Best of
By His Grace: A Devotee's Story
Dada Mukerjee - 2001
Mukerjee was one of the first Indian followers of Maharaj-ji Westerners met in the late 60s and early 70s when they came seeking this Neem Karoli Baba that Ram Dass wrote about. Dada was fluent in English. He?d been a professor of economics at Allahabad University, editor of a prestigious economics journal, and a political activist. It was the women in his family who were interested in religion and spiritual matters until Maharaj-ji moved into Dada?s home. Dada gave up all his worldly activities then to follow Maharaj-ji. Westerners learned surrender from their acquaintance with Dada, that is did not enslave but frees. They saw there was no space between when Maharaj-ji spoke and Dada acted. His level of service to his Baba while hard for Westerners to understand was beautiful in its simplicity and acceptance of the moment.After Maharaj-ji?s death Westerners began gathering at Dada?s house, eager to hear his stories about Maharaj-ji. They couldn?t get enough and would keep Dada up late talking about his Baba. Now we have this delightful book containing Dada?s stories of the great Indian saint Neem Karoli Baba. Readers will find themselves captivated by Dada?s remembrances, informed, and challenged. Dada opens wide for us a window into Indian spiritual culture as you begin to understand what it is that happens when Guru calls and the devotee replies ?yes.? ? Paperback, 224 pages. Published by the Hanuman Foundation, 1990. The story of one of Neem Karoli Baba?s Indian devotees about his time living in Maharaj-ji?s shadow. Rich with numerous photos of Neem Karoli Baba and Mukerjee and Indian ashram life. Mukerjee often served as Neem Karoli Baba?s translator and writes in a manner easily understood by Westerners, as he leads readers into an understanding of Indian spiritual values.
Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: The Gospel of Luke
Scott Hahn - 2001
Features fresh insights and inspiring commentary on the Gospel of Luke Contains numerous Bible study tools Topical essays Word studies Charts Maps 100 pp.
Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: The Gospel of Mark
Scott Hahn - 2001
Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights and commentary by renowned Bible teachers Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch, as well as time-tested interpretations from the Fathers of the Church. These helpful study notes make explicit what St. Mark often assumes. Or they provide rich historical, cultural, geographical or theological information pertinent to the Gospel.The Ignatius Study Bible also includes Topical Essays, Word Studies and Charts. Each page also includes an easy-to-use Cross-Reference Section. Study Questions are provided for each chapter of the Gospel that can deepen your personal study of God's Holy Word. There is also an introductory essay covering questions of authorship, date, destination, structure and themes. An outline of Mark's Gospel and several maps are also included.
The Guardian Angels: Our Heavenly Companions
Sisters of Perpetual Adoration - 2001
God in His goodness has appointed him to guide and protect you through life and to lead you safely to your Eternal Home. From the very beginning of your existence, your Guardian Angel has been concerned about you. He rejoiced when you were born into the world, just as a good mother rejoices over the birth of her child. From the day of your Baptism, you became ever dearer to your Guardian Angel, ever more loved by him. Day and night he watched at your cradle. He led you as you took your first steps. He cared for you with most tender love when danger threatened. He grieved when you committed sin, as if he himself had received the greatest injury, and he left you no peace until you became reconciled with God by a good Confession. He has watched and prayed with you in hours of distress. He has rejoiced with you in days of prosperity. On the day of your First Holy Communion he was the bridal attendant of your soul. As often as you have received the Bread of Angels in the state of grace, he has rejoiced to accompany you to the Holy Table. He it was who prayed for you specially when the hand of the bishop anointed you as a soldier of Christ in the Sacrament of Confirmation. Your Guardian Angel is your best counselor. Particularly will he assist young boys and girls in their choice of a vocation. He will shield you amid the dangers of the world. If you call upon him, he will help you to find the life companion whom God has destined for you. He will ever remain at your side, so that you may faithfully and conscientiously fulfill the duties of your state in life. If God has called you to the religious life or to the holy priesthood, your Guardian Angel will protect you from the temptations of the world and help you to preserve your virginal purity, to offer it to God at the altar by your holy vows or to offer the sacred Body of Christ with unstained hands and holy lips as a priest of the Most High. In short, your Guardian Angel is your companion in all the circumstances of life—your friend in good as well as evil days. He will one day assist you in a very special manner—when you enter into life’s last conflict. Then he will fight with you and for you, until you have won the battle and your heart is at rest. But not even then will he leave you—there where every other, even the best of friends, must leave—on the threshold of eternity. When the light of earth fades away and the brightness of eternity bursts upon you, your Guardian Angel will present your soul before the tribunal of God and faithfully plead your cause. What is more, if you require purification in the flames of Purgatory your holy Angel will visit and console you. He will bring before God’s throne the good works that are performed for you on earth, and he himself will intercede for you. Finally, when your time of purgation is ended, he will joyfully bring you word of your release from the flames of Purgatory and will lead you to the blissful kingdom of Heaven. But to benefit by the presence of this heavenly companion, you must be docile to his inspirations and never turn away from this holy Angel who is your guide and your protector.
Getting Involved with God: Rediscovering the Old Testament
Ellen F. Davis - 2001
It is at the same time a book about reading the Old Testament as a source of Good News and guidance for our life with God. The key piece of Good News that the Old Testament communicates over and over again is that God is involved with us, deeply and irrevocably so." --from the Introduction With sound scholarship and her own vivid translations from the Hebrew, Old Testament professor Ellen Davis teaches us a spiritually engaged method of reading scripture. Beginning with the psalms, whose frank prayers can be a model for our own, Davis reflects on the stories of the patriarchs and the pastoral wisdom of the book of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs in helping us cultivate those habits of the heart that lead to a rich relationship with God.
The Navarre Bible: New Testament - Expanded Edition
University of Navarra - 2001
It has wide-ranging general introductions, individual Biblical book introductions, a table of sources cited, maps, and informative notes. Scholarly yet readable, the Navarre Bible commentaries offer a comprehensive intellectual, historical, and spiritual survey of the riches of the New Testament. This hardback edition is larger (7 x 10 inches) to accommodate much more extensive commentary than in the Compact Edition.
Isaiah by the Day: A New Devotional Translation
J. Alec Motyer - 2001
For him, daily devotion is not a mere habit but a real desire to be transformed by the challenging word of Isaiah. These devotionals reassure us that the Lord can restore what sin has robbed us of. These daily devotionals are birthed from a lifetime of study on the prophecy of Isaiah. Day by day you will be provided with passages from Isaiah and an opportunity to explore the passage further. Take time to acquaint yourself with these passages from God's Word and treasure them in your heart.
New Testament, King James Version
Anonymous - 2001
King James Version New Testament with special supplements for use in evangelism. Supplements include a chronology of the Bible, maps, a mini dictionary, book introductions and outlines, and guides to reading the New Testament.
Holy Scripture: The Ground And Pillar Of Our Faith, Volume I: A Biblical Defense Of The Reformation Principle Of Sola Scriptura
David T. King - 2001
Historically, Roman Catholic apologists and theologians have maintained that sola Scriptura is illegitimate, because, as they claim, it is not taught in Scripture.In this Volume, David King provides a biblical defense of sola Scriptura. He sets forth the positive teaching of Scripture regarding itself, convincingly demonstrating that Scripture teaches its own sufficiency as God’s revelation, and possessing the innate ability to communicate clearly and understandably the necessary truths for faith and morals for every Christian. He systematically addresses and answers the Roman Catholic arguments against sola Scriptura.
Companions and Competitors
John P. Meier - 2001
Employing the same meticulous scholarship and critical approach, John Meier continues his quest for authentic answers to questions about the historical Jesus in Volume III: Companions and Competitors.Meier widens the spotlight from Jesus himself to encompass both his followers and such rival groups as the Pharisees and the Zealots. He shows that contrary to the popular image of Jesus as an egalitarian leader indifferent to structure, Jesus shaped his ministry with great care and consciously competed against rival religious and political movements.Focusing on the Jewish nature of Jesus, Meier provides an important corrective to recent portraits that present Jesus in the sometimes dubious setting of Greco-Roman culture and clarifies Jesus' vision of preserving the identity of Israel and fulfilling its destiny. Like the previous books in the series, it will spark much discussion among scholars and general readers alike.
Devotion to Our Lady
Stefano M. Manelli - 2001
Since it draws abundantly from the examples and writings of the Saints, it offers the devotee a very concrete and practical aid for living out a truly Marian life.You will learn from this book: - A simple treatment of various devotions to Mary ranging from scapulars, rosaries to more spiritual ones- The purpose and fruits of devotion to Mary- How the saints are devoted to Mary- The greatest devotion to Mary which is total consecration to her
Holy Scripture: The Ground and Pillar of Our Faith, Volume II: An Historical Defense of the Reformation Principle of Sola Scriptura
William Webster - 2001
An historical defense of the Reformation principle of Sola Scriptura
Matthew 1-13
Manlio Simonetti - 2001
The patristic commentary tradition on Matthew begins with Origen's pioneering twenty-five-volume commentary on the First Gospel in the mid-third century. In the Latin-speaking West, where commentaries did not appear until about a century later, the first commentary on Matthew was written by Hilary of Poitiers in the mid-fourth century. From that point, the First Gospel became one of the texts most frequently commented on in patristic exegesis. Outstanding examples are Jerome's four-volume commentary and the valuable but anonymous and incomplete Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum. Then there are the Greek catena fragments derived from commentaries by Theodore of Heraclea, Apollinaris of Laodicea, Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria. The ancient homilies also provide ample comment, including John Chrysostom's ninety homilies and Chromatius of Aquileia's fifty-nine homilies on the Gospel of Matthew. In addition, there are various Sunday and feast-day homilies from towering figures such as Augustine and Gregory the Great, as well as other fathers. This rich abundance of patristic comment, much of it presented here in English translation for the first time by editor Manlio Simonetti, provides a bountiful and varied feast of ancient interpretation of the First Gospel.