Best of
Boundary-Layer Theory
Hermann Schlichting - 1955
The main areas covered are laws of motion for a viscous fluid, laminar boundary layers, transition and turbulence, and turbulent boundary layers.
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
John von Neumann - 1955
Here, John von Neumann, one of the leading mathematicians of the twentieth century, shows that great insights in quantum physics can be obtained by exploring the mathematical structure of quantum mechanics. He begins by presenting the theory of Hermitean operators and Hilbert spaces. These provide the framework for transformation theory, which von Neumann regards as the definitive form of quantum mechanics. Using this theory, he attacks with mathematical rigor some of the general problems of quantum theory, such as quantum statistical mechanics as well as measurement processes. Regarded as a tour de force at the time of publication, this book is still indispensable for those interested in the fundamental issues of quantum mechanics.
Nuclear Reactor Engineering
Samuel Glasstone - 1955
Published in a two-volume format to accommodate readers' specific interests, the first volume concentrates on the fundamentals of nuclear engineering, while the second explores applications and more advanced topics. In the second volume, Alexander Sesonske draws on his extensive experience in nuclear engineering to investigate state-of-the-art approaches to reactor systems, including computer analysis, assisting the reader in exploiting the potential of information technology in nuclear engineering. We explore energy transport and fuel management and their roles in cost-effective plant design and operation. Sesonske discusses the environmental, health, and safety concerns that are crucial to the continued success and expansion of nuclear power, illustrating risk analysis methods that facilitate reliable assessment and control of hazards. The book also details current and potential innovations in plant design, examining challenges likely to be faced by the nuclear power industry in meeting future energy demands. investigating topics such as reactor systems, cost-effective fuel management, environmental issues, and the design of future plants.
Childhood in Contemporary Cultures
Margaret Mead - 1955
Popular Mechanics Do-It-Yourself Encyclopedia (Volume 1 of 12)
Various - 1955
Here, in 12 handy volumes, is the information that will keep your household well-run, well-furnished and in good repair. Within these pages lie opportunities to save hours of time and labor and hundreds of dollars in money unspent. This encyclopedia has hundreds of authors and illustrators. They are the same skilled craftsman, the easy-to-understand writers and the trained illustrators who produce the famous magazine, Popular Mechanics, and the host of how-to-do-it books published by Popular Mechanics Press. Each article in these volumes is written by a specialist in his particular field, and who has actually built the project or made the home repairs and improvements under discussion. In illustrating these articles, no expense was spared to have precisely the right drawings, photographs and charts necessary for easy understanding of the job at hand. The variety of topics within these volumes is such that there is no household, homemaking, garage, workshop or garden task for which you will not find an easier way, a right way, an economical way. From Abrasives (how to use) to Youngster's Bed (design & construction) , the handy alphabetical arrangement of these volumes makes it easy to find answers to a bewildering number of home problems. The complete index in volume twelve will act as a further aid to quick location of material. The home craftsman will find a wealth of information on how to better use his power tools, lumber and other materials; valuable knowhow on special jigs and attachments, and a treasury of projects he can make for his own use or for sale. The householder concerned with repairs and home maintenance will find approved methods for getting all these jobs done economically. There are sound and simple instructions for repairing your automobile and making it run better and longer. There are hundreds of household hints and scores of interesting hobbies for all members of the family. Would you think it a rare encyclopedia which gave you practical information on basement moisture-proofing, bandsaw techniques, photography, archery, furniture building, welding, roofing, antique refinishing, air conditioning and how to read a blueprint? You would? You have such a rare volume in your hands. THE EDITORS
The Rowman & Littlefield Guide to Writing with Sources
James P. Davis - 1955
The new edition incorporates the latest revisions to MLA, CSE, and CMS styles and the lexicon of electronic materials. This succinct and accessible handbook helps writers of all levels to assess, quote, cite, and present information from a variety of sources, including electronic and Internet sources. It features samples, updated throughout, of writing and style sheets, as well as a checklist for quoting and paraphrasing, to help strengthen writing in any field.