Nightsong: A Neanderthal mystery

M.J. Rhodes - 2016
    When Bronwyn learns later that she was the only witness to the abduction of a young boy, she takes it upon herself to find the boy. Her obsessive search for the boy triggers deep memories of her own—Neanderthal—ancestor. Can these memories from 40,000 years ago help her to find the boy, and also help her to understand who she really is?

The Crash of 5201

Denny Allen - 2011
    However on it's flight to Eilson air force base in Alaska the flight was anything but routine. Plagued with one problem after another the plane was finally forced down in a mountainous region in Northeast Alaskas interior.. For three Airmen that survived the crash now found themselves alone in a very wild and hostile land. They survived the crash, but now can they survive the great Alaska wild. After giving up any rescue, the three Airman knew their only chance of survival was to walk out on their own. They had no idea how this was going to turn out..They new if thy didn't Find help by the winter they wouldn't survive the up to minus 50 degree temperatures, and without weapons.they couldn't defend them selfs. Also, starvation was a big concern. The author of this book did a lot hunting moose and caribou in this part of Alaska, so he knows first hand how wild and unforgiving this land can be.

Bailey's Law

Meg Lelvis - 2016
    But it doesn't take long for Jack to realize Todd should've thought twice about what he did to several girls he dated. Was his murder justified?Jack Bailey, small town hard-boiled detective, must solve the crime, but his own unrelenting demons rising from his struggle with PTSD and buried family secrets complicate his task. Daily work at the station affords Jack distraction from the inner turmoil that penetrates his nights. Darkness brings unwanted memories, nightmares, and the realization he needs to face what happened ten years ago.Through the searing Texas summer heat, Jack's team of detectives works hard interrogating witnesses in an effort to discover Todd Kaplan's true character. But it's patrol cop, Denise Williams, who rises above her calling to assist in questioning a crucial witness. Smart and sassy, she holds her own with Jack's moody temperament. All the while, a new romantic interest with a woman who is off limits proves problematic for Jack as he tries to make the right decision.Was this small town murder an act of justice or revenge? Only a parent who has tragically lost a child can hold the answer in their hearts. Jack understands. Only too well.

Recovery of a Colony Ship

John Thornton - 2013
    The last place safe for humans, or any life, on a dying earth. They are adventurers who have explored other domes, but everywhere else is dead. Will Dome 17 meet the same fate? The committee has a risky plan to try out unproven technologies: a faster than light scout ship, and teleportation. Both technologies have severe limits. Only two people can be carried aboard those FTL scout ships for a one way journey, Teleportation can only work when a receiving pad is at the target location. So can they make both these technologies work to save the last of humanity? One hundred years before, the people of earth had built gigantic colony ships with enclosed habitats. They were filled with flora and fauna and people. These ships were launched into space knowing it would take generations to reach other solar systems. Those space pioneers would live out their lives in transition to a new world. But the colony ship program was considered a dismal failure. All of the colony ships were considered lost. Will Michael and Jamie travel to one of the colony ships? Will it be a derelict? Or will it be a chance for a new home for humanity? What will they find as they try the recovery of a colony ship?

When It's Too Late to Tell (When it's . . .#1)

J. Evan Johnson - 2010
    To tell is to inform. When it's Too Late to Tell features four characters, Mark, Craig, Jade and Berta, all holding issues from the past that suffocate every lasting relationship they have. Mark, an elementary school teacher, and his wife Jade, a pharmacy technician, hold deep secrets from each other; secrets that cause a rift in their marriage. Mark's best friend Craig lives his days as a financial planner, struggling with the idea of God, questioning His existence each day. Indeed, Craig once believed and held strong to his faith, formerly being a youth minister for a well-known church, but some strenuous events turned his life upside down. If it weren't for a helping hand, his life would have ceased to exist. Berta, Craig's assistant, stands to be the most faithful, although the horrors that happened to her in her past would allow anything but. One part to her past in particular binds her, forcing her to believe that her entire existence boils down to a single man's dying wish. In this mesmeric story of relationships, each of the four must realize what issues truly hold them back and what issues to reveal before it is too late.

Blown Cover

Mark A. Hewitt - 2017
    Three years after being chased from office, the former president discovers the identity of the man who released his secret file. The ex-President begins to exact revenge while plotting his return to power. A fatwa makes CIA pilot Duncan Hunter the most wanted man in America. Then an airliner disappears over the Pacific Ocean. The new President gives the CIA two time-sensitive missions: find and eliminate his traitorous predecessor, and stop a self-radicalized computer scientist before another airliner goes missing. Duncan Hunter is in the race of his life to stop a jumbo jet from crashing. The CIA believes they have finally located the former president. All roads lead to Dubai where a showdown between good and evil begins on the top floor of the world’s tallest building.

Blood Forest

Jonathan Taylor - 2012
    With their attackers in pursuit, Brandon and Samantha are pushed deeper and deeper into the forest, to a place so terrifying that even the local Mbuti refuse to enter. The pair soon discovers another party is risking the dangers of the jungle, seeking a rare flower with vast medical potential. As the two groups combine forces against the genocidal militia, the Blood Forest holds them all with a secret that is more complex and sinister than any of them realize.“This forest has a pulse.It beats in my chest.I can see it in the eyes of the beasts.Together, we move to this rhythm.It calls to us. It calls for blood.”

Trust No One

L.J. Breedlove - 2013
    Mac Davis likes being a reporter.No one shoots at him, he eats real meals regularly -- what's not to like? Then someone kidnaps his friends, and tries to kill him. Mac doesn't know who or why, but he plans to find out. And make them pay.First book of the Mac Davis thrillers.

Double Take: a Hank Hammond, P.I. murder mystery

J.P. David - 2011
    But when a second one pops up in even more bizarre circumstances it's enough to make even Hank Hammond, P.I. do a DOUBLE-TAKE . . .As the newest private investigator in Kingston Beach, Hank Hammond has all the signs of success that he could possibly ask for: the latest detective gear, a shiny red Corvette, an office within a successful attorney's building, and--most importantly--the professional services of Lori Reed, a brilliant and beautiful executive assistant. If only Hank had a client.

Runaway Girls

Alexandria Clarke - 2019
    As personal issues and an obsessive nature threaten her career, Alex follows a lead onto the Emerald Adventure, a cruise ship heading to the Bahamas for five days. But the killer's on board, and it's only a matter of time before someone else dies.Little Girl LostTen years after her parents’ death, Bridget Dubois returns to her hometown of Belle Dame, North Carolina. Her younger sister, Holly, is missing, and Bridget is determined to discover her whereabouts. No one knows what happened to Holly, so when Bridget starts to hear Holly’s voice in her head, she becomes the only one who has a chance of finding her little sister.

After the Evil

Cary Allen Stone - 2005
    He is investigating a murder; a serial killer is responsible. FBI profiler Mika Scott leads the investigation. Mika and Jake were partners and lovers. Tensions run high when Jake discovers who the killer is. Will they get there in time to stop another murder?

Gift of the Destroyer

Jeroen Steenbeeke - 2011
    Entire nations fell as crops withered and people starved. The world's most powerful warriors could not defeat him, even with the aid of the most powerful sorceress to have ever lived.Thirty years earlier, the scarred warrior Brenor arrives at Lianna's farm. He holds the key to defeating the Revenant before he becomes a threat, but to do so, he needs to cross the Forbidden Lands. And for that, he needs Lianna's help.Together, they are the only ones capable of preventing the future Brenor has already lived through. But to face the dangers of the Forbidden Lands, and the man who is hunting them both, Lianna must master the Gift of the Destroyer.Gift of the Destroyer is the first book in the Hunter in the Dark trilogy. The second book - The Raven's Endgame - and the third book - Hunter's Chosen - are also available from Amazon.

Mystery : Three Novels

V.S. Vashist - 2015
    However, when she reached Kingston, she started to find things that pointed at something bigger than what she had anticipated. And, then suddenly another crime happened that she felt was linked to the whole racket. She had to uncover the whole crime syndicate against her orders while she was being followed by the criminals as well as the local police. Will she find the reason for the happenings? What is the Mystery and Suspense of all the crimes that tie them together? Book 2: Wrong One A WEDDING AND A THIRTY YEAR OLD GRUDGE When Kiara invited Jake to a family wedding, he had not thought that it will be different from any other wedding. However, he started sensing something wrong with everyone in the wedding party. Kiara shrugged it off as Jake being paranoid, but Jake persisted. Is Jake going to find out anything or is it a mere hunch? Or Kiara's fear of Jake creating a trouble in the marriage will come true? Book 3 - Dead But Living Eric had never done any good to anyone in his life. But, when he is about to die of tuberculosis, something saves him - A Dream. He believes something EVIL has saved him, and he knew he had to re-pay whosoever had saved him because that's what he would have done. To find the truth, he goes back to Glenville to meet Father Frederick, who could guide him. Instead, he finds two explorers who are after a treasure. While chasing them, he comes to know about the mysteries of the place where he had spent his childhood and also about the people he had met recently. He follows them and soon he finds himself in unknown territory. However, he encounters something that tells him the truth about his losing their track and how he is linked with the two explorers.

Hold On! - Season 1

Peter Darley - 2015
    However, she is rescued by mysterious interloper, Brandon Drake, an AWOL soldier. Using an advanced, experimental aircraft, he flees with her to his hidden cabin in the mountains of Aspen. There she learns his story – he’s a man on a mission to thwart a corrupt, government conspiracy.Brandon's and Belinda’s feelings for one another soon deepen. When they attempt to flee from America, they discover that now, Belinda too, has become a target of the conspiracy. A nightmare is unleashed upon them as the police, assassins, and government agencies drive them into relentless perils. Brandon’s combat training and stolen weaponry are challenged to the limit in the face of overwhelming odds; a devastating, reality-shaking discovery further hampering his plight.Shocking twists and cliffhangers take the two lovers on a journey through the first installment in this high-tech action, romantic thriller series.

Thicker Than Water

Rachel McLean - 2018
    Ruth Dyer is forging a role as doctor to their community of refugees and the rock around which the family revolves. But the family is haunted by memories of the journey north and the loss of their mother Sonia. And their community is under attack from the local population. When Jess answers a distress call at sea, she brings strangers to their village and puts Ruth in jeopardy. Jess has to calm the community, mount a rescue mission and keep her brother Ben from tipping into insanity. Will she succeed? 
And will she find Ruth before it’s too late? ‘Thicker Than Water’ is a gripping thriller about family, belonging and revenge. Previously published as 'Exile'