Best of
The Gita For Children (IN)
Roopa Pai - 2015
and, erm, super difficult to read? - But isn’t the stuff it talks about way too complex for regular folks to understand? Prepare to besurprised. Roopa Pai's spirited, one-of-a-kind retelling of the epic conversation between Pandava prince Arjuna and his mentor and friendKrishna busts these and other such myths about the Bhagavad Gita. Lucid, thought-provoking and brimming with fun trivia, this book will staywith you long after you have turned the last page. Why haven't you read it yet?
Love Everyone: The Transcendent Wisdom of Neem Karoli Baba Told Through the Stories of the Westerners Whose Lives He Transformed
Parvati Markus - 2015
Ram Dass’s words about Maharajji’s life-affirming wisdom resonated with a youth culture that had grown disillusioned with the violence, civil discord, and crude materialism of modern civilization. Hundreds of Westerners traveled to India and experienced Maharajji’s extraordinary presence directly until his death in 1973. His simple directives—love everyone, feed everyone, and remember God—opened their hearts and awakened their souls.What these followers brought back to the West has since changed the landscape of everyday life. Meditation is now mainstream; yoga studios are in every town; and mindfulness is practiced in elementary schools and board-rooms everywhere, from Silicon Valley to Capitol Hill. A stirring piece of history, Love Everyone brings these stories to life, sharing for the first time the inspiring tales of the men and women who followed the siren call of the East to the foothills of the Himalayas, then returned to forever reshape the world.A compelling and inspiring tribute to Maharajji from the Western men and women who knew him best, Love Everyone is a profound teaching on the power of love, as lasting and transformative as the truth, wisdom, and bliss of Maharajji.
The Rigvedic People. 'Invaders'?'Immigrants'? or Indigenous
B.B. Lal - 2015
Shiva: The Lord of Yoga
David Frawley - 2015
He is the ultimate Yoga guru reflecting the highest Self-awareness. The current book unfolds the presence, light, energy and consciousness of the Supreme Shiva to take us beyond all death and duality.
The Manual for Self Realization: 112 Meditations of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
Lakshmanjoo - 2015
Here, the twentieth century's great philosopher saint Swami Lakshmanjoo, presents a systematic unfolding of the Tantric teachings of the ancient tradition of Kashmir Shaivism. This profound tradition, long enshrouded in secrecy, is so rich and detailed in its descriptions of the ascent of individual consciousness to universal God Consciousness, that it has been characterized as ‘a mystical geography of awareness’. Here lies the key that unlocks the secrets of the oral tradition of Kashmir Shaivism, and provides the reader with the necessary tools to venture into this wondrous landscape.
Journey Into Beatledom: The Beatles as Prophets, Peaceniks & Holy Writ
Joe Robinson - 2015
Being both ordinary lads from Liverpool and extraordinary, dare I say it, sacred icons from the realm of the beatific and bizarre, in their fetid, subterranean, beatnik haunts, they very quickly were able to turn shit into sonorific shinola. Find out just how they did this in the pages that follow, and why The Beatles hometown of Liverpool is described here as a ‘quantum’ City. Why their songs are brimful of an inherent ‘strangeness’ which borders on the sacred. Why too The Beatles were curiously viewed by some as quasi-supernatural beings from the beyond. Still others said that since you can view the whole world in a grain of sand, in many of The Beatles songs, you can (if you are looking), glean a whole quantum universe.For example, McCartney's Here There And Everywhere describes the superposition of a quantum state, Lennon's lyric 'Nothing is real' is a paraphrase of a quote from Quantum physicist Niels Bohr, and Maxwell's Silver Hammer refers to two forerunners of Quantum Theory, - James Maxwell Clerk and Thomas Edison. Other songs, Tomorrow Never Knows, Within You, Without You, Penny Lane, There's a Place, Think For Yourself, The Word and Fool On The Hill - cover related themes.The Beatles’ historical and spiritual legacy too was informed by their Liverpudlian upbringing and close knit coterie of friends and supporters. All this eventually influenced a whole range of subjects such as the generation gap, political freedom, gender and sexuality, globalization and even the fall of The Soviet Union.Musical alchemists extraordinaire, they were somehow innately able to suss out a hit from a miss, tell a smash from the trash, as they plucked 'something from nothing' out of the ether of Beatledom and turned it all into Silver, Gold, Platinum and much more.The Beatles many messages of peace and love in their songs represent the 'coming together' of the discrete and the continuum, (particles and waves in the quantum realm), a form of Monism (oneness), which underlines the gestalt nature of The Beatles ability to appear to be 'two opposite things at the same time', (Lewisohn), and 'unacknowledged legislators of populist revolt', (MacDonald). It was Macdonald too who asserted that these 'Pop' Prophets from beyond were somehow subliminally, (even magically), orchestrating 'sixties events 'through their records'. The hidden power of 'that piece of plastic' as Ringo Starr had called it, has never been so potently demonstrated.
Srimad Bhagavata- Vol.1
Tapasyananda - 2015
It consists of 18,000 verses and is regarded as an encyclopedia of spiritual philosophy. Attributed to the sage Vyasa, the Bhagavata (also Bhagavatam) illustrates religious truths with stories of ancient India's saints, seers, and kings. The book also deals in part with the life of Krishna (which makes the book especially sacred to the Vaishnavas) The set consists of four volumes, each with Devanagri Sanskrit, and English translation, mainly in the lines of Sridhara's interpretation. The verses are numbered. A thorough introduction explains the methodology and outlook of Pauranika literature in respect to space, time, nature and man. Prologues are also included with each Skanda to further the reader's understanding of the text.
The Upanishads
Swami Paramananda - 2015
They form the wisdom portion or Gnana-Kanda of the Vedas, as contrasted with the Karma-Kanda or sacrificial portion. In each of the four great Vedas—known as Rik, Yajur, Sama and Atharva—there is a large portion which deals predominantly with rituals and ceremonials, and which has for its aim to show man how by the path of right action he may prepare himself for higher attainment. Following this in each Veda is another portion called the Upanishad, which deals wholly with the essentials of philosophic discrimination and ultimate spiritual vision. For this reason the Upanishads are known as the Vedanta, that is, the end or final goal of wisdom (Veda, wisdom; anta, end).