Best of
Time, Work, and Culture in the Middle Ages
Jacques Le Goff - 1956
In building his argument for "another Middle Ages" (un autre moyen âge), Le Goff documents the emergence of the collective mentalité from many sources with scholarship both imaginative and exact.
Red Falcons Of Tremoine (Living History Library)
Hendry Peart - 1956
He knows nothing of his parentage and has little hope for a future outside the familiar but sometimes restrictive monastery walls. Abbot Michael alone knows Leo's story and family line and unexpectedly, when the heir to the house of Wardlock is killed in the Crusades, he sets in motion events in which Leo will need every scrap of wisdom and endurance. For he is not only heir to Wardlock, but also to its rival?the house of Tr?moine! Vividly set in the pious but turbulent England of the twelfth-century this authentic and stirring tale of suffering and courage shows a boy who?to claim his heritage?must first see it transformed by the power of love and forgiveness.Ages 10 and up
Stars Of Fortune
Cynthia Harnett - 1956
Discovery would mean death on the scaffold for the Washington boys - but they are willing to risk everything to help the beautiful Princess Elizabeth.
Harry of Monmouth
A.M. Maughan - 1956
Out of the savagery and splendour of those times looms Henry V, warrior and lover, who set his nation on the path to glory.
Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasion
Vasilii Vladimirovich Bartold - 1956
very good production, Indian publisher.
The Slavs: Their Early History and Civilization (Survey of Slavic Civilization, Vol. 2)
Francis Dvornik - 1956
Early Irish Lyrics: Eighth to Twelfth Century
Gerard Murphy - 1956
The first of the anthology's two sections contains thirty-three poems of monastic inspiration, including well-known works such as the poem of the Scholar and his cat Pangur ban; the second section is devoted to secular works, and features twenty-five poems containing lyrics mainly spoken by characters in the prose sagas. Reprint (3rd Printing)