Best of
Oregon Geographic Names
Lewis A. McArthur - 1974
A wide range of readers, from librarians and researchers to travelers and avocational historians, have come to depend on the book's exhaustive and sometimes quirky entries over the years.The seventh edition is significantly expanded, with more than 6,200 entries, arranged alphabetically. Each entry lists the county where the place is located and reports what is known about the origin and meaning of the name. An accompanying CD-Rom holds complete biographical and geographical indexes and maps that show the locations of over 1,600 place names, primarily historic post offices.
Jill Paton Walsh - 1974
For young Ra to make all the tools needed by his Stone Age tribe is a new idea for all of them, and provides Ra with a skill that saves his life when he is abandoned by his tribe for forgetting how to hunt.
Black Hills Ghost Towns
Watson Parker - 1974
Custer’s expedition in the summer of 1874 found and advertised placer gold in the Black Hills valleys and a rush to the Hills began. Indian claimants to the area were placated, defeated or ignored and by 1875 a gold rush that continues to the present was under way.The Homestake Mining Company in the Black Hills is today one of the largest operating gold mines in the world. Thousands of unknown miners, merchants, gamblers and soiled doves have come and gone during the century past. And hundreds of towns have boomed and busted, most of them before the beginning of the twentieth century.This book takes a look at the remains of those ghosts: the camps, the stage stops, the communities, the people who made the Black Hills famous. In extensive gazetteer fashion, the authors detail 600 towns and enrich the text with a lavish layout of historical and contemporary photos. Also included are maps and tips on how to locate the ruins of those ghost towns.