Best of
Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy
Lynley Dodd - 1983
All is uneventful until they meet Scarface Claw, the toughest tom in town, and run for home. The story is told by a brilliant, cumulative rhyming text and terrific pictures.
The Legend of the Bluebonnet
Tomie dePaola - 1983
"An ideal complement to Native American and Texas studies..." Booklist
Whatever Next!
Jill Murphy - 1983
The moon and back before bathtime? Whatever next! Join Baby Bear as he finds a rocket, makes friends with an owl and has a picnic on the moon! This enlarged edition is the second Bear family adventure following the bestselling 'Peace at Last'.
Round Trip
Ann Jonas - 1983
The trip to the city is read from front to back and the return trip from back to front, upside down.
Possum Magic
Mem Fox - 1983
But when Hush longs to be able to see herself again, the two possums must make their way across Australia to find the magic food that will make Hush visible once more. “Another treat from Mem Fox that is sure to be treasured. The whimsical illustrations are a wonderful complement.”--Children’s Book Review Service
Anthony Browne - 1983
She has gorillas on her bedside lamp and even on her box of cereal. Hannah loves gorillas and longs to see a real one, but her father is always too busy - or too tired - to take her to the zoo. Then, on the night before her birthday, something extraordinary happens - and Hannah’s wish comes gloriously true.
Robert Munsch - 1983
of a little boy who won’t go to sleep at night and who drives his family crazy with his rowdiness ... [It] reads as though it was written by a parent driven frantic by one of the contemporary but compulsive stages of childrearing ... [It is] of tremendous appeal to kids and parents at the same stage.”—Globe and Mail
Who's Hiding?
Satoru Onishi - 1983
Who s hiding? Who s crying? Who s backwards? Look carefully! Is it dog, tiger, hippo, zebra, bear, reindeer, kangaroo, lion, rabbit, giraffe, monkey, bull, rhino, pig, sheep, hen, elephant, or cat? Can you tell? Look again...18 fun-loving animals can be found on each question-posing page, sending readers into an up-close, attention-to-detail discovery.
Pirate Who Tried to Capture the Moon
Dennis Haseley - 1983
A fierce pirate who tries to capture the moon learns that turnabout is fair play.
The Nightgown of the Sullen Moon
Nancy Willard - 1983
On the billionth birthnight of the full moon, the moon finally gets what she's really wanted--a nightgown such as people on Earth wear.
The Favershams
Roy Gerrard - 1983
Relates in rhyme the life of an English Army major, born in 1851, and his wife.
Bears' Picnic and Other Stories
Stan Berenstain - 1983
The Bears' Picnic, The Bears' Scouts, Bears in the Night, The Bears' New Baby, The Bears' Vacation and The Big Honey Hunt.
The Midnight Castle
Consuelo Joerns - 1983
Whistle Up the Chimney
Nan Hunt - 1983
Millie Mack lives a quiet life by herself with her cat until one winter evening an express train rushes out of the fireplace and away into the night. This eccentrically illustrated tale, reminiscent of the work of Maurice Sendak, is guaranteed to charm and beguile children for years and years. Full color.
Strawberry Shortcake and the Crazy Baking Contest
Nell Miller - 1983
Hoping to disrupt the baking contest, the Purple Pieman slips some silly juice into one of the pies that is being judged.
An Eye Full of Soot and an Ear Full of Steam
Nan Hunt - 1983
A cat's adventure on a train carries him far from home and the good food he misses so much.
Good King Wenceslas
Pauline Baynes - 1983
The words and music of the carol are also included.
Nature's Hidden World (A Pop-up book)
Ingrid Selberg - 1983
The activities and life cycles of sparrows, frogs, spiders, moles, and other forest creatures are depicted in six woodland scences with movable parts.
Trygve Bj. Klingsheim - 1983
Describes the development of a young zoo chimpanzee who is adopted by two human families after being rejected by his chimp family, and his subsequent interaction with other animals in the zoo.
The Gift
Helen Coutant - 1983
After much deliberation, a young girl finally decides on the perfect present for her special friend, an old lady who has suddenly gone blind.
The Dragon and the Gold
Patty Wolcott - 1983
The owner of a nearby candy store outsmarts the dragon by offering him candy, which makes him sick. The dragon ends up in the zoo, and the Prince and the candy store owner share the reward with everyone in the village, then they fall in love and get married.
Helpful Hattie
Janet Quin-Harkin - 1983
Hattie tries to help her mother by frosting her own birthday cake, cutting her own hair, and sticking a tooth back into her mouth for a photograph session, with rather unusual results.
Mr. Murphy's Marvelous Invention
Eileen Christelow - 1983
Cornelius Murphy, a pig inventor, makes a unique housekeeping machine for his wife's birthday, but the entire family is shocked when they discover what the machine actually does.
The Old Banjo
Dennis Haseley - 1983
A hardworking farmer and his son succumb to the enchantment of some very special musical instruments that have been abandoned on their farm.
Strawberry Shortcake and the Fake Cake Surprise (Little Pops) (Little Pops)
Thomas A. Jacobs - 1983
Huckleberry Pie receives an unexpected treat inside his birthday cake.
Inscapes Real-Estate Paintings by Mati Klarwein
Mati Klarwein - 1983
Zoom at Sea
Tim Wynne-Jones - 1983
Following destiny, he meets Maria, who transforms her dark house into a roaring ocean, complete with screeching gulls, driftwood, and--far, far off in the distance--Uncle Roy's elusive ship. Illustrated.
My Granny: Was a Frightful Bore (But She Isn't Anymore)
Nanette Newman - 1983
Ideal for shared reading or reading aloud, this picture book features rhyming text by Nanette Newman and illustrations by artist Beryl Cook.
Our Wonderful Solar System (The Question & Answer Book)
Richard Craig Adams - 1983
Questions and answers provide basic information about the sun, planets, asteroids, comets, and the formation of the solar system.
Dinosaurs and Their Young
Russell Freedman - 1983
Explains the recent discovery of the fossilized remains of duckbill dinosaur eggs and the young which hatched from them, and conjectures that some dinosaurs may have cared for their young.
Journey of the Storks
Ivan Gantschev - 1983
A young stork and his parents fly south for the winter, leaving behind a village that will miss them, but receiving a friendly welcome at journey's end.
The Beagle and Mr. Flycatcher: A Story of Charles Darwin
Robert M. Quackenbush - 1983
Beagle on a five-year voyage around South America, during which he began to formulate his revolutionary theory of evolution.
Black Dolly: The Story of a Junk Cart Pony
Charles Keeping - 1983
A junk cart pony works hard all her life and is finally rewarded by being put out to pasture.
A First Cookbook for Children
Evelyne Johnson - 1983
A First Cookbook for Children contains a wide variety of yummy, mouth-watering recipes that kids love and love to fix: cheeseburgers, chicken, pizza, salads, sauces, desserts, dips, and much more.Assuming no previous cooking experience, the author gently guides the reader from start to finish with special sections on muffins, cakes, meat loaf, chicken, dips & dunks, corn bread, scalloped potatoes, biscuits, salads, hamburgers, fish, cookies, macaroni & cheese, pancakes, candies, dressings, pizza, baked ham, crudités, and rice.Simple, easy-to-follow instructions plus clear explanations of ingredients and utensils take a child through each step of food preparation and actual cooking. A helpful introduction includes lists of necessary equipment and basic ingredients along with five sample menus. A fun first cookbook for kids ages 10 and up, this volume offers 60 sure-to-please recipes.
The Little Fire Engine That Saved the City
Dennis Smith - 1983
Reliable fire engine Number Four, retired in favor of new equipment, saves the day when the biggest fire the city has ever seen gets out of control.
The Animal Hedge
Paul Fleischman - 1983
No one loved animals more than the farmer. All day long, he and his three sons toiled on the farm, singing while they worked. The eldest son favored coachman’s songs; the second son, songs of the sea; the youngest son, tunes about a traveling fiddler; and the farmer, always, songs of the barnyard. But when a terrible drought befalls the land, the farmer must sell his livestock and move to a tiny cottage with only a hedge around it. Though he is heartbroken to lose his animals, he and his sons soon discover something remarkable about their hedge - and something unique about each person who trims its branches.