Best of
Memoirs of Hadrian
Marguerite Yourcenar - 1951
In it, Marguerite Yourcenar reimagines the Emperor Hadrian's arduous boyhood, his triumphs and reversals, and finally, as emperor, his gradual reordering of a war-torn world, writing with the imaginative insight of a great writer of the twentieth century while crafting a prose style as elegant and precise as those of the Latin stylists of Hadrian's own era.
Annemarie Selinko - 1951
Désirée is enchanted by the young officer, and he asks her to marry him. But he must leave for Paris, where he meets his eventual wife Josephine. A heartbroken Désirée is unsure she'll ever find anyone again. A love story, but so much more, Désirée is the tale of a simple merchant's daughter who ends up with a kind of royalty she never expected: an unforgettable story just waiting to be reborn.
Samuel Beckett - 1951
Few works of contemporary literature have been so universally acclaimed as central to their time and to our understanding of the human experience.
The Restless Flame: A Novel About Saint Augustine
Louis de Wohl - 1951
Augustine, one of the most remarkable men of all time.
The Opposing Shore
Julien Gracq - 1951
It is three hundred years since it was actively at war with its traditional enemy two days' sail across the water, the savage land of Farghestan - a slumbering but by no means extinct volcano. The narrator of this story, Aldo, a world-weary young aristocrat, is posted to the coast of Syrtes, where the Admiralty keeps the seas constantly patrolled to defend the demarcation between the two powers still officially at war. His duties are to be the eyes and ears of the Signory, to report back any rumours of interest to the State. Goaded, however, by his mistress, Vanessa Aldobrandi, he takes a patrol boat across the boundary to within cannon-shot of the Farghestani coastal batteries. The age-old undeclared truce is no more than a boil ripe to be lanced.
The Conformist
Alberto Moravia - 1951
Clerici is a man with everything under control - a wife who loves him, colleagues who respect him, the hidden power that comes with his secret work for the Italian political police during the Mussolini years. But then he is assigned to kill his former professor, now exiled in France, to demonstrate his loyalty to the Fascist state, and falls in love with a strange, compelling woman; his life is torn open - and with it the corrupt heart of Fascism. Moravia equates the rise of Italian Fascism with the psychological needs of his protagonist for whom conformity becomes an obsession in a life that has included parental neglect, an oddly self-conscious desire to engage in cruel acts, and a type of male beauty which, to Clerici's great distress, other men find attractive.
Miss Willie
Janice Holt Giles - 1951
Although the plot is fictional, the central character is based on Giles's mother and some of the episodes are drawn from her life. This is the story of a dedicated teacher who moves to the hills of Kentucky to teach in a one-room schoolhouse at Piney Ridge. Zealously she tries to change the ways of the stubborn and proud Appalachian people - but to no avail. They listen to her crazy ideas about sanitation and other foolishness because to argue would be rude. But in the end they quietly go about their accustomed ways. Ultimately Miss Willie realizes that the hill customs have a beauty and dignity of their own and that some of her efforts to reform them were ill-conceived. Her warmth, generosity, and humor help her bridge the gap and find fulfillment in Piney Ridge. This is a story of reconciliation and the coming together of two different ways of life. Above all, it is a story of people and of the land to which they belong.
Say No To Death
Dymphna Cusack - 1951
Internationally acclaimed, Say No to Death has been translated into fourteen languages.'Dymphna Cusack... has created a number of attractive, likeable characters, given them a tragic dilemma, and moved them inexorably to a fine dramatic conclusion.' New York Times
The Holy Sinner
Thomas Mann - 1951
From the incestuous union of the two beautiful children of the Duke Grimald of Flanders a boy is born. Left to die at sea, the child is eventually rescued & brought up in holiness on the channel islands. Only after marrying his mother does the child come to realise the unwitting - and witting - extent of his crime against nature.
John Cowper Powys - 1951
Powys thought Porius his masterpiece, but because of the paper shortage after World War II and the novel's lengthiness, he could not find a publisher for it. Only after he cut one-third from it was it accepted. This new edition not only brings Porius back into print, but makes the original book at last available to readers. Set in the geographic confines of Powys's own homeland of Northern Wales, Porius takes place in the course of a mere eight October days in 499 A.D., when King Arthur - a key character in the novel, along with Myrddin Wyllt, or Merlin - was attempting to persuade the people of Britian to repel the barbaric Saxon invaders. Porius, the only child of Prince Einion of Edeyrnion, is the main character who is sent on a journey that is both historical melodrama and satirical allegory. A complex novel, Porius is a mixture of mystery and philosophy on a huge narrative scale, as if Nabokov or Pynchon tried to compress Dostoevsky into a Ulyssean mold. Writing in The New Yorker, George Steiner has said of the abridged Porius that it "combines [a] Shakespearean-epic sweep of historicity with a Jamesian finesse of psychological detail and acuity. Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom!, which I believe to be the American masterpiece after Melville, is a smaller thing by comparison." This new, and first complete, edition of the novel substantiates both Steiner's judgement and Powys's claim for Porius as his masterpiece.
Forbidden Colors
Yukio Mishima - 1951
An aging, embittered novelist sets out to avenge himself on the women who have betrayed him. He finds the perfect instrument in Yuichi, a young man whose beauty makes him irresistible to women but who is just discovering his attraction to other men.As Yuichi's mentor presses him into a loveless marriage and a series of equally loveless philanderings, his protégé enters the gay underworld of postwar Japan. In that hidden society of parks and tearooms, prostitutes and aristocratic blackmailers, Yuichi is as defenseless as any of the women he preys on. Mordantly observed, intellectually provocative, and filled with icy eroticism, Forbidden Colors is a masterpiece.
The End of the Affair
Graham Greene - 1951
Now, a year after Sarah's death, Bendrix seeks to exorcise the persistence of his passion by retracing its course from obsessive love to love-hate. At first, he believes he hates Sarah and her husband, Henry. Yet as he delves deeper into his emotional outlook, Bendrix's hatred shifts to the God he feels has broken his life, but whose existence at last comes to recognize.
The Grass Harp
Truman Capote - 1951
Now a major motion picture from Fine Line Features, starring Sissy Spacek, Walter Matthau, Piper Laurie, and Nell Carter.
Judge Me Not
John D. MacDonald - 1951
MacDonald, the beloved author of Cape Fear and the Travis McGee series, is now available as an eBook. One way or another, change is coming to Deron, New York. The city has long been terrorized by Lonnie Raval, a ruthless bully whose political machine carried him all the way into the mayor’s office. After suffering through years of corruption, kickbacks, and psychological torture, the people of Deron have finally achieved a wave of reforms. Bright young go-getter Teed Morrow has been hired as part of the team cleaning up city hall. There’s just one problem. Teed has his own laundry list of bad behavior—and that includes getting involved with Lonnie’s wife. He knows he’s playing with fire—but it’s not until he wakes to find her murdered that Teed realizes how badly he’s about to get burned. Features a new Introduction by Dean Koontz Praise for John D. MacDonald “The great entertainer of our age, and a mesmerizing storyteller.”—Stephen King “My favorite novelist of all time.”—Dean Koontz “To diggers a thousand years from now, the works of John D. MacDonald would be a treasure on the order of the tomb of Tutankhamen.”—Kurt Vonnegut “A master storyteller, a masterful suspense writer . . . John D. MacDonald is a shining example for all of us in the field. Talk about the best.”—Mary Higgins Clark
The West Pier
Patrick Hamilton - 1951
Realising that she and Ryan are strongly attracted to each other, he at first relishes the simple challenge of stealing her from his rival; but after the discovery that Esther possesses a reasonable sum of money, he sets in motion a plan that is ruthlessly calculated to destroy her.
The Wool-Pack
Cynthia Harnett - 1951
Also published as The Merchant's Mark.In England in 1493, Nicholas, the son of a wealthy wool merchant, manages to unmask a plot designed to ruin his father's business.
Ivan Turgenev: The Complete Novels (The Greatest Writers of All Time)
Ivan Turgenev - 1951
By clicking on one of those titles you will be redirected to the beginning of that work, where you'll find a new TOC that lists all the chapters and sub-chapters of that specific work.Here you will find the complete novels of Ivan Turgenev in the chronological order of their original publication.- Rudin- A House Of Gentlefolk- On the Eve- Fathers and Sons- Smoke- The Torrents of Spring- Virgin Soil
When the Time Comes
Maurice Blanchot - 1951
As in all of Blanchot's intensely subjective fiction, the true subject of the work is the narrator's consciousness and the process by which his tale emerges through its telling. Powerfully affected by the slightest of events, the narrator responds with a violence that, most disturbingly, appears inevitable.
Weep For Me
John D. MacDonald - 1951
Gripped by sexual obsession, he enters a world where he will never feel safe again. He puts himself in the hands and the plans of a woman who craves the contents of a very special suitcase from which even the prospect of death won't free her.
The Blakes Come to Melling
Margaret Biggs - 1951
Unfortunately they are greeted with a mixed reception and Susan soon finds herself in hot water with mistresses, prefects and the Head Girl... not the best start to term!
Judgment on Deltchev
Eric Ambler - 1951
So perhaps it wasn’t so surprising when he was hired by an American newspaper publisher to cover the trial of Yordan Delchev for treason. Accused of membership in the sinister Officer Corps Brotherhood and of masterminding a plot to assassinate his country’s leader, Delchev may in fact be a pawn and his trial all show. But when Foster meets Madame Delchev, the accused’s powerful wife, he suddenly become enmeshed in more life-threatening intrigue than he could have imagined.