Book picks similar to
Flying Free by Abigail Davies


Devil You Know

L.A. Fiore - 2017
    One look into his sad green eyes and I was hooked. I wanted to be the one to make him laugh, to make him smile. I hadn't expected him to be the one to make me blush, to make me make me fall in love. He was my first kiss, my first love, my first everything. I wanted forever with him, but life got in the way.He enlisted, I went to college, and for years we were never in the same place long enough to pick up where we left off.Thirteen years after he left, tragedy brings him home. The stoic boy I fell in love with grew into a quiet, dangerous and wildly sexy man. He still tugs on all the right strings for me, but he seems determined to keep me at arm's-length. However, when trouble comes knocking at my door, he is the one to put himself between that trouble and me. Spending time with him might drive me insane, or it might be our second chance at first love.


Jessica Ruben - 2018
    Anonymity is key in my neighborhood—particularly as a lone female walking at night. All I want is to leave my crime-ridden shadow of a home in New York City. I’ve done everything I can to keep my head down and focus on my studies. College is my only goal; love has never been on the map… That is, until my sister brings me to an underground fight, where I meet a gorgeous and mysterious man: Vincent. He is the ghost in my shadows, showing up to feed me pieces of his upper-crust life, then evaporating into darkness until his next visit. I’m falling hard and fast. How can I trust him amidst the depth of his secrets? Vincent may be even more dangerous than the dark world I’m trying to escape.

Boarded by Love

Toni Aleo - 2014
    Hockey’s in my blood, and not to sound full of myself, but I’m good at it... really good. The draft is within my reach — it’s mine to take — but that’s not the only reason people know my name. They know me because of my way with women. They know the score, and I aim to please. I just tend to stay away from repeat performances. In other words, I don’t do relationships beyond my family and friends. I’m happy with life. However, I should warn you that my story and how I see it playing out is about to change due to a certain redhead on campus.She’s beautiful. Stunning. Breathtaking.She’s my game changer.***He’s trouble from the moment I see him. I don’t know what I’m thinking, but from the moment I meet his gaze, I’m his. It’s a scary feeling.I’ve never trusted anyone outside my aunt and uncle — and even that took months. I didn’t have it easy growing up. My mom was usually strung out, and she didn’t give me a second thought. Drugs and the men who paid her were more important to her. It was horrible, but I’m stronger today. Because of my past, security is what I need most. Money assures me that I can take care of myself today, tomorrow, and next month. I don’t want to ever be hungry or go without again, so I work hard for every penny.Oh, by the way, I’m Claire Anderson. I’m a hard-studying sophomore at the University of Bellevue, dancer for the school dance team, and a burlesque dancer at a club, but that’s my secret.You may think you know how our story ends, but you have no clue. It’s not easy falling in love… or living happily ever after. At first it may seem so, but when is anything worth having ever won without a fight?Especially when you’re boarded by love.


Alana Albertson - 2014
    Sure, the media tries to brand every Navy SEAL as some kind of Batman dressed in cammies. There’s even a line in one of our cadences: Superman is the man of steel, he ain’t no match for Navy SEAL. You’ve seen the movies—we’re infallible, invaluable, invincible. But that night, the one you read about in the papers … all I really wanted to do was get laid. One harmless fuck with an Aruban whore, no strings attached. I picked her out of a lineup—wild, dark hair, long legs and a crooked smile. After she sucked me off, I relaxed back onto the creaky, cum-stained cot, thankful for the blissful moments she gave me when I actually forgot for a second the faces of my buddies who died because I made the wrong call, the tears of the children I couldn’t save, and the eyes of the enemies I slaughtered during their last seconds of life. But before I left, her hazel eyes peered into my soul. She whispered in a distinct Californian accent, “My name is Annie Hamilton. I’m an American citizen. I was kidnapped on spring break five years ago. You’re my last hope. Please save me.” One desperate plea. This wasn’t a Hollywood blockbuster or a New York Times best-selling thriller. I knew this time there was no room for excuses, no margin for errors. I had one chance to put on the cape and be her hero.

Spring Break Navy SEAL

Sierra Hill - 2019
    Queue up a side of awkward, because the hot SEAL she slept with just happens to be the best man in the wedding. Abbie’s only goal was to have a no-strings-attached hookup, and instead she finds a soldier whose only mission is to keep the flames burning a little while longer.Can he convince Abbie that there’s more between them before they say goodbye to paradise?

Bryson's Treasure

Linzi Baxter - 2019
    He barely got out alive with the help of a young Afghan girl he refused to leave behind. His boots barely touch Montana soil before he and his brother Noah rescue an unconscious woman trapped in a wrecked truck. A truck whose brakes were clearly tampered with. Though still wounded himself, his instincts scream to keep her safe until they find out who wants her dead. A heart she dares not trust…her own. All Lynn remembers from the accident is a pair of crystal-blue eyes she never thought to see again. Until those eyes show up a few days later, attached to a tall, sandy-haired cowboy who takes all of five minutes to get under her skin. He wants her to stay put? She just got away from a dangerous cult. No one tells her what to do or where she can and can’t go. Especially not a sexy ex-Marine with a rescue complex. But when more near-misses leave her shaken, she has no choice but to surrender to Bryce’s protection…and try like hell not to surrender her heart.


Shari J. Ryan - 2015
    The outcome could be life or death.Trent hit me once, and I cried. Then he hit me again. And again. After a while, I got used to it, as I slept on the floor beside his bed, night after night.Everyone told me to leave him, but I can't. He won't let me. The moment I wanted to give up on myself and any form of hope, Kemper—a tall, sexy Marine just home from Afghanistan walked into my bar. With one look in his eyes, I saw pain that mirrored my own.At first, I thought maybe he would be my prince charming, riding in to save me, but all it took was one tragedy for me to remember…fairy tales don’t exist in real life.
*The content in this book discusses domestic violence and is suitable for readers over 18.*


Shara Azod - 2015
    Michelene had killed and run—but not far enough, or fast enough.They’d found her.Azriel had but one rule. No attachments. This rule had kept him alive. He’d lived by it—until her.She’d found her savior in a man whose past was even darker than her own and whose soul held shadows of that dark. He made her body explode in ways she’d never imagined possible and gave her heart something she’d long given up... hope.Michelene was his saving grace. The only thing which kept the darkness from consuming him. She was his to protect and cherish.God help anyone who challenged that--because Vengeance would be his.EXCERPT:There wasn’t time to cringe. In a split second, she saw something flash in her mystery man’s eyes—something dark and deadly. Sensing he was about to move, her hand shot to his shoulder, her heart pounding as she tried to communicate her desperate plea with her eyes. “Please don’t."The panic that was squeezing her throat wasn’t because she was afraid for Vic; she could care less about that greasy pig. Nor was she concerned this man could be hurt. She knew she couldn’t afford scrutiny. She’d managed to be virtually unseen for four years; it had to remain that way. It was amazing this man didn’t know who she was. “Vic’s an ass, but he’s harmless.” Her words weren’t moving him in the least. There was no visible change in his manner, but Michelene sensed he was growing more pissed, more dangerous. “He’s never laid a hand on me.”That worked. She felt his tension drain a bit, while he stared pointedly at where her hand rested on him. She didn’t move it. Slowly, he turned those ghostly eyes back to her face. “If he talks to you like that again, I will end him.”Would most women feel the same thrill she did at his words? Not having much experience with “normal” people, Michelene really couldn’t say. But she certainly felt thrilled right down to her toes. Pussy clenching, she knew she needed to put a little space between them before she did something that would garner even more attention. Before it came to that, she tried to move, but found her arm caught in a vise made of hot flesh.“Your name,” he growled, his piercing glare keeping her rooted to the spot every bit as much as his hold.“Michelene,” she whispered back, not even considering giving him a fake name. Besides, she was sick of not being herself. There was something about him, a danger, a certain “off-ness” that called to her, told her she could be herself around him.“Nice to meet you, Michelene.” There went that smile again. Just that tiny sign of approval succeeded in melting her formerly icy insides. “I’m Azriel Seth.”

Hell and Back

Natasha Madison - 2016
    Dating him was a mistake. Watching him become a drug addict put me through hell. Running was my only option.***I'm running from my demons and when I find out she's trying to escape her past, I know what I have to do.One broken cop. One woman fighting for her life. A fragile love.Sinister secrets that threaten to tear them apart.They've been to hell. The hard part will be finding their way back together.


Michelle Horst - 2017
    I'm tortured and beaten within an inch of my life when he walks right into my hell.No one knows who he works for, only that he leaves no one alive. But for some unknown reason, he doesn't end my miserable life.Instead, he takes me, and I don't know which is worse... the death sentence hanging over my head or being at his mercy.Previously published as 'PREDATOR.'(Rewritten with a new cover and title 2021)WARNING:This book contains subject matter that may be sensitive for some readers. There is dark and triggering content between these pages. 18+ only. Please read responsibly.This is Cara's story. Her trauma and her journey of healing are the main focus of this book.

Dirty Obsession

Crimson Syn - 2018
    Her dirty fantasies ignite feelings I had buried deep inside. I need her to know that I’d do anything for her, Anything to keep her. But now there’s something bigger that wants to get between us. A threat who can destroy both our lives. I need to keep her safe, And in the process, make her mine. CASSANDRA I never thought I’d come to find a man like Drake Archer. It was a mistake reaching out to him. His dark obsession is frighteningly seductive. His words have awakened a desire I’d never felt before. I feel myself giving in to him, And I’m powerless to stop these feelings. If only I could learn to trust him, Then maybe I can fully submit to this dirty obsession.


Janine Infante Bosco - 2016
    A girl who doesn't need a hero.Until she does.Until her power and control are tragically stripped from her. But a broken man who dances with the devil isn't meant to save anyone.

Say Yes

Katy Kaylee - 2019
    Ryan grew up hot. And his perfect kiss just saved my life.Teasing eyes. Tempting lips. Muscles that could stop traffic.No wonder he’s a soap opera star.My voluptuous curves melted against his hard abs, and the next thing I knew, I was pregnant.My little brother’s gonna murder him, but only if he finds out.I’ve never been good at keeping secrets, and Ryan’s doing all he can to pry this new one out of me.What happens if I tell?The only thing worse than losing my family would be losing him.Has love always been a four letter word?


S.M. Soto - 2019
     What happens when you fall for the boy next door? Bea Norwood had the market on normal. Drama free life? Check. A single-mother who doubled as her confidant and partner in crime? Check. A neighbor and best friend she trusted more than anyone? Check. But that was until the day her mother remarried. The day that changed everything.When her best friend's cousin, Liam Falcon, is sent to live with his aunt and uncle to clean up his act, Bea finds herself falling for the boy next door. With their hearts so infinitely entwined, Bea turns to Liam as her only escape from her new step-brother's daily torment at home. Bea thought their love could conquer anything. But she was wrong. Love was for fools, and she was the biggest fool of them all. When Liam left Lakeport, he took her heart with him, shattering the organ to pieces. Six years later, Liam takes a trip back to Lakeport to visit his family, and to see HER. His first love.The girl who holds his heart.The same girl who shattered it six years ago without looking back. Liam is hell-bent on seeing Bea again after six years, but what he finds tears his heart in half. Bea Norwood is a shell of the girl he fell in love with. Underneath the baggy clothes, and pale skin, he knows she's still in there somewhere, he just needs to find her. Liam will stop at nothing to win his girl back, but sometimes, ignorance is bliss, and Liam isn't prepared for Bea's truth. *Some aspects of this story may be sensitive for readers.*

Trouble in Hell

Alex Grayson - 2018
    Welcome to Malus. Trouble and his brothers escaped from Malus, Texas as kids. In the dead of night, they left behind a hell so hideous, it made national news. Years later, they returned to make the place that was once their living nightmare, a safe place for those who have suffered just as they have. When Remi comes to town, heavily pregnant and in desperate need of help, as the town's only doctor, Trouble reluctantly offers his services. Little did he know the strong attraction he would feel for the woman. He fights it, tries to push it to the side, but it only grows stronger, nearly consuming him. Love is not something Trouble can afford to feel. Not when he still has vengeance in his blood and the need to punish those of his past. Not when he knows Remi would never be able to see past the merciless actions he must carry out. Remi has no time for love either, no matter how much her heart yearns for Trouble. Not when danger is knocking on her door, demanding something she'll never be able to give. Will the darkness in their pasts devour them, or will they find the beauty that's just out of reach? In a town like Malus, anything is possible.... DISCLAIMER: Intended for readers 18 years and older due to mature content, abusive situations, and harsh language. May contain triggers for some readers. Please read with caution.