Best of
Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague, 1941-1968
Heda Margolius Kovály - 1973
It also illuminates the chaotic life of a nation during the Stalin era.
84 Charing Cross Road / The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street
Helene Hanff - 1973
For 20 years, an outspoken New York writer and a rather more restrained London bookseller carried on an increasingly touching correspondence. In her first letter to Marks & Co., Helene Hanff encloses a wish list, but warns, "The phrase 'antiquarian booksellers' scares me somewhat, as I equate 'antique' with expensive." Twenty days later, on October 25, 1949, a correspondent identified only as FPD let Hanff know that works by Hazlitt and Robert Louis Stevenson would be coming under separate cover. When they arrive, Hanff is ecstatic--but unsure she'll ever conquer "bilingual arithmetic." By early December 1949, Hanff is suddenly worried that the six-pound ham she's sent off to augment British rations will arrive in a kosher office. But only when FPD turns out to have an actual name, Frank Doel, does the real fun begin. Two years later, Hanff is outraged that Marks & Co. has dared to send an abridged Pepys diary. "i enclose two limp singles, i will make do with this thing till you find me a real Pepys. THEN i will rip up this ersatz book, page by page, AND WRAP THINGS IN IT." Nonetheless, her postscript asks whether they want fresh or powdered eggs for Christmas. Soon they're sharing news of Frank's family and Hanff's career.
Journal of a Solitude
May Sarton - 1973
That is what is strange—that friends, even passionate love,are not my real life, unless there is time alone in which to explore what is happening or what has happened." In this journal, she says, "I hope to break through into the rough, rocky depths,to the matrix itself. There is violence there and anger never resolved. My need to be alone is balanced against my fear of what will happen when suddenly I enter the huge empty silence if I cannot find support there."In this book, we are closer to the marrow than ever before in May Sarton's writing.
Maria Campbell - 1973
At 15 she tried in vain to escape by marrying a white man, only to find herself trapped in the slums of Vancouver—addicted to drugs, tempted by suicide, close to death. But the inspiration of her Cree great-grandmother, Cheechum, gives her confidence in herself and in her people, confidence she needs to survive and to thrive.Half-Breed offers an unparalleled understanding of the Métis people and of the racism and hatred they face. Maria Campbell's story cannot be denied and it cannot be forgotten: it stands as a challenge to all Canadians who believe in human rights and human dignity.
Upstairs at the White House: My Life with the First Ladies
J.B. West - 1973
B. West, chief usher of the White House, directed the operations and maintenance of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue—and coordinated its daily life—at the request of the president and his family. He directed state functions; planned parties, weddings and funerals, gardens and playgrounds, and extensive renovations; and with a large staff, supervised every activity in the presidential home. For twenty-eight years, first as assistant to the chief usher, then as chief usher, he witnessed national crises and triumphs, and interacted daily with six consecutive presidents and first ladies, their parents, children and grandchildren, and houseguests—including friends, relatives, and heads of state.In Upstairs at the White House, West offers an absorbing and novel glimpse at America’s first families, from the Roosevelts to the Kennedys andthe Nixons. Alive with anecdotes ranging from the quotidian (Lyndon B. Johnson’s showerheads) to the tragic (the aftermath of John F. Kennedy’s assassination), West’s book is an enlightening and rich account of the American history that took place just behind the Palladian doors of the North Portico.
The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street
Helene Hanff - 1973
A zesty memoir of the celebrated writer's travels to England where she meets the cherished friends from 84, Charing Cross Road.
Hour of Gold, Hour of Lead: Diaries and Letters, 1929-1932
Anne Morrow Lindbergh - 1973
The shy, sheltered, introspective girl is thrown into the world of action of her famous husband. From the very first moment he makes her a partner in his activities. He teaches her to fly; she learns to navigate and operate radio and to take serial photographs on the survey flights they make together. Their flying meant long hours in cramped quarters, often sitting on parachutes in open cockpits of single-engine planes. Fog and storm posed frequent threats unknown to modern highly instrumental aircraft. Alertness is demanded, regardless of fatigue, and self-control under the pressure of fear. Most difficult of all, she has to live in the constant glare of publicity, tracked down by journalists, photographers, and a gaping public. No longer can she speak her mind.Yet, there was "a kind of bright golden 'bloom' over everything..." The beauty of flying in the early days of aviation, with its closenss to nature - and also to death - never palled. Then the first house was built, the first child was born.In a reversal of terrifying swiftness, the hour of gold turned into the hour of lead. The tragedy of the kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh, Jr. unfolds in an extraordinary series of letters only recently recovered, in which Anne Lindbergh keeps her mother-in-law meticulously informed of each day's events, hopes, deceptions, up to the final blow. There are few lives in which fame and fortune show their obverse so starkly. It is a measure of the strength of their characters and their marriage that Anne and Charles Lindbergh were able to sustain each other sufficiently to overcome bitterness and despair and to build a new life - though not another house until much, much later. A second son is born to them, and Anne writes: "The spell was broken by this real, tangible, perfect baby, coming...out of the teeth of sorrow - a miracle."The spell was broken, but the scars of tragedy would mark their future, indelibly. Awareness of the fragility of life runs through the later notations, heightening their intensity to occasionally visionary perception. Mrs. Lindbergh has written an introduction for each section, the second a memorable essay on the nature of grief. With 32 pages of illustrations
My Days: A Memoir
R.K. Narayan - 1973
K. Narayan shares his life story, beginning in his grandmother's garden in Madras with his ferocious pet peacock. As a young boy with no interest in school, he trains grasshoppers, scouts, and generally takes part in life's excitements. Against the advice of all, especially his commanding headmaster father, the dreaming Narayan takes to writing fiction, and one of his pieces is accepted by Punch magazine (his "first prestige publication"). Soon his life includes bumbling British diplomats, curious movie moguls, evasive Indian officials, eccentric journalists, and "the blind urge" to fall in love. R. K. Narayan's larger-than-life perception of the human comedy is at once acute and forgiving, and always true to it.
The Years of the Forest
Helen Hoover - 1973
It is a book of wilderness adventure, it is an education in the ingenuities of wilderness housekeeping, filled with practical details about making do, building and rebuilding, gardening for fun and for food, even advice about getting away from getting-away-from-it-all.
Hope Abandoned
Nadezhda Mandelstam - 1973
The book also describes some distinguished contemporaries, including Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak and Nikolai Bukharin.
Home to the Wilderness: A Personal Journey
Sally Carrighar - 1973
Along her difficult journey, one night on a train, she briefly encounters a glimpse of her future which is destined to be filled with a love of nature. Once she follows her dream to be a writer in nature, she feels at home. A surprising and enjoyable read for anyone who likes stories about people overcoming odds and living life with an attitude of wonder.
The Riding Teacher
Alois Podhajsky - 1973
Colonel Podhajsky examines in depth the psychology of riding and the relationship between teacher, pupil and horse. He includes chapters on the basic theory of riding; dressage; systematic riding instruction; overcoming difficulties and setbacks and participating in competitions. Now considered a classic of equestrian literature, The Riding Teacher should be read by everyone seriously interested in classical riding principles. In her foreword Sylvia Loch says If every riding instructor, examiner and competitor were to purchase and inwardly digest this the last of Podhajsky's books, we would all appreciate many happier horses and a higher standard of equitation throughout the land. Colonel Podhajsky was considered to be a great riding teacher and a fine competitor whose skill and elegance made him one of the most accomplished horsemen of the post-war era. He was an Olympic Games medallist and a Director of the Spanish Riding School in Vienna.
A Place Called Sweet Apple: Country Living and Southern Recipes
Celestine Sibley - 1973
Sibley writes about breathing life into an old house and moving from the city to the country in this story of personal discovery and fulfillment laced with wry humor and good common sense.
Ozzie Nelson - 1973
Before Ozzie knew it, his band was in such demand that people were willing to pay them an incredible $10 per night.From then on, it was only up for Ozzie as he divided his free time at Rutgers University between football and music. Finally, music won out over the gridiron and within five years of his college graduation, he was the leader of one of the big bands of the 1930’s and an established radio personality. During this period he met Harriet Hilliard, who became his partner and, of course, his wife. Together, they won millions of radio fans when they joined Red Skelton on the highly popular “Raleigh Cigarette Hour.” In 1944, “The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet” was first broadcast, and ran on radio and television for a total of 22 years, a show business record of almost legendary proportions! And Ozzie’s career did not end there - he returned to the stage in plays such as The Impossible Years, State Fair and The Marriage-Go-Round, and this fall he will be back on television with a new series, “Ozzie’s Girls.”OZZIE is more than Ozzie’s success story and more than a family album of Ozzie, Harriet, David and Ricky. It is also a nostalgic evocation of one of the most glamorous eras of show business; the Nelsons worked with virtually every big name in entertainment from Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra to Tallulah Bankhead and Charles Laughton.Ozzie’s story, enriched by a wealth of amusing anecdotes, is a truly memorable one. It presents a genuinely nice man who writes with such warmth and unaffected charm that we end by liking the man just as much as his entertaining story.
A Sort of a Saga
Bill Mauldin - 1973
From the cover of the Second Edition "If Tom Sawyer had been born in 1921 and if he had spent his boyhood in New Mexico and Arizona instead of Missouri he would have lived this life and written this book." - The Saturday Review
The Lions of Marash: Personal Experiences with American Near East Relief, 1919-1922
Stanley E. Kerr - 1973
The French pullout caused considerable embarrassment in Paris and roused a storm of angry protest in England and the United States, but for the Armenians of Marash, and all of Cilicia, it led to renewed massacre and to final exodus.American philanthropy administered through Near East Relief, successor organization to the American Committee for Relief in the Near East, saved thousands of starving Armenian women and children from Turkish marauders. Workshops and other rehabilitative establishments built by ACRNE and NER slightly mitigated the bitter disappointments arising from the American refusal to ensure the Armenian people a collective future by accepting a protective mandate over the independent Armenian state that had been sanctioned by the Paris Peace Conference. In Cilicia NER worked among the repatriates for four years and, after the total Armenian exodus in 1922, attempted to assist the refugee throngs to resettle in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and other lands of the Middle East.Among the scores of men and women who responded to the ACRNE call for volunteers in 1919 was Stanley E. Kerr, then an officer in the United States Army Sanitary Corps. First serving at Aleppo in a multiplicity of positions, including clinical biochemist, and photographer, Kerr transferred in the autumn of 1919 to Marash, where he took charge of American relief operations after the French withdrawal. In view of the fact that many Turks regarded the Americans as collaborators with the French and Armenians, it was at no small risk that Kerr and his courageous colleagues stayed at their posts to help the thousands of Armenians whom the French had deserted. Indeed, the uncertainties of a hostage-like existence did not end until Kerr departed for Beirut with the last caravan of Armenian orphans in 1922.Now, fifty years after leaving Cilicia, Dr. Kerr presents his account of the happenings of Marash. Although his personal experiences form the basis for narrative, the author has also utilized the studies and memoirs of French officers, and priests, Turkish military historians, and Armenian survivors, particularly prominent Protestant and Catholic spokesmen.
We Have All Gone Away
Curtis Harnack - 1973
With a directness and a beauty that recall Thoreau, Harnack balances a child’s impressions with the knowledge of an adult looking back to produce what Publishers Weekly called “a country plum of a book, written with genuine affection and vivid recall.” In a community related by blood and harvest, rural life could be bountiful even when hard economic times threatened. The adults urged children to become educated and to keep an eye on tomorrow. “We were all taught to lean enthusiastically into the future,” Harnack recalls, which would likely be elsewhere, in distant cities. At the same time, the children were cultivating a resiliency that would serve them well in the unknown world of the second half of the twentieth century.
A Small Bequest
Edmund G. Love - 1973
Why had a tight-fisted, stubborn Scot held onto the property for fifty years? How had he come into possession of it in the first place? Did it include some hidden, unsuspected, financial windfall?"
Once upon a Wilderness
Calvin Rutstrum - 1973
Like Henry David Thoreau, he set out to live a simpler, more meaningful life. In his pursuit, Rutstrum came to appreciate the natural world and the skills necessary to survive in it. Part memoir, part guidebook, and part environmental treatise, Once upon a Wilderness is a treasury of wilderness wisdom.Rutstrum reminisces about lessons that his time in the wilderness has taught him. He writes about a range of backcountry issues, including environmental preservation, cultural sensitivity toward Native Americans, the urban versus the rural, and the artistic value of practical skills. Through his thoughtful consideration of the pleasure and value of wilderness, Rutstrum offers a clarion call for a saner, more socially responsible and environmentally sensitive way of living.