Best of
Alias Omnibus
Brian Michael Bendis - 2006
Her powers were unremarkable compared to the amazing abilities of the costumed icons that populate the Marvel Universe. In a city of Marvels, Jessica Jones never found her niche. Now a chain-smoking, self-destructive alcoholic with a mean inferiority complex, Jones is the owner and sole employee of Alias Investigations - a small, private-investigative firm specializing in super-human cases. In her inaugural arc, Jessica's life immediately becomes expendable when she uncovers the potentially explosive secret of one hero's true identity. But her wit, charm and intelligence just may help her survive through another day. Thrust into the midst of a conspiracy that reaches the highest levels, has Jessica burned too many bridges to turn to old friends for help? Plus: Jessica travels to upstate New York to investigate the disappearance of a teenage girl rumored to be a mutant in a prejudiced small town, goes on a date with the Astonishing Ant-Man, teams up with Jessica Drew, the original Spider-Woman; and confronts the demons of her past. Collects Alias #1-28, What If? Jessica Jones had Joined the Avengers.
New X-Men: Omnibus
Grant MorrisonKeron Grant - 2006
In one bold stroke, writer Grant Morrison (The Invisibles, JLA, Fantastic Four: 1234) propelled the X-Men into the 21st century - masterminding a challenging new direction for Marvel's mutant heroes that began with the destruction of Genosha and never let up. Regarded as the most innovative thinker of the current comic-book renaissance, Morrison proceeded to turn the mutant-hero genre on its ear. Gone were the gaudy spandex costumes - replaced by slick, black leather and an attitude to match. Now, his entire Eisner Award-nominated run on New X-Men is collected in one Omnibus.Collecting: New X-Men 114-154, Annual 2001
Captain America: Winter Soldier, Volume 1
Ed Brubaker - 2006
But the corpse he finds on the Helicarrier brings him face-to-face with the unthinkable, and opens doors to terror and manipulation he never dreamed possible! It's a new beginning as four-time Eisner-nominated Best Writer Ed Brubaker makes his Marvel debut, joined by white-hot artist Steve Epting. As the new regular creative team, they will take Cap's life in directions fans will never see coming!Collecting:
Captain America 1-7
Young Avengers, Volume 1: Sidekicks
Allan Heinberg - 2006
But who are they? Where did they come from? And what right do they have to call themselves the Young Avengers?Collecting: Young Avengers 1-6
X-Factor, Vol. 1: The Longest Night
Peter DavidValentine De Landro - 2006
Drawn together in the heart of District X, this rag-tag band of heroes has a lot of answers to find, and fast Collects X-Factor (2005) #1-6.
Iron Man: Extremis
Warren Ellis - 2006
It's the beginning of a new era for Iron Man, and he must face up to a new era of terrifying technologies that threaten to overwhelm fragile mankind! He must find out what Extremis is - and, more importantly, he must figure out who has unleashed it and what its emergence means for the world.Collecting: Iron Man 1-6
X-23: Innocence Lost
Craig Kyle - 2006
The full story behind the origin of X-23 - who she is, where she came from and the exact nature of her relationship to Wolverine. You think you know, but you have no idea. Collects X-23 #1-6.
Silver Surfer: Rebirth of Thanos
Jim Starlin - 2006
Can the Silver Surfer, Drax the Destroyer and others stop the cosmic iconclast before he uses reality as a token of his affection for Death?
House of M
Brian Michael BendisFrank D'Armata - 2006
Will Magneto help his daughter or use her powers to his own benefit? Starring the Astonishing X-Men and the New Avengers! You know how sometimes you hear the phrase: and nothing will ever be the same again? Well, this time believe it, buster! Nothing will ever be the same again!Collects: House of M #1-8.
The Punisher Max by Garth Ennis Omnibus, Vol. 1
Garth Ennis - 2006
And in the modern day, Punisher's old partner Microchip resurfaces with a startling offer! Nick Fury has a proposition, too - a dangerous mission involving a Siberian nuclear missile silo and a lethal retrovirus. But Castle's actions set off a chain reaction that will bring him into confl ict with a ruthless Russian general - and take the world to the brink of war. Plus, mobster Nicky Cavella returns to plague the Punisher - and a wave of violence rocks New York to its core! COLLECTING: BORN 1-4, PUNISHER (2004) 1-30
Wolverine: Enemy of the State
Mark Millar - 2006
It's Wolverine vs. the Marvel Universe as Logan shreds his way through the X-Men, Fantastic Four, S.H.I.E.L.D., and more! How did Wolverine end up fighting to destroy everything he holds dear? Plus: Wolverine may be back in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, but at what cost? As the X-Men mourn their fallen teammate in a funeral befitting a hero, Hydra celebrates the coronation of a new leader. And the reign of terror continues, as the Hand picks off the meta-humans, one by one. Will Wolverine be deprogrammed in time to stop the carnage?Collecting: Wolverine 20-32
Ultimate Spider-Man, Volume 7
Brian Michael Bendis - 2006
And where does Harry's father - Norman Osborn, a.k.a. the Green Goblin - fit into all this? And in Warriors, the Gang War to end all Gang Wars begins The Kingpin is in retreat, and that kind of a power vacuum won't last long. It's about to be filled by a figure of unabashed dread in the underworld: Hammerhead Plus: the Ultimate debuts of several Marvel characters, including Moon Knight And Spidey thinks he's had trouble before... but nothing has ever made him declare, "Peter Parker no more".Collecting: Ultimate Spider-Man 72-85
Doctor Strange: The Oath #1
Brian K. Vaughan - 2006
Doctor Strange embarks on the most important investigation of his career, as he sets out to solve an attempted murder--his own! And with his best friend near death, Strange turns to an unexpected corner of the Marvel Universe to recruit a new ally.
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 Collection (Ultimate Spider-Man (2000-2009))
Brian Michael Bendis - 2006
The Green Goblin has discovered Peter Parker's secret identity, putting the lives of all of his loved ones at risk! Plus: it's the biggest battle of the young wall-crawler's career as Spider-Man takes on the terrifying tag team of Dr. Octopus and Kraven - on live TV!
Winter Soldier: Winter Kills #1
Ed Brubaker - 2006
And faces the truth of the terrible things he was forced to do as the Winter Soldier.
Fantastic Four Visionaries: John Byrne, Vol. 6
John Byrne - 2006
Learn the mysteries of Mr Fantastic's past as he searches for his time-tramping father, revealing his pre-FF invasion-foiling credentials in a fight against a monster in the classic Marvel style.
X-23: Target X #1
Craig Kyle - 2006
Having escaped the Facility that created her, X-23 struggles to create a real life for herself. But when your entire life has been about death and destruction, can you ever really escape the darkness? The rest of the story begins here, and won't end until X-23 faces off with the one man most responsible for her life... WOLVERINE.
Civil War: Front Line #1
Paul Jenkins - 2006
These are the battles that defined a nation. Civil War. This is the battle that defined a Universe. Witness the hectic skirmishes of all these conflicts side by side, the Marvel way!
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 Collection (Ultimate Spider-Man (2000-2009))
Brian Michael Bendis - 2006
Young Peter Parker faces his darkest hour yet in the storyline fans have been waiting for ... the Venom Saga! Will Peter ever be able to think of himself as a hero again?
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 4 Collection (Ultimate Spider-Man (2000-2009))
Brian Michael Bendis - 2006
Spider-Man faces off against an explosive new teenage villain, has another run-in with the infamous Kingpin of Crime and meets the Black Cat, a curvaceous jewel thief who will complicate Spider-Man's career and Peter Parker's love life!
New Avengers: Illuminati
Brian Michael Bendis - 2006
Their mission: to decide the fate of Bruce Banner after the last Hulk incident. Discover what becomes of the Jade Giant here!
Spider-Girl (Marvel Age): Battles The Deadly Dragon King!
Tom DeFalco - 2006
Spider-Man: Wizard Masterpiece Edition
Roger Stern - 2006
When a burglar killed his beloved Uncle Ben, a grief-stricken Peter vowed to use his amazing abilities to protect his fellow man. He had learned an invaluable lesson: With great power, there must also come great responsibility!
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Volume 1: Super Crush
Sean McKeever - 2006
With her circle of friends and recent relationship left in disrepair, MJ is on the market once again. But who will she choose to be the next object of her affections: Peter Parker, her bookish-but-sweet tutor and newly-minted friend, or that dangerous, exciting crimefighter in red and blue tights, Spider-Man? Stick with Eisner Award-winner Sean McKeever and superstar artist Takeshi Miyazawa to find out... Collecting: Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane 1-5
Spider-Girl (Marvel Age): Legacy... In Black and White
Tom DeFalco - 2006
Immortal Iron Fist #1
Ed BrubakerTravel Foreman - 2006
But where did this costume come from? Why did it wait for Danny all those years like a shadow of his future? The answer to those questions will stun both him and his readers, as Danny Rand leaps from the pages of his breakout hit in DAREDEVIL to his own series - a history-spanning kung-fu epic that will shatter every perception of what it means to be the Immortal Iron Fist! Brought to you by top-ten writer Ed Brubaker and breakout talent Matt Fraction (Punisher War Journal), with action-packed art by David Aja (Daredevil, Giant-Size Wolverine).
Spider-Man Team-Up Special #1
Todd Dezago - 2006
Spider-Man teams up with the Fantastic Four to handle the Mole Man and the Moloids who are upset with Roxxon for polluting Monster Isle.
Storm #1
Eric Dickey - 2006
What sparks occur when their paths intersect?
Wolverine: Origins #1
Daniel Way - 2006
BORN IN BLOOD PART 1Logan embarks on the first leg of a long and bloody quest for vengeance against those who have turned him into the monster he is today!
New Avengers: Illuminati #1
Brian Michael Bendis - 2006
These six men have worked together to shape the super human world. How and what they have done together has remained a mystery...
Avengers and Power Pack Assemble!
Marc Sumerak - 2006
and this time, it's Earth's Mightiest Heroes leading the charge Collects Avengers and Power Pack Assemble #1-4.
Fantastic Four: The End #1 (of 6) (Fantastic Four: The End Vol. 1)
Alan Davis - 2006
What events could have caused the FF to go their separate ways, and how does their disbanding set the stage for a conflict that will send shockwaves across the galaxy and beyond?
Women of Marvel Vol. 1 (Women of Marvel (2010))
Stan LeeChris Claremont - 2006
Marvel (1977) #1; The Cat (1972) #1; Dazzler (1981) #1; And Shanna, The She Devil (1972) #1.It's a First-Issue Frenzy as Marvel collects the crime-fighting debuts of the Dazzler, Ms. Marvel, Shanna the She-Devil and the Cat - with distaff deviltry from the Enchantress and the White Queen! Plus: The Black Widow gets a new costume and the She-Hulk a new team membership, but that's nothing next to the changes Storm and Rogue undergo! Guest-starring Spider-Man, the Avengers, the X-Men and more! Featuring the first appearance of Jubilee!
Marvel Westerns: The Two-Gun Kid #1
Dan Slott - 2006
A modern day adventure with SHE-HULK reminds the TWO-GUN KID of one of his most fraught-filled yarns of yesteryear! So saddle up, pards, and ride with the Wild West Avenger as he sets his sights on some rustlers, but finds himself face-to-fang with critters that are neither man nor beast!
Ultimate X-Men Vol. 6 Collection
Brian K. Vaughan - 2006
Storm travels to the Great White North to find her missing friend, but there's no time for celebration for the tempestuous and troubled duo! They're about to take on an all-new threat to the Ultimate Universe... Lady Deathstrike! Plus: When a dangerous young mutant immune to psychic control takes Charles Xavier and the rest of a Manhattan bank hostage, the Professor must lead a diverse group of humans in a risky bid to end the siege! And finally, witness the return of Ultimate Juggernaut! Juggie makes a play for the Gem of Cyttorak, the jewel that will make him truly unstoppable. Only two small things stand in his way: Rogue of the X-Men and Ultimate Gambit, the new prince and princess of thieves! This story will change the X-Men's status quo forever! And in MAGNETIC NORTH, Magneto returns! Emma Frost, Alex Summers and the X-Men's greatest enemy star in an epic new storyline! When teenage mutant Lorna Dane accidentally commits a horrific crime, will the X-Men protect her, or leave her to the fury of S.H.I.E.L.D.? It's mutant against mutant - brother against brother - as Cyclops and his X-Men risk their lives to take down Havok, who has unwittingly become a pawn in Magneto's deadly game.
X-Men: Evolution (Marvel Age): Hearing Things
Devin Grayson - 2006
X-Men 1ª Série - n° 49
Chuck Austen - 2006
X-Men (1991) n° 161/2004New X-Men (2004) n° 4/2004Uncanny X-Men, The (1963) n° 448/2004Uncanny X-Men, The (1963) n° 449/2004