Best of
Atlas of Human Anatomy, Volume 2: Trunk, Viscera, Lower Limb
Johannes Sobotta - 1957
Volume Two covers the trunk and lower extremities. Many of the black-and-white illustrations have been converted to color in this edition, and chapter figures include orientational diagrams to give students much needed structural references
Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis
A.N. Kolmogorov - 1957
Beginning with a brief introduction to set theory and mappings, the authors offer a clear presentation of the theory of metric and complete metric spaces. The principle of contraction mappings and its applications to the proof of existence theorems in the theory of differential and integral equations receives detailed analysis, as do continuous curves in metric spaces — a topic seldom discussed in textbooks.Part One also includes discussions of other subjects, such as elements of the theory of normed linear spaces, weak sequential convergence of elements and linear functionals, adjoint operators, and linear operator equations. Part Two focuses on an exposition of measure theory, the Lebesque interval and Hilbert Space. Both parts feature numerous exercises at the end of each section and include helpful lists of symbols, definitions, and theorems.
Foundations of Analysis
Edmund Landau - 1957
Why does $2 \times 2 = 4$? What are fractions? Imaginary numbers? Why do the laws of algebra hold? What are the properties of the numbers on which the Differential and Integral Calculus is based? In other words, What are numbers? And why do they have the properties we attribute to them? This work answers such questions.
Elements of Gas Dynamics
H.W. Liepmann - 1957
For advanced undergraduate or graduate physics and engineering students.
Cassell's German Dictionary: German-English, English-German
Harold T. Betteridge - 1957
This new edition
Is over 300 pages longer than the previous edition
Gives phonetic translations of German keywords and has a key to German pronunciation
Indicates whether German verb prefixes are separable or not
Has a bibliography of technical and specialist dictionaries
Includes proper names in the main text
Has a new clearer lay-out with entries in strictly alphabetical sequence
Dynamic Programming
Richard E. Bellman - 1957
Written by a leading developer of such policies, it presents a series of methods, uniqueness and existence theorems, and examples for solving the relevant equations. The text examines existence and uniqueness theorems, the optimal inventory equation, bottleneck problems in multistage production processes, a new formalism in the calculus of variation, strategies behind multistage games, and Markovian decision processes. Each chapter concludes with a problem set that Eric V. Denardo of Yale University, in his informative new introduction, calls "a rich lode of applications and research topics." 1957 edition. 37 figures.
Mathematical Analysis
Tom M. Apostol - 1957
It provides a transition from elementary calculus to advanced courses in real and complex function theory and introduces the reader to some of the abstract thinking that pervades modern analysis.
Junior Classic Latin Dictionary Latin-English and English-Latin
Provost, Antonio J. - 1957
The Logic and Rhetoric of Exposition
Harold C. Martin - 1957