Best of
Hunter: The Vigil
Russell Bailey - 2008
A fire is lit: is it a lamp perched over the inscription upon an ancient blade? Or a roaring conflagration consuming the house in which the howling fiends wait? Things will never be the same after this. You've set forth on a damning path. Carry the Vigil. Fight back the shadows.Rulebook for Hunter: The Vigil This book includes: * A rulebook for playing hunters, those humans who have seen the truth of the World of Darkness and are spurred to action. * A many-faced Vigil for many types of hunter: characters might choose a path of violence, of investigation, or even of rehabilitation. Decipher mysteries and confront the horrors. * Provides new player types and antagonists for crossover- intensive chronicles as well as those chronicles focused only on hunters.
Lords of Summer
Stephen Dipesa - 2008
The ties between us shall be renewed, and the old oaths fulfilled. We all stand together in summer, the season of war. A Character Book for Changeling: The LostT • A detailed look at freeholds, how they operate and how to create particularly vivid settings for a chronicle • Information on the four seasonal Great Courts, from rituals and customs to their magical arsenal of powers • A host of new Entitlements, from bold knights to cun-ning courtiers
World of Darkness: Innocents
Jess Hartley - 2008
They're in your neigh-borhood, watching you as you walk to school. They're waiting for you in the woods behind your house as you and your friends build your fort. They're under your bed. Adults have learned to live in the World of Darkness by ignoring the supernatural, by pretending it isn't there and going about the lives they have made for themselves. You don't have that luxury. You see the world through a child's eyes, and that means you haven't learned to look away. Be careful. Innocence is fragile. Complete rules for the game play. A modified Storytelling system for playing children aged 7 to 12, advice for running chronicles with child characters in mind and for appropriately portraying these characters. New monsters, spirits, ghosts and advice on integrating the core World of Darkness games with Innocents.
Shadows in the Dark: Mekhet
Russell Bailey - 2008
Their eyes have seen a thousand secrets, and yours are no exception. They are the Shadows that dwell among the Kindred, and everyone knows that the darkness has eyes in the Danse Macabre. Seek their wisdom under cover of night, and discover what awaits the wise and the patient.A Clan book for Vampire: The Requiem Discover the origins of the Mekhet, in the deep nights of ancient Egypt, where they fled the sun into the necropolis and learned the secrets of the dead. Explore the Shadow Cults of the Mekhet, secret societies and mystery traditions where the Mekhet are masters over mortals and other vampires alike. Read the tales of the Shadows, as written by those within the clan and by those outside it. The shadows of the World of Darkness have never run this deep. New Merits, bloodlines, Discipline powers and clan se-crets that every Vampire: the Requiem player will want to have.
Gangrel: Savage and Macabre
Chuck Wendig - 2008
Their Beasts rise close to the surface, sniffing for sustenance. Loners and pack animals alike, the Gangrel are the untamed Savages among the Kindred. Though they are primal blood-drinkers and howlers at the moon, their animalistic allure is not to be denied. From the urban jungle to the wild places un-walked by other vampires, the Gangrel are there. Prepare yourself it's time to run with the pack. A Clan book for Vampire: The RequiemT • Discover the origins of the Gangrel, in the days before Rome, in the deep wildernesses of the steppes and great forests. • Delve into the secrets of the Red Surrender, the Gangrel technique for riding the razor's edge between true Frenzy and iron-clad self control. • Be immersed in the lore and tales of the Gangrel from contributors both mortal and immortal from around the globe. Discover what else the World of Darkness holds, wicked and growling, in its nights. • New Merits, bloodlines, Discipline powers and clan se-crets that every Vampire: the Requiem player will want to have.
Tribes of the Moon
Aaron Dembski-Bowden - 2008
distributed as well as published by White Wolf Pub.
Daeva: Kiss of the Succubus
Russell Bailey - 2008
Tempters and priests, madonnas and horrors, these vampires feed on the blood and vices of the World of Darkness - and feed well. From the best parties to the worst parts of town, be seduced by the beautiful among the Damned. For the Succubi, a good-looking corpse is only the first step in the Danse Macabre. A Clan book for Vampire: The Requiem Trace the history of the Daeva - from their first chilling nights in Sumeria to the sticky heat of modern cities. Tune into the Cacophony, the underground journalism of the Kindred. Find out what it takes to stay on the cutting edge of the Masquerade... and why that edge is cutting deeper than ever. Experience the Daeva through the "writing" of the living and the dead from around the world. Players and readers are drawn into a World of Darkness that's more frighten-ing every night. New Merits, bloodlines, Discipline powers, and clan secrets that every Vampire: The Requiem player will want to have.