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The Arts of the Sailor: Knotting, Splicing and Ropework
Hervey Garrett Smith - 1953
While not nearly as much in demand today as they were in the days of the Yankee clippers, these skills nevertheless remain important and necessary to today's yachtsmen and owners of smaller pleasure boats.In this excellent handbook on basic shipboard skills, marine expert Hervey Garrett Smith offers boating and yachting enthusiasts a complete course in rigging, working, and maintaining a ship. More than 100 illustrations help the reader grasp the fundamentals and fine points of handling a ship while the author describes in detail a sailor's tools, basic knots, and useful hitches as well as the arts of splicing, handsewing, and canvas work.Other topics equally important to safe, economical, and efficient boat maintenance and management include belaying, coiling, and stowing; towing procedures; how to make a chafing gear; and much more. Easy-to-follow instructions for fashioning decorative knots, ornamental coverings, and nettings, and even how to make a proper bucket round out this engaging and informative guide.Packed with useful "hands-on" information conveyed in a chatty, humorous style, The Arts of the Sailor is the perfect book to keep aboard ship for study and for ready reference when the need arises. It also makes delightful reading for armchair sailors and the legions of landlubbers with an interest in the sea.
The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow, Volume 1
Ascher H. Shapiro - 1953
The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow thoroughly addresses all topics germane to the study of fluid dynamics. The book also further explores the mechanisms by which progress in the field has been driven by applying theoretical analysis to the design of new experiments and by interpreting experimental results within the framework of existing theoretical knowledge.
Foundations of the Nonlinear Theory of Elasticity
V.V. Novozhilov - 1953
Deductions are explained in the simplest, most intuitive manner for wide accessibility. 1953 edition.
Principles of Polymer Chemistry
Paul J. Flory - 1953
chapter 1:Historical introductionChapter 2: Type of polymeric substances: Definitions and classificationsChapter 3: Molecular size and chemical reactivity: Principles of condensation polymerizationChapter 4: Polymerization of unsaturated monomers by free radical mechanismsChapter 5: Copolymerization, emulsion polymerization and ionic polymerizationChapter 6: The structure of vinyl polymersChapter 7: Determination of molecular weightsChapter 8: Molecular weight distributions in linear polymersChapter 9: Molecular weight distributions in nonlinear polymers and the theory of gelationChapter 10: Configuration of polymer chainsChapter 11:Rubbr elasticityChapter 12: Statistical thermodynamics of polymer solutionsChapter 13: Phase equilibria in polymer systemsChapter 14: Configurational and frictional properties of the polymer molecule in dilute solution