A Practical Guide to the Runes: Their Uses in Divination and Magic

Lisa Peschel - 1989
    This ancient oracular practice has been rediscovered in the twentieth century as we try to simplify our complicated existence.A Practical Guide to the Runes provides in a concise manner:• Complete descriptions of the 25 runes in divination• Four rune layouts• Instructions for making runes and accessories• Meanings and uses of the runes in magick• Step-by-step guidelines in carving runes and creating talismans• Charging of talismans• Differences between bindrunes and runescriptsTake charge of your life to make the choices and changes you desire.

In Focus Palmistry: Your Personal Guide

Roberta Vernon - 2018
    From analyzing palms, fingers, fingerprints, mounts, and nails, find the hidden strengths and weaknesses within yourself and others. Can your hands unveil your future? Author Roberta Vernon explores this question in the introduction. Each chapter address a different aspect of palmistry, including: looking at hands; the fate line; the Apollo line or sun line; marks, colors, and warts; and skin ridge patterns.An 18 x 24-inch wall chart for quick reference contains key information for deciphering palms are included with the book to provide a quick interpretation reference. With practice, and with In Focus Palmistry in hand, readers will be able to decipher the following areas:Love and relationshipsSexualityMoneyBusinessCareerAptitudes and talentsSuccesses and failuresParents and in-lawsChildrenOther people of influenceHome and property mattersHealthTravelPetsThe In Focus series applies a modern approach to teaching the classic body, mind, and spirit subjects, using expert authors in their respective fields and featuring relevant visual material to smartly and purposely illustrate key topics within each subject. As a bonus, each book is packaged with index cards and/or a poster, to give readers a quick, go-to reference guide containing the most important information on the subject, for easy practice and retention.

Witchcraft Therapy: Your Guide to Banishing Bullsh*t and Invoking Your Inner Power

Mandi Em - 2021
    In Witchcraft Therapy, you will learn how to use the mystical powers of intention, mindful manifestation, divination, and righteous indignation to cope with whatever life throws your way. Author and witchy wellness guru Mandi Em offers advice in her own unique brand of positivity providing spells, rituals, and more that you can do right at home. Complete with wisdom like “Remember that ‘f*ck off’ is a banishing spell,” Witchcraft Therapy will have you feeling more empowered and liberated than ever.

Lunar Abundance: Cultivating Joy, Peace, and Purpose Using the Phases of the Moon

Ezzie Spencer - 2018
    It shows how by tuning into the natural rhythm of lunar ebbs and flows, you can connect with work, relationships, your body, and surroundings on a higher level than ever before, becoming more productive and self-aware in the process. Filled with inspirational photography and interactive features, it's also a practical guide to self-care that will help you summon your true potential and create a better life for you and for those in your orbit. This beautiful book is perfect for any woman seeking holistic wellness and unique inspiration to feed mind, body, and soul.

Origins of Modern Witchcraft: The Evolution of a World Religion

Ann Moura - 2000
    Judaism began a few thousand years before that. Religion in Egypt and Sumer go maybe a few thousand years before that. But what came before? Most people don't know that civilization began at Sind, a fertile area in modern Pakistan. Their ancient religion, the worship of Shiva and Shakti, is the oldest religion known. It spread throughout the world and it, reactions to it, or a combination of the two are the basis for all religion in the world today. Does this sound surprising? Historian and former history teacher Ann Moura has been able to trace civilization and religion into the past by over 100,000 years! She presents this information in "Origins of Modern Witchcraft. "The author reveals that virtually every aspect of modern Witchcraft can be traced back to the ancient Sind religion. Much of the same can be found in modern Hinduism, but Hinduism has had many Vedic ideas – including orthodoxy and caste – added to the original faith. Even so, the notion of the triple goddess (a Maiden, Mother, and Crone) comes straight from the older religion. The idea of the God being horned is derived from an image of Shiva. Many of the mythic images we associate with Greece and Rome originally came from the Sind religion. But this goes beyond Wicca to other religions. You'll see that Christ was a version of Krishna and "original sin" was a development of those who hated the original religion. It means that something was evil because it originally came from Sind. Controversial? You bet! This book is destined to be one of the most controversial books published this or any other year! But the author has listed all of her sources. Now is your chance to read the evidence for yourself and discover the real ancient sources for your beliefs. Get your copy today!

The Good Spell Book: Love Charms, Magical Cures, and Other Practical Sorcery

Gillian Kemp - 1999
    She has compiled a practical collection of good spells, drawn from time spent with some of Europe's dwindling Romany groups, which are easy to follow and use everyday ingredients such as candles, flowers, ribbons and string.From love charms to spells for money, health and happiness, this fun and attractive spell book keeps alive the colorful traditions of the Romany people and promises great luck in the future for true believers.

WTF is Tarot?: ...& How Do I Do It?

Bakara Wintner - 2017
    No necesitas aprender el tarot porque ya lo sabes. Es desde este punto de partida radical que este libro descompone el antiguo arte de la cartomancia. Esta gu�a fresca, accesible y a veces atrevida, arroja una luz hol�stica sobre c�mo leer el tarot, desde la base de la magia misma hasta la comprensi�n de las complicadas tarjetas para ofrecer lecturas a otros.El autor y lector de tarot Bakara Wintner desempaqueta la magia de los arcanos mayor y menor con sabidur�a cham�nica y el ingenio de una ni�a, iluminando su significado con an�cdotas y analog�as reflexivas que revelan cu�n enraizados est�n estos s�mbolos en nuestra vida cotidiana: podemos sentir a la Luna en una carrera descalza por Prospect Park, aceptar la gracia de Temperance al enamorarnos o identificar cu�ndo es el momento de soltar a un ex con el ahorcado.ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Young Blood, Old Magic: A No-Nonsense Approach to the Ancient Art of Reading TarotYou do not need to learn the tarot because you already know it. It is from this radical jumping off point that WTF Is Tarot breaks down the ancient art of cartomancy. This fresh, accessible and sometimes cheeky guide sheds a holistic light on how to read tarot, from the foundation of magic itself to understanding those tricky court cards to offering readings to others.In WTF Is Tarot, author and tarot reader Bakara Wintner unpacks the magic of the Major and Minor Aracana with shamanic wisdom and girl boss wit, illuminating their meaning with thoughtful anecdotes and analogies that reveal how deeply rooted these symbols already are in our everyday lives: we can feel the Moon in a howling barefoot run through Prospect Park, accept the grace of Temperance in falling in love or a divine intervention, "ghost the haters" with the Six of Swords, or identify when it's time to let go of an ex with the Hanged Man.WTF is Tarot offers far more than a refreshingly candid tutorial on card reading. Bakara goes on to investigate the magic of crystal healing, chakras, meditation and other magical practices. This young witch offers not just a guide, but an invitation for even the most mundane Muggles to welcome magic into their lives, and for experienced wizards to rediscover it once again.

You Were Born for This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance and Living Your Purpose

Chani Nicholas - 2018
    Gone are the days of "on Tuesday you will meet your prince charming" horoscopes. Instead, Nicholas is spearheading a radical new approach to astrology. In her hip, inspirational weekly horoscopes, she doesn’t tell readers what will happen to them. Instead, she encourages her devotees to take control—to confront themselves, their desires, and their needs—to fulfill their potential using the power of the stars.Written in her lyrical, cool-girl, feminist writing style, You Were Born for This explains how knowing your star signs and what they mean for your individual character can be revelatory. Understanding the astrological chart can help you refine your intentions, identify your strengths, recognize areas for growth, become more connected to your core self, and steer you on your spiritual path.In an era when growing numbers of people feel a sense of meaninglessness and a desire to learn more about themselves, You Were Born for This teaches you how to harness the zodiac to help you become more in tune with yourself and your place in the universe.

Crystals for Beginners: The Guide to Get Started with the Healing Power of Crystals

Karen Frazier - 2017

Of Blood and Bones: Working with Shadow Magick & the Dark Moon

Kate Freuler - 2020
    This book explores misunderstood topics such as ethically collecting and using animal parts and bones, blood magick, dark moon energy, hexing, scrying, dark deities, graveyard dirt, spells to assist the crossing of a dying loved one, and much more. With a strong focus on ethics, author Kate Freuler provides much-needed information and hands-on techniques to help you strengthen your life, connect to nature, protect yourself (and your kith and kin), and know yourself in a deep way.

Tarot 101: Mastering the Art of Reading the Cards

Kim Huggens - 2010
    And all you need is a desire for wisdom and a boundless imagination.In twenty-two clear and practical lessons, Kim Huggens teaches you everything you need to know to become an expert card reader. Unlike other Tarot guides, this book groups the cards according to shared themes--a much simpler and more intuitive way to learn. You can even use the Tarot deck of your choice.Designed to be completed at your own pace, each lesson introduces an essential concept broken down into four topics and features helpful tips, key terms, and enjoyable activities for hands-on learning. At the end of each lesson are extra exercises that beginners as well as advanced card readers can explore to delve deeper into the Tarot.The Major and Minor Arcana Choosing a Tarot deck Methods of card reading and interpretation Spreads for love, success, and more Creating original spreads Reading for others Image symbolism and divinatory meanings Developing intuition for insightful readings

Yule: A Celebration of Light and Warmth

Dorothy Morrison - 2000
    As bright candlelight mingles with the smells of pine and warm cookies and we perform our yearly rituals of song and family gatherings, the spirit of peace and goodwill seems to reach the heart of even the most cynical Scrooge.In the pages of Yule, Dorothy Morrison presents a wonderful potpourri of holiday lore from around the world and throughout history, along with fun crafts, delicious recipe seven a calendar of celebrations for every day in December.Learn where the traditions of the season originated--for instance, did you know that the ringing of bells was meant to drive away the demons who inhabited the darkest days of the year? That leaving cookies for Santa mirrors the old tradition of leaving a loaf of bread on the table overnight to bring prosperity in the new year? That the Yule log can be traced back to the ancient Greeks?Need a recipe for wassail or plum pudding? Tips for your holiday party? Want to make the season special by making your own decorative crafts and gifts? That's just a sampling of what's inside.Best of all, Yule shows that the spirit of the season is universal and, however we chose to celebrate and worship, we can all join together in the spirit of peace, love, and harmony at this special time of year.

Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe

Dean Radin - 2018
    Are such powers really possible? Science says yes.According to noted scientist and bestselling author of The Conscious Universe, Dean Radin, magic is a natural aspect of reality, and each of us can tap into this power with diligent practice.But wait, aren't things like ESP and telepathy just wishful thinking and flights of the imagination? Not according to the author, who worked on the US government's top secret psychic espionage program known as Stargate. Radin has spent the last forty years conducting controlled experiments that demonstrate that thoughts are things, that we can sense others' emotions and intentions from a distance, that intuition is more powerful than we thought, and that we can tap into the power of intention (think The Secret, only on a more realistic and scientific level). These dormant powers can help us to lead more interesting and fulfilling lives.Beginning with a brief history of magic over the centuries (what was called magic two thousand years ago is turning out to be scientific fact today), a review of the scientific evidence for magic, a series of simple but effective magical techniques (the key is mental focus, something elite athletes know a lot about), Radin then offers a vision of a scientifically-informed magic and explains why magic will play a key role in frontiers of science.

Tea Leaf Reading: A Divination Guide for the Bottom of Your Cup

Dennis Fairchild - 2015
    Every aspect is made easy, with instructions for picking out the correct utensils, dividing your cup, and even an in-depth glossary of symbols. This Miniature Edition is perfect for finding all the secrets at the bottom of your teacup.

Tarot for Troubled Times: Confront Your Shadow, Heal Your Self Transform the World

Shaheen Miro - 2019
    In Tarot for Troubled Times, Shaheen Miro and Theresa Reed show us how working with the shadow—facing it directly, leaning into it rather than away—releases power that can free ourselves from negative mental habits and destructive emotions to find healing ourselves and others. Tarot, as the authors show, offers a rich and subtle path for this profound transformation.Through this book, you will discover a different approach to tarot, life, and self-empowerment.Befriend our shadow by working with the archetypes of the Major ArcanaDiscover—through affirmations, tarot prescriptions, and other healing modalities—how to empower ourselves and find our true voicesTake our newly found powers and speak out so that we can become a helpful ally for the light and begin to do your greater work in the worldTarot for Troubled Times is not just another book on how to read the tarot—the authors provide specialty readings and suggested practices for issues such as grief, addiction, depression, fear, anger, divorce, illness, abuse, and oppression, and provide practical suggestions for stepping up as an ally or leader so that you can shape social policies. With a selection of mindful, introspective tarot spreads, you’ll learn how the Tarot can help you rewrite your healing story and change your life, and help transform the world.