


Kyle West - 2012
    An invasion of monsters. A desperate fight for survival...Alex Keener has lived all of his sixteen years in Bunker 108. He's walked the same metal halls, seen the same faces, has followed the same rules. All that changes when a viral outbreak forces him to flee the safety of his bunker.Outside, he discovers a barren world twisted by the impact of the meteor Ragnarok thirty years ago. Alone, he must wander a brutal landscape, where every breath is a fight for survival. Monsters haunt the planet's surface, and nothing of the old world remains.Can Alex survive this hellish wasteland, or will he become its newest victim?


Jeremy Laszlo - 2013
    But he never came back. With supplies running out and vital life support systems failing, Jack, Samantha, and Will have no choice but to ignore their father’s warnings and leave the vault. With no knowledge of what befell the world outside, or what they might expect once the door is opened, they find themselves in a world they do not recognize. Thrust into the remains of the world they remember, how will they survive on their own, not knowing what or who else remains amongst the ruins?


Walter Greatshell - 2004
    The epidemic known as Agent X has contaminated all but the most isolated pockets of the country. A state of martial law has been declared. Stay inside. Barricade all windows. Lock all doors. The infected are considered to be psychotic and extremely dangerous. Trust no one. This is not a test."Agent X is unlike anything modern science has seen before -- a fast-spreading virus that turns the infected into raving maniacs on the hunt for earth's few remaining survivors...One of those survivors is Lulu, a seventeen-year-old girl spared by a rare medical condition. Immune to Agent X, and witness to her own mother's bestial degeneration, Lulu is on the run for the frozen north, the last place on earth rumored to be safe. But what's awaiting her is as unexpected, and as frightening, as what's followed her there...

Winter Fall

Byron Tucker - 2014
    They're able to reach a place of relative safety at the homestead of a relative, only to realize their struggles are just beginning ...Join the Durants as they embark on an epic, hard-fought struggle for survival against all odds in a ruined, frozen landscape beset by hunger, lawlessness and civil war.

Taking on the Dead

Annie Walls - 2012
    It's the only way to survive. The only way not to draw the living dead. Helping a small group of people, she learns the new world might not be what she assumes. Venturing out of her refuge and comfort zone, she meets Rudy, who helps her find a greater purpose. She realizes that the world has moved on without her. Only it's not what she expects. Her knowledge of the living dead grows and only makes her more curious as humanity continues to hang on by a thread. While on her search for answers she finds comfort in new friendships and love, but her past seems as if it will haunt her forever. Kansas takes it upon herself to help other survivors, which would be easy if the famished were the only obstacles.

Dark End

Grace Hamilton - 2020
     The nearest star in the solar system went supernova four years ago. When the resultant EMP strikes Earth, the world is sent back to the Stone Age. Yet it soon grows evident there are worse things hidden in the dark matter hurricane. Unbearable headaches strike without warning. Human aggression goes off the charts. Small disagreements become bloodbaths. Josh Standing took an oath to serve and protect those of their North Carolina community. That didn’t change when he left the police force to become a probation officer. If only his wife understood his drive to rescue tomorrow’s troubled youth. But Maxine’s greatest concern is to ensure their son survives the cancer that has ravaged his body. As their marriage circles the drain, she takes the once promising athlete to face the final pronouncement of the Boston specialists—alone. But the fractured family has never needed each other more. In the immediate aftermath of the EMP chaos, the separated Standings decide to make their way toward the family farm in Iowa. However, getting to Maxine’s prepper parents is no small task in a world that’s swiftly turning into kill or be killed. And when events threaten to separate them further, Josh is faced with an unthinkable choice in this thrilling post-apocalyptic series.