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Mythology Of The Heavens Book 1: God Of War (Mythology of the Heavens)
Hyun Se Lee - 2004
Tribes of primordial humans make war with each other, and violence of all kinds is how to survive. The Land of Chin is a prosperous, wealthy country, but with success comes corruption. When Sojeon visits the Goddess Sowang to beg for power, she prophesizes his death at the hands of his son. A murderous rampage follows, as Sojeon murders his many children in a violent bloodbath. However, one son miraculously survives, and is taken under the wing of a bizarre human/wolf hybrid named BANGO, who has his own blueprint for how to raise the unfortunate child. The era of conflict is upon us
Hard Boiled Angel: Blue Angel Book 2
Hyun Se Lee - 2004
"The Devil's Song": A three-time murderer escapes from prison. Jiran is put on his case; for the third time. "Stench of Humans": A couple is found dead at a cave by the sea. The prime suspect is the female victim's ex-boyfriend, but is he the real murderer?
Hard Boiled Angel: Blue Angel Book 3
Hyun Se Lee - 2004
A crazed hypnotist creates a small army of unknowing murderers! His hypnotic message is simple: "Kill my enemies or you will die!"
A Night of a Thousand Dreams
Jeon JinSeok - 2004
For one thousand and one nights, she entertained the mad Sultan with the adventures of Aladdin, Ali Baba, Sinbad, genies, and many other mystical creatures. Shahryar is an evil tyrant who murders every virgin female he sleeps with after one night. He requested Sehara's sister, but Sehara took her place. When Shahryar is about to behead him, Sehara asks to tell a story. After the story then Shahryar can do as he please. Multiple stories are told by Sehara in this.
The Boss: Volume 1
Lim Jae-Won - 2004
After being stood up by his girlfriend, he writes her a note, requesting a meeting. However, he gets rushed and gives the note to another girl to pass to Ji Hyun. Saang Tae never addressed the note, so now the other girl believes that Saang Tae's in love with her! Meanwhile, Guk Do Jun returns to school after having been suspended for a year. With his blood brother, Chung Ki Na, he schemes to take over control of the school! In their efforts to get to Saang Tae, they run into the girl waiting for Saang Tae and (thinking she's his girlfriend) kidnap her. Upon hearing this news, Saang Tae rushes to rescue her and steps right into Chung Ki's trap...
The Boss Volume 2
Lim Jae-Won - 2004
This terrible twosome is back again, terrorizing classmates, and unfortunately, Saang Tae has attracted the attention of both His meager attempts at self-defense might cause him worse problems than black eyes and busted lips. He has promised his girlfriend Ji Hyun that he will never fight again, but he's definitely had a stomach-full of abuse. And fighting both Guk Do and Chung Ki is more than just brave, it's downright crazy.
Nambul: War Stories Book 2
Hyun Se Lee - 2004
Japan declares war against Korea, and Korean-Japanese citizens in Japan are put into concentration camps. Meanwhile, Hesung must hide from the police and the Yakuza, both of whom want to find and execute him.