Best of
The Wasteland & Four Quartets
T.S. Eliot - 1942
Eliot. The Waste Land, first published in 1922, is one of Eliot's most influential works and has long been on the syllabus for A-Level English Literature. Four Quartets consists of four long poems, first published between 1935 and 1942. They are linked by common themes, and are individually Burnt Norton, East Coker, The Dry Salvages and Little Gidding. Schofield’s consummate renditions of these important works received huge acclaim when they were originally broadcast on BBC Radio 3.
The Book of a Thousand Poems (A Family Treasury)
J. Murray Macbain - 1942
Longfellow to Emily Dickinson and Robert L. Stevenson, arranged by topics such as "The Seasons," "Nursery Rhymes," and "Lullabies and Cradle Songs."