Recognizing Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Lizzy Brandon - 2018
    Darcy’s proposal and allowing him to assume a love she does not yet feel pains Miss Elizabeth Bennet but she is certain she can love him…in time. After all of the miseries he endured to salvage her youngest sister’s reputation, how could she not come to love such a man? Unfortunately, Lady Catherine arrives, bringing even thornier complications. With the many objections Darcy’s family will have regarding his marriage to the daughter of an unremarkable country squire, what more trouble can Lady Catherine stir up should she learn Elizabeth’s secret? In this Pride and Prejudice variation, what will Mr. Darcy do when he learns his beloved has accepted him although her heart is not engaged? New through Kindle Unlimited, Recognizing Love is a Jane Austen adaptation of about 73,000 words. If you are a fan of Pride and Prejudice variations, vagaries, fanfiction, and sequels, check out Recognizing Love today.

The Falmouth Connection

Joana Starnes - 2014
    Darcy finally decides to propose to the enticing Miss Elizabeth Bennet, she is summoned to Falmouth, to meet a relation she never knew she had.Thus, the ill-starred Hunsford proposal is avoided – but before he could even begin to understand his luck, adverse circumstances hasten to conspire against him, and Fitzwilliam Darcy is compelled to follow the woman he loves to the far reaches of Cornwall, into a world of deceit and peril where few – if any – are what they seem to be…

Only The Deepest Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Amelia Wood - 2020
    And knowing she is alone in Hunsford Lodge gives him the perfect opportunity to tell her how he feels, even if it means being caught in a torrential downpour. But Elizabeth is on one of her walks and could be gone for hours. Unable to wait a moment longer to see her, Darcy is obliged to borrow clothes from Hunsford Lodge’s groom before he sets out to find and propose to the woman he loves. When Darcy finds her sheltering from the rain under the folly in Rosings Park, Elizabeth’s hostility and the fact that she has been soaked in the rain makes it impossible for him to propose. But in a lapse of his usual self-mastery, he kisses her and, just for a moment, Elizabeth responds. But they are not alone. When Mr Collins sees Elizabeth kiss a man in servant’s clothing, he goes to Lady Catherine, who insists Elizabeth marry the fellow in question to repair her ruined reputation. And her rage when she discovers the man is her own nephew is so great Elizabeth and Darcy are obliged to leave for London at once. Forced to marry, Elizabeth and Darcy must find a way to reconcile themselves to the match. Before Darcy can tell her he loves her, Elizabeth confesses she has never liked him believing him to feel the same, leaving Darcy devastated and forced to hide his true feelings for her. But as they spend more and more time together, Elizabeth begins to question her prejudices and assumptions. And now, both must find a way to overcome their fear that they are to endure a marriage to someone who can never love them. Only The Deepest Life is a Pride and Prejudice variation novella of approximately 30,000 words.

Elizabeth and Darcy: Ardently Yours: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Evangeline Wright - 2019
    Darcy’s introduction. What if Elizabeth visited Pemberley before meeting Darcy, and was prepared to think the best of him, rather than the worst? What if Georgiana Darcy stayed home from Ramsgate, and Wickham’s dastardly schemes had not yet been revealed? The answer: An ardent, inevitable love story that unfolds quite differently… but is, in essentials, very much what it ever was. Elizabeth and Darcy: Ardently Yours is a sweet, chaste Regency romance of approximately 60,000 words. A note: This story was originally posted several years ago on Jane Austen fan sites, under the title “In Essentials: Much as It Ever Was”. It has been lightly edited, but is otherwise unchanged. — Evangeline (“Vangie”) Wright.

An Odd Situation: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sophie Lynbrook - 2018
    Darcy is taken to Longbourn, a place which is unfamiliar to him. He finds himself dependent upon the care of strangers. While there is much to shock and distress him, his situation has unusual compensations. Unbeknownst to others, he is able to hear everything. The resulting revelations and observations give him a new perspective.

Fitzwilliam Darcy Elopes: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Beth Wood - 2019
    Wickham, Mr. Darcy proposes a plan to divert gossip away from Elizabeth's younger sister in order to save her from a life as Mrs. Wickham. This humorous variation on Pride and Prejudice follows Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet on a rather unexpected adventure.

Indisposed: A Pride and Prejudice Novella

Alix James - 2020
    Miserable and in an unsociable temper, she decides to attend the Meryton Assembly against her better judgment to support her beloved sister.Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, confident in the rightness of his own observations, unknowingly misjudges the condition of Miss Elizabeth Bennet’s health. What begins as complete disinterest soon develops into pity when an unknown surgeon offers an even more bleak outlook for the young woman’s future. He will see that her last days are worth living. Annoyed by her father’s apparent lack of concern and wishing to do something himself, he commits himself to be her champion… irrevocably.Elizabeth Bennet is confused. Except for her father and arrogant Mr. Darcy, everyone in her acquaintance either avoids her or bursts into tears when in her company. What tragedy are they withholding from her? She is baffled by Mr. Darcy’s insistence and assumes improper motives. When the truth comes out, will she see him differently? And will he discover his feelings are more than just pity on a dying woman? This delightful Regency tale filled with beloved characters from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice reveals what remains when layers of pity, confusion, and miscommunication are peeled away from literature’s most stubborn couple - a happily ever after for the ages.Indisposed is a sweet, clean Regency novella of approximately 20,000 words.

Memory: Volume 1, Lasting Impressions: A Tale Of Pride And Prejudice

Linda Wells - 2010
    Influenced by their experiences and the people around them, they must endure a year of transformation to find their love. What effect would the sight of their soul mates have upon Darcy and Elizabeth if it occurred at a much earlier and vulnerable moment? How would this shared memory change his advance into arrogance and pride, and her sensitivity to the opinions of others? And ultimately, what will happen when they finally meet somewhere beyond their imaginations? The Memory series is a story of family, and how the love affair of one couple influences the lives of everyone around them. Volume 1: Lasting Impressions begins on a fateful day in Hyde Park when 15-year-old Elizabeth Bennet spies the handsome 22-year-old Fitzwilliam Darcy. Instead of wondering over his status: bachelor, rich, gentleman . . . all of the qualities she had been taught by her mother to seek for her husband, she saw only the sorrowful man in need. Darcy heard laughter and saw a girl and a smile. Both have much to overcome before they can be together, but one thing is certain, they would have loved each other no matter where or when they had met.The story continues in Volume 2: Trials to Bear, and Volume 3: How Far We Have Come. These stories contain scenes of a mature nature.

In Search of Happiness: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Nicky Roth - 2019
    In this slow-paced feel-good variation of Pride and Prejudice, Fitzwilliam Darcy, disillusioned and tired of London society, decides that it is time to take a break and do something both drastic and unexpected to at long last find himself again and quite unexpectedly also happiness and love.

Meant to Be: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Andreea Catana - 2017
    Bingley rented Netherfield nine months later than in the original? What if Elizabeth Bennet met Mr. Darcy first at Rosings while she is staying with her friend Charlotte Collins and he is visiting his aunt, Lady Catherine? What if Elizabeth is as attracted by Darcy’s fine eyes as much as he is by hers? When their mutual attraction is tainted by pride, prejudice, misunderstandings, and false accusation, how will they reconcile their feelings when they meet again in Hertfordshire? Follow this Regency Pride and Prejudice variation that takes you into a different—yet much the same—journey through the beloved story of Elizabeth and her Mr. Darcy.

The Unreformed Mr Darcy

Lin Mei Wei - 2018
    While Elizabeth is in Kent, visiting her recently married friend Charlotte, she receives letters which tell her how Jane is soon to be wed to a man Elizabeth can't stand. And then, unbelievably, Mr Darcy, the last man in the world she would ever choose to marry, proposes to her. Elizabeth is torn. But thoughts of rescuing Jane make her do something that will change the course of her life forever...The Unreformed Mr Darcy is a Pride and Prejudice variation romance by the author of Stranded with Mr Darcy.

The Rogue's Widow

Nicole Clarkston - 2020
    An Attachment He Cannot Deny.Elizabeth Bennet never expected that answering an advertisement for a lady’s companion would result in almost immediate marriage and widowhood. Destitute and hopeless after her father’s death, she accepts the position as a means to provide a home for her family, but is daily baffled by the abrupt ways and inscrutable motives of her employer and benefactor, Mr Darcy.Fitzwilliam Darcy had a simple plan: secure a steady companion for his younger sister Georgiana and a wife for his father’s dying ward, to prevent a neighbouring estate from falling into the hands of George Wickham. Elizabeth Bennet is the perfect answer… a little too perfect. As her sweetly impertinent character encourages Georgiana and wins the respect of the village, Darcy’s own heart begins to fall for the woman whom honour forbids him even to think of.When a legal challenge brings into question Elizabeth’s rights to the estate, Darcy must find a way to mend old family breaches and reveal secrets better forgotten. Will he permit himself to reach for the one who holds his happiness? Or will events conspire to take her forever from his life?The Rogue’s Widow is a clean Regency Variation of approximately 50,000 words.

Mr. Darcy's Refuge: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Abigail Reynolds - 2012
    The river isn't the only thing overflowing in Hunsford when a natural disaster forces Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy to work together. The residents of flood-stricken Hunsford, seeking refuge in the parsonage atop the hill, are unaware they are interrupting Darcy's disastrous proposal. Even worse, the flood has washed out the only bride to Rosings Park, stranding Darcy with the woman who has just refused his offer of marriage. But it may already be too late to redeem Elizabeth’s reputation….

Bluebells in the Mourning

KaraLynne Mackrory - 2013
    . . ...nothing can be lost that love cannot find? Jane Austen's beloved "Pride and Prejudice" is readapted in this Regency tale of love in the face of tragedy. Mr. Darcy is thwarted in his attempt to propose to Elizabeth Bennet at Hunsford when he encounters her minutes after she receives the sad news from Longbourn of her sister's death. His gallantry and compassion as he escorts her back to Hertfordshire begins to unravel the many threads of her discontent with him. While her family heals from their loss, Darcy must search London for answers --- answers that might bring justice but also might just mark the end of his own hopes with Elizabeth.

Unwilling: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary

Elizabeth Adams - 2016
    Bennet discovers his days are numbered, so he immediately begins to set his affairs — and his five unmarried daughters — in order. Knowing they will fare best should at least one of them find a suitable husband, he cannot refuse any respectable suitors.The high-spirited Elizabeth suspects something isn’t right in the halls of Longbourn, but nothing prepares her for a certain haughty gentleman from Derbyshire. While Mr. Darcy is exceedingly wealthy and handsome, in Elizabeth’s eyes, he is also proud, high-handed, and insulting. And unfortunately, desperately in love with her.Suddenly, Elizabeth is forced to rethink her previous opinions. And accept a choice she never had the chance to make.