You Thought He Was Yours

Denora M. Boone - 2017
    She has a beautiful home and her bank account is no longer struggling. She knows that the success that she has been blessed with is only because of the God she serves. She just wishes that He would finally send her the husband her heart desires. Unfortunately, that prayer had yet to be answered because the man that holds her heart, is married to someone else. Bless Williams once had a promising professional career in the NFL but an injury in college caused that dream to turn into a nightmare. The one thing that made that defeat bearable was knowing that he had his beautiful wife Trinity by his side. She was there before the fame but once the limelight dimmed, so did the flames that she once had for him. As much as Bless prayed that God return His wife’s heart back to him and heal their marriage, he would soon see that the secrets that are exposed won’t allow it. Both Bless and Anya believe in the sanctity of marriage and wouldn’t dare enter into anything that God frowns upon. But what is a heart to do when it wants what it wants? Could Anya be the one that Bless was meant to be with and if so why had God sent Trinity during one of the most difficult times of his young life? Love is a hard thing to get rid of especially when you thought he was yours.

Sharp Objects: A Novel by Gillian Flynn | Summary & Analysis

Book*Sense - 2015
    The first novel of New York Times’ Best Selling Author Gillian Flynn, Sharp Objects explores the depths of the human psyche, from its simple complexities to the more outrageous ones. The narrative tells a tale about the malleability of the human mind, and how far it can bend towards either side: the normal and the abnormal. The lonely town of Wind Gap, Missouri is at the center of a series of murders by strangulation. What makes these murders even more morbid is the fact that the killer is targeting children: Two girls, aged ten and 9 years old, have been murdered and their bodies disposed of. Nobody in town seems to agree as to who may be held responsible for these unwarranted crimes. This companion to Sharp Objects also includes the following: • Book Review • Story Setting Analysis of Sharp Objects • Story elements you may have missed as we decipher the novel • Details of Characters & Key Character Analysis • Summary of the text, with some analytical comments interspersed • Discussion & Analysis of Themes, Symbols… • And Much More! This Analysis of Sharp Objects fills the gap, making you understand more while enhancing your reading experience.

The Pike Chronicles - Books 1 - 10

G.P. Hudson - 2021

The Wolf's Proposal: A Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (The Witch's Pack Book 3)

Rachel Medhurst - 2021

The Dragon Kings: Boxset 4

Kimberly Loth - 2021
    Now Isa wants answers and he has to do anything he can to change his lie into the truth.If Isa finds out before he does, he’s a dead man….He enlists Grace to help him, but she’s too busy worrying about Jude to notice. She’s been in love with Jude for as long as she can remember and when he suddenly starts paying attention to her, she doesn’t know what to do.Liam and Grace both set out to follow their hearts, but will they break instead?

Light From Other Windows

Chris Chalmers - 2015
    Unputdownable.” — Penny Hancock, author of Tideline How many secrets can a family hide? 19-year-old Josh Maitland is at the end of a gap-year trip round the world when the tsunami hits the Canary Islands. His family are devastated at the loss of someone they thought would outlive them all: mother Diana, advertising executive and shatterer of glass ceilings; older siblings Rachel and Jem, each contemplating a serious relationship after years of sidestepped commitment; and stepfather Colin, no stranger to loss, who finds himself frozen out by his wife's grief. It's only with the discovery of the private blog Josh was writing for his friends that the significance of his travels becomes clear. It reveals secrets he knew about everyone in the family — and one about himself that will change the way they think of him forever.

An Isle of Man Ghostly Cozy Collection - GHI

Diana Xarissa - 2018
     Guests and Guilt Fenella Woods is less than excited when her brother James announces that he’s coming to visit her. She’s starting to feel truly settled in her new home on the Isle of Man, but James made it clear when she inherited their Aunt Mona’s fortune that he didn’t think it was fair. She can only hope that he’s just coming for a visit and not for a fight about the estate.
 When he arrives with a girlfriend Fenella knew nothing about in tow, she’s even less excited about the three-week visit. But James’s girlfriend, Stephanie, grew up on the island and she has her own reasons for wanting to be there. 
 When Stephanie turns up dead, is it just an unfortunate accident or was someone unhappy to see the woman back on the island? Police Inspector Mark Hammersmith is on the case, and he’s quick to consider James as a suspect.
When James recounts a story from Stephanie’s past that sounds impossible, Mark seems inclined to discount it as fiction. When someone tries to kill James, though, Fenella is convinced that it’s true.
 Can she persuade Mark to see things her way? And can she keep her big brother safe from a killer who might just try again?
 Hop-tu-Naa and Homicide It’s Hop-tu-Naa time on the Isle of Man and Fenella Woods is excited to learn more about this uniquely Manx celebration. When a day of fun at Cregneash village ends with Fenella finding a dead body, though, she finds herself tangled up in another murder investigation.
 When the inspector in charge of the case calls on Daniel Robinson to help with the investigation, Fenella finds an uncomfortable distance has grown between herself and handsome Inspector Robinson. The distance is only reinforced by the ubiquitous presence of Tiffany Perkins, a pretty young police inspector who’d been on the same course as Daniel. 
No one seems to have had a motive for killing young Phillip Pierce. He’d only been on the island for a short while. He was newly married and his beautiful widow seems suitably devastated. 
Can Fenella work out why the man was killed? Will Daniel seek her help with this investigation or is he determined to keep her at arm’s length? And if he is keeping his distance, is Tiffany the reason or is there something else going on?
 Invitations and Investigations Fenella Woods is pleased when police inspector Daniel Robinson asks for her help with another cold case. It isn’t the first time he’s asked her to share her thoughts on an old case, but things have been difficult between the pair since Daniel returned from a lengthy course in the UK.
 Ronald Sherman disappeared nearly seven years ago. It seems everyone who knew the man has a different idea as to why. Fenella and her friend, Shelly Quirk, find themselves talking to a number of different people about the missing man. 
As if helping Daniel isn’t enough to keep Fenella busy, she’s planning a banquet for her first Thanksgiving on the island. Sending invitations and sharing recipes with the chef at the restaurant she’s chosen seems to take up a lot of her time.
 Can Fenella and Shelly work out what actually happened to Ronald? Is Daniel hoping to rekindle his romance with Fenella over witness statements? Will Fenella’s Thanksgiving feast be a success or is it a disaster waiting to happen?

Unforgettable Night

Tiye Love - 2021

Falling For Him

J. Peach - 2017
    She has been through so much physical and mental pain and abuse by the hands of those who were supposed to love her. Even so, Jazmyne haven’t let that break her caring, bubbly spirit or the hope she has for change to one day come. What happens when Jazmyne runs into Kane, who she instantly feels drawn to for reasons unknown? Kane Blake, is the sexy, new guy in town. When he runs into Jazmyne, immediately he knows he found his mate. Kane know they’re destined to be and tries to build a relationship with Jazmyne. Will Jazmyne follow the magnetic pull she feels towards Kane? Or will the abuse she has endured her whole life finally become too much, causing her to lose all hope on life? But how much hope could one have before all hope is lost. How much pain can one take before they decide to end it all?

A Not So Purrfect Spell (A Cotswold Cat Familiar Cozy Mystery Book 4)

D. Watts - 2021

Project Bloodborn #1-4: Wolf Man / Wolf Spirit / Wolf Killer / Wolf Warrior

Craig Zerf - 2018
    Was $19.96 now only $9.95 limited time offer… Brenner is not a werewolf… He is the result of a secret US Army experiment. The creation of a government controlled Super Soldier.And no one asked if he wanted to take part.So, he escaped. And for the last fifty years has been living in the backroads and the small unknown towns of America. Never aging. Searching for a cure. At the same time avoiding the dark ops experts who are looking for him.But just because he can become a seven foot, four hundred pound killing machine, it doesn’t mean that Brenner is bad. In fact, he sticks to a strict code.And like the High Plains drifters of old, anyone who crosses the Wolfman’s code is sure to suffer. They took his humanity … and now it’s time for payback. Author’s note … “I was looking to create a character that brought to mind the high plains drifters of old. A western hero that rode into town on a dark horse, delivered justice and retribution in equal measure and then rode off into the sunset.“A modern-day gunslinger with a dark secret.I hope that I did the premise justice.” Praise for Craig Zerf … “This is an exciting story written by a master...can't wait to read more by this author! What if this story really happened! Wow.” “This book is sheer Perfection! It has everything. Brenner's story makes you sad then happy, scared and anxious then shouting and cheering. One moment you are crying and the next you can't stop laughing. Craig Zerf is definitely now on my list of favorite authors. Do yourself a favor and buy this book!” “Violent and exciting. The characters make no excuses, they are monsters and violence is their trade. Despite this the main character is likeable and interesting. This book is a fast, fun read, and I am looking forward to more from the author.” “Mr. Zerf, I must compliment you on each and every one of the stories in this series! Words like exceptional, outstanding, gripping, unrelenting, engaging and yes enthralling simply are NOT enough to do these stories justice.”  Scroll up and buy now … or get it on KU for FREE! Project Bloodborn is a Shapeshifter, Werewolf novel. It should be popular for all those searching for Urban Fantasy, Vampires, Ghosts, Magic and Psychics.

Phoenix Rising, #1-5

Annie Anderson - 2021
    Maybe he saved it. Now, it's my turn to save us both.Living forever isn't all it's cracked up to be.Fall into the realm of Phoenixes and Wraiths who guard the gates of the beyond. The Phoenix Rising Complete Series Box Set contains all five books in this thrilling paranormal romance series.

Tales from The Pumpkin Patch: A Federal Witch Universe Holiday Tale

T.S. Paul - 2017
     These three stories from the accomplished authors in the Federal Witch World examine the strange and amazing things that occur in the harvest field in the dark of the moon. Be amazed at the depth of the terror and the wonder embedded in these stories. Be challenged and be afraid!

Kill the Willing / Bury the Past But Shoot It First / Reload Faster / Dead In Plain Sight / Tomb Raiding PhD / Tomb Raider Emeritus

Martha Carr - 2020
    Requires Life Insurance. Will be working with deadly magical artifacts and killers. Kill The Willing: Shay Carson had a wake up call when a hitman was sent after her. Her previous profession was getting a bit personal. Then, life offered her a chance to disappear, and she did. What's a girl to do with a very specific set of skills? Take up Tomb Raiding!Behind every complicated woman is a story. For Shay, it happens to be a little complicated and she can't share with her new friends. Better to lie to her friends, than have to kill more for knowing too much! Bury The Past, But Shoot it First: Magic is back on Earth and there’s money to be made. It didn’t take long for Shay Carson to figure out that being a hitman isn’t good for a girl’s retirement plans. Time to fake her own death and get the hell out of town. Start over in L.A. with dream job number two – tomb raider in a world just coming to terms with magic. Just as dangerous a profession but the payoff’s bigger even if someone’s still shooting at her. Good thing this girl has better aim and no problem pulling the trigger. Reload Faster: Killer for hire needs to retool her skill set. Find a new career with a little less risk. Meet Shay Carson – Tomb Raider for hire. Good with weapons, works badly with others, can leave at a moment’s notice and not thrown by magic. She’s already making a name for herself on the dark web. Rich people in search of treasure willing to pay to send someone else. Look out world… Dead In Plain Sight: Shay Carson's rep as a tomb raider grows, along with her list of new friends. The former killer for hire has managed to figure out what a life looks like without killing off her inner circle. But a teenage elf may upend all of it.New adventures across France hunting for the lost scepter of Dagobert protected by dark magic or finding the answers to a broken piece of machinery that’s 300 million years old. Not your typical day job. Shay is not your typical woman… just ask Brownstone. Tomb Raiding PHD: What do you do when someone threatens your man? If his name is Brownstone, you can take the easy way out and just tell him. He’ll take care of the rest. But if you’re Shay Carson, archaeologist of magic and history, you take care of it, permanently. It’s her specialty. In a surprising twist, Shay’s turned out to be teachable and is taking along Lily, a Gray Elf to help her settle the score, while Peyton, her IT specialist with a love of costumes and pizza has her back. Tomb Raider Emeritus: Shay Carson has a secret. Not all aliens are Oricerans.

Resurrected (Vampire Legacy, #1) Excerpt

Morgan Rice - 2012
    This file contains Part One of the book only, which is 20,000 words.In RESURRECTED (Book #1 of the Vampire Legacy), 16 year old Scarlet Paine finds herself changing in mysterious ways. She is becoming sensitive to light, able to read peoples’ thoughts, and is faster and stronger than she’s ever been. She doesn’t understand what’s happening to her, and tries to ignore it. But she can only dismiss it for so long.Caitlin Paine, her mom, knows too well what’s happening to her daughter. She underwent the same transformation to vampire once, centuries ago. But now, in the present day, as a mere human, she has no memory of it. All she has is the journal she found in the attic—her mysterious vampire journal—telling of her exploits in another time and place, and of the vampire race being eradicated. But was there one exception to the rule? Could it be that Scarlet, her daughter, is the last remaining vampire on earth?As Scarlet tries to fight who she’s becoming, she also tries to fight her intense feelings for Blake, a boy in her grade who she has a crush on. She can’t tell, though, if he’s into her, and with the big Halloween dance just days away, the pressure is on. She would do anything for Blake to ask her. But Vivian, the meanest of the popular girls, is also on Blake’s radar, and she’ll do anything to make Blake hers—and to make Scarlet’s life a living hell.Luckily Scarlet has her own clique of friends to back her up, including her best friends Maria and Jasmin. They, too, have guy troubles—but it isn’t until Sage appears, the mysterious new boy, that her friends become obsessed. Scarlet finds herself attracted to him, too—and is surprised when it is her, of all the girls in the school, that he pays attention to. But her mind is set on Blake, at least for now, and she continues to hope he’ll ask her to the dance.Just when it seems that Scarlet has what she wants, her body changes. Soon it may be impossible for her to be near her fellow humans. Soon, she may have to choose between her desire to live and her desire for love.Book #2 in the series, CRAVED (Book #2 of the Vampire Legacy), is now also available.“Grabbed my attention from the beginning and did not let go….This story is an amazing adventure that is fast paced and action packed from the very beginning. There is not a dull moment to be found.”--Paranormal Romance Guild {regarding Turned}“A great plot, and this especially was the kind of book you will have trouble putting down at night. The ending was a cliffhanger that was so spectacular that you will immediately want to buy the next book, just to see what happens.”--The Dallas Examiner {regarding Loved}“Morgan Rice proves herself again to be an extremely talented storyteller….This would appeal to a wide range of audiences, including younger fans of the vampire/fantasy genre. It ended with an unexpected cliffhanger that leaves you shocked.”--The Romance Reviews {regarding Loved}Morgan Rice is the #1 Bestselling author of THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS, an eight-book series which has sold over 100,000 copies and has been translated into six languages. Morgan is also author of ARENA ONE, the first book in a dystopian, post-apocalyptic action-thriller trilogy.