Best of
The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett
A. Trevor Barker - 1973
Preserved in the British Library, they were written between 1880 and 1884 to Alfred P. Sinnett, editor of a leading Anglo-Indian newspaper, The Pioneer. His correspondents were two Mahatmas whom H. P. Blavatsky has acknowledged as her teachers and the inspirers of her Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine. First published in 1923, this important volume is filled with sublime philosophical and ethical instruction, revealing not only far-reaching concepts of religious and scientific thought (since proven in large degree prophetic), but also practicality, warmth of heart, patience, and ripeness of humor. The letters, moreover, yield a clearer understanding of H. P. Blavatsky and of the Mahatmas' aim in fostering universal brotherhood.
Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis
Elaine Pagels - 1973
Portions are preserved in the surviving sections of Origen's commentary on John, written about 50 years later, c. 230. Origen extensively quotes, then responds to Heracleon. For an extensive analysis of Heracleon's Commentary, see Pagels' The Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis: Heracleon's Commentary on John, her 1st book, based on her 1970 doctoral dissertation.AcknowledgmentsAbbreviationsIntroductionJn 1.1-4 in Gnostic ExegesisThe Johannine Prologue in Valentinian ExegesisJohn the Baptist in Valentinian ExegesisThe Temple in Valentinian ExegesisTwo Types of ConversionValentinian Anthropology: Generation & SeedSythesis: The Experiential Focus of Valentinian TheologyGlossary-Index of Technical Greek TermsIndex of Biblical Passages & Other ReferencesIndex of Persons & Subjects