Best of
Al-Ghazali on Disciplining the Soul and on Breaking the Two Desires
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali - 1990
Distracted and polluted by worldliness, the lower self has a tendency to drag the human creature down into arrogance and vice. Only by a powerful effort of will can the sincere worshipper achieve the purity of soul which enables him to attain God's proximity.This translation of two chapters from The Revival of the Religious Sciences (Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din) details the sophisticated spiritual techniques adopted by classical Islam. In the first step, On Disciplining the Soul, which cites copious anecdotes from the Islamic scriptures and biographies of the saints, Ghazali explains how to acquire good character traits, and goes on to describe how the sickness of the heart may be cured. In the second part, Breaking the Two Desires, he focusses on the question of gluttony and sexual desire, concluding, in the words of the Prophet, that 'the best of all matters is the middle way'. The translator has added an introduction and notes which explore Ghazali's ability to make use of Greek as well as Islamic ethics. The work will prove of special interest to those interested in Sufi mysticism, comparative ethics, and the question of sexuality in Islam.
The Fundamentals of Tawheed
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips - 1990
The Fundamentals of Tawheed
clarifies in detail what Islam means when it says "ONE GOD" by identifying and explaining examples of the violation of the unique oneness of God within the cultures and beliefs of many cultures, the author proves Islam to be the only truly and purely monotheistic religion.This is the first book written in English (not translated) on the essence of Islam, according to classical understanding.
Al-Adab Al-Mufrad: A Code for Everyday Living, The Example of the Early Muslims
محمد بن إسماعيل البخاري - 1990
Sufi Thought and Action
Idries Shah - 1990
Nothing approaching this kind of survey has ever been assembled. In addition to first-hand accounts of Sufi learning methods, subjects covered include the Sufi meeting place, avoiding imitators, Sufi work enterprises, the idea of organic enterprises, entry into a Sufi group, the Sufi adept and the projection of mind, extra-sensory perception, what the Sufis do not want us to know, and more.
Key to the Garden
Habib Ahmad Mashhur al-Haddad - 1990
This book is a demonstration of how the whole spectrum of Islamic thought and worship unfolds naturally from the words there is no deity save God.
Islamic Studies Book 1
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips - 1990
Bilal Philips has written this excellent four-year high school Islamic Studies curriculum. Part one (the first year),
Islamic Studies Book 1,
may be used in Grade 7, 8 or 9.
Book 1
covers basic Islamic knowledge beginning with the concept of tawheed (the Islamic concept of monotheism), and continuing with Qur’anic studies that include the science of tafseer (explanation and commentary) with examples given of select chapters of the Noble Qur’an.
Book 1
also covers the science of Hadith and the sources of Islamic law (fiqh). Study questions at the end of every unit help the student to make use of his or her new knowledge and assess progress.This is a well written, well organized textbook that teachers and students of Islamic Studies will find indispensable.
Indian Muslims - Who are They
Kishori Saran Lal - 1990
The book studies the growth of the Muslim population during the time of Mahmud of Ghazni, during the Delhi Sultanate and during the Mughal Empire.
The Nature Of Man And The Psychology Of The Human Soul
Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas - 1990
The Rise Of Humanism In Classical Islam And The Christian West: With Special Reference To Scholasticism
George Makdisi - 1990
Challenging beliefs about intellectual culture, Makdisi reaffirms the links between Western and Arabic thought and shows that although scholasticism and humanism have long been considered to be exclusive to the Western world, they have their roots in the medieval Islamic world.
A Dictionary and Glossary of the Koran
John Penrice - 1990
The study and appreciation of Arabic literature likewise demands a thorough familiarity with the Koran; the majority of works by Muslim writers abound in allusions to its precepts and quotations from its pages. The sacred text's purity of style and elegance of diction make it the standard of Arabic.This classic guide to one of the world's most widely read books permits everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, to understand the Koran — even those with no prior knowledge of Arabic. Geared toward beginners, it was written to answer the need for an American version of the Koran in contemporary English. Each word is listed under its verbal root, grouping words without roots alphabetically, and numerous explanations of the text appear throughout to help beginners master some inevitable difficulties and to assist more advanced readers of Arabic in solving problems.
Al-Hind, Volume 1 Early Medieval India and the Expansion of Islam 7th-11th Centuries
André Wink - 1990
The growth and development of a world economy in and around the Indian Ocean was effected by continued economic, social, and cultural integration into ever wider and more complex patterns under the aegis of Islam.Please note that Early medieval India and the expansion of Islam 7th-11th centuries was previously published by Brill in hardback (ISBN 90 04 09249 8, still available).
The Qur'an and Modern Science: Correlation Studies
Keith Moore - 1990
Life of Muhammad
Hadrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad - 1990
Social Laws Of The Qoran
Robert Roberts - 1990
Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Afghan Caravan
Safia Shah - 1990
It contains a narrative from a Pathan princess; heroic war stories; tips on savvy carpet-buying; Mulla Nasrudin jokes from the front lines of the Mujahidin; even the Great Pilau Recipe of Khalifa Ashpaz, Master Chef of the Hindu Kush, which was reportedly once served to 4,000 guests. More than entertaining, Afghan Caravan presents an unprecedented view of a great people, their dauntless fighting spirit and near maniacal hospitality. It is the telling of a history rich in adventure, tradition and wisdom. Revealed is a magnificent culture, hidden from our history books, contributing to the human story in ways most Westerners are never aware of.
Islamic Commercial Law: An Analysis of Futures and Options
Mohammad Hashim Kamali - 1990
Futures and options are a completely new phenomenon which has no parallel in Islamic commercial law. After reviewing the existing rules of Islamic law of contract and verifying their relevance or otherwise to futures trading, the author, Professor M H Kamali, advances a new perspective on the issue of futures and options based on an interpretation of the Qur'an and the Sunnah and referring to the principle of maslaha (consideration of public interest) as enshrined in the Shari'ah. Islamic Commercial Law consists of three parts. Part One is devoted to the description of futures trading and the understanding of operational procedures of futures and futures markets; Part Two investigates the issue of permissibility of futures trading in Islamic law and the underlying questions of risk-taking and speculation, which are of central concern to the topic. Part Three is devoted to an analysis of options. This work will be of use to anyone working on Islamic law, comparative law or working in Islamic banking.
Islamic History as Global History
Richard M. Eaton - 1990