Best of
Gospel and Kingdom: A Christian Interpretation of the Old Testament
Graeme Goldsworthy - 1981
Gospel and Kingdom is concerned with finding the gospel principles inherent in the Pentateuch and historical books of the Old Testament
Christs Words from the Cross
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1981
The Art of Biblical Narrative
Robert Alter - 1981
Alter takes the old yet simple step of reading the Bible as a literary creation.
The Minor Prophets
H.A. Ironside - 1981
The young Harry Ironside knew the truth of his own statement all too well. He began leading a Sunday school class in Los Angeles at age eleven, but stopped when he realized his own need to know God more intimately. Converted at age thirteen, Ironside began to preach shortly thereafter and continued to pursue God's calling for the rest of his life. Ironside not only became a highly sought after preacher and classroom teacher, but his years of dedicated study also produced a series of highly regarded Bible commentaries. The Ironside Expository Commentary series offers concise outlines of the biblical text along with insightful and practical comments that bring out the essential truths of God's Word. This reprint of the Ironside commentaries presents the unabridged text in a newly typeset edition. A perfect resource for preaching and teaching from the English text of the Bible, these commentaries also provide the general reader with an excellent resource for personal study and spiritual growth.
God Cares: The Message of Daniel for You and Your Family
C. Mervyn Maxwell - 1981
The author unites the most recent scholarship with a compassionate pen as he speaks to all who search for meaning in world history and current events. Recognizing that both Roman Catholic and evangelical Protestant attitudes and emphases have changed over the past century, Dr. Maxwell speaks sympathetically to these various shifts in thought and feeling. He provides careful answers to those particular questions of interpretation that have become increasingly important in the last half of the twentieth century. God Cares lets the books of Daniel and Revelation speak directly to the minds and hearts of modern men and women. The reader of these volumes will discover that prophecy not only foretells the future, but that it clearly reveals God and His infinite care for us. How God provides for His people -- pleading with them to accept His forgiveness and power to live changed lives -- is a theme the author traces unfailingly throughout his exposition of these two dramatic books of the Bible. In God Cares, Vols. 1 and 2, you will read the fascinating story of how God revealed to both Daniel and John the Revelator the rise of great world empires centuries in advance. You will read what the end of the world will be like, and how truth has withstood constant attack by earthly powers. The longest time prophecy in the Bible -- which ended in 1844 -- will be explained, and you will learn how the judgment now going on in heaven personally affects you. After reading this easily understood, yet scholarly book, you will appreciate more than ever God's care for you, and you will understand with new insight the meaning of world history and events.
The English Bible, from KJV to NIV: A History and Evaluation
Jack P. Lewis - 1981
Ancient Conquest Accounts: A Study in Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical History Writing
K. Lawson Younger Jr. - 1981
But while others have been issuing new reconstructions this novel work presents a close reading of the biblical text. The focus is on the literary techniques that ancient writers employed in narrating stories of conquest, and the aim is to pinpoint their communicative intentions in their own contexts. This reading is enhanced by engagement with the important discipline of the philosophy of history. Ancient Conquest accounts, replete with extensive quotations from Assyrian, Hittite and Egyptian conquest accounts, is a learned and methodologically sensitive study of a wide range of ancient Near Eastern texts as well as of Joshua 9-12.
From Chaos to Covenant: Prophecy in the Book of Jeremiah
Robert P. Carroll - 1981
The Exile And Biblical Narrative: The Formation Of The Deuteronomistic And Priestly Works
Richard Elliott Friedman - 1981