Best of
We Are for the Dark: Six Ghost Stories
Elizabeth Jane Howard - 1951
Credit for the genesis of this sub-genre of the ghost story should be given jointly to Robert Aickman and his collaborator in We Are for the Dark, Elizabeth Jane Howard. Contributing three tales each, the authors were not identified with their own stories when the book was first published in 1951. We Are for the Dark contains six stories: ‘The Trains’, ‘The View’ and ‘The Insufficient Answer’ are by Robert Aickman, while ‘Three Miles Up’, ‘Left Luggage’ and ‘Perfect Love’ are by Elizabeth Jane Howard.
Ringstones and Other Curious Tales
Sarban - 1951
350 numbered copies. Out of print. Contents: A Christmas Story/ Capra/ Calmahain/ The Khan/ Ringstones/ Number FourteenThe five original stories of the collection are here augmented by the first ever publication of “Number Fourteen”, a newly discovered conte cruel. - Uniquely disquieting short stories.Ringstones and Other Curious Tales ‘have a curiously-imparted quality of strangeness; the feeling of having strayed over the border of experience into a world where other dimensions operate.’ So said one of the original reviewers of these unique stories, first published in 1951. The title story is set on the Northumberland moors, where Daphne Hazel appears to cross the boundaries of time, becoming involved with terrifying personalities from the mysterious past. ‘Calmahain’ deals delicately and imaginatively with two children’s attempts at escape from the grim realities of the Home Front during World War Two. Sarban shows himself equally at home in the Middle East, where, against an authentic background of expatriate life, three further stories explore ancient legends with spine-chilling results.
The Selected Poetry and Prose of Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe - 1951
O. MabbottTamerlaneToPOEMS("I Saw on thy Bridal Day")A Dream Within a DreamA Dream"The Happiest Day, the Happiest Hour"The Lake: ToAloneSonnet—To ScienceSongs from A1 Aaraaf("The BowersToTo the RiverRomanceTo — ("I heedFairylandTo HelenLenoreIsrafeiThe City in the SeaThe SleeperThe Valley of Unrest (first version)The Valley of Unrest (final version)The ColiseumTo One in Paradise (in The Assignation, p. 80)HymnSonnet to ZanteBridal BalladThe Haunted Palace (in The Fall of the House of Usher, p. 122)Sonnet—SilenceThe Conqueror Worm (in Ligeia, p. 107)DreamlandThe RavenEulalie—A SongTo M.L.S—-UlalumeTo HelenFor AnnieEldoradoTo MyAnnabel LeeThe BellsTALESMetzengersteinThe Duc L'OmeletteMS. Fmrnd in a BottleThe AssignationBereniceMorellaShadowSilence—A FableLigeiaThe Fail of the House of UsherWilliam WilsonThe Conversation of Eiros and CharmionThe Man of the CrowdThe Murders in the Rue MorgueThe Island of the FayA Descent into the MaelströmThree Sundays in a WeekEleonoraThe Oval PortraitThe Masque of the Red DeathThe Pit and the PendulumThe Tell-Tale HeartThe Gold-BugThe Black CatThe ElkThe Purloined LetterThe Imp of the PerverseThe Facts in the Case of M. ValdemarThe Cask of AmontilladoHop-FrogVon Kempelen and His DiscoveryThe Light-HouseWatkins TottleHyperionExordiumInstinct vs Reason—A Black CatR. W. EmersonHazlitt, The Characters of ShakspeareMilton, Prme WorksThe Philosophy of CompositionHawthorne, Tales, etc.The Poetic PrincipleMarginalia (extracts)NotesIndex of Titles of Poems
Tales from the Crypt Annual 4 issues 20-25
William M. Gaines - 1951
Contains issues 20 to 25 of the classic 50s EC comic.