Best of
Div, Grad, Curl, and All That: An Informal Text on Vector Calculus
Harry M. Schey - 1973
Since the publication of the First Edition over thirty years ago, Div, Grad, Curl, and All That has been widely renowned for its clear and concise coverage of vector calculus, helping science and engineering students gain a thorough understanding of gradient, curl, and Laplacian operators without required knowledge of advanced mathematics.
Functional Analysis
Walter Rudin - 1973
Used in modern investigations in analysis and applied mathematics, it includes Kakutani's fixed point theorem, Lamonosov's invariant subspace theorem, and an ergodic theorem.
Regular Polytopes
H.S.M. Coxeter - 1973
Beginning with polygons and polyhedrons, the book moves on to multi-dimensional polytopes in a way that anyone with a basic knowledge of geometry and trigonometry can easily understand. Definitions of symbols. Eight tables plus many diagrams and examples. 1963 edition.
Foundations of Set Theory
Abraham Adolf Fraenkel - 1973
Only in the axiomatic foundations, however, have there been such extensive, almost revolutionary, developments. This book tries to avoid a detailed discussion of those topics which would have required heavy technical machinery, while describing the major results obtained in their treatment if these results could be stated in relatively non-technical terms. This book comprises five chapters and begins with a discussion of the antinomies that led to the reconstruction of set theory as it was known before. It then moves to the axiomatic foundations of set theory, including a discussion of the basic notions of equality and extensionality and axioms of comprehension and infinity. The next chapters discuss type-theoretical approaches, including the ideal calculus, the theory of types, and Quine's mathematical logic and new foundations; intuitionistic conceptions of mathematics and its constructive character; and metamathematical and semantical approaches, such as the Hilbert program. This book will be of interest to mathematicians, logicians, and statisticians.
Pattern Classification
David G. Stork - 1973
Now with the second edition, readers will find information on key new topics such as neural networks and statistical pattern recognition, the theory of machine learning, and the theory of invariances. Also included are worked examples, comparisons between different methods, extensive graphics, expanded exercises and computer project topics.An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department.
Perturbation Methods
Ali Hasan Nayfeh - 1973
With these new unabridged and inexpensive editions, Wiley hopes to extend the life of these important works by making them available to future generations of mathematicians and scientists.Currently available in the Series: T. W. AndersonThe Statistical Analysis of Time SeriesT. S. Arthanari & Yadolah DodgeMathematical Programming in StatisticsEmil ArtinGeometric AlgebraNorman T. J. BaileyThe Elements of Stochastic Processeswith Applications to the Natural SciencesRobert G. BartleThe Elements of Integration andLebesgue MeasureGeorge E. P. Box & Norman R. DraperEvolutionary Operation: A Statistical Method for Process ImprovementGeorge E. P. Box & George C. TiaoBayesian Inference in Statistical AnalysisR. W. CarterFinite Groups of Lie Type: Conjugacy Classesand Complex CharactersR. W. CarterSimple Groups of Lie TypeWilliam G. Cochran & Gertrude M. CoxExperimental Designs, Second EditionRichard CourantDifferential and Integral Calculus, Volume IRIchard CourantDifferential and Integral Calculus, Volume IIRichard Courant & D. HilbertMethods of Mathematical Physics, Volume IRichard Courant & D. HilbertMethods of Mathematical Physics, Volume II D. R. CoxPlanning of ExperimentsHarold S. M. CoxeterIntroduction to Geometry, Second EditionCharles W. Curtis & Irving ReinerRepresentation Theory of Finite Groups andAssociative AlgebrasCharles W. Curtis & Irving ReinerMethods of Representation Theorywith Applications to Finite Groupsand Orders, Volume ICharles W. Curtis & Irving ReinerMethods of Representation Theorywith Applications to Finite Groupsand Orders, Volume IICuthbert DanielFitting Equations to Data: Computer Analysis ofMultifactor Data, Second EditionBruno de FinettiTheory of Probability, Volume IBruno de FinettiTheory of Probability, Volume 2W. Edwards DemingSample Design in Business Research
Geometric Transformations III
Isaak Moiseevich Yaglom - 1973
It is devoted to the treatment of affine and projective transformations of the plane; these transformations include the congruences and similarities investigated in the previous volumes. The simple text and the many problems are designed mainly to show how the priniciples of affine and projective geometry may be used to furnish relatively simple solutions of large classes of problems in elementary geometry, including some straight edge construction problems. In the Supplement, the reader is introduced to hyperbolic geometry. The latter part of the book consists of detailed solutions of the problems posed throughout the text.
A Flood of Creatures
Dahlov Ipcar - 1973
An old lady who doesn't care for company suddenly finds her house invaded by a little boy and various barnyard animals trying to escape the flood outside.
The Fast Fourier Transform
E. Oran Brigham - 1973
It links in a unified presentation the Fourier transform, discrete Fourier transform, FFT, and fundamental applications of the FFT. The FFT is becoming a primary analytical tool in such diverse fields as linear systems, optics, probability theory, quantum physics, antennas, and signal analysis, but there has always been a problem of communicating its fundamentals. Thus the aim of this book is to provide a readable and functional treatment of the FFT and its significant applications. In his Preface the author explains the organization of his topics, "... Every major concept is developed by a three-stage sequential process. First, the concept is introduced by an intuitive development which is usually pictorial and nature. Second, a non-sophisticated (but thoroughly sound) mathematical treatment is developed to support the intuitive arguments. The third stage consists of practical examples designed to review and expand the concept being discussed. It is felt that this three-step procedure gives meaning as well as mathematical substance to the basic properties of the FFT. --- from book's dustjacket
Introductory mathematical analysis for students of business and economics
Ernest F. Haeussler Jr. - 1973
Shapes, Space, and Symmetry
Alan Holden - 1973
Through centuries of thoughtful looking, a number of three-dimensional figures or polyhedral, as the Greeks called them, have been discovered, admired, and wondered at for their mathematical elegance and beauty. And they have been put to use in remarkably diverse ways by engineers and builders, chemists and crystallographers, architects and sculptors.This book describes very clearly and simply, and illustrates with beautiful photographs of models, a great number of three-dimensional figures, all but a few consisting of plane faces bounded by straight lines. It examines the nine regular solids — the five commonly called Platonic, described by Theaetetus in the fourth century B.C., and the four called Kepler-Poinsot, two each of which were discovered by Kepler and Poinsot many centuries later. And it examines many variations obtained by truncation, stellation, dualization, and compounding.Writing for the layman as well as the student or professional in mathematics, Alan Holden explains the structure of the figures and demonstrates how they can be used to explain mathematics visually rather than by symbol systems, an effort hailed by Scientific American magazine as "a victory of clear, connected thinking over the theorematic method." At the end of the book the author includes a section containing instructions for constructing cardboard models.