Best of
Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude
Napoleon Hill - 1960
On one side is emblazoned the letters PMA (positive mental attitude) and on the other the letters NMA (negative mental attitude). A positive attitude will naturally attract the good and the beautiful. The negative attitude will rob you of all that makes life worth living. Your success, health, happiness, and wealth depend on how you make up your mind! When motivational pioneer Napoleon Hill and millionaire CEO W. Clement Stone teamed up to form one of the most remarkable partnerships of all time, the result was Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, the phenomenon that proposed to the world that with the right attitude, anyone can achieve his or her dreams. Now this remarkable book is available for the twenty-first century. You, too, can take advantage of the program that has brought success to generations of people seeking -- and finding -- a better way to live.
Psycho-Cybernetics, A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life
Maxwell Maltz - 1960
So are failure and misery. But negative habits can be changed--and Psycho-Cybernetics shows you how!This is your personal audio guide to the amazing power of Psycho-Cybernetics--a program based on one of the world s classic self-help books, a multimillion-copy bestseller proven effective by readers worldwide. Presenting positive attitude as a means for change, Maltz s teaching has the ring of common sense. Psycho-Cybernetics-is the original text that defined the mind/body connection the concept that paved the way for most of today s personal empowerment programs. Turn crises into creative opportunities, dehypnotize yourself from false beliefs, and celebrate new freedom from fear and guilt.Testimonials and stories are interspersed with advice from Maltz, as well as techniques for relaxation and visualization. Dr. Maxwell Maltz teaches you his techniques of emotional surgery --the path to a dynamic new self-image and self-esteem and to achieving the success and happiness you deserve!
Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Child Rearing
A.S. Neill - 1960
The effect of the book helped to promulgate Neill's educational theories, as well as reviving the flagging attendance at the long-running experimental school that he had founded in 1921 in Germany in conjunction with the Neue Schule, & then moved to England in 1923.
The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness
R.D. Laing - 1960
Laing explains how we all exist in the world as beings, defined by others who carry a model of us in their heads, just as we carry models of them in our heads. In later writings he often takes this to deeper levels, laboriously spelling out how "A knows that B knows that A knows that B knows..."! Our feelings and motivations derive very much from this condition of "being in the world" in the sense of existing for others, who exist for us. Without this we suffer "ontological insecurity", a condition often expressed in terms of "being dead" by people who are clearly still physically alive.This watershed work aimed to make madness comprehensible, and in doing so revolutionized the way we perceive mental illness. Using case studies of patients he had worked with, psychiatrist R. D. Laing argued that psychosis is not a medical condition, but an outcome of the 'divided self', or the tension between the two personas within us: one our authentic, private identity, and the other the false, 'sane' self that we present to the world. Laing's radical approach to insanity offered a rich existential analysis of personal alienation and made him a cult figure in the 1960s, yet his work was most significant for its humane attitude, which put the patient back at the centre of treatment. R.D. Laing (1927-1989), one of the best-known psychiatrists of modern times, was born in Glasgow, Scotland.This work is available on its own or as part of the 7 volume set iSelected Works of R. D. Laing
Crowds and Power
Elias Canetti - 1960
Breathtaking in its range and erudition, it explores Shiite festivals and the English Civil war, the finger exercises of monkeys and the effects of inflation in Weimar Germany. In this study of the interplay of crowds, Canetti offers one of the most profound and startling portraits of the human condition.
Children with Emerald Eyes: Histories of Extraordinary Boys and Girls
Mira Rothenberg - 1960
Winner of a Woman of the Year award from the New York City Chamber of Commerce and the National Organization for Mentally Ill Children, she eloquently recounts a lifetime of taking on seemingly hopeless cases and bringing these children, through painstaking therapy and love, back into the world. Unflinchingly honest, whether dealing with the raw pain of her patients' lives or with Rothenberg's own complex feelings for them, Children with Emerald Eyes explores the landscape of mental illness while never losing sight of the humanity within each patient.
Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation
E.H. Gombrich - 1960
It seeks to answer a simple question: why is there such a thing as style? The question may be simple but there is no easy answer, and Professor Gombrich's brilliant and wide-ranging exploration of the history and psychology of pictorial representation leads him into countless crucial areas. Gombrich examines, questions and re-evaluates old and new ideas on such matters as the imitation of nature, the function of tradition, the problem of abstraction, the validity of perspective and the interpretation of expression: all of which reveal that pictorial representation is far from being a straightforward matter. First published more than 40 years ago, Art and Illusion has lost none of its vitality and importance. In applying the findings of experimental science to a nuanced understanding of art and in tackling complex ideas and theoretical issues, Gombrich is rigorous.Yet he always retains a sense of wonder at the inexhaustible capacity of the human brain, and at the subtlety of the relationships involved in seeing the world and in making and seeing art. With profound knowledge and his exceptional gift for clear exposition, he advances each argument as an hypothesis to be tested. The problems of representation are forever fundamental to the history of art: Art and Illusion remains an essential text for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of art. For the sixth edition Professor Gombrich has written an entirely new 12-page preface, in which he makes use of the distinction between an image and a sign, so as to clarify his intentions in writing the book in the first place.
The Informed Heart
Bruno Bettelheim - 1960
In order to keep alive and remain human, he began to analyze his own behaviour and that of everyone around him. This book is a record of those years.
Ken Dychtwald - 1960
Integrating ancient Eastern knowledge with the pioneering contemporary work of Wilheim Reich, Moshe Feldenkrais, Fritz Perls, and with his own intuitive observations, Dychtwald presents a comprehensive study on the body and mind relationship in an analytic yet highly readable style.Through Dychtwald's engaging, experiential narrative, the reader is drawn into an illuminating journey toward higher self-awareness with practical applications in everyday life. Articulating the complex relationship between body type, personality, and experience, Dychtwald suggests methods for obtaining deeper self-knowledge of physical, emotional, and sexual makeup, and relates techniques for releasing repressed feelings, as well as self-healing and increased energy.
Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter
Karl Kerényi - 1960
Looking at the tendency to "see visions," C. Kerenyi examines the Mysteries of Eleusis from the standpoint not only of Greek myth but also of human nature. Kerenyi holds that the yearly autumnal "mysteries" were based on the ancient myth of Demeter's search for her ravished daughter Persephone--a search that he equates not only with woman's quest for completion but also with every person's pursuit of identity. As he explores what the content of the mysteries may have been for those who experienced them, he draws on the study of archaeology, objects of art, and religious history, and suggests rich parallels from other mythologies.
The Strategy of Conflict
Thomas C. Schelling - 1960
It proposes enlightening similarities between, for instance, maneuvering in limited war and in a traffic jam; deterring the Russians and one's own children; the modern strategy of terror and the ancient institution of hostages.
That Certain Something: The Magic of Charm
Arlene Francis - 1960
Now in this witty and helpful book Arlene reveals the secrets of genuine charm--a charm that emanates from a person because he is fully himself. She says, "Counterfeit charm is worse than none at all," and tells you how to avoid the sandpaper personality, the infectious yawn, the phony glamour of superciliousness and how to develop true, warmhearted charm. "It isn't easy to be your best self," Arlene Francis admits, "but if you dare to be yourself--completely--you might be in for a pleasant surprise." Life for you, too, may become "the best party you ever attended." Charm is covered in two steps: getting at those things which stop you from being yourself; presenting some ideas that might be helpful in polishing the charm you have. It never pays to put good wallpaper on crumbly plaster.
The Incredible Charlie Carewe
Mary Astor - 1960
The son of a rich New England family, he learns early in life that society expects certain attitudes and reactions of him. And with the dazzling cunning of his mind he sets out to satisfy his society, aping all its grimaces of pain and pleasure, feeling, all the while, nothing. Charlie Carewe's clinical lack of empathy makes him a potential killer and pervert as is first manifest in his blinding of a childhood friend, his attack on a girl at college, and later in bigamy, blackmail and the criminal carelessness which results in the death of his crippled brother-in-law and young niece. Although the clinical facts of Mary Astor's book are intriguing and indispensable to her novel, they are not presented here as a treatise on psychopathology but are woven into an engrossing story of a man and those he hurts. The fact of madness is handled with imagination so that Charlie Carewe emerges as a force of evil almost mystical in proportion, while the struggle of those surrounding him is woven into a pattern of credible and interesting events.
The Integrity of the Personality
Anthony Storr - 1960
It argues that there is nothing wrong with being oneself, indeed individuality demonstrates the ability to form relationships with others. By tracing the stages that lead from childhood through adolescence to maturity, Dr Storr imparts much information about human development as well as providing many insights into the causes of neuroses and other psychological problems. This book is aimed at students of psychology, readers interested in psychology, psychotherapy and theories of personality and those in medical and "caring" professions.
Space and Sight: The Perception of Space and Shape in the Congenitally Blind Before and After Operation
Marius Von Senden - 1960