Leptin Diet

Byron J. Richards - 2006
    Mastering the fat hormone leptin is the single most important factor in preventing obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. The Leptin Diet contains five simple lifestyle guidelines to get the hormone leptin into balance for permanent weight loss, increased energy, and optimum health. What is Leptin? Fat cells produce the powerful hormone leptin, a primary force instructing metabolism, weight loss, and hormone balance. Leptin communicates directly to your brain, telling the brain how much fat is in storage. It controls appetite, energy, and metabolic rate. Leptin problems are the primary reason for food cravings, overeating, faulty metabolism, the obsession with food, and heart disease. Read The Leptin Diet and notice the difference!

The Memory Illusion: Remembering, Forgetting, and the Science of False Memory

Julia Shaw - 2016
    We rely on them every day of our lives. They make us who we are. And yet the truth is they are far from being the accurate record of the past we like to think they are. True, we can all admit to having suffered occasional memory lapses, such as entering a room and immediately forgetting why, or suddenly being unable to recall the name of someone we've met dozens of times. But what if our minds have the potential for more profound errors, that enable the manipulation or even outright fabrication of our memories?In The Memory Illusion, forensic psychologist and memory expert Dr Julia Shaw uses the latest research to show the astonishing variety of ways in which our brains can indeed be led astray. She shows why we can sometimes misappropriate other people's memories, subsequently believing them to be our own. She explains how police officers can imprison an innocent man for life on the basis of many denials and just one confession. She demonstrates the way radically false memories can be deliberately implanted, leading people to believe they had tea with Prince Charles, or committed crimes that never happened. And she reveals how, in spite of all this, we can improve our memory through simple awareness of its fallibility. Fascinating and unnerving in equal measure, The Memory Illusion offers a unique insight into the human brain, challenging you to question how much you can ever truly know about yourself.

Freaks of Nature: What Anomalies Tell Us about Development and Evolution

Mark S. Blumberg - 2008
    Born and raised in a small town, they enjoy a close relationship, though each has her own tastes and personality. But the Hensels also share a body. Their two heads sit side-by-side on a single torso, with two arms and two legs. They have not only survived, but have developed into athletic, graceful young women. And that, writes Mark S. Blumberg, opens an extraordinary window onto human development and evolution.In Freaks of Nature, Blumberg turns a scientist's eye on the oddities of nature, showing how a subject once relegated to the sideshow can help explain some of the deepest complexities of biology. Why, for example, does a two-headed human so resemble a two-headed minnow? What we need to understand, Blumberg argues, is that anomalies are the natural products of development, and it is through developmental mechanisms that evolution works. Freaks of Nature induces a kind of intellectual vertigo as it upends our intuitive understanding of biology. What really is an anomaly? Why is a limbless human a freak, but a limbless reptile-a snake-a successful variation?What we see as deformities, Blumberg writes, are merely alternative paths for development, which challenge both the creature itself and our ability to fit it into our familiar categories. Rather than mere dead-ends, many anomalies prove surprisingly survivable-as in the case of the goat without forelimbs that learned to walk upright. Blumberg explains how such variations occur, and points to the success of the Hensel sisters and the goat as examples of the extraordinary flexibility inherent in individual development.In taking seriously a subject that has often been shunned as discomfiting and embarrassing, Mark Blumberg sheds new light on how individuals-and entire species-develop, survive, and evolve.

Rising of a Mage

J.M. Fosberg - 2012
    He looked up at Anwar and smiled. "That is the name I will be known by in the magical world," Anwar said. Gabrielle nodded, sat down and began leafing through the book written by his former apprentice. When farm boy Anwar discovers he has the ability to use magic he goes to the local wizards guild for help. As apprentice to Master Gabrielle, he soon surpasses his teacher's skills and knowledge and becomes a formidable member of the City Guard. While studying the magic arts, he meets Mariah, apprenticed in the art of healing. Anwar discovers that the girl he has fallen in love with will fight by his side with sword, knife and bow. When their city is attacked by a horde of marauding goblins, Anwar becomes a local hero. After the senseless slaughter of his family, Anwar vows to hunt the evil in the world and protect those who cannot protect themselves. Anwar, Mariah and his best friend Jabaal take off in search of knowledge and adventure. It doesn't take long for them to find it.

Advanced Biology

Michael Kent - 2000
    It provides complete coverage of the new A- and AS-level core specifications being taught from September 2000 onwards and presents concepts in separate, easily accessible double-page spreads. Each spread starts with learning objectives and ends with questions, to check understanding, making the book particularly suitable for self-study.

The Corporation

J.F. Gonzalez - 2010
    The offer on her desk from Corporate Financial Consultants included a high five figure salary, generous benefits and cushy perks. Finally, after a escaping the psychological abuse of an emotionally cold mother and a series of dead-end jobs she could start planning a future with her fiancé, Donald.However, Michelle forgot the cardinal rule for any job offer; always read the fine print. She really should have gotten more detail about her overtime hours,company policies, and exactly what they meant when they said “Welcome to the Corporate Financial family”.Michelle isn’t afraid of hard work. She’s a dedicated employee,the kind any manager would want for his firm. But this Corporation requires much more than just dedication...


Chris Colin - 2011
    He had started in the film industry as a lawyer and worked his way up to become a big-budget studio producer. He’d helped shepherd one of the most successful comedies in film history. He’d married the love of his life. And then one night, in a few seconds, everything changed.In Blindsight, author Chris Colin unspools the remarkable true story of a horrific accident and the life that followed it. A killer at large. Unlikely twists of fate. Miraculous medical oddities. Otherworldly perceptions. Lewis's is a tale of one man’s love and loss, and of the strange turns awaiting a life remade.

Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, Single Volume

Donna D. Ignatavicius - 2009
    Ignatavicius and M. Linda Workman cover all the latest trends, evidence-based treatment guidelines, and additional updated information needed for safe clinical practice in medical-surgical nursing. This seventh edition features an expanded emphasis on patient safety and NCLEX? Examination preparation, new ties to the QSEN priorities for patient safety, and a greater alignment with the language and focus of clinical practice. A new chapter on evidence-based practice and a wealth of effective online learning tools help solidify your mastery of medical-surgical nursing.


Mark Wayne McGinnis - 2018
    Organic life forms are all but obliterated, and the human race is reduced to a tiny fraction of its population. This event is known as the Ruin. But five centuries later, humanity still survives. Cloudwalkers tells the story of Conn Brataich, a young man who lives a privileged life above the cloudbank, relying on his noble heritage—and the abilities it provides—to guide him through his beautiful but treacherous realm in the New York skylands, and Misty Casper, a Grounder who lives an arduous and somber life hundreds of feet below in the former subway tunnels of crumbling midtown Manhattan. Their two cultures live in uneasy, segregated codependence, rarely interacting until late one fall evening when, mysteriously, an experienced Cloudwalker of noble blood falls five hundred feet to his death. Conn is sent to recover the body in secret, but he doesn’t expect to encounter Misty on the dangerous streets of the dying city. Their chance encounter triggers a domino effect that throws them both headlong into a struggle for their very survival. Conn and Misty soon discover that only by working together can they succeed, but first they’ll have to put aside their preconceived notions about one another. Dark forces, long thought to have been expunged, have returned and are threatening to destroy both their ways of life. Through love, loss, and the looming threat of war, Misty and Conn will be forced to face their greatest fears for the sake of their very world and each other.

The Tell-Tale Brain: A Neuroscientist's Quest for What Makes Us Human

V.S. Ramachandran - 2011
    S. Ramachandran is at the forefront of his field-so much so that Richard Dawkins dubbed him the "Marco Polo of neuroscience." Now, in a major new work, Ramachandran sets his sights on the mystery of human uniqueness. Taking us to the frontiers of neurology, he reveals what baffling and extreme case studies can teach us about normal brain function and how it evolved. Synesthesia becomes a window into the brain mechanisms that make some of us more creative than others. And autism--for which Ramachandran opens a new direction for treatment--gives us a glimpse of the aspect of being human that we understand least: self-awareness. Ramachandran tackles the most exciting and controversial topics in neurology with a storyteller's eye for compelling case studies and a researcher's flair for new approaches to age-old questions. Tracing the strange links between neurology and behavior, this book unveils a wealth of clues into the deepest mysteries of the human brain.

Examkrackers MCAT Complete Study Package

Jonathan Orsay - 2005
    The set includes thirty-one 30-minute MCAT practice exams with answers and explanations and more than 1,600 MCAT questions.

The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature

Steven Pinker - 2007
    His previous books, including the Pulitzer Prize finalist The Blank Slate, have catapulted him into the limelight as one of today's most important and popular science writers. Now, in The Stuff of Thought, Pinker marries two of the subjects he knows best: language and human nature. The result is a fascinating look at how our words explain our nature. What does swearing reveal about our emotions? Why does innuendo disclose something about relationships? Pinker reveals how our use of prepositions and tenses taps into peculiarly human concepts of space and time, and how our nouns and verbs speak to our notions of matter. Even the names we give our babies have important things to say about our relations to our children and to society. With his signature wit and style, Pinker takes on scientific questions like whether language affects thought, as well as forays into everyday life: why is bulk e-mail called spam and how do romantic comedies get such mileage out of the ambiguities of dating? The Stuff of Thought is a brilliantly crafted and highly readable work that will appeal to fans of readers of everything from The Selfish Gene and Blink to Eats, Shoots & Leaves.

The Wizard and the Dragon

Joseph Anderson - 2012
    After barely surviving the dragon's magic, Bryce flees into the nearby forest fearing that the dragon is still after him. He stumbles upon a mysterious tower built in the forest and finds shelter from the monster.

My Other Car is a Spaceship

Mark Terence Chapman - 2014
    One minute Hal Nellis, former air force fighter pilot, is mowing his lawn; the next, he finds himself drafted to fight interstellar pirates set on sacking Earth and other backwater worlds. When the pirate ships acted independently, the civilian Merchants’ Unity had no trouble keeping them under control. But when the pirates organized to better coordinate their activities, they became an unstoppable force, pushing the underfunded Unity to the brink of collapse and leaving backwater worlds like Earth defenseless. As one of the rare humans with the hypertasking gene, Hal is able to pilot the best the Unity has to offer. With his help, and that of Captain Kalen Jeffries—the son of human slaves, the remaining ships of the Unity plan a last-ditch effort to break the pirate hegemony. Succeed, and the pirate organization is crushed forever; fail, and the people of Earth and countless other worlds are doomed to slavery and death. Prepare for a rollicking adventure full of twists and turns you won’t see coming. It's part “Kidnapped,” part “The Guns of Navarone,” and part “The Great Escape.” For more information about the author and his books, visit his website at: http://MarkTerenceChapman.com Or read his blog at: http://tesserene.blogspot.com

The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science

Norman Doidge - 2007
    Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Norman Doidge, M.D., traveled the country to meet both the brilliant scientists championing neuroplasticity and the people whose lives they’ve transformed - people whose mental limitations or brain damage were seen as unalterable. We see a woman born with half a brain that rewired itself to work as a whole, blind people who learn to see, learning disorders cured, IQs raised, aging brains rejuvenated, stroke patients learning to speak, children with cerebral palsy learning to move with more grace, depression and anxiety disorders successfully treated, and lifelong character traits changed. Using these marvelous stories to probe mysteries of the body, emotion, love, sex, culture, and education, Dr. Doidge has written an immensely moving, inspiring book that will permanently alter the way we look at our brains, human nature, and human potential.