Book picks similar to
Fateful Impact by Samantha Hoffman



Serena Kearney - 2014
    But as she looks back on her life andher birthday approaches, weird things start to happen.Questions are left unanswered. Her feelings are starting to become clear for the one she's been in love with her whole life.People she knows start to become strangers to her.She has to leave to protect them... to protect... him. pneu·maˈn(y)o͞omə/nounthe vital spirit, soul, or creative force of a person. Do you know what it feels like to hold fate in your hand?Was it fate that my whole life got turned upside down? He was the reason I had to leave.Making the sacrifice caused my heart to rip in two.I wanted normalcy. I wanted my life to be my own.But it's nothing without the people I love, and it's forthe people I love that I have to leave. Fate. Please be kind.Will he still remember me?Will our first and last kiss be one and the same? Please remember. Please be with me.Family is tested.Memories are everywhere.Love is one of the biggest reliefs and hurts you can have at the same time.

Bone Quarry

K.D. McNiven - 2019
    Dive leader, Megan Gerhart and her team discover what appears to be an underwater graveyard, heaped with bones…human bones! When they call in paleontologist Rourke Wolf to investigate their chilling findings, the team is thrown into a spine-tingling adventure that could cost them their lives, both in and out of the water. Faced with death-defying odds, they must confront dinosaurs believed to be extinct for 8 million years … Does the team have the grit to escape this terrifying encounter alive, when the odds are not in their favor?


Tara Elizabeth - 2013
    . . I'm not really sure where to start, and you may have trouble believing me even as I tell you my story. My family did. They laughed the first time I told them, so now I just say it was all a crazy dream. You see, I died in a totally preventable car accident . . . or so I thought. When I opened my eyes, I was shocked to discover that I had been resurrected into the year 2282 and, just as unbelievably, was locked up in a zoo! A HUMAN ZOO! Oh wait, I mean the People's Past Anthropological Center.The Global Government created the Centers because all of the different cultures of the world had, over centuries of time, slowly absorbed into one uniform culture. Everything and everybody felt the same, and the world didn’t like it. So, to help the people of 2282 find cultures they thought worthy to live their lives by, they used time travel to zap the people of the past into the future. They created enclosures to house their live human exhibits. And that's what happened to me. I became a research project, a source of entertainment. I was a prisoner who was over two hundred years away from my family and friends.Most of my time in the enclosure was spent trying to escape. I also made friends, lost friends, fell in love, was betrayed, was held captive within captivity, and lots of other fun stuff. There were some shocking moments and some devastating moments . . . It’s a lot to recount, but I’ll try my best to tell you all about my time travel . . . PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE.I'm Emma, by the way.*(ZOO is a fast-paced Young Adult novel with some profanity.)

Next to Me

AnnaLisa Grant - 2013
    Add a chance encounter with handsome and charming Landon Scott, and her life couldn’t get any better.But it certainly could get worse.The past Jenna ran from six years ago is finally coming for her and she must make decisions that will drastically alter the new life she’s been living. Does she compromise who she is and run the risk of becoming trapped in a life she abhors, or does she run again, dropping off the face of the earth to keep her loved ones safe? Ultimately, a trail of lies and deceit will force Jenna to choose between a life with or without love. A life with Landon or a life without him.

The Signal: The Signal Series Book 1

Toby Neighbors - 2021

Hide the Lightning (The Coalition Book 1)

Kevin Steverson - 2019
    Humans and aliens working together would seem novel…but then again, outside of Earth and the Sol System, humans are aliens, too. Having salvaged, repaired, and rebuilt a number of warships, the Salvage Fleet is a presence to be reckoned with. The Ground Force, including its specialty unit, the Bolts, has also continued to grow, and they spend their time training with the weapons of war—mechs, tanks, artillery, and battle armor—and anything else they can get their hands and paws on that will give them an edge in battle. When the Nazrooth System calls, they are once again compelled to right a wrong. It won’t be easy…but then again, it never is. Just don’t tell Harmon the odds—he doesn’t want to know them. Despite a staggering imbalance in forces, Harmon boards his flagship, Salvage Title, and leads the majority of his fleet to free Nazrooth. Only a small, defensive fleet is left behind, full of trainees and reservists. Both Salvage Fleet and the home forces are ready to face the odds, but what if this time they’re insurmountable?

The Angels Are Here

Patti Roberts - 2010
    Angels fall... Darkness follows... Is your Guardian Angel from Heaven or Hell? Long ago, in an almost forgotten Realm, a race of fallen Angels called the Grigori clash with a ruling house of Angels - the Bulguardi. Their battle changed events in the Ancient World and the New World forever. A Realm where a year can last centuries and an Ancient magical people still rule, even the immortals face danger. Rising up from their imprisonment underground on Altair, evil has returned and the Grigori are on a destructive path of revenge. When their preferred food source becomes scarce, Earth, a world teaming with humans, becomes their target. Trapped in the middle between the old world and the new, a little girl cursed with horrific visions from the past. From an Ancient world to the new world on Earth, this is a tale of myth and legend, mayhem and magic, birth and death. A tale of families torn apart, souls searching for lost loves, and evil is walking out of the shadows. You can run, but you cannot run forever.Over the centuries, from the time before time, the Grigori were called many things. In Greece, they called them, Vrykolakas. In Romania, Strigoi. In earlier times, there were others. Other blood-sucking demons, that preyed on the innocent. In ancient Babylonia, it was Lilitu and her sistren, who instilled fear among the Babylonians. In the new world, they would go by another name. Vampire.A world that defies logic and reason. A world that may very well be true: Paradox – The Angels Are Here.A story that will indeed leave you asking... Who, When, Where? WHAT! My name is Juliette. Nine hundred years ago, I died. Today, I am alive... This is my story. Paradox - The Angels Are Here

A Galactic Coming of Age

Krystyn Dean - 2017
    Races operating within their own planetary systems are to be left alone until they begin to develop the ability to travel at FTL (faster than light speeds). When the ability to travel at FTL becomes apparent, one of the members of the Federation is nominated to help ease the newcomer through the Galactic citizenship process. Unfortunately, not all the galaxies systems belong to the Federation, and some of those systems are much less than friendly. The last several decades have seen the development of war like societies that systematically loot developing planets. They take the water, and other precious resources, including slaves, leaving the remaining native inhabitants a barren planet. Without resources the population simply dies a slow death. The Egolari are here because we, meaning the people of Earth, happen to possess a skill set and an aptitude that is critical to the needs of the Federation. The major problem within the Federation is that virtually all the members have, for centuries been living in peace. They have developed a society that is not well suited to counter the growing violence presented by the nonaligned races. In short, they have no way to protect themselves, let alone protect the fledgling races just arriving on the galactic scene. Enter Earth. Of all the emerging races to become future galactic members, one has a superior potential to face the violence threatened by the nonaligned races. You guessed it, Humanity. The Federation realized that to continue to function as an organized galactic society, they would have to develop a military arm that could provide the Federation and emerging systems the protection of a fleet of space vessels and marines. Humanity was the race most capable of leading the development of that military organization because we had not progressed so far that our war like tendencies had begun to erode. Although we were not yet ready for galactic membership, we were a necessity that could fill the need, thus we were getting a crash course in how to travel the galaxy, protecting ourselves and the Federation with the full expectation that we would go where no human has gone before, and kick some alien ass.

Wander Dust

Michelle Warren - 2011
    In the end, their meanings crash into an epic struggle of loyalty and betrayal, and she’ll be forced to choose between the boy who has stolen her heart and the thing she desires most.Wander Dust is the breathtaking fantasy that will catapult you through a story of time, adventure, and love.

The Star Agency

R.E. Weber - 2013
    Still in mourning following the death of his beloved grandfather, isolated from many of his friends and bored out of his mind at school, Theo has sunk to a new low that neither his interfering auntie Annie nor his best friend and neighbour Jules can shake him out of.Then one morning, Theo unexpectedly receives a mysterious parcel containing a newspaper and a cryptic letter and sets out with Jules to unravel its mystery. Following a trail of clues, Theo is led on a startling voyage of discovery into deep space where he discovers that the Universe is stranger, more exciting and more dangerous than he can possibly imagine. Will he have the courage to leave behind everything he has ever known in pursuit of an exciting new life or will his darkest fears triumph, forever putting his dreams out of reach?Meanwhile, the mysterious Star Agency watches patiently from the shadows, preparing to make its move...The Star Agency is book 1 of The Star Agency Chronicles, an interstellar secret agent adventure aimed at readers aged 9 and above.

The Roses of Mobile

M.L. Bullock - 2017
    The dream catcher and her handsome husband, Ashland, quickly discover that the past is alive and well and that ghosts roam the halls of the restored plantation home. Unfamiliar ghosts. As Carrie Jo begins to dream about the past, she "meets" Lafonda Delarosa, a young woman with a curious mind but an uncertain future, and her beautiful brother, Jonatan. When CJ learns that tragedy awaits the Delarosa family, she tries to come to Lafonda's aid but makes a mistake that will cost her-or someone-dearly.

The Last Time Loop, Book #1: LitRPG Series

Anton Emelianov - 2019
    Any kind of death annuls everything except his present knowledge and returns him to the past. It’s a good way to test all sorts of things. That is, it would be if not for one little thing... This loop has real Lords and it’s unlikely that they will be happy to find about an uninvited guest. And that isn’t his only problem; all of his memories of last year have simply disappeared. But the world around him changed in the meantime. Earth has been seized by the Velly clan and joined their Star Empire. Max has also discovered his gift of being a psychic. However, the latter isn’t that big of a deal. Everyone can be a level 1 “battery”; for everything else, however, it’s necessary to have some talent, money, and connections, which only complicates things further. A whole new world, great opportunities, and big troubles... Welcome to the Last Time Loop!

Korjh's Bride

Clarissa Lake - 2018
    Korjh a Narovian cyborg retired from battle, once a full human, longs a family of his own like the one he lost as a boy in an alien invasion. Retired to a backwater colony of Modonne where he can’t get a date because he is cyborg, he applies to the Matchmaking service to find his genetic complement, his soulmate, because unlike Narovian felines he cannot recognize his fated mate. After two years they find him a mate on that “dirt” planet recently that recently joined the Alliance. Cyborgs are dangerous, aren’t they? Only an ignorant human from a planet called Earth (translated as dirt) would come across two sectors to Modonne to mate with a cyborg. But to her he seems warm and caring and so attractive as they correspond. Of course, it can’t be quite that easy. While Korjh can be sweet and considerate, he can also be scary and aggressive. Was he the man of her dreams or nightmares?

Journey to Mermaid Kingdom

Celesta Thiessen - 2016
    The four children, their mother, and their two cats are transformed into mermaids! Well... the cats are turned into mercats. Join their adventure as they encounter sharks, octopuses and even sea dragons as they journey to Mermaid Kingdom. Best-selling author, Celesta Thiessen, wrote this book with her daughters, Keziah and Priscilla Thiessen. Keziah, who is thirteen, enjoys writing stories, sketching and dragons. Priscilla, who is seven, loves playing with cats, daydreaming and drawing inventions. Celesta, Keziah and Priscilla all love adventures!

The Marked Princess

E.P. Stavs - 2020
    She'd much rather be practicing her swordplay with her best friend, Edmund, or teasing her straight-laced guard, Alex. Marriage isn't exactly high on her list of priorities.But Josselyn isn't your typical princess, and this isn't your typical fairy-tale story. When a plot to overthrow the kingdom sends her fleeing for her life, Josselyn will discover just how different she truly is as the ancient, celestial magic dwelling beneath her marked skin emerges in the most startling of ways. Will she be strong enough to face the darkness there and save her kingdom? Or will she crumple under the weight of self-doubt?Celestial beasts, steamy dances, and a fierce-as-hell warrior princess all mark the exciting first installment of E.P. Stavs's The Shendri Series.